A little slice of heaven and...

By Amzyz17

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Samantha is a normal girl on a trip in London. Little does she know she will encounter a certain angel and de... More

1. The park
2. Let's eat
3. Having a blast
4. The bookshop
5. A demon and an angel?
6. Drifting away
7. A fluffy day
8. Spice and wine
10. The arrival
11. What a blessed day
12. Beverages and beaches
13. Catching up
14. Written in stone
15. Faith
16. The beginning of the future
17. A smelly business
18. A new place
19. Swords and skills
20. Nightly dwellings
21. Anniversary
22. Like fire
23. The shifting

9. We're taking the human to Charmouth!

562 21 26
By Amzyz17

Follow our friends as they take a nice road trip to Samantha's home place, taking a nice detour on the way.

I hope you guys are enjoying! I sure am.


The next morning Samantha awoke to find her stuff already packet standing beside the couch. This included the stuff she had left behind at the motel. When she stirred she found something heavy and soft was laying on her legs. She looked over and saw Crowley laying there in his snake form, calmly curled up and seemingly asleep. She smiled soft and watched the serpent for a bit, then she carefully stretched out to touch him, curious to how he felt. She hadn't been able to ever hold a snake before in her life so she was very curious as to how they would feel. She was just about to touch him when he stirred and glanced at her. She startled pulled back, afraid to annoy him, but Crowley gave a little nod.
"Go ahead. It'sss okay." he murmured quietly.
Samantha nodded and reached out again. She very carefully touched him and was amazed to how smooth and surprisingly warm he felt. Snakes were cold blooded right? Perhaps it was just Crowley who was warm.

"Oh wow." she whispered and Crowley watched her.
"Never held a sssnake before, have you?"
Samantha shook her head no. To this the serpent uncurled and slithered up to her. She watched curiously as he came closer and stifled up a bit when he coiled himself around her chest. She let out a very soft gasp and shivered.

Crowley let out an amused grin, though it sounded more like a hiss. "Don't worry I am not going to squeeze you. Preciousss thing." he said softly while slithering on.

When he was done his head was on level with her face and he let his forked tongue shoot out a few times. Samantha watched him amazed, then slowly reached out her hand again and she softly stroked him, observing the serpent. On his turn Crowley observed her, slight amused. He wouldn't let anyone touch him normally, like in general, but he felt comfortable enough around Samantha to allow this. He has had nearly a week to study and get to know her when she was in the bookshop, so he had enough time to read her energy and learn her intentions. This, together with the angel's deep interest, made him able to trust her. There were little humans whom he had trusted. They were able to be counted on one hand so he thought to himself she'd better feel very special about it.

Aziraphale came walking in now and he smiled at the two. He was pleasantly surprised to see them like this and it did him well. "Good morning Samantha. I hope you slept well. Are you ready for the travel? I have to say I am quite excited."
Samantha smiled at the angel. "I slept wonderfully. Thank you. And yes I am ready and I must say I am quite excited as well. Though I hope Crowley won't be traveling at a hellish speed for the whole trip. I am afraid we might crash or something."
Crowley huffed insulted. "Me crassshing? Never. And you better know I will travel at the ssspeed I wish to travel. Even though I love my car, it is a long travel from London to Charmouth and I don't wisssh to make it any longer asss I have to. I am doing you a favour too you know. You don't have to sssit in the car any longer asss needed asss well."

Samantha sighed, but she knew he was right about the time part. It's fine sitting in a car for an hour or so, but after that it just becomes boring and your legs get sore from sitting.

Aziraphale on the other hand had no experience on that subject. The longest he had been in a car had been the small trips with Crowley through London, or on a rare occasion when he had taken public transport. But with public transport he hadn't paid attention to time, as he had been too busy observing humans. "Well well now, I don't think a little while longer in the car would be so bad. It is better to drive safe, I think."
Samantha and Crowley glanced at him with a frown now.

"Yesss of courssse time mattersss." hissed Crowley.
"Yeah indeed. After a long while in the car it gets annoying and you just want to be there already. Or at least go and stretch your legs." agreed Samantha. "Though I do agree on the safety part."
Crowley let out a soft hiss and slithered away from Samantha. Then he changed back to his regular form and glanced at the two. "You two are perfectly safe in my car. How many times do I have to tell you I've never made a scratch on my car? I will not chance my style of driving. If you two don't like how I drive, then you'll have to find your own way of transportation." He turned away from them, crossed his arms and went to look out of the window.
"Oh Crowley. I didn't mean to insult you." said Aziraphale apologetic.
"You didn't insult me. I am just annoyed this conversation is happening for at least the third time this week. I am done with it. Just shut up because I won't change it anyway. I am not going to argue about it anymore."
Aziraphale sighed, but understood his point of view and nodded. "Very well, we'll drop the conversation."
Samantha nodded and stretched, then looked at Aziraphale. "I'd like some breakfast, actually."
"Oh of course my dear. My apologies. What would you like to eat?"

"It's okay. How about some honey cereal with milk? And the usual cup of tea please."
Aziraphale smiled and miracled it on the usual plate on the table." There you go dear. Enjoy."
"Thanks." said Samantha while picking it up and starting to eat.

Aziraphale glanced at Crowley now. "Are you ready to go? Have you searched the route yet?"
Crowley nodded. "Yes I am and yes I have. I used google for it. Technology is really handy nowadays. I read through the route this night when you were sorting out those new misprints of the bible you got."
"Ah splendid. Can your phone do google now? That is very handy."
"Yes I agree. Sometimes technology goes so far I would say it is magic. They are becoming very advanced. Heaven and hell have to watch out if there is to be a battle between us and them."
Samantha frowned and looked up. "Why would there be a battle against us and heaven and hell?"

"I am sure it will be a thing. I heard a prophecy once. One like the one of Armageddon." explained Crowley. "But if I am right it will take quite a while. And if we do it right humanity won't even think about starting a war."
Aziraphale nodded agreeing. "I sure hope so my friend. I do not wish for another war"
"Neither do I.", said Samantha between bites.

"I don't think anyone with a sane brain would want war. Sadly there are enough corrupted people on this earth." sighed Aziraphale.
"Can't we talk about something a little happier?" said Samantha with a smirk. "I've gotten quite enough from talking about doomsdays. Let's talk about something else."
Crowley nodded. "Fair enough. Well for a start I can say that google tells me the route will be about 4 hours. Shall we bet? I bet I can make it in 2, or 1, 5."
Aziraphale sighed. "I don't do bets and you know it. Also, please don't I beg of you."
Crowley shot him an annoyed glance.
"All right all right." said Aziraphale hushing. "You may, but please mind the safety. Don't go and deliberately seek out police cars to race."
Crowley hummed. "If that will make you shut up about it, sure."
The angel showed a warm smile. "Oh thank you dear."
Samantha stood up now. She was done with her breakfast. "I'll go and freshen up a bit, then I'll be ready to go. If that is all right with you."
"Oh yes go ahead. Take your time." Aziraphale smiled.
"As long as you hurry up.", mocked Crowley.
"Haha, very funny Crowley." grinned Samantha and she went on her way up to Aziraphale's bathroom, which she had learned to find in the last days. Once there she grabbed one of Aziraphale's towels which she was allowed to use and she couldn't stop herself from snuggling it before placing it beside the shower, because the towel was unearthly soft like the angel's wings itself. She had even doubted to sneak one with her, but later realised she could simply ask one of him, sine he angel would probably more than happy to comply.

While Samantha took a shower the two in the bookshop made the last preparations for the road. Aziraphale cleaned up Samantha's plate and then went to check the small tartan travel suitcase he had packed for himself to see if he had missed anything. He had a notebook, pen, a few books, another suit, swimsuit and that was about it. He obviously didn't need to carry those things with him. With a casual miracle he would be able to get those things anytime he wanted, but he just liked the feeling of having to pack before a travel. He thought it added to the vacation vibe.

Crowley had also packed a small suitcase. But this one was smaller, black and filled with nothing more but cd. Even though he could easily miracle an usb-output in his car for the radio and connect his phone, he didn't feel like changing anything in his car. He was already annoyed about the fact the angel had put seatbelts in the car last night and he had undone the miracle the second the others had left the car. The bike rack the angel had miracled back when The-Little-Armageddon-That-Couldn't was going on had also been removed as soon as Crowley had seen the chance to do so. He really hadn't appreciated the angel's meddling with the car, but had said nothing about it on that particular moment. He had talked about it with him on a later moment though and Aziraphale had apologised for it.

After a short while Samantha came down again, all fresh and showered. "Okay, that was lovely. Now I am ready. Are you?"
Aziraphale nodded. "I am. Are you dear?" he asked at Crowley.
Crowley got up from the couch, cracked his neck and nodded. "Yu-p. All ready." He walked at the door.
Samantha smiled and grabbed her coat and her suitcases. Aziraphale also grabbed his suitcase while Crowley was already outside. He opened the trunk for the two to drop their stuff in and laid his own suitcase on the floor between the driver's seat and the backseat. Samantha went to put the stuff away in the trunk while Aziraphale locked the door, then they all went in.

"Okay.", said Crowley. "This time I'll let you choose Samantha. The suitcase behind my seat is filled to the brim with cd's. I cannot keep them in the car because of the reason I told you yesterday, but half a day should be okay. You can choose anything you want from there." he explained while staring the car and driving off. He was a little bit more careful now so Samantha would actually be able to pick a dc without all of them shifting through the back with her if the demon would skid through a corner like he usually would.

Samantha was delighted to find out what Crowley's music taste would be and went to search through the cd's. Most of the music didn't surprise her. A little Metallica, a bit Ramstein, Queen, Bruce Springsteen, but also some less known artists which Samantha wasn't familiar with. Aziraphale looked back at Crowley's music collection with a shared interest as well. He hadn't really been able to observe his collection other than the dc holders inside the demons apartment, where he had only been a handful of times.

After some doubting Samantha finally settled for an album of A-ha, Hunting High and Low. She figured this music would be nice to sing along, but also wouldn't be too chaotic so they could still talk in the car. "I got one Crowley."
Crowley nodded. "Take the cd out of the cover and give it to me. I'll put it in."
Samantha did as told and Crowley took the cd without looking. He put it in and pushed play and smiled slight as he heard what album she had picked. "Nice choice, good starter. Hadn't expected you to know this music."
Samantha hummed. "My parents played it a lot so I kinda got into it thanks to them. I listen a lot of stuff from that time."
"Best music choice you could have if you ask me. Well done." said Crowley amused.
"It does sound very interesting." admitted Aziraphale, who had never heard this number before.
"There will be a few numbers you'll perhaps recognise from the radio angel." said Crowley while glancing at him. He pushed down the gas harder now Samantha had put away the suitcase and he smoothly went over to his usual driving style. Samantha shifted over the back and looked around for the seatbelts, then remembered the discussion of yesterday and connected the dots. She shrugged and decided it wasn't so bad. If Crowley would crash and she would fly through the car she would have something to nag about it to him and she was actually quite amused by shifting freely over the backseat. She adjusted her glasses and decided to lean on Aziraphale's seat for support and to look with them at the traffic.

They drove like this for a little while, passing the pesky M25 with no to little delay. Well there was delay for the other people on the road, but Crowley smoothly steered his Bentley through the traffic, there miraculously being gaps for him to slip through safely and get out on the highway in no time. After a short while they passed a sign which had a few routes on them. At this Aziraphale sat up.
"Ah!" he exclaimed.
"What? What's wrong angel?" asked Crowley and he glanced at him.
"Brighton. Choccywoccydoodah!" chirped the angel delighted.

"Chocowhattywhonow?" asked Crowley with a frown.

"Choccywoccydoodah.", repeated Aziraphale.
Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Okay its official. He has lost his marbles."

Aziraphale sighed. "No you silly thing. Don't you remember the chocolatey from London? That's its name remember?"
"We go to so many places. Do you really think I'll remember all of them? But what about it?" asked Crowley.

"Well, Brighton is the place where they started. I saw it on the television. Their first shop is there. They make the best hot chocolate in the world. Oh Crowley we simply múst visit." Aziraphale said, nearly begging.
"Why should we make such a big d-tour just to get a cup of hot chocolate? It's not like it's on the route. I don't even drink hot choc. I only drink coffee. As black as the deepest pit of my soul."

Aziraphale let out a soft disappointed sound. "But Crowley. You simply must try it. It's like a little bit of chocolate heaven in your mouth. I am sure Samantha would like to try it too. Wouldn't you dear?" Aziraphale asked while glancing at Samantha.
"I am very curious now, actually. And we are on a travel now anyhow. It is very pretty to drive from the coast to Charmouth, too. Loads of little quiet roads. Better as the boring highway. Also, Brighton is famous for its carnival on the pier. We could go and watch that too. It's still early."
Crowley let out a sigh. "Fine. But only because I get to race on those little roads. But then I'll get it my way and I get to drive as fast as I want without you complaining, capiche?"

Aziraphale doubted for a moment, but then he nodded. "All right. It's a deal."
"Nice." hissed Crowley softly and he gave a jerk on the wheel to take the exit, just in time. Both passengers grabbed on to something, startled by the demons sudden movements and Crowley let out a demonic laugh which send shivers up their spines.

It took a little while before they finally calmed again and Samantha finally dared to breathe again, then she realised something and glanced at Aziraphale. "You watch television?"
Aziraphale, who was still clamping onto his seat, had trouble pulling his slight scared gaze from the road to look at Samantha. He swallowed and forced himself to relax, then he nodded. "Yes, sometimes I do. Mostly it is purely informational and documentaries though."
Samantha let out a soft chuckle. "Choccywoccydoodah isn't from an informational or documentary channel though. Not at all. I know TLC and it's far from it."

"All right." admitted the angel. "Sometimes I do wander off to different channels. When this came up I couldn't help myself but watch. Those people are artists with chocolate. It is pure magic."

Samantha nodded. "I agree. I have seen it once or twice too."
Crowley hummed. "I haven't. But ask me about nearly any movie and I have seen it. From Robocop, to The Matrix, from Star Wars to even Dumbo. It's what you get if you don't sleep and have too much time on your hands."

Samantha let out a giggle. "You watch Disney?"
"Phah!" scoffed Crowley. "Watch it? I have seen all of them. I even got Aziraphale to watch a few with me."
Aziraphale nodded with a smile. "Oh how I enjoyed Beauty and the Beast. The ambiance, the story, the cheerful characters."
Crowley hummed. "I enjoy the new movies too. Like Maleficent. It's good to see a darker tony come back in movies. It's good to scare the kids a bit. Makes them strong."

Samantha nodded in agreement. "Actually I think it is indeed good to show children a little more scary stuff. I used to watch old series like David the Gnome. Sounds sweet and fair, but it was actually quite scary. And detailed too. I love drawing the characters even to this day. Wait, I'll show a few." she said as she went to mess in her bag, getting out her sketchbook and flipping through it. "Ah, here we go." she said and she showed the drawings at the two. Aziraphale and Crowley looked curiously at them, Crowley not even really watching the road but still casually avoiding whatever needed to be avoided. "Looks neat. You should draw more stuff like it. A bit dark is also nice." he said.
Samantha smiled. "Actually I do draw dark stuff too. To be honest yesterday I was inspired by you and spend half the day sketching something that made me think of your demonic aura." She now went to search for it and showed it to him once she found it. It was actually a quite detailed drawing of a place that looked like the bookshop, but then with more shadows and snakelike tentacles hiding in the corners. She had drawn a creature which looked like a snake with three pair of wings. The wings were big and ruffled, from some places goo or blood dripped off. The snake itself had very detailed scales and some seemed to have skulls in them. It had eyes all over. Staring and looking all around. A red demonic pentagram hung over its head like a broken halo. Crowley blinked and looked over his sunglasses at the 'sketch'. His eyebrows rose up and he hummed. "That's quite the sketch you have there. You said you were inspired by me? Damn."
Samantha grinned softly. "The start was, but I got a bit carried away. This is not at all how I see you, mind you. But I imagined what you'd look like if you were pure evil, or possessed by something deep dark and scary, or something. I dunno."

Aziraphale shivered soft. "It looks scary. I am very glad Crowley isn't like that. But I am impressed by your art."
Samantha smiled flattered. "Dahw. Thank you guys."

Crowley growled something and focussed back at the road. When Samantha frowned about it Aziraphale showed her a kind smile. "He doesn't like being thanked. Demons shouldn't be thanked. I do it too sometimes though." he explained kindly and Samantha nodded understanding.

They chatted about art, interpretations, drawings and styles for a while, before Samantha had to giggle. She pointed up at one of the traffic signs. "Say Crowley, I didn't know you owned a town?" On the sign was the name of the next town they would pass through and it read Crawley.

Aziraphale had to laugh softly, but Crowley sighed.
"I know that is what my name was a very long time ago, but it isn't any more for about 5800 years. And I have passed by this town a few times so it isn't all that funny anymore." he explained.
"Still, it's funny somewhere. I didn't know okay. Not that I paid attention to it before. It was just another name of another city." said Samantha thoughtful.
Aziraphale hummed. "Ah yes that's true. Sometimes something only starts to stand out when you learn something about it. As if it didn't exist before but it is suddenly there. Like for example if you start paying attention to blue cars, you will find there are suddenly way more blue cars on the road as you thought there to be."

This statement sparked another conversation. This time about noticing things, perception on the world and so on. This conversation lasted till they had already driven into Brighton and they saw the sea for the first time of the travel. They would see it a few times more during this route to Charmouth. Crowley drove the car to near the pier, where he smoothly parked it and got out. He stretched himself and looked out onto the sea. The weather was quite lovely and a sweet warm breeze swept through his hair. Samantha and Aziraphale got out now too and looked at the sea as well.
"What a lovely day." said Aziraphale.

Samantha nodded in agreement.

"Well, what will we do first? Pier or the Chocofuckywonka thing?" asked Crowley.
Samantha snorted about the way Crowley called the shop but Aziraphale sniffed disapproved.

"Choccywoccydoodah Crowley.", corrected the angel him slight annoyed. "And I'd love to go there first for a nice and relaxing cup of hot choc and so I can complement the boss on her explicit work. Then we can go to the pier and have some fun. How does that sound?"
"Sounds perfect to me angel." Crowley said while observing the pier from a distance. "Don't think the pier is open yet anyhow."
"It will be when we are back." said Aziraphale with a soft smile.
Samantha laughed softly. "Of course it will. Knowing you two."

The angel and demon glanced at Samantha and gave her a knowing look, then Aziraphale went to lead the way to the shop. It actually wasn't too far away and the company enjoyed the scroll.

When they arrived at the shop Aziraphale and Samantha excitedly looked around at the chocolate sculptures around. Crowley himself could not care less. The two dragged him inside and eventually even got him to order a cup of hot choc. This was only because there was a 95% dark chocolate drink on the menu and they told him it would taste quite bitter like coffee. When the drinks came he actually did enjoy it, secretly. Not that he would admit this to the others.

Aziraphale closed his eyes when he took a sip of his private piece of heaven. He blushed even and almost glowed. "Aaah. What a delicious drink." he said and softly licked the rich creamy stuff off his lips.
Crowley cracked a smile. There was a bit of whipped cream on the angel's nose. In a flash the demon bended forward and licked the cream off the angel's nose. Aziraphale let out a soft startled gasp and he leaned back, blinking wide eyed at him. Crowley let out a soft chuckle and pecked the angel's lips, before moving back to his seat. "Hmm. Delicious indeed. My personal piece of heaven."
Aziraphale turned bright red and he stuttered something, playing with his bowtie and glancing down.
Samantha acted like she saw nothing and hid a smile in her own cup of choc. She loved observing the two. The small teases, the little touches and kisses. It was simply adorable. Not that she would ever say it out loud. It would only make Aziraphale shy away and Crowley look at her like he wanted to cut off her tongue. So she wisely kept her mouth shut.

The three enjoyed their drinks largely in silence. Then Aziraphale got up and he went to look in the showcase where all the little chocolates laid. He watched them, then asked the other two what flavours they liked. Then he ordered a bag with chocolates and even got to chat with the owner herself. The two watched them chat for a while, before Aziraphale came back with a satisfied, happy smile. Crowley got up.
"Shall we?" he asked.
Aziraphale nodded. "Yes. What an absolute delight this place is. Now, let's go to the pier shall we?"

"Splendid idea." answered Samantha and she swiftly got up. "It's not often I get to go to the carnival."
"The rides are on us." said Aziraphale kindly.
Samantha sighed. "Oh no I didn't think so. Don't spoil me I am not your kid. You have done way too much for me already."

"No Aziraphale. Please don't.", she repeated seriously.
The angel sighed. "Fine." He heard Crowley grin softly about it while he leaded the way to the pier and the angel glanced up at him, but when the demon noticed it he stopped and walked on.
"Don't think I didn't hear that."
"Heard what?" asked Crowley innocent and a tad teasing.
"Oh you know what."
"Let him be. He's just having fun." said Samantha with a soft smile.

They now walked through the gate onto the deck of the pier and looked around. The hall where they had to go through to go to the other side was packed with arcade games. Cranes, ball games, shooting games, etc. the second floor housed some catering and café's. As they walked through they looked at the games and at the prizes. Most of the prizes were common one pound stuff you find at a toy shop. In order to get those you had to score a certain amount of points. Which would of course cost you way more than when you would just go to the store. Crowley seemed amused and he sighed, breathing in the air.
"Ah, the scent of pure sinning. People uselessly spending money on crappy shit they don't even need. Do you smell it?" asked Crowley while glancing at a family from which the child was nagging for more money to win one of the crappy plastic nerf guns.

Samantha smirked. "All I smell is different kinds of food, sugar and old frying fat."
Aziraphale meanwhile was looking at a small group of young girls, winning a cute stuffed bear from a crane after only throwing in 2 or 3 coins. He smiled. "I smell and sense joy. The vibe of a nice day out with friends and families, a place to make memories and engulf yourself in sweetness and fun."

"Then it's a perfect balance. A good place for a human, demon and angel company to be then." said Samantha amused. "Now let's go and have some fun. How about a ride? I enjoy theme park rides. Last time I've been here I was too small to go in the roller-coaster. Let's try both of them I have heard they are epic."

Samantha took the lead now and went to walk to the first of the two coasters. Aziraphale swallowed nervous. "I am actually not that fond of these types of rides. I think I'll wait outside."
Crowley took his arm and dragged him into the row. "Don't be such a pushover angel. Last time you have been in a coaster was when the first wooden coaster was constructed and I lured you in. Loads has changed since then. Perhaps you'll like them now. At least try it."
Samantha watched at the two and saw Aziraphale protest, the hummed. "If you don't like this one you can stay outside and watch us on the next one, okay? Don't worry we won't force you into anything. Well, I won't.", she added and she glanced at Crowley. "Perhaps he might. He stays a demon."
"I only tempt my angel. I don't really force him into anything he doesn't like. At least not if it doesn't depend on our life."
Aziraphale let out a sigh, but then he nodded. "All right fine. I guess I can try." He glanced up at the ride and swallowed nervous. "But I don't like it one bit already. Though I said the same about the Ferris wheel and I actually quite enjoyed that one."
Crowley pat his back. "That's the spirit angel. You'll be fine."

Already it was their turn to get in. But as the two got in Aziraphale lingered. Crowley glanced up with a slight snort.

"Get in angel."
Aziraphale nodded skittish and went in now, but he clamped himself to the seat. "Yes. R-right."
The operator tried to get Crowley to put off his sunglasses as they might fly off during the ride, but Crowley slapped his hand away when he came too close. He let out a soft warning hiss. "Don't touch my glasses. They will stay on no matter what and that is a fact. Now go and operate this thing."
The man seemed surprised, but did as Crowley told, telling him it was his own fault if he would lose them. Crowley only snickered in response. As they went up he sighed. "Humans."
Samantha glanced at him with a smirk. "Oy I am here too remember."
"You are different."
"How so?"
"You just are. Shut up and enjoy the ride."
Aziraphale meanwhile had gotten very silent. He found out he did enjoy the view as the ride went up. He was able to look around the pier. But as they now neared the top he was getting nervous again. This proved to be a logical reaction once they went down, for this was the moment the angel found out he didn't at all like the new coasters. They were just as bad as the old wooden one. Perhaps less shaky and bumpy, but he didn't like the forces that were practiced on his physical body. Crowley and Samantha however had the time of their lives. Samantha had her hands up and cheered. Crowley on the other hand was cool and collected. Like he was sitting in a train. But the slight sparkles in his yellow, shaded serpent eyes would have told a whole different story. When the ride came to a halt the two came out swiftly, Samantha happily giggling, Crowley placing his hands in his pockets and smirking satisfied at the operator, then glancing at Aziraphale. The poor soul shakenly got out of the cart and took a few deep breaths to steady himself. The world spun for him. He did enjoy flying a lot more as a carnival ride, that was for sure.

"T-that wasn't at all tikkety boo." he groaned.

Samantha went to comfort him. "Poor thing. After Crowley and I have done the next coaster, you may choose what to do next, okay? No more heavy rides for you. Well unless you count the car ride that is to come later today."

Aziraphale agreed on that and the three did as told. The two went to enjoy the other roller coaster ride while Aziraphale looked on. Looking made him dizzy already so he focussed on finding something nice to do after. When the two came out he took them to a can throwing game where they had to throw over the whole tower of cans with 3 balls. After they all took a try at it and failed, Crowley found out there were magnets placed on the undersides of the planks where the stacks were standing on. He begun an argument with the guy behind the counter.

Samantha watched Crowley get angry and threatening the guy with slight amusement and fascination, until the felt a tingling sensation in her back as if someone was watching her. She looked behind her and spotted a dark haired figure hanging against the railing of the pier near a trashcan on the other side of the place. The figure had a bored, yet piercing expression and looked straight at her. She shivered unwillingly. As she blinked to get a better look however, the figure was gone. Looking around there was no trace it had ever been there and it gave her an uneasy feeling. She snapped back into the situation at hand when a big, plush, black and red snake was pushed into her hands by Crowley. Apparently he had won the argument with ease and showed a satisfied smirk as he handed the plush thing at her. "Here. Since you like cuddling me so much. Something to remember us by when we are back in London in a little while."

"Dahw.", Said Samantha delighted. "Thank...." she cut herself off as she saw a smirk appearing on his face. "Erm, sorry. I mean, I appreciate the offer."
"Fair enough." he muttered.
Aziraphale chuckled softly. "That is so sweet of you Crowley." he said teasingly.
"S' not sweet. I'm not sweet." muttered Crowley. "What did I tell you about affection in public? Don't."
"Right darling." said Aziraphale with a smile and he folded his hands, but then he gave a quick peck on the demons cheek before walking on over the pier. "How about the spinning teacups? And don't spin them as fast as last time on the carnival Crowley. It made me sick."
Crowley seemed taken aback by the angel's kiss and he tried furiously not to get a rosy colour on his cheeks. He noticed Samantha's amused smile too as she quickly walked after Aziraphale. He let out a soft sigh and followed.

The three enjoyed the pier for a little while longer, but eventually it was time for them to move on. Even though the 4 hour drive would probably only take them about 2 hours with Crowley's style, they were sure there would probably be another stop along the way. Either because 'the human' would need substance or a moment of relieve, or because Aziraphale would find another spot they simply hád to visit.

As they walked back to the car Aziraphale remarked he had been on this pier once before back in 1968. He had even been on the West Pier, which nowadays was merely a burned down frame in the middle of the sea. He explained how back then both this and the other pier had mostly just been observation decks, though the West Pier had been used for a lot of concerts and merrymakings. There had been plans on renovating the pier, before two fires put an end to those plans.

The three got into the car again and Samantha got to choose another cd. This time she went for a cd of Metallica.

"Gee Crowley, how many cd's are even in this bag? It seems to go on forever." remarked Samantha. "It's like it is bigger on the inside."
"It is actually", confirmed the demon. "It's a little demonic miracle of my own." He went to drive now.
Samantha hummed. "You do look like the actor."
"Who?" asked Crowley and he glanced at her.
Samantha chuckled. "Yes he. Doctor who."
Crowley hummed now. "Do I? I have seen a few episodes of the old and new series but I don't really look like him I think. Not at all actually."
"Then I guess you haven't seen the most famous actor from the series. I have seen all the episodes of the new series to be honest. I consider myself quite the Doctor Who geek. Wait I'll show you a photo of the actor I am sure I got some photos of him on my phone. Somewhere."

She went to search and after a short while showed him what she meant. "Here. I meant this. This actor is David Tennant. You look a lot like him."
Crowley and Aziraphale took a look at it and Crowley hummed. "Yeees now you say so. The difference is I have red hair and snake eyes, but he does kinda look like me. Gotta keep that in mind if I ever meet him. I could pull a good trick with it for sure."

Samantha grinned. "Of course you would. You know. Meeting a demon and an angel makes me wonder what else there could be real in this world. Perhaps the doctor does exist. Who knows."
Crowley let out an amused laugh. "Believe me. If he would have existed we would have known. We would have seen him in the 6000 years we roamed the earth. I know as much that the doctor is where trouble is, and as demon I always was where trouble was to try and get credit for it. So I can tell you, he aint real. Keep on dreaming girl."
"Well that's too bad. At least I met you two and that's already mind blowing. It's really awesome."
Aziraphale showed a soft smile. "It is good to see at least someone appreciates our existence dearly."
"Yeah. Even our headquarters despise us." muttered Crowley.

This reminded Samantha of the figure she had seen on the pier. "Say Crowley?"
"What does Beelzebub look like?"
"Well you know. Clothed all black, shiny shoes, small guy, black hair and..."

"And a red ribbon on his jacket..." finished Samantha in a whisper.
Crowley turned away from the wheel completely to look at Samantha now. "Yes indeed that's him. How do you know that?"
Aziraphale squeaked nervous. "Watch the road!"

Crowley muttered and turned back to the wheel, but kept glancing at Samantha from the corner of his eyes. "Well?" he asked, pressing on.
"I... I saw him watching us on the pier. When you were arguing with the guy at the can throwing game I felt like being watched and I turned to see who it was. I looked straight at him. When I blinked he was gone."
"Are you sure it was him?" asked Crowley suspicious. "It could have been someone else."

Samantha shook her head. "No definably not. I saw his aura. Black as the night. It was definably a demon."
"That isn't good. That isn't good at all." said Aziraphale nervously. "Perhaps this means they are trying to find ways to kill us again."
"Let's not jump to conclusions angel, but it is a possibility. We do need to keep our eyes out for anything suspicious. Let's be extra careful from now on."
"Agreed." answered Aziraphale with a nod. But we cannot change it if they are watching us. Let's try not to focus on it too much before we get paranoid."

"I will make sure to keep an eye out and scanfor weird auras. But indeed. Let's try to relax and enjoy our trip together."

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