Reverie, collection of shivik...

By Shivikabest

62.1K 4.8K 1.6K

This book is a collection of Shivika OS, TS or FS. Shivika's journey ended onscreen but they are still alive... More

Anniversary gift ( part 1)
Anniversary gift( part 2)
Anniversary gift (part 3)
Anniversary gift (part 4)
Anniversary gift (Part 5)
Anniversary gift (part 6)
Anniversary Gift( part 8)
Anniversary Gift (last part)
Why do I love him?
Erased Memories
When the light darkens you( part 1)
When the light darkens you(part 2)
When the light darkens you (part 3)
I will Let You Go
Will Always Protect My Heart
Shielding The Wall
Pride On Oneself
Grumpy Ride of Love
Required Talks
The Grey's in White
Shattered (3)
Embracing The Vulnerabilities
Diversely Akin
Golden Spoon

Anniversary Gift( part 7)

1.9K 189 44
By Shivikabest

Hey guys,
Today is a surprise update for you all cause usually I can't update regularly and still you all give so much love to this story😀

Sunrays fell over her eyes, she put comforter over her head to not disturb her sleep! She heard some voice and replied
" Shivaay let me sleep for 5 more minutes please" and Annika tried to snuggle into his chest. She was shocked to find the bed empty around her and she woke up with a shock.

" Shivaay kahan chale gaye" annika exclaimed and saw the time
" it's only 7 o'clock and shivaay is not in the room, let me check the bathroom" annika thought. She got up and checked inside the bathroom.
" where is he" annika thought and got reminded of the day before,  how shivaay was guilty about the force marriage incident.  "  I think he is still upset about what happened yesterday, why did I sleep without talking to him. I have to talk to him today" annika said affirmatively just when she heard shivaay's voice from the hall and rushed there.

Meanwhile in the guest room, chacha chachi were feeling guilty about their behaviour towards shivaay.
" we insulted that man so much, and still he talked with us so respectfully" chacha exclaimed.
" No one has ever given us so much respect,today only I understood how does it feel to get respected otherwise everyone talks to us as if we are a trash" chachi said with tears in her eyes.
" we thought we would only get respect if we have money, but our son in law gave us respect without money and on that he is ready to give us property without any reason" chacha said.
" we have already committed a sin years ago when we disowned annika gauri and left them on the temple stairs. We can't snatch annika's happiness again. We have to go to shivaay annika and apologise to them" chachi decided wiping her tears.

" everybody please come here" chacha chachi heard shivaay's voice and went towards the hall.

All of them arrived to the hall and annika came with a Confused face.

" I have a very important announcement to make. I am going to Germany after 2 days for an important project,  the stay will be long may be for an year so I thought to inform you all"
Shivaay said sternly trying to hide his emotions.

Annika was shocked would be an understatement for what she was feeling towards shivaay's declaration.

" Shivaay why didn't you inform me earlier. I would have planned my events accordingly, now I will have to inform them at the last moment that I have to cancel the event managements" annika told shivaay.

" why would you have to cancel your events?" Shivaay questioned.

" what kind of question is this shivaay, ofcourse bhabhi would have to cancel as she would come with you" Omkara said as if it was obvious.

" there is no need to cancel your events Annika! I am going alone.  Anyways I would be so busy there that I won't have time for anyone so you stay here" Shivaay said trying to avoid eye contact with annika. Annika stood there with an expressionless face. 

" Bhaiyya first of all you aren't taking me, your baby Rudy.  How will I be able to stay without you? But now you are talking about not taking bhabhi with you? What's this behavior Bhaiyya?" Rudra said playfully as he knew shivaay must be joking as he can't stay away from annika.

" Shivaay you are joking right! How would I stay without you. I can't even stay without you for 2-3 days and  you are talking about an year. I am coming with you that's final!" Annika exclaimed.

" What I said is final, I am going alone and no more arguments over it" Shivaay said with a little anger in his voice.

Annika laughed at his declaration and said " if I am not in front of you for 10 minutes you become restless and you are talking about a year..good joke shivaay. I know you can't stay without me"

" I can't stay without you annika but I will learn for your happiness" Shivaay whispered to himself.

" you said something? " annika asked.
" I can't stay without you but you can right! So it's final, I am leaving after 2 days" Shivaay walked away to avoid any further discussions.
" I can't stay without you but you can" his words rang in her ears.
" has he gone mad, what does he thinks that I can stay without him,  let me go n take his class" annika started to leave just when chachi held her hand.

" Annika, I need to talk to you" chachi said.
" I dont want to talk to you" annika ignored chachi and started to leave.
" Annika it's really important, it's about shivaay please listen" annika stopped hearing shivaay's name.
" Now what accusation you have put on my husband ha, whatever you did yesterday was more than enough, I won't stand a single word against him" annika spoke with anger in her eyes.

" beta, we have a confession to make" it was chacha who spoke this time. " Please hear us out completely and then whatever decision you take will be final for us. We are really ashamed to say but we both were the people who left you and gauri on the temple steps"
Annika looked at chacha and unknowingly tears formed in her eyes. Her whole life struggles flashed in front of her eyes.

" you left us there" annika said in broken voice " were...were we so bad that you left us. I got seperated from my chutki for yea... Years just cause of you. how could you do this? " annika started to leave again. The things which she heard right now were too much for her to take and she just needed her shivaay right now, to console her! She won't drop her tears here, she can just do that in front of shivaay as she knows he will be there to wipe them.
" beta please listen to us once" annika stopped hearing chacha's voice which sounded exactly like her father.
" we were really scared, scared of getting defamed cause of the allegations on your father.  today we will be completely honest to you. We came here just cause we came to know that you are The shivaay Singh oberoi's wife, we came here with the greed to get some part of his property. That's why we planned to seperate you and shivaay so that you get his property In alimony and we can take it later"  Annika looked at him with blood shot eyes.
" but it's not even needed as his property is already In annikas name" chachi said and bit her tongue as shivaay had asked not to reveal this to annika.
" What..shivaay's property in my name, how do you know?" annika surprisingly asked.
" Ha beta, yesterday shivaay came to us to apologize for your behaviour towards us. He assured us for your money security " tears started fall from annika's eyes now.  " that man loves you a lot beta, he loves you to death. We can't do the sin of snatching your happiness again so we thought to inform you that shivaay's talk appeared very strange yesterday, it seemed like he would leave you . And today when he announced about his trip,  we became sure that's what he meant  when he said that he will make you realise that your happiness is without him.  Please stop him beta. All this is happening because of us,  we will die out of guilt if you and especially he suffers cause of us. No one has ever respected us the way he did " chacha chachi caressed annika's face and left.

Anger had reached the maximum level for annika now. Yesterday, when shivaay talked stupid nonsense, annika controlled herself just s that his pain doesn't increase but now the volcano was about to burst.
" what does that bagadbilla think of himself! I am just gonna go slap him and get his brains back!" Annika screamed n rushed towards her room.

" Shivaay" she screamed while opening the door harshly. She was shocked to see the room empty.
" oh so the super smart bagadbilla is practicing to stay away from me haina! Let me go to his office and take his class..wait a minute, why should I go n stop him! Did he confront me before taking a decision for both of us. He wants to go right, ok I won't stop him" Annika said with a determined look.

Annika reached the dinner table where everyone had gathered to have dinner.
" dadi let's wait for 5-10 minutes, shivaay must be coming back soon" annika said
" beta didn't he tell you, he is staying back at office today as he has some really important work" dadi replied.

Annika felt dejected and was about to leave without eating just when she thought " I need proper energy to deal with this bagadbilla" and sat back.

She called Mishra and asked whether shivaay had eaten or not to which she got the expected reply, "No".
" Mishra ji please make him eat food" annika requested.
" Ma'am I requested him so many times but he is refusing"
" just do as I say" annika said with a smirk. She started eating after wards.

" may I come in sir" Mishra asked.
"come in" Shivaay replied.
" here is your food sir "
" Mishra,  how many times do I have to tell that I don't want to eat" Shivaay said with anger.
" ok sir don't eat, but then if something happens to you without taking medicines,  people will think sir can't take care of himself and needs ma'am everytime" Mishra said with a smile on his face.

" Mishra is right,  if I don't eat food and fall sick, it would show that I need annika to take care of myself all the time and this way they won't ever let me go alone" Shivaay thought

" ok Mishra I will eat"
He started to eat and asked
" Mishra have you eaten"
" yes sir"
" Mishra it's 10 pm. Why are you still here.. Go home, you wife must be waiting" Shivaay said softly.
" sir I won't go till you go"
" Mishra it's my order, go home"
And Mishra had no choice except leaving. He left not before making sure that shivaay took his medicines.

" ma'am, your work is done" Mishra messaged annika seeing which a smile appeared on annika's face.
" My bagadbilla, I know you so well so you can't play games with me! "

Shivaay entered oberoi mansion next morning looking very exhausted. The anxiety of leaving annika and the current frustration of staying away from her was taking a toll on his body, he couldn't even sleep the last night. " Annika must be sleeping, I would go and see her face once so that I can spend the rest of the day  away from her "Shivaay thought sadly.
He entered his room and didn't find annika there.
" where must she be " Shivaay thought.

He was walking by the kitchen just when he saw annika cooking there.
" why is she cooking today?" Shivaay thought just when he saw annika burned her hand cause of touching a hot pan.

" Annika" he screamed n rushed towards her. He took her hand in his  and immediately poured water on it.
" what are you doing annika can't you take care of yourself. " Shivaay said fumbling
" what was the need to cook yourself ha! "

" what should I do shivaay! I have to develop the habit for cooking for myself now" annika said looking straight into shivaay's eyes " you don't need to worry for me" she said and left from there leaving a Confused shivaay behind.
" whenever she looks into my eyes, I fall weak. I can't let that happen.  I have to stay away from her " Shivaay thought n decided to leave for office again.

Shivaay was leaving when om called him from behind.
" Shivaay today we are throwing a party for annika bhabhi to celebrate one year anniversary of her management firm. Come home soon"
" I will try" Shivaay said.

It was evening and shivaay still was not back home.
" Bhabhi i asked him to come early, we planned this whole party so he comes home today but he still ain't back" Om exclaimed.
" why is shivaay so stubborn" annika muttered angrily.

" it's 9 pm bhabhi,  we have already waited a long. Now we have to attend the guests. bhabhi, please go to the Centre stage"  Om requested and annika followed half heartedly. How could she celebrate her happiness without her real happiness?

Annika went to the Centre stage and started giving a speech thaking everyone who supported her. The chandelier above her was extremely lose and was coming down slowly.

" last but not the least,  I would like to thank shivaay. Actually thanking him would not be enough " annika said with tears in her eyes just when the chandelier was about to fall on her.
" Bhabhi" she heard om scream. She was confused and before she could react someone pulled her away. Both of them fell and annika closed her eyes in fear.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself over shivaay.  shivaay immediately got up and started checking annika from head to toe.
" are you OK annika..are you OK" Shivaay spoke continously.
" I am fine shivaay" annika consoled him, putting her hands on his cheeks.

" Om ru" Shivaay screamed at the top of his voice.
" what were you both doing, couldn't you take care of her. The chandelier was so close to her and you both didn't even realize!  How irresponsible of you both "

" why are you shouting on them shivaay. Taking my care is my own responsibilty.  Throughout my life I have taken Care of myself. But from last three years I didn't, as I knew someone is taking better care of me than I can ever. A person is there whose eyes are always upon me. I realised someone values my life more than I do.  But now I have to learn taking care of myself again, I have to live my life as i used to live earlier " annika said in a tone which directly pierced shivaay's heart.

He didn't have the energy to confront her so he retired towards their room.

Precap: Annika sees shivaay asleep on the sofa in an uncomfortable position.  She takes cotton piece and wipes the blood on his hand with  tears in her eyes

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