A little slice of heaven and...


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Samantha is a normal girl on a trip in London. Little does she know she will encounter a certain angel and de... Еще

1. The park
2. Let's eat
3. Having a blast
4. The bookshop
5. A demon and an angel?
6. Drifting away
7. A fluffy day
8. Spice and wine
9. We're taking the human to Charmouth!
10. The arrival
11. What a blessed day
12. Beverages and beaches
13. Catching up
14. Written in stone
15. Faith
16. The beginning of the future
18. A new place
19. Swords and skills
20. Nightly dwellings
21. Anniversary
22. Like fire
23. The shifting

17. A smelly business

227 9 4

Warning! I must admit this part was even a bit out of my comfort zone. An experiment to myself to write. Don't think I'll be doing that again. This part is... Well dirty, literally. There is Smut, once again. But not of our favourite boys this time. As usual I'll put up a note when it starts and ends, so you can skip it if you like.


It was now a few days later. The routine had been simple. Samantha went around her usual daily life, and at night times she sneaked out to train with the duo. She had made great progress so far, even though it consisted mostly out of improving her performance of her minor miracles. Crowley and Aziraphale took turns in showing them their ways of dealing with a situation and Samantha watched it. She asked questions and eventually tried it out for herself, making her own solutions based on the situations. They realised quickly she hadn't changed a bit. She was nor angel nor demon, but a little bit in between. It gave for a unique combo. She could be quite sly at times, yet was also helpful and kind. It was the perfect balance.

The duo had decided to stay in Charmouth until she had gotten the basics straight and she was confident enough to stay on her own in her town. Then they would go back to London to go into their daily lives. They were for that reason also learning her how to make themselves disappear and appear somewhere else, starting with small distances but hoping to make it stretch so she could at least pop over to them in London regularly for questions and to learn from them. For now however, it was far from perfect. Often she appeared meters from her spot, ending up on a table, in the sea, on roofs etc. Crowley thought it was endlessly amusing, and on some occasions, even Aziraphale chuckled.

She thought about that while finishing up her daily work at the café. Today was the day. Today she would be appearing on the right spot. She had to so they could move on to greater distances. Once she mastered that, she would be able to freely pop back and forth between London and home. It would be better for both her and the two gentleman. A small town draws suspicion quickly and they had already noticed the quirkiness of the duo. It wouldn't be long before rumours would start to spread. London was saver for them.

She thought about this while tying a knot into the bad of trash inside of the trashcan. Then she lifted it out and went with it through the backdoor of the café, tossing the bad into the big steel container standing against the back. She sighed and stretched, then started to walk away back to the door, but as she laid her hand on the handle, she heard a noise behind her coming from the container. Swiftly she turned around, but it was still too slow. All she saw was a small, dark dressed figure leap out of the trashcan, eyes glowing a bright red, before she was hit in the head with a heavy object and passed out.

When she awoke she was laying on the ground. Trying to stir she noticed her hands bound and squeaked in despair. She tried to get up a bit, looking around, turning her aching head to see where she was. The scenery was dark and dirty, like a messy cellar with leaky pipes and trash on the ground. It was filthy. She groaned and struggled against her binds, frustrated.
Then that same small figure came into view that had attacked her. It was Beelzebub who was now leaning over her. He grabbed her shoulder and pushed her up right, shoving her against a cabinet.

"Szzo. We meet again. It szzeemszz like we have terribly undereszztimated you." he buzzed annoyed.

Samantha struggled and smirked at him. "What the fuck do you think you are doing? Haven't you heard god? Don't you realise how wrong your vision is?"
Beelzebub lifted his chin. "Szzeems like you have a lot to learn about demonszz. We were created becauszze we rebelled againszzt god. This meanszz we don't need to follow any of what the divine orderszz. We follow Lucifer for a good reaszzon. Because we were sick of the gameszz that were played. We have never obeyed the divine since our fall and we won't szztart now."

Samantha thought about that, then nodded. "I get what you are implying. Yet what we are doing, Aziraphale Crowley and me, isn't for god's sake. Sure we found out we are heading the right direction in the divines eyes, but it's not why we started doing it."
"Then why iszz it.", commanded Beelzebub with a deep frown.

"It's because we see hope in humanity. We see a future with balance. And that will involve good and bad times. Let's take a crude happening in the history of humanity as example. The world was shook when there was a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. People thought a new war had emerged. But this pain, this horrifying experience, has inspired people to value their time together and build a new life upon it's ruins. There is no good without bad. We don't wish for a big apocalypse that wipes out whole humanity just because it is a very big possibility history will repeat itself in some way if there is no one left to tell the tale and learn from mistakes that are made.", explained Samantha seriously, all the while trying to break the bonds with which she was bound, but she couldn't get herself free.
Beelzebub seemed to think for a bit. "Szzo, you suggeszzt a world of balance is worth looking at? Why szzould we care about humanszz though? What iszz the point?"
Samantha frowned. "Are you really that dense? Because heaven and hell don't have a fucking purpose otherwise. Whatcha gonna do when there is no world left to corrupt, huh? When you would have won, or lost that war of yours? Only heaven or only hell. With no goal to work toward. No progress. This world, my world is a thriving world that progresses. And how it progresses can be pushed along by your kind. By angels and demons."
"And how do yóu fit in to that picture then? You are juszzt a mutant, an abomination." mocked Beelzebub.
"As far as I know, that is what they said about the first demon who fell as well. Or am I wrong? I am an example of a balance with which this world can be guided. I might have been brought back to earth by god, but the way I look and act is completely of my own will and accord." explained Samantha.

Beelzebub smirked, then grabbed Samantha by the neck, being surprisingly strong with his ill form. "You might have a point szzomewhere, but the fact stayszz your little 'performance' made quite the dent in my authority. I, no we, we won't follow the likeszz of you and I am going to make that very clear to you. You have no command over uszz and you will be punished for the trouble you have causzzed. And I will be the one to punish you perszzonally." he said resolute and went on to throw Samantha on the ground. Then he took her by her binds and dragged her deeper into hell, where the darkness was nearly pressing.
Samantha struggled. "What will you do to me? Where are you taking me!"
"To my private area. I have learned humanszz can endure a lot of physical pain, yet can be szzcarred for life with a good mental szzcar. Szzo, that is exactly what I will to you. I have obszzerved humans for quite szzome time now and have learned of their moszzt cruel wayszz." said Beelzebub with a dark tone in his voice, not even glancing at her as he dragged her through the filth of hell's floor. As they went further, a stench of something rotten became apparent. Eventually it became bad enough for not even demons to roam around the place, but Beelzebub seemed to thrive in it. Samantha tried her best not to breathe in any of the stench and when she accidently did, she coughed and gagged, barely able to keep the cake she had consumed that afternoon inside of her belly. Beelzebub showed a satisfied smirk.
"If you want you máy throw up. It will add to my magnificent collection of wonderful smellszz." he mocked to her.

She groaned and tried her best to withstand it. "T-this is horrible..."

"Oh your wordszz are flattering." said Beelzebub as he dragged her on, through the small layer of garbage that covered the floor in this area. He stopped shortly and tossed her ahead onto a pile of rubbish, then walked at her and cocked his head. "You don't seem to be very powerful, aszz well. Now of course thiszz might be because you still need to get uszzed to being a celestial being, szztill it is quite pathetic and I will take full advantage of this szzituation." he explained casually as he pushed her down into the pile a bit, getting her stuck even more.

Samantha wisely kept her mouth shut, mostly because she really didn't want to smell or taste the stench that was now even nearly visible in the air. She however shot him a furious glance, a glance that forced a soft amused chuckle out of the Lord of Hell.

He bended over to her, until he was close to her face with his. Then he proceeded to whisper something in his ear.

"Do you know what mentally tortureszz a human the moszzt? What keepszz chasing through their mind? It is sexual aszzault." he buzzed. A second later he bit her hard in her neck and grabbed the sides of her shirt with his hands, swiftly ripping it open and sending white buttons flying through the sky and landing in the trash. Samantha let out a startled and scared yell, followed by a gasp and a gag, feeling like she choked on the air. She struggled hard, trying anything to get free. Her minor miracles she had learned had no use, especially since she was nowhere near being able to move her hands in order to perform a miracle, for she had not yet learned to preform one without the need of a gesture.

---------------------------------------Smut'n filth-----------------------------------

Beelzebub responded to her struggles by pushing her further back, making her painfully pressed into the stuff below her while he bit through, creating a bleeding bite-mark, then two, then three. Meanwhile he ripped her bra and started assaulting her, roughly squeezing her breasts. Meanwhile he pushed a leg up against her lower regions so she wasn't able to close or move her legs. She was now completely trapped beneath the demon, who seemed to have nearly no emotions in his acts. He now silently moved his face lower and bit hard in her nipple, while grasping the top of her pants and literally burning them open with a touch of his fire, moving aside her ruined clothes and pushing in to stroke her below. Samantha sobbed and yelled for help, jerking as he touched her there, her body betraying her as she felt her cheeks heat up, fighting against the feelings. Beelzebub went on, undisturbed by her sounds and movements, roughly stroking her, then pushing in a finger while he made a bleeding bite-mark on her breast as well. He moved his finger and she squealed, trying to kick her legs which were forcefully held down by him by the way he leaned over her. He halted his bites to glance at her with red glowing eyes, seeming to salver her tortured cries for help while he pushed in a second finger. He observed her and seemed weirdly curious about her reactions, moving his fingers inside of her to make her shudder, feeling her become wet.
Samantha saw Beelzebub's eyes staring at her and she glanced away, then closed her eyes and sobbed again as she felt herself starting to shake, a hot feeling spreading through her body. It felt wrong, so very wrong. She gagged again as she gasped in the disgusting smell and hoped it would be over soon. Yet she was dead wrong. As her body betrayed her the first time and she had to let go, Beelzebub didn't stop. He continued rubbing her clitoris, overstimulating her and making her yell. Her body bucked out of control as she felt the continues, rough strokes over her spot. She had a few seconds to try and recover when he shortly stopped. Her eyes were still closed shut and it caught her completely off guard when something trusted roughly into her. It was Beelzebub himself, who had figured he'd better get some stimulation out of it himself if he was at it anyhow. He had made himself an Effort and roughly forced it in, letting out a buzzing growl as he did so. By now he had enough of her yelling though and he picked up a piece of her clothes, balling it up into a cloth and stuffing it into her mouth. Then with a minor miracle he secured it with tape, before roughly starting to move and bite her all over her body, licking up the blood from the wounds that formed. Her blood wasn't normal red anymore. It had little golden specks woven through it. It wasn't by far angel blood, which was purely golden of colour, but it surely wasn't human blood as well. It burned in Beelzebub's mouth, but he didn't care at all. The pain fuelled him and he roughly pushed on, Samantha sobbing and squirming weakly below him, drawing in small gasps of filthy air through her nose, eyes clouded with tears. He didn't stop until he had satisfied his own needs, leaving Samantha broken.

-----------------------------------------smut end-----------------------------------

Beelzebub now backed off and fixed his clothes with a snap of his fingers. He watched at the wrecked lady in front of her, then pulled her up on her hair and pulled her face close to his.
"You will fear me now." he said plainly, then miracled her back up to the surface, into the garbage container where he had ambushed her. She stayed there, curled up and sobbing.

Crowley and Aziraphale were worried by now. They had gone to Samantha's cottage to pick her up and hadn't found her there. The cottage was empty and they reminded themselves Samantha had told them her mother would be staying over at a friend's place for the night. They went to search for her, but their search was quite fruitless. She wasn't on any of her usual places and they had begun to worry a bit. Upon running into Mr Barten by chance, they learned she had apparently left the café without even saying goodbye after carrying out the trash. He had figured she was just sick and asked if anything was wrong, but Crowley quickly responded she was fine and had talked to her and she was indeed just feeling a bit ill, having gone for a walk and that was why they were asking. This assured Barten and told them to tell her to take it easy a few days, then he walked off.
The duo decided to go and check by the café anyhow. They walked around the café and checked inside through the windows, where everything was dark and still. Then they checked the back, a fruitless search as well, until Aziraphale heard a faint sob from the container and peeked in, eyes widening in shock as he saw the curled up figure of Samantha, looking dirty, bloody, nearly naked and beat up. He quickly called Crowley over and the two carefully pulled her out.

"Oh my lord. Samantha what happened to you?" asked Aziraphale carefully while examining her body. She was very cold and shaking.
Samantha let out a soft weak stutter of words which didn't make much sense and Crowley smirked. "Let's miracle her to our current place of stay, then put her in a nice warm bath. I think she's in shock and hell, she smells like something fucking died on her."

Aziraphale nodded and took the task on him to miracle them to the vacation place. Crowley picked her up now and walked after the angel to the bathroom, who had miracled up a nice warm bath for her. Crowley did the miracle of removing the remainder of her clothes, then gently placed her in the warm water.

"Let's let her soak for a bit. Perhaps that will calm her.", said Aziraphale with a worrisome look on his face. "I'll stay with her.", he said and took a chair to sit down beside the tub.
"I am not leaving either." replied Crowley and he followed the angel's example, sitting down. Then he observed Samantha. "I really wonder what happened, but examining her smell and her wounds, I would say Beelzebub caused this. The nasty bastard."
Samantha flinched at hearing the name and gasped, but she seemed to shiver less now she was in the warm water, slowly calming down. She still was in no mood or condition to speak however.
Aziraphale observed her, then nodded. "If I have to read her reaction, I believe you are right. I wonder why tough. I hope she can clarify."
"He is a demon. I think that is a pretty fucking good explanation." hissed Crowley annoyed. "If he wasn't the actual Lord of Hell I would have killed him so fucking hard now you wouldn't believe."
Aziraphale hushed him. "I don't think that is a very wise idea indeed. I am angry as well, but doing that wouldn't do us any good. Let's just hope this won't happen more often."
"We need to teach her how to fight, how to get free from situations like this. If we have to believe the purpose she is put on this world for, I can imagine she is actually pretty fucking strong, she just needs to figure out how to use it.", said Crowley.
Samantha nodded weakly now, following the conversation as good as she could, distracting herself from the horrifying memories of the past few hours she spend in Hell. "I n-need to... I want to learn." she said weakly.
Aziraphale looked up at her and carefully stroked her head. "And you will. Don't rush it tough, whatever happened you obviously had a hard time. Take your time." He observed her wounds and her state meanwhile and decided to use a miracle to heal it up and clean most of her, then he started to wash her hair.
Samantha was very thankful for it and closed her eyes, allowing the angel's gentle fingers to go through her hair, blocking out the bad memories as good as she could.

It took her a while, but finally she felt good enough to fully relax again. The two noticed this and helped her out of the bath. Crowley miracled her a set of nice, comfy yet stylish clothes and Aziraphale helped her to the couch.

"Let's get you nice and set up before you tell us what happened, all right?" he said while leading her to the couch. He sat her down and miracled her a blanket. To the surprise of both, it was Crowley this time who miracled up a hot Choco for Samantha and he handed it at her.
"Thank you Crowley..." said Samantha with a gentle smile.
Crowley shrugged. "Don't mention it." He sat down on the couch beside her. "Now, tell us what happened. If you can."
Samantha nodded. "I think I can.", she said and sighed. Meanwhile Aziraphale took a seat beside Crowley on the couch.

"I was just putting out the garbage after my day in the café." she started. "Then I heard a noise and I turned around. Before I truly realised what was happening I was knocked down by Beelzebub, who had launched himself at me from the garbage container. Next thing I knew was when I woke up in hell. My arms were bound and we had a conversation. I asked him why he was doing this, and he told me he wasn't going to follow god's orders, because being fallen was the whole reason why they didn't, as a rebellion. I then explained our motives and he seemed to understand somewhere, but he still wanted revenge on me for putting him into such a hard position. Apparently hell is angry at him and demanding answers on the things going on, answers he doesn't know how to give. Anyhow, hell wanted someone to get punished, so he took me. A logical choice. He told me he took advantage of being able to torture me now, now I didn't know how to use my powers yet, and once again I believe he has a point on doing so. A-anyhow... Well he tortured me and the result you see here... I'll be fine I think... I just need to give it a place and get it behind me. And I now realise how important it is for me to get to know my powers. Not only for the world, but also for myself so I cannot be used like this. It won't be any good for the world if I ended up messed up..." she explained. But she carefully left out that she had been raped by him. She didn't know how to tell them and felt too ashamed and upset about it to talk about it, so she kept it silent. She took a sip of her Choco while the two took in the story.
"What a horrible experience. I am so sorry we weren't there to protect you." said Aziraphale with a frown, but Samantha shook her head.

"Don't feel sorry about not being in my area all the time. You won't be able to all the time and I need to be able to protect myself as well. Of course I cannot do that right away, but we all knew this wasn't going to be easy. This is simply my first of many lessons."
Crowley nodded. "I get it. And we shall start teaching you how to free yourself and defend yourself and stuff.'
"You are a strong and smart young lady, and we are blessed for it. Let's start on it as soon as you have gained your energy again. Now it is key for you to rest up. I suggest you go home and have some sleep, and call in sick tomorrow. We have encountered your boss Barten earlier this evening and he already suspects you to be sick because of your sudden disappearance, so that won't be a problem. Please take your rest, and we will pick up the pace the next night. How does that sound?" explained Aziraphale.
Samantha nodded. "That sounds like a splendid plan." She put down her Choco and hugged the two. "Thank you so much."
Crowley muttered. "You and your sweet stuff."
"Oh you old whiley demon. You secretly love it.", teased Aziraphale loved.
Samantha was able to let out a chuckle now and she finished her Choco.

"There is that lovely smile again. So nice." said Aziraphale kindly. "Now. Let us walk to your cottage. Maybe a nice nightly walk will do you good as well."
"Oh I am sure it will. I thought I would die from that smell alone already. Ugh, so disgusting." said Samantha with a smirk.

Crowley sighed. "Tell me about it. I've had to work with that guy for quite a while. I am glad I was assigned on earth most of the time."
"Well, his demonic animal is a fly for a reason." said Aziraphale thoughtful.
"Yeah. It's because he is a walking pile of trash." mocked Samantha. Crowley grinned softly about it.

They got up now and went to walk downhill towards Samantha's cottage nearby. The soft nightly breeze did her well indeed and she took in a deep breath while walking. Their descent was quite silent. Nothing much was to be said. Aziraphale and Crowley were thinking about what Samantha had told, and she on her turn was trying to keep a clear mind.

Once at the cottage, she turned to the two. "Well, have a good night."
"Yes dear, you too. I bless you won't have any nightmares." said Aziraphale gently.
Samantha smiled. "I'll need that. Thanks a lot." She waved at them and then went inside. She indeed felt very tired and was glad to curl up in the safety of her bed. She only now realised how good everything smelled. Even dirty socks smelled better than what she had to experience. She shuddered when she got a wave of memories flooding back to her and she gasped soft, closing her eyes tight. Then she forced them away again. She tried to force them away long enough for her to fall asleep, knowing Aziraphale had blessed her dreams. She was glad, for when she finally did fall asleep, she dreamed peacefully and unbothered by all she had been through. She finally relaxed and slept tight.

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