𝟕 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 • 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐬�...

By love_lorri

280K 17K 12.3K

Wooyoung has the best kiss of his life when he's invited to play 7 minutes in Heaven ✧༝┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉༝✧ Story... More

: Epilogue - Part 1 :
: Epilogue - Part 2 :
: Epilogue - Part 3 :
: Epilogue - Part 4 :
: Epilogue - Part 5 :


4.6K 293 219
By love_lorri

- Mingi -

Mingi pursed his lips as he looked at Wooyoung next to him. Since he'd shown up at church with his parents he had been in a grumpy broody mood, his arms crossed over his chest and all words that came out of his mouth short and sharp.

Mingi swore he could hear the grinding of Wooyoung's teeth throughout the whole service.

Both boys were currently sitting on the fence outside church while their parents chatted as usual. Mingi listened as Wooyoung breathed heavily through his nose, he looked like he was about to implode.

"Wooyoung?" Mingi asked cautiously, he wanted to get to the bottom of Wooyoung's crappy mood.

"What?!" Wooyoung snapped

Mingi shrunk back at the daggers he received from Wooyoung's eyes "Woah calm down Woo" he put his hands up defensively "What's up with you today?"

"Nothing's wrong" Wooyoung said monotone

Mingi almost snorted at that, but he didn't want to aggravate Wooyoung further.

Mingi pulled on his shirt sleeve as he side eyed Wooyoung, Wooyoung looked like he was shooting daggers at the grass now.

Mingi hadn't seen Wooyoung in a mood like this in a very long time. His best friend was usually a ball of happy sunshine, but right now he was a huge fireball and Mingi very much wanted to dodge any blows.

"Wooyoung it doesn't look like there's nothing wrong, talk to me, maybe I can help? Is it to do with your closet girl?"

Wooyoung jumped up. Had he hit the nail on the head?

"Sorta" Wooyoung said as he clenched his fists

"What happened?" Mingi asked grabbing his arm. Had something happened between them?

Wooyoung sighed, his mood shifting yet again, and pulled his arm away "Can we talk about this another time please?"

Mingi nodded and watched as Wooyoung went to his parents and then made a b-line towards the car park.

Mingi decided to ask Woo's mum, maybe she knew.

Mingi walked over to his parents and Woo's parents who were currently deep in conversation, but his mouth immediately shut when he heard what they were talking about.

"-and then I caught them fighting this morning in Wooyoung's room. That Kang boy is a bad influence on our Wooyoung" Mrs. Jung said

Kang boy? Was Mrs. Jung referring to Yeosang, and why were they fighting? Mingi thought Wooyoung was upset and angry over his closet girl. Maybe Yeosang and Wooyoung were fighting over her?

Mingi chose to listen in on the conversation instead, rather than ask out right. Mingi was pretty sure they were going to answer his questions anyway.

"He's a very nervous boy, he wouldn't even answer our simple questions over dinner. He just let Wooyoung answer for him" Mr. Jung added

Mingi was super confused now. Yeosang had been at Woo's house for dinner? But Mrs. Jung had just said that they were fighting this morning, does that mean Yeosang was there all night?

"The boy sounds like he lacks confidence" his father said.

"Oh he certainly lacks confidence" Mrs. Jung confirmed "the boy just sat and shook like a leaf"

"He's sounds troubled and how disrespectful of him to get into a fight under your roof" his mother tsked

"Oh Mingi!" Mrs. Jung said as she noticed Mingi's presence "Come here" she said waving him closer

Mingi walked up joining the Jung's and his parents.

"Do you know the Kang boy?" Mrs. Jung asked placing her hand on Mingi's back and pulling him into their circle.

Mingi felt a knot in his stomach, something about this conversation didn't seem right. "Y-yeosang?" Mingi answered, he felt like he was throwing Yeosang under the bus.

"Yes Yeosang" she clapped "What do you know about him?"

Mingi felt nervous with all eyes on him "Um, he works with Wooyoung at Ren's, he's quiet, but he's nice"

Mr. Jung snorted "See even Mingi thinks' he quiet" he said nodding with his wife

Mingi stood listening as they chatted, passing glances in the direction of the car park.

Mingi felt like he only had one side of the story. Something must have happened it was evident from the way Wooyoung was acting. But Wooyoung wasn't the type of person to get into fights, he avoided and shied away confrontation, and Yeosang didn't seem like the sort of person to get into a fight either.

Mingi didn't want to judge Yeosang since he was Mina's brother and he knew how much Yeosang meant to Mina, and if Wooyoung had had him over for dinner and possibly the night that obviously meant something. It had been years since he'd slept over and Wooyoung had never invited him over for dinner, he was only invited for dinner if his parents were invited to, and in hindsight it wasn't Wooyoung doing the inviting, it was Woo's parents.

Mingi felt his own blood boil however over one particular comment that his own father made.

"I bet you that it's the parents fault, do they even follow the ways of the lord? Certainly they wouldn't have raised a son like that if they did"

Mingi felt ill inside because they weren't just disrespecting Yeosang now but also his parents and in turn they were disrespecting Mina. Mingi didn't like that at all.

"Wooyoung said that his family go to church, but I think he was lying for him" Mr. Jung chided

"Ahh he's such a bad influence on Wooyoung" Mrs. Jung sighed

"I want you to stay away from that boy ok honey?" his own mother advised him out of the blue

Mingi nodded against his own will, not wanting to disagree with his parents. Mingi couldn't bear to listen to them belittle the Kang's anymore.

"Mum?" Mingi asked interjecting before there was any further conversation.

"Yes Honey?"

"I have some stuff to do can I go?"

"Sure Honey" She smiled

Mingi bowed respectfully before walking off.

He felt angry. He still hadn't told his parents about Mina. He wanted to ask her out before he did, but now he was kind of wondering that maybe if he had of told them then maybe they could have assisted in the Jung's views on her family and in turn Yeosang.

Mingi also was now dreading the thought of telling them about Mina, he prayed that they wouldn't reject her just because of the views they now held of her family.

Mingi needed answers about what was going on with Wooyoung and Yeosang, and he suddenly wondered whether Mina would know anything.

Mingi walked to the diner she worked at since it was only a couple of blocks from the church. She was working today but hopefully she could spare a few moments to chat.

Mingi strolled through the diner doors, his eyes scanning until they fell on Mina. She seemed surprised to see him, but a smile fell over her face nonetheless and she held up a finger telling Mingi to wait before she disappeared behind staff doors.

Moments later she re-appeared her apron now gone.

"Mingi!" she grinned as she skated straight into him giving him a hug and a quick kiss. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure" she smiled "I'm on break now"

Mingi held her tightly rolling her backwards on her skates until they reached a booth table for two and they sat down.

"What's up hun? Why do you look grumpy" Mina pouted grabbing and intertwining her fingers with Mingi's across the table.

"Do you know what's going on with Yeosang and Woo? They got into a fight apparently and Woo has literally been grinding his teeth all morning. I'm worried"

"A fight? It was more of a small dispute, and I don't see why Woo would be angry he should be happy" Mina said pulling on her lip in thought

Happy over a fight? Mingi needed more answers

"So Yeosang told you I'm guessing? What was it about? I wanna know so I can help Woo because he's certainly not happy"

"Um, I don't think I can tell you. It's something you're going to have to talk about with Wooyoung. Not me. Plus Wooyoung will tell you soon I'm sure of it" Mina smiled reassuringly

"Can't you tell me? Is it about Wooyoung's closet girl? Do you know about her? Did they get into a fight over her"

"Her?" Mina asked confused "I think you mea- . . actually no. I can't say" Mina slapped her hand over her mouth.

Mingi let go of her hand, sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

Mina looked hurt from Mingi pulling away but she continued anyway "Look I don't know what Wooyoung's told you about er stuff, but I can assure you that everything is fine between Sangie and Woo. Perfectly Fine"

"Why do I feel like I'm missing something here?" Mingi said sitting forwards and resting his head on his hand and pulling at Mina's fingers with the other.

"You are. But I can guarantee you'll find out soon. If it makes you feel better Yeosang has only just told me and I kind of know what's going on with Woo by default I guess. I'm sure Wooyoung will tell you what's going on soon?" Mina said trying to help

"I hope so. I don't like seeing him upset and angry" Mingi sighed

They sat playing with each other's hands for a moment before conversation started up again.

"I'm a little jealous of Yeosang actually"

Mina snorted "Jealous? Why would you be jealous?"

"Wooyoung has never had just me over for tea and it's been years since I've slept at Woo's house. I feel like Yeosang's gonna replace me as his best friend, they're with each other practically every day because of work . .I keep wondering what I'm missing out on, and clearly I am missing out on stuff because even you know that stuffs going on and I don't" Mingi pouted

"My brothers not going to replace you" Mina laughed "Yeosang is in a complete different category to you"

Mingi tilted his head in confusion "Category? What's that supposed to mean??"

Mina suddenly looked at the clock "My break is pretty much over but look, let that be my clue to you ok? I'm sure just like Yeosang told me, Wooyoung will tell you soon too. Stop worrying"

Mina stood up and gave Mingi a quick kiss to soothe his confusion.

"Give Wooyoung some time, he'll tell you. And now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to work! We should do date night soon!"

Mingi nodded and smothered Mina in more kisses before finally letting her go, shrugging at the scowls he got from the other people in the diner before darting out of there.

He hoped Mina was right and that Wooyoung would tell him eventually, and that he wasn't losing his best friend.

a/n Hehe a Mingi chapter Yay!!
I feel like this chapter was well timed because well Mingi be slaying

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