A little slice of heaven and...

By Amzyz17

12.1K 456 216

Samantha is a normal girl on a trip in London. Little does she know she will encounter a certain angel and de... More

1. The park
2. Let's eat
3. Having a blast
4. The bookshop
5. A demon and an angel?
7. A fluffy day
8. Spice and wine
9. We're taking the human to Charmouth!
10. The arrival
11. What a blessed day
12. Beverages and beaches
13. Catching up
14. Written in stone
15. Faith
16. The beginning of the future
17. A smelly business
18. A new place
19. Swords and skills
20. Nightly dwellings
21. Anniversary
22. Like fire
23. The shifting

6. Drifting away

652 29 14
By Amzyz17

Finally getting to the 'good stuff'. But, this is still a slowburn so it doesn't go much further as kissing and cuddling, yet.


When the two walked away from the backroom Aziraphale stretched and rubbed his head. "Ugh. I could go with a good hot bath right about now. I think that is exactly what I'll be doing." he said while smiling to himself.
Crowley shrugged. "Go ahead I won't hold you back. I know how to entertain myself. I recently discovered Netflix on my phone."
The angel frowned. "Net-flex? What is that for game?"
Crowley snorted. "Netflix angel. And it's not a game. It's an app for which you pay and then you can watch movies and series anywhere you like. It is quite addictive. Wanna try?"
Aziraphale did seem interested, yet he shook his head. "I do want to try. But not now. I really feel like doing that bath." He turned to walk to the stairs that led to the small, ill-used apartment part of the building. "If you need me I'll be up."
"Yeah sure angel." said Crowley, already walking to the couch and scrolling to the recommended list of series.

And so the angel went to take a bath while the demon was downstairs watching a movie. He took good care in how warm the water was and what bath oils he used, and even lit a few scented candles, just for the environment.

Crowley was quickly bored of his movie though. Then he got the genius idea to sneak upstairs and spy on Aziraphale. He had been trying to get the angel naked for a few months now but up until now all of those plans had failed. Even when he had straight up pushed the angel into a pond he had found a way to dry and clean his clothes without so much as even taking his bowtie off. It was rare for either of them to take a shower or a bath, because they didn't need it. They could just miracle themselves clean. But this was the first time Aziraphale had let his guard down and for a moment Crowley even wondered if it was on purpose. Then again they had never spend so much time around each other as they did lately.

Still it didn't take away this was a unique opportunity and Crowley wasn't going to let it go to waste. Sure. He had seen the angel naked before. In bathhouses that is. Back in Rome when going to a bathhouse was as common as going to the bar is nowadays. But back then they still kept their distance from each other. A lot had changed since then.

Silently he sneaked up to the apartment part of the building and he looked around. He had only been here on one other occasion, simply because he had been curious. There was really nothing much up here. A bedroom with closet of Aziraphale's other costumes and an unslept, dusty bed. A living room with one couch, a closet and a tv. All dusty as well. A toilet, and a simple bathroom, yet with a nice big bath.

Crowley made sure to be silent as he miracled the door to the bathroom open to peak through the small crack. He didn't know why, but he felt stupidly nervous about this and he felt his cheeks heathen when he tried to see something. It felt forbidden, even for him. Like when he pulled his first temptation to let Adam and Eve take a bite out of the apple. To his delight he caught Aziraphale mid-undressing and he watched silently as the angel went on. He observed as Aziraphale neatly folded all his clothes on a chair beside the sink, in order of dressing up. The angel's body wasn't in as good of a shape as it had been on their first meeting, but how could it have been? It was technically Crowley's fault Aziraphale had developed such a love for food and sweet things, for gluttony is one of the deadly sins. Yet the demon didn't mind. For the angel was far from fat. A bit chubby, sure. But it made him great to cuddle with. It also fitted the angel's sweet and soft character very well. And Crowley had fallen for every single bit of it. Oh how he wished he could now just grab the angel, pull him close, and stroke every bit of the angel's sweet, soft naked body. Make the angel respond with probably the most adorable sounds he would ever hear. The demon dreamed off at the sight of his angel and the things he could do with him. Wanted to do with him, while Aziraphale stepped into the bath. The angel relaxed and after a short while half closed his eyes, and Crowley relaxed now too. Above everything, he got bored again. The exiting part to watch was over now. The demon started to think. What could he do to get him to see Aziraphale fully naked again? He could fake a fire... Call out for him, Scare him. No, that wouldn't do any good. Not after the thrust he had gained. Then he got an idea. What if he just gambled? What if he would just... try? Fuck it. He thought. It's now or never.

Aziraphale was now nearly asleep. He didn't sleep much, at all, but after a busy day and a good drink he was feeling kinda sleepy. The warm water also felt so nice and everything was so calm. He wondered why he didn't do baths more often. Once he got in he felt like he didn't want to get out for a long time. He was so comfortable, so relaxed. It had been a long time since he had felt this calm. He took a breath to sigh, when a sudden splash jolted him awake from his near slumber. In a flash he opened his eyes and let out a surprised, startled squeak when he was suddenly staring directly into the shaded yellow snakelike eyes of the demon he had left downstairs on the couch. The same demon who was now sitting NAKED in the same bath as the angel with a sly grin on his face. Aziraphale wanted to trash, to flee from this situation he had not at all been prepared for, but he just froze like a dear in headlights, arms pinned to his sides, eyes wide open, staring at the demon in front of him. "C-Crowley!" he managed to squeak after a few moments. "W-what is.... What is the meaning of this?"
The demon showed a sheepish, innocent grin. "I simply wanted to join you. Is that too much to ask? There is only one bath and I didn't feel like waiting, sooo. Also a bit of company is nice, don'tcha think so?" he replied. He was talking a bit too smooth for his doing. Crowley was also nervous. There was a soft red glow over his ears and he was desperately trying to hide it. But the angel spotted it and somehow, this brought him a little more at ease.

He has no idea what he is doing, the angel realised. He swallowed hard a few times, then nodded. "A-ah, yes... Well... ", there was a pause in which Aziraphale calmed himself and tried to find the right words to speak. "Well that sounds fair enough." he eventually concluded.

The demon nodded silently. "I said so."
They stared at each other for a few minutes, then Aziraphale shifted a bit, slowly relaxing. As long as the bubbles and the water hide from him that they were both sitting naked quite close to each other, he figured he could probably live with it. It was just like the bathhouse, he repeated over and over to himself. Only this time, they both knew they liked each other. Only this time, it wasn't in a public space.

There was a silence again and Crowley thought about ways to break the ice. Then he smiled slight, it was a quite goofy smile for his doing. He held up his hand and miracle a cute yellow rubber duck in it. "I eh, I heard you fancied a rubber duck during your bathings?" he tried.

Aziraphale looked at the duck and hesitantly reached out for it. Then he took it and started to chuckle, then laugh as he softly squeezed it, the duck making a cute squeaking sound. Crowley laughed with him, relieved this worked. After a little while Aziraphale let the duck adrift and watched it float on the water, then he smiled at Crowley. He got annoyed by his internal sunglasses though and sighed. Then he reached out and grabbed the sides carefully. Crowley backed off a bit, startled.

"May I?" asked Aziraphale carefully.
Crowley nodded hesitantly and Aziraphale slowly lifted the glasses off his nose and laid them on a plank beside the bath. "Better. You don't need to hide yourself in front of me."
Crowley muttered. "I feel so naked without them."

"I think there are other reasons to feel naked right now." chuckled Aziraphale and they both grinned.
"Yes, a bit silly, isn't it?"

"A bit yes, but that's okay." Aziraphale smiled at Crowley and observed him, then hummed. "So, you had enough had enough of waiting for an invitation? I understand it. I wonder if I would have ever dared to ask. Probably not." he said and he glanced away, ashamed.
"S' okay angel. It made for quite a nice challenge. And your reaction was priceless."
"Ohhh you old sly demon. One day I'll get you back. Mind my words."

"I am looking forward to that day."

"Of course you do."
Crowley grinned softly now, then he brought his hand up and stroked the angel s cheek. "Would you mind... If I'd want to snuggle up against you?"
Aziraphale softly grabbed the demons hand and stroked it with his thumb while thinking. They had been snuggling more often on the couch, but that was with clothes on. He bit his lip, but eventually the angel nodded stiffly, with a very red face.
Crowley blinked and he whispered. "Oh." He hadn't actually expected to get permission. And now he did have permission he wasn't sure what to do with it. He idled for a while, but eventually nodded and he laid himself with his back against the angel's chest, his head on the angel's left shoulder. Aziraphale silently laid an arm over the demons chest and placed the other one in the demons hair to stroke through it. He had always loved to mess with the demons hair, long or short. It was a way for them both to calm down. He glanced down at the demon and smiled soft. Crowley answered Aziraphale's smile with his own and they relaxed. They laid like that for a little while and Crowley had now half closed his eyes. He enjoyed the angel's strokes through his hair a lot and had nearly dozed off because of it. The only thing stopping him was him not wanting to sleep through this rare and divine moment of pure bliss.

Eventually Aziraphale leaned over a bit and first Crowley muttered, thinking he'd want to get out. But when he half opened his eyes he realised the angel leaned closer to his face. He placed a hand on the demons cheek and shyly planted a kiss on his lips. First, Crowley was a little startled. This was the first time Aziraphale had been the first to start the kiss and he hadn't really expected it, but soon he melted under the touch of the gentle angel, leaning into the kiss. Aziraphale half closed his eyes and blushed, pulling Crowley a little closer. The demon turned half and managed to place a hand on the angel's chest, kissing him deeper, hungry. Aziraphale let out a soft gasp because of the unexpected movements and Crowley saw his chance to lick past the angel's teeth.

Aziraphale let out a soft surprised sound when he felt Crowley's warm wet tongue, but he didn't back off this time. Curiosity and love finally won from being careful and he allowed the demon in, his hand tangled in the warm red locks of his hair. He felt the demons tongue explore his mouth and he let out a stifled moan, nervous and shy. Crowley glanced up at him with slight widened pupils and the yellow eyes pierced straight through the angel's heart. There was a deep love in his eyes. A love they said a demon would never be able to display. Yet he did right now. And Aziraphale felt it with every strain of his being. He felt the demons warm forked tongue explore his mouth and he shuddered, softly replying by licking back. Crowley pulled the angel a little closer and he let out a soft, wanting moan, catching Aziraphale's tongue and sucking on it. Aziraphale's breathe stuttered and he closed his eyes shut, noses bumping as he restrained himself from backing away. He wanted to let Crowley have this moment and to be honest, so did he himself. They both kissed for a long time. It had been a while since they had stopped breathing so they didn't need pauses. Eventually Crowley broke the kiss and begun planting kisses on the angel's jawline. When he licked his demonic tongue up to the angel's ear Aziraphale shuddered and he stifled a moan, cocking his head up. Crowley grinned loved and bended closer, nibbling the angel's blood red ears and humming in it. "Oh my angel." he whispered in his ear. "Every sound and skittish movement is like music to my very soul." Aziraphale got goose bumps all over his body because of the demons smooth voice whispering so close in his ear and he smiled slightly. "I-I love you too my divine demon.", he breathed. Crowley softly hugged him in response and tangled his slender fingers in Aziraphale's hair. Loved he went on nibbling his ear for a while, then drew a few kissed down the angel's neck, before stopping halfway down and biting the angel softly. Then he started sucking on the spot, creating a hickey, needing to let his mark on the angel's body to claim he was officially his now.

Aziraphale squeaked. "O-ouch Crowley." he muttered startled. "A-are you biting me? Please darling you are..." he gasped as Crowley undisturbed went on and planted another hickey slightly lower in the angel's neck. Then the demon went to look at the angel's face with a sly, somewhat sexy smirk on his face. "Mine.", he said in a slight threatening way and Aziraphale gulped. Then he nodded. "Y-yes Crowley... I am all yours." he whispered to Crowley's delight. When Crowley went to try and plant a third hickey on the angel's neck however the angel had enough. He carefully pushed the demon away to create some distance.
"That is quite enough of that." he said.

Crowley let out a soft, disappointed noise, but didn't go on. "Fine. I'll just enjoy this then." he said as he laid his cheek on the angel's chest.
Aziraphale smiled content and went to mess through the demons hair again. Softly moving his fingers through it.
The two relaxed like this for a while, before eventually going out. The water had gone quite cold. They could just miracle it warm again but neither of them felt like doing that. Crowley got out first and Aziraphale couldn't help but stare at the beautiful, slender vessel of the demon. He noticed he blushed again and eventually managed to pull his gaze from him. Crowley chuckled. "I don't mind you gazing at me like that. It makes me feel powerful and special." he said while drying himself and starting to gather the clothes he had carelessly thrown on a pile on the ground.

Aziraphale muttered something inaudible and went out when Crowley started to dress up. Swiftly he dried himself and started to put on his clothes too, nervous the demon would go and stare at him now. Luckily the demon let him be this time and soon they stood in front of the mirror, brushing their hair.
"Well, that was fun." said Crowley with a slight smile.
Aziraphale nodded in agreement.
Crowley glanced at him now. "We should do that again some time. If you are okay with that?"
Aziraphale hesitated shortly, then he showed a tiny smile and nodded again. "Yes, yes I believe I would like that too."
"It's a deal then." the demon said triumphantly.

"I suppose it is.", Aziraphale said while walking over to the bath and picking up Crowley's glasses from the edge. He gave them back at Crowley, who took then with a short nod and put them on again. The angel smiled and looked back at the mirror. He shirked when he saw the blue spots in his neck. "Oh my, what to do about these... They are visible above my collar." he sighed.

Crowley smirked, mockingly. "You can always miracle them away."

The angel glanced at Crowley, then thought. "No.", he said eventually. "You made them. I'll simply wear a scarf to hide hem then."

He miracled a soft beige scarf around his neck,then walked out and went downstairs to check on Samantha. Crowley followedshortly behind him with a slight smile on his lips. Finally he was makingnoticeable progress. Finally 6000 years of longing looks and dreams were beinganswered. And Crowley enjoyed every single moment of it.

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