A little slice of heaven and...

By Amzyz17

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Samantha is a normal girl on a trip in London. Little does she know she will encounter a certain angel and de... More

1. The park
2. Let's eat
3. Having a blast
4. The bookshop
5. A demon and an angel?
6. Drifting away
7. A fluffy day
8. Spice and wine
9. We're taking the human to Charmouth!
10. The arrival
11. What a blessed day
12. Beverages and beaches
13. Catching up
14. Written in stone
15. Faith
16. The beginning of the future
17. A smelly business
18. A new place
19. Swords and skills
20. Nightly dwellings
22. Like fire
23. The shifting

21. Anniversary

237 8 2
By Amzyz17

So, I made a little timeskip happen for the last few chapters. Let's see what happened in those years and what they are up to now, shall we?


Three years had passed now since that one day when Samantha had been changed. Since then she had been training under the guidance of the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale. She had learned fast and had proven quite powerful, being able to command common celestial beings with a certain authority if she wished to. Aziraphale and Crowley soon realised her ranking was above the ones of them, because if she really tried they could feel the authority radiating from her, giving them goose bumps and a numb feeling in their stomach. Yet she never used that power, at least not on her friends. After all she didn't feel like she belonged above them. If any she belonged below, for she was a human transformed into a celestial being, and a hybrid too. She wasn't pure and of the first hour, like her two friends were and she was very much aware of the fact other celestials thought of her in the same way.

In the past few years she had been thinking and preparing herself for her future bit by bit. She had created a distance between herself and the town, even though it pained her to have to do so. She had quit her jobs at the café and the vacation residences of McLain, and had started to refuse babysitting, cleaning and gardening offers. To aid her in her rouse, she kept up the illusion she had taken on a job out of town. This allowed her to leave town early and arrive back home late, giving her all the time in between to do whatever she wished. Often she spend her time exploring England. She observed the people and aided them with minor miracles, if faith allowed her to do so. On a few occasions she had already been of good use, using both her demonic wrath and angelic justice to solve conflicts or start them.

There had been an occasion where she noticed a company struggling to keep up. The building was crumbling and people were underpaid. Yet it was all the leaders of the company had left. If they would stop, they would end up on the street. One faithful night she decided to set fire to the building, for she feared if they would go on like this, the building might one day crumble on top of them. While the company grieved for their final death sentence and the loss of their building, Samantha meddled with the papers like she had learned of Crowley. She made an ancient forgotten paper pop up from the archives, a paper that held the insurance on the building for fires. It had been made 60 years ago when the business was still booming and held an amount of money enough to build a new building on the foundation of the old one and to reboot the company anew.

She had done a few other miracles like this. She found she drew great pleasure in mocking people who didn't deserve kindness for their doing by giving them enough bad luck to make them see the mistakes in their lives. Yet she also enjoyed doing minor miracles to cheer up someone's day.

In the few years that had passed they noticed heaven and hell hadn't stopped to spy. But they had shifted their view largely from Crowley and Aziraphale, to observe Samantha. Tough they didn't often cause trouble she had gotten into a few fights and attacks mainly from heaven. Sometimes and especially in the beginning they had been by Beelzebub himself, but he quickly noticed how quick her strength and knowledge had grown and she wasn't able to be captured as easy anymore. Samantha herself did still struggle from time to time with what Beelzebub had done to her, yet she kept it silent from everyone. She still felt ashamed and would close up whenever the subject came close to sexual intercourses, whenever it was in sober or drunken conversations.

She spend a lot of the time in the mansion of the demon and angel and had even chosen a room of her own. This room was large and filled with much of her artworks. When she hung around she spend her time drawing, painting, practicing, reading or striking up conversations with the two. Aziraphale had still kept his bookshop and often teleported there in the morning. He actually sold a few books now every now and again, but only the ones of the collection that originated from the old man that the angel himself didn't care enough about to keep.

Because it had been exactly three years since the faithful happening, Samantha had taken a little 'vacation'. Which meant she had told her mother she had taken vacation to go on a small trip to the outskirts of London. She owned a brown Mini Cooper and a reading wagon fitted to be towed by the car. It was a beautiful thing, richly decorated like the ones seen in old gypsy caravans or circus people. It was now standing in front of the mansion close to the Bentley and the gold ornaments softy glimmered in the morning sun.

She watched the wagon from her position behind the window in one of the main rooms of the mansion. Since today was the third anniversary of her changing, she was thinking of all the things that happened over the period of the last 3 years. It had mainly consisted out of getting used to her powers, becoming even closer friends to the duo and getting stronger. Now she felt like she had a stable basis, she started to get a bit restless. This was also the reason why she bought the wagon and Cooper. She had developed a plan to travel around the world, seeing where she could aid humanity and to get to know more about it. For if she was to carry out her vision, she first needed to really know what was going on, and not only by watching the news. For news was always brought from the angle reporters and news federations wanted to show it, and perhaps not how it was really like.

Samantha was shook awake by Aziraphale asking what she wanted to do to celebrate this year. She blinked and looked up.

"Uh? Err, ah oh sorry. I was thinking a bit." she said and showed an ashamed smile. "What was that?"
Crowley sighed soft and stirred a bit on his place on the couch where he laid, his head on Aziraphale's lap. "Are we going to celebrate this stuff évery year? I am sure it will start to bore very soon."
"Oh no we don't have to celebrate it every year. It is still just a new thing and that is why it is fun to do now, yet we can skip the next year and do year 5 after that." answered Aziraphale.
Samantha nodded in agreement. "And then next on the 10th year, the 25th and so on. I get it. Or just some random years in between if we feel like it."
"Well that sounds better." said Crowley and he sounded relieved. "Yet indeed, Samantha what do you want to do this year?"
Samantha thought for a bit now, then smiled. "Well, since I have heard so much about your misadventures in Paris. Why don't we go there? I haven't ever been in Paris and I'd love to see it. And perhaps we could go and taste those famous crêpes you always talk about, Aziraphale."

The angel's eyes started to glisten now. "Oh yes that sounds like a wonderful idea." he said cheerfully and he closed his book. "In that case we'd better hurry up. There is a lot to show you and the day is still young, tough it is an hour later there as it is here."
Crowley muttered, clearly not happy with the fact his relaxed moment was disturbed by this excitement, but he sat up and nodded while fixing his hair. "Yup it's true."

"Nice. Shall we go right now then?" asked Samantha.
"Well that sounds like the best idea, no?" answered Aziraphale. "Would you do us the honour of popping us across the channel? Just focus on the Louvre. You know that one and I think it would be the perfect place to start out."

Samantha nodded. "Good plan. All right. Ready? Here we go." she said as she made her usual gesture with her hand, popping them over in a moment. She then looked around in wonder.

"This place is so much more exiting in real life as it is in google street view or in pictures.", she said happy.
Aziraphale smiled soft. "And you have seen nothing yet. This museum is a wonderful place. There are some paintings and artefacts we have personally been in contact with. One of the most logic ones being the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci."
"Well duh of course she knows about Leonardo. I mean the sketch of the Mona Lisa hangs in the hallway toward the glass wing of the mansion." said Crowley plainly as he started to walk toward the entrance. The other two followed him.

"Well I am curious to see what you can tell me about it.", said Samantha.

They made their way down toward the lobby of the building and went to the desk to get tickets, leaded by Crowley. With a minor miracle they were able to acquire tickets, because it was fairly calm in the museum. Crowley handed the other two their tickets, then they went on their way to the gates, and on into the museum.

"What do you wish to see first dear?" asked Aziraphale.

Samantha shrugged. I go where my nose takes me. You know I have a big interest in art in general, so I think everything will be fine."
Aziraphale showed her a kind smile. "As you wish. We'll just follow."

They spend a long time wandering around in the museum. Samantha was amazed at the many artworks displayed in the place and how the place itself was nearly a maze. She wandered from the one amazing hall to the other. They passed bronze castings, statues, paintings, pottery, ancient artefacts and more. Often she halted to read the description and sometimes the two have a comment if they had a history with the artefact. Like this they also touched on the subject of Egypt, where Crowley and Aziraphale had also spend quite some time. 14 years to be exact. Crowley told about a few of the small statues displayed and explained what they had been for and how they probably ended up at this place. They also passed a sarcophagus and Samantha asked if it was one from someone the two had known. They shook their head no however. Crowley then explained Egypt was a big country and had more than one big city with a faro. Also they hadn't been in Egypt that long. Long enough to learn all there was to know about the place, but not long enough to watch generations of people grow and die. Sometimes they passed through, but they didn't stick around there forever.

After that they walked on. They still passed a lot of areas they hadn't seen yet and Samantha marvelled at the size of the place. She knew it was big and had visited nearly all museums in London, but their size was positively nothing in comparison to the Louvre. Some of the rooms were so richly decorated with gold it almost hurt to look at. Crowley muttered about it and complained it made the paintings in those rooms look unimportant and not as much worth looking at. Somewhere Samantha had to agree on that.

They now passed the Roman section and Samantha glanced curiously at her company, curious at what kind of stories could be told about these artefacts. Now Aziraphale took the lead in explaining how that era had been. They had hung around Rome for quite a while, especially when Aziraphale got a task to guard the Library of Alexandria. He mentioned it only briefly due to the fact they had spent one night at home telling her all about that library and how it burned down. He muttered under his breath he had never forgiven Hasdur for burning down the place. Crowley smirked, but he sighed then and told him to stop thinking about it. For the past was past and he was just glad he had found the angel in time and had been able to drag him away before he had killed himself in the hellfire that was consuming the building.

While discussing a few other Roman disasters they wandered into the medieval part of the building. Upon noticing Crowley groaned, complaining the only good thing that came forward out of that era was paying attention to sanitaria, after the great Plague had swept over Europe. He noted he did like walking around as plague doctor, because it struck terror in the hearts of people, he was actually able to help people without Hell getting to know about it, and it was just a rad outfit. He only helped a few people because there was already enough misfortune going on around him, and him being in the area made it so hell thought the plague was his doing. Aziraphale had been fairly close to Crowley in that time. It was a productive time for him as well. Preforming some miracles to heal people and getting a good note from heaven about it, especially when the plague eventually disappeared.

The start of the medieval period the two had spent on a fairly large distance of each other. Playing a role as knights. Aziraphale as a knight of the round table, Crowley as one of the black riders. They only met once, briefly. This had been an annoyed conversation which had resulted in the quick parting of Aziraphale because Crowley had offered him to join the dark side.

Samantha listened amused about their conversations while they walked on. Eventually they came to the painting halls. Samantha roamed around here, looking in awe at the masterpieces. They passed paintings of different artists and Aziraphale told a bit about some of the paintings he knew. Of course they also passed the Mona Lisa. Samantha noted it wasn't a very impressive painting, for how hyped the thing was. Crowley agreed, mainly because he liked the sketch way more than the full painting.

They walked around in the building for a bit longer, before they decided to head out. After all there was a lot more to see. Because Paris is so darn big, Aziraphale decided to miracle them to the Seine and offered they'd take a boat trip. After all most of the beauty that was left of Paris could be seen from the water. This way they also wouldn't be bothered by pesky salesman trying to get them to buy cheap iron copies of the Eifel tower. Crowley and Samantha agreed on this. Crowley was mainly glad to not having to do anything for a while, having gotten about enough of sauntering around. Aziraphale leaded them to a fairly small touring boat and got them in, going for the seats on top and in the front, since it was a wonderful day.

"This is absolutely wonderful." said Samantha happy and she glanced up at the Eifel tower towering up behind them. "You know I expected this thing to be big, but it is even bigger as I expected. And I didn't know you could pass underneath it. It's simply amazing."

"You haven't seen it by night yet. They installed lights into the thing lately so it looks amazing even at night." said Crowley while lazily glancing behind him.

"Really? Well I guess we'll stick around here for a bit today so I am sure I will be able to see it.", said Samantha.

Aziraphale nodded. "Yes, I believe so too."

The boat started to depart now, floating gracefully over the water. A standard tour sounded through the speakers, but since no other people were close to them, Aziraphale and Crowley simply added their own information for Samantha to enjoy.

"The city looks quite beautiful from here. It is truly a shame there is so much going on here nowadays. There are much more beggars and the outer rings of the city look quite awful. Only the centre, where there is much tourism, looks good. Still the food is amazing." explained Aziraphale.
"S' mainly because demons dwell on earth more. They still use the souls, tough it had been second priority when Armageddon came close. It seems like the angels aren't doing their job at all. I mainly see demons here, but angels rarely show themselves." added Crowley.
"I hope I get to speak to Gabriel soon, actually." said Samantha with a sigh. "Beelzebub might be repelling anything that has to do with god and me, yet I hope to make clear to Gabriel I am not gods new toy. I have tried to tell Beelzebub more than once I am not so much linked to god and I am not doing their bidding, but following my own vision. But he just doesn't want to listen. I know the two have a lot of contact and maybe Gabriel can get through to him."

Aziraphale huffed. "I wouldn't count on it too much. I don't really know what Gabriel is doing right now, but I am guessing having trouble keeping heaven in order. Since their order has been completely overthrown by god's announcements. I know they are still spying on us, mostly you actually, but I wonder what they wish to achieve with it."

"Hmm. I guess you are right." said Samantha thoughtfully and she glanced up, as the Notre Dame slowly came into view. "What an amazing build. I'd love to see it up close to be honest. It is a marvel of architecture."
"Oh yes it is indeed. You simply must see the inside. When the light shines in on just the right angle, the whole inside is bathed in multi-coloured light." agreed Azeraphale.

Crowley smirked and crossed his legs. "You two may go if you wish. Yet you know I cannot enter. That place is one of the most holy spots in the world. If I'd take a step in the garden of that place I'd fucking evaporate in thin air."

"I know dear. Would you really be okay if we'd go and take a look inside?" asked Aziraphale.

"Yes of course. Go ahead. I'll just go and sit on the terrace of a café close by and take a drink. I know how to pass time. You two go and have fun. I'll admire the building from the outside." answered Crowley.
Aziraphale smiled softly. "Splendid. Thank you."
"S' nothing. Don't mention it.", muttered Crowley.
Samantha grinned softly and resumed to look out over the water. The sides of the river were richly decorated and it reminded her of how some parts of the Themes looked like as well. Both of the walls of both cities were made out of sandstone and richly decorated with curls and statues. Yet she realised she liked London better. There was less garbage, more parks and it looked neater over all. Yet she was glad to get a glimpse of this part of the world now as well. She now decided she really needed to go and travel in order to get to know the world.

The rest of the trip was calm and quiet. They chatted a bit about the architecture and how the city had looked when the two walked around the place more often. They were still chatting about it when they left the boat and headed up to the Notre dame. They once again used a miracle for it would have been a one hour walk. When they arrived Crowley placed his hands in his pockets.
"Well, you two have fun. If you search for me, I'll be right there." he said and pointed at the café on the corner of the street. "At least if that is far enough away for me not to burn my feet and ass."
Samantha grinned soft and nodded. "Okay. I promise we won't be long."
"Take your time." answered Crowley and he walked off to the café. Aziraphale and Samantha went to walk inside now through the giant oak doors that made up the entrance.

Amazed she looked around. Walking up to the middle of the gigantic hall she fell silent. It just felt holy to be inside. Since she had become a celestial being she had been able to feel unholy and holy energies. She hadn't felt a force as strong as this one yet. She noticed she even had trouble concealing her own celestial energy and appearance. Glancing at Aziraphale she noticed she wasn't alone, for she noticed his glow was brighter as it usual was and his wings were clearly visible within his aura.

"What a beautiful place. So detailed. I mean, a normal church is already fancy, but this is so much more than just fancy." said Samantha in a hushed voice.
Aziraphale nodded. "Yes I agree. Come. I feel like the moment is nearly right. Sunlight will fall through one of the round glass windows soon."

He leaded her to the right spot and placed her beside him. Then he casually folded his hands and looked around, sighing content. After a short while the sun indeed fell through the windows, casting a shower of multi-coloured sparkles on the floor. Samantha watched it amazed, caught in the beauty. When she glanced up at Aziraphale she noticed he had a soft satisfied smile on his lips. She smiled back at him, then looked at the lights again. They then moved on again. Passing beautiful paintings and artworks, then passing the tables with candles. Samantha glanced at it, then halted and placed a euro into the slot, before taking a candle and taking it close. She then touched the tip of the candle thread with her finger and it lighted up. With a tiny satisfied smile she then placed it down between the others.
Aziraphale observed her doing so and let out a soft gentle chuckle. Then he walked on and Samantha followed.
"A blessed candle." he said hushed. "You are a good soul."
Samantha grinned. "Just doing what feels right. You must know about that."
"Oh of course I do.", answered Aziraphale while they walked out of the church. They both looked back and up to the tower and the beautiful glass windows, taking it all in as they walked back upon the sun cascaded plaza.

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