A little slice of heaven and...

Von Amzyz17

11.3K 454 210

Samantha is a normal girl on a trip in London. Little does she know she will encounter a certain angel and de... Mehr

2. Let's eat
3. Having a blast
4. The bookshop
5. A demon and an angel?
6. Drifting away
7. A fluffy day
8. Spice and wine
9. We're taking the human to Charmouth!
10. The arrival
11. What a blessed day
12. Beverages and beaches
13. Catching up
14. Written in stone
15. Faith
16. The beginning of the future
17. A smelly business
18. A new place
19. Swords and skills
20. Nightly dwellings
21. Anniversary
22. Like fire
23. The shifting

1. The park

1.7K 55 24
Von Amzyz17

This is my first fanfic and probably my only. I spend an awefull lot writing.

Warning! There are a few sex scenes. If you don't like that, you can skip them. It really doesn't affect the story all that much.

Have fun!


It was nice being out there in a city with so much hidden culture and history. The countless museums, free for students, especially art students, to roam around in. Building that just screamed royalty and standards of times passed long ago. Gardens full of the most exotic plant collections ever been seen by a standard young girl from Charmouth, who had never seen much more of the world as the not-so-high-standard art school in the nearest big town, simply because her parents hadn't been able to afford much more for her and she didn't know herself what she wanted to study anyway.

Samantha was a quiet girl who had lived her whole life in a just as quiet little cottage on a hill near Charmouth, England. Her clothes were simple and often second hand, but nobody seemed to care as she knew how to dress herself well enough for the standard teenage geek she was. She had long dark curls which always hung in her way while doing the chores around the cottage, but she also liked the freedom of her hair too much to care about restraining it. If she did though, it always turned into a messy bun. Not because that was her style, but more because she simply didn't seem to know what else to do with her hair. Even though she was artistic, she didn't have the talent to fix something as simple as her hair and after a while, she had simply given up.

Her eyes were ash grey, or green depending on how the light reflected on them and in the summer she tended to get little cute freckles around her nose, on which she had a pair of black glasses.

A quiet town was perfect for her. The occasional tourist hanging around the place because of its famous fossil coast or nature was a welcome change and always a curiosity to talk to. Hearing stories about the world, getting inspired about things to draw. Often she sat in, near or around the town, always carrying her sketchbook and a purse full of art supplies, looking for stuff to doodle. She had the gift of seeking people's energies, auras, the colours in the world hidden to many. Colours famous painters like Van Gogh could see and appreciate, putting them on fabric or the world to witness. It was a great help while drawing.

Right now though, she was far away from her little town and this change was welcome as well. Even though she loved her little quiet town, the great city of London had its beauty as well. From the pigeons on the bridges and Grande buildings, people hurrying around on the streets, to cars and traffic puzzling their ways through endless mazes of roads and beggars sleeping in corners of small boutiques, asking for a little change.

But right now, she enjoyed the quiet of a park near central London, taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes for a moment. Glad to have a break from the always busy city which she wasn't really used to.

Sketchbook on her lap, she thought about the places she had been in the last day and the places she might want to visit next. The city was so big, she felt like she didn't even know where to go next anymore.

She stayed in a simple motel nearby. It wasn't great, but at least it wasn't expensive, since she had saved up all her money from the past years of doing jobs for the other people in town just to make a trip like this. She was going to stay here until she ran out of money to stay and that gave her the freedom to take it a little more slow, so she wouldn't at least go wandering around in the busy streets again going into way too many of the cute little shops that London had to offer, and spend all her money on books and other great stuff.

Observingly she looked around the place, at the people in the park, chatting or sporting, feeding the birds. She specifically looked for people to draw.

Then she spotted a pair of men, particularly standing out and blending in at the same time. She was drawn to their style of clothes, since they looked like the walking incarnations of day and night.

A gentleman and a smooth rock star looking guy, chatting casually with each other and walking up to an ice-cream stand. The gentleman got himself some sort of vanilla cone, while he got the rock star a simple red popsicle. They proceeded to walk away and take place on a bench a little end away from where she herself was sitting. She blinked as she realised she hadn't recalled the two even paying, but shrugged it off as being distracted.

She now had the chance to observe the two better and decided this would be the perfect new study object for her to draw. She eagerly flipped open her sketchbook to a fresh page and got her pencil, sketching out the outlines of the two man, starting with the gentleman.

She took a closer look at the neatly clothed figure sitting straight and cheerfully on the bench. Shiny shoes and a neat pair of beige pants accented a very nice looking cotton jacket. Every little detail seemed of perfect craftsmanship, up to the checked bowtie around the neck of the ever so slightly plump man.

He didn't look chubby though, not at all. More like the cheerful uncle on a party a child would spend ages with while he would whisper little stories and they played silly little games. Or they would listen to as he would read them a story from a book on a way they would almost held their breath, the voice of each character being spot on. His face was soft and kind. A few wrinkles simply made him look more alive, more expressed. The slight wrinkles around the eyes making him look like he was always in a happy mood and the straight, yet ever so slightly rounded off nose had some kind of softness over it. The short curly, nearly unearthly fluffy hair was as white as snow and it nearly sparkled in the light falling on the two figures through the lush green trees.

As she was drawing, she would wander off as usually from doing little details on pieces of the jacket, to the general shape of the eyes and its heavenly, blue colour, back to the shine on the shoes, and up to the buttons of the sleeves.

After she was finally satisfied with the gentleman, she went on to draw the rock star looking dude. Somehow he felt easier to draw. The clothes were of a more simple yet fashionable style. Wearing a pure black jacket with something like a grey-ish scarf. A very thin one. His tight jeans almost had a shine to it and did a good job at showing the long slender legs of the thin man, who sat somewhat slumped on the bench. He was longer as the companion sitting beside him on said bench, but because of the way he hung on it, he looked even slightly shorter, legs wide without a care of the world, only held back from sliding off the bench by an arm slumped over the back and the black fancy shoes firmly on the asphalt below his feet. He had a nearly cartoonish look. Black frowning eyebrows made expressions worth a billion words when he'd wiggle them, even though his eyes were shielded by a pair of fancy, very dark sunglasses. His cheekbones and chin where pointy, as was his nose and it made him easier to draw because it made up the basic characteristics of his face. And then there was the near-flaming red short hair that accented the near cartoonish face. It seemed smooth, fancy and wavy, even though it didn't look like he used any hair gel to get it into this perfect position.

As she finished putting down most of the drawing, she let her mind wander as to how those two unlikely and so very much differently dressed men would be, as it seems to be, good friends. They had the occasionally exchange of words, often followed by a delighted chuckle of the light one, or a smirk of the dark one.

She uncountiously called them light and dark and realised it was because of their aura. She now chuckled to herself as she imagined the two being a comedic duo of a demon and an angel and absently sketched a pair of wings in the shadows and lights around the two figures.

Now quite satisfied with her work, she looked up to compare and to see if there were any details she could add, and to her surprise and disappointment, the duo had disappeared! She groaned soft and sighed, having not seen them leave. But as she was about to look around to see if she could see them walk off, she suddenly let out a shiver as a soft and casual, but somewhere dark voice came from behind her.
"Sssee angel? Told ya she was looking at us. I knew she was doing something, frowning that intensely. Hey girl, don't you know it is rude to stare at people?"

Startled she looked up and directly into the reflection of herself in the sunglasses of the dark man, who was now leaning his arms on the back of her bench and smirking with slight annoyance and curiosity at her. "A-ah... oh!" she exclaimed startled and slight ashamed, feeling herself getting a slight blush. She unwillingly felt the need to back off from the figure, until she felt a soft and calming presence on her other side.
"Now now Crowley, no need to get all annoyed about it. I see you were right, but the young lady is obviously simply expressing her creativity by using us as inspiration. It's a very nice piece I must say. Very talented."
She now looked up at the other figure standing on her other side. "Oh, thank you mister." she now felt like she had to blush because of the compliment and the kind words.
The dark man, apparently called Crowley, scoffed now. "Can be, but that doesn't mean I have to like being stared at."
"Don't be silly. You like attention like no other. And if you don't want to be seen you know how to do that as well. Don't scoff this young lady for doing that."
"Might be." Crowley admitted, slightly less annoyed now. "Still she could have asked, no?"
Samantha interrupted the conversation now. "Why yes, you are right dear gentleman. I should perhaps have asked. I just didn't expect you to notice me. See I am not really noticed a lot and I specially didn't expect it in such a busy city like London."
The light one went to sit beside her on the bench now and showed her a soft smile. "Not from around here now, are we? I hear a tad of an accent and you don't seem to be too comfortable speaking about the city."
"Well it isn't that I don't like the city." she observed Crowley came to sit on her other side now. "But I indeed do not come from London. I come from Charmouth. It's a rather small town near the south part of the coastline."
"I figured." Crowley said as he now crossed his legs. "You don't look like you go on vacations much but if you were from anywhere but the south of England you wouldn't have been able to get a tan like the one you have.", he now suddenly and quite rudely snatched the sketchbook away from her lap. "lemmie see this."
"Hey!" Samantha started, but a cold glance from over the man's glasses made her shut up. Did she imagine that or... were those eyes yellow, snakelike eyes? She quickly figured he must be wearing lenses.
"Crowley. Please give the young lady her sketchbook back or at least ask if you may see her drawings. I am rather curious as well but please be a little gentle, if you can.", the gentleman sighed slight annoyed, looking apologetic at Samantha as if to apologise for his friend.
"She didn't ask me if I wanted to be drawn, I don't ask her to see her book." Crowley replied and he casually went on flipping through the pages, until he came back to the drawing of the duo, then he looked at her. "Why'd you draw us with wings? Hmm?" he showed her a near-judging look.
"Uhm... W-Well this may sound stupid.... But I sort of see energies around peoples..." she got interrupted.
"Auras you mean?" asked the gentleman, clearly interested now.
She nodded. "Yes exactly that. And yours somehow... Let's say the wings felt kinda right...." she now ashamed looked down, afraid to be laughed at by the two, but to her surprise that didn't happen.
"Hmm.", Crowley hummed and he closed the book, before giving it back.
"What a wonderful way of expressing energies, don't you think so Crowley? Very creative.", The gentleman beamed a short smile at her, then up to Crowley, who didn't even so much as reply to it.
"If you say so angel." he didn't sound particularly convinced.
Samantha looked up at the gentleman. "Really? You don't think it's weird?"
The gentleman laughed now. A soft and gentle laugh. "No not at all young lady." he paused with a slight frown for a second "Ah, I don't even know your name. And I haven't even introduced myself as well. How rude. My name is Aziraphale. And this 'charming' fella over there is Crowley." Aziraphale made a polite gesture at Crowley when introducing him, but he simply smirked.
"My name is Samantha. How nice to meet you two. I am glad I spotted you, too. I really needed something new to draw and you and you two did just the trick. And I have a nice conversation too. That doesn't happen often." she said and seemed now a little bit more at ease, now a proper introduction had been made.
"Ah well I am glad we could be of inspiration. Do you need other stuff as inspiration to draw? I know a lot of little places around London if you wish?" his question was also so much as an offer at the same time and his eyes flickered eagerly.

The three eventually got tangled up in a conversation about a lot of the nice little places in the city. The two seemed to know the place like the inside of their pockets and could give the young lady a lot of advice.

She really did enjoy the company, too. The two complimented each other like sweet and salt does in a caramel-chocolate bar. Aziraphale seemed a big book lover like herself too. He could give her all the names of small cute bookshops scattered around town. Crowley on the other hand knew where to find the best fashion and the best music, though he seemed to come back to Queen oddly often.

The thing both of them seemed to have an equal passion for though, was food. Little restaurants, dining places, cafés, bars, pastry shops and all kinds of sweet spots. But their favourite was obviously the Ritz. Aziraphale even went as far as to invite her to come along if she'd like, but at that Crowley got up.

"I sadly have other things to do right now." he said with a smirk. It obviously was a way of saying he didn't want to dine with a stranger he had only met for 45 minutes, and it was a fair argument in Samantha's eyes.
"Ah..... Well, that's okay." replied Aziraphale but he obviously seemed disappointed.
"Really it's okay." assured Samantha them. "I understand it. Also it might be good for me to go back to the motel as well. I had promised my friend I'd call her today. It's her birthday and if I'll do it late she might not be home.
"Oh I see. That is understandable then. I guess I should get going too. A bookshop doesn't run itself after all. Hehe.", as he said this Aziraphale made a cute little wiggle and he got up too. "It was a pleasure meeting and talking to you miss."
Crowley growled something. "Well, gotta go now." he sounded a tad annoyed and placed his hands in his pockets. Then he slowly started to walk off.
"Oh, stubborn thing." Aziraphale sighed. Then smiled again at Samantha. "If you ever are in need of a lift...."
Crowley interrupted him. "Nope Aziraphale."
He undisturbed went on. "Or if you need help with anything you can always call us. Or perhaps you could pop by at my bookshop if you have time left. Have a good holyday. Who knows, if faith allows, we will meet again." Aziraphale added a wink as he went to follow Crowley. He waved now.

Samantha smiled. "Thank you very much for the good time."
Crowley got impatient. "C'mon angel lets go."
"Ah yes, certainly we should get a wiggle on." said Aziraphale as he hurried after Crowley.

Samantha watched them walk off, amused as Crowley obviously muttered something annoyed about Aziraphale's choice of words and she hummed soft, thinking about their conversation and about the two characters for a while.

Then she realised the two had never given her any address or telephone number to call to and sighed. "Oh no.... Well I guess it is too late now." she groaned. She looked around to see if she could still spot them anywhere, but they really had vanished now, as in a miracle.

She hummed and opened her sketchbook to look at the two again, but as she flipped to the page her eyes widened. Alongside the line with notes she had made on the other page about places to visit, was the address of Aziraphale's bookshop and the matching phone number. She could have sworn she hadn't put it down there. The handwriting was also way different. Way more fancy. She then glanced back over at the sketch, specifically at the wings and she hummed softly. "An angel and a demon... I think I met an angel and a demon.", she murmured soft. Little did she know that was exactly what had happened that day.


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