Tobias and Tris: A Childhood...

By mayafourtris05

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What if Tobias and Tris met before transferring to Dauntless? What if they were friends as kids? Would that c... More



449 5 2
By mayafourtris05


      "Come on, we have to get you new clothes." Christina begs.
      "What's wrong with these?" I raise my arms to get the cuffs of the sleeves up my wrist.
      When Tobias announced we were gonna be sharing the dorm, I was reluctant to change but they don't allow the clothes from the other factions. So, I stole a corner of the room and quickly changed into the black clothes that were three sizes to large, the pant cuffs were rolled up so many times they were two inches thick. The shirt was so baggy and hung loose on my small frame.
      Christina, however, fit perfectly fine in hers. She was tall and not too thin but was not a huge fan of the style.
      She raises an eyebrow at me,"You can hardly walk in those and it's not very flattering."
      I flinch slightly, I know she has no filter, Candor and all, but still,"Chris—"
      "Nope." She grabs my arm and hauls me out of the bed we had been sitting on.
      I stumble after her, her hand still clasped tightly around my arm.
      She drags me across the Pit and pushes me through the door of a fashion store.
      The woman at the desk, doesn't even bat an eye at our noisy entrance.
      Chris brings me to a rack of black and red dresses. She starts flicking through them, frowning at some then she smiles and snatches one off the hook,"Perfect."
      She holds it up to me, estimating the size. Without another word she whisks me to the changing area,"Try this on. I want to see it. I'll give you more in a sec."
      "Chris, this uh—"
      She rolls her eyes and cuts me off,"Tris, you're in Dauntless now, no more being modest. Have some fun!"
      Before I can object, she's off to find more clothes.
      I sigh in defeat then close the door. I quickly discard my oversized garments, not looking in the mirror. As I do so, Christina knocks and throws two pairs of pants, three tops, and another dress in.
      I try on the first dress, it's all black, simple. The front comes down in a V-neck and the bottom of the dress falls just above my knees, showing my pale legs. I took off my shoes as they also were too big.
      I come out, a little embarrassed.
      Chris looks me up and down,"That'll do. Here." She hands me two pairs of shoes, one pair of slim sneakers and the other ankle high boots with a one inch heel.
      I slip on the boots for the dress. She nods,"Better. Now try on everything else, I'll be trying on a few things next door."
      She smiles,"Enjoy yourself."
      I give her a half smile and disappear into the changing room again.
      After almost an hour of trying on clothes, I settle on that first dress, a pair of black jeans, black work-out leggings, a tank top with a little knot in the front, a T-Shirt with the Dauntless logo on the upper left, the sneakers, and the boots.
      I wasn't too sure about the top but Chris insisted and, in fact, made me wear it with the jeans and sneakers as we paid and exited the store.
      "What to do now?" Chris taps her foot, looking me up and down. I look away, slightly uncomfortable.
      "Girl, we gotta get your hair fixed."
      I snap up,"What? What's wrong with my hair?"
      She points with her hand,"It looks like you fell off a ten story building." She gives me a 'duh' face.
      "I did though." I let a little sarcasm into my voice.
She pretends to be offended but her eyes glint cheerfully,"Is that attitude in your voice? Good, the Stiff skin will wear off soon."
She grabs my hand again,"Now lets get some hair supplies."
She practically runs ahead of me and I struggle to keep a hold of my bag and keep up. My hair flies into my face and I'm blinded for a millisecond.
I slam into a firm figure,"Oh! I'm so sorry!"
When I look up, I'm met with those stunning blue eyes. My voice catches in my throat and can barely stutter out,"Tob—I mean, Four?"
"Tris, let me help you with that." He bends down to pick up my fallen bag.
"Oh, uh thanks." I blush as he hands it to me.
"Tris, I—" He starts.
"Tris, what's going on here? You okay?" Chris struts over here, a slight glare aimed at Four but speedily covered up when he looks at her.
"Yeah, just dropped my bag." I mutter.
She loops her arm in mine,"Well, we better head off. Uh, nice seeing you, Four."
He nods and we walk away.
Chris smirks at me.
I look at her, incredulous,"What?"
"Damn, girl. The sexual tension over there was intense." She teases.
"What? No! What do you—"
She swats me playfully,"It's fine, your little secret crush is safe with me."
I sigh in exasperation,"It's not like that."
"Mhm, that's not what I was seeing."
I tug her arm to keep us moving, suddenly eager to get us going,"Let's just go."

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