Touched by an Angel

By Danifaridam

16.9K 547 179

This story is about loss and hope.Prince meets Angelica under very strange circumstances.As he lost love he i... More

Chapter 1:Meeting him
Chapter 2:Tears go here......
Just saying thank you
Chapter 3:Somebody's Somebody part 1
Chapter 4:Somebody's Somebody part 2
Chapter 5:Forever in my life
Chapter 6:Courtin' Time
Chapter 7 :Paisley Park
Chapter 8:Let's Have a Baby
Chapter 9:Adore
Chapter 11 :Partyman
Chapter 12:The X's Face
Chapter 13: Girls and Boys
Chapter 14:Friend,Lover,Sister,Mother,Wife part 1
Author's note
Chapter 15:Friend ,Lover,Sister,Mother, Wife part 2
Chapter 16:The Love We Make
Chapter 17:Hugs 'n Kisses
Chapter 18: She gave her Angels
Chapter 19:Moonbeam Levels part 1
Chapter 20:Moonbeam Levels part 2
Chapter 21:Moonbeam Levels part 3
Chapter 23:Life O' the Party
Chapter 23:Sex in the Summer
Chapter 24:She's always in my hair
Chapter 25:Birthday Chronicles
Coming Soon....
Chapter 26: Te amo Corazón
Chapter 27: Que viva Puerto Rico!
Chapter 28: Da Bourgeoisie
Chapter 29: Sweet Baby part 1

Chapter 22:A Father's Song & a Motherless Child

327 14 12
By Danifaridam

It's been a week since their return from their honeymoon.They had called Dr.Shepard immediately to ask for possible complications if Angelica was pregnant again.Dr.Shepard assured them that it wouldn't be a problem,but she would be closely monitored if pregnant.Even though they weren't sure if Angelica was pregnant,Prince started to use condoms .He felt it was unfair for her to go through all that again so quickly.He decided to observe her for pregnancy symptoms .They fell back into their daily routine of taking care of the babies. While Prince was feeding Mimi,his phone rang.When he picked up,it was Tyka ,his sister.After less than 2 minutes he came back,but his demeanor changed.
"Honey are you ok?" She asked concerned. Prince sighed deeply and said:"Not really,but I'll tell you later.Let's focus on the kids for now".So Angelica kept quiet and they focused on the twins' needs.When they were done Prince walked to the piano he had in the living room and played a song.Angelica didn't know the song,but refrained from asking.Towards the end of the song she saw tears streaming down his face and he started crying softly.He buried his face in his hands and cried.Angelica walked up to him and hugged him,wondering why he was so upset.After sitting in silence for a few minutes he said:"My father passed away last night.I didn't even get to say goodbye...."
"Oh honey,I'm so sorry .What can I do to help?"
"Just hold me mama,I can't be without you today"
"Ok baby I'm here for you"

Angelica asked Rosita to check the kids while she comforted Prince.He cried himself to sleep and hadn't eaten all day.While Prince slept,she went to the nursery to check on the kids.Both were napping. She told Rosita she had the rest of the day off,as she had everything under control. It was 3 PM.
Cooking has always been therapeutic for her,so she started to prepare some comfort food.She made a whole bunch of mozarella sticks and for dinner she made eggplant parmesan.There was still some home made lemonade in the fridge,so they could drink that.Knowing that she made a lot of food,she made a package for Rosita and for Dom to pick up tomorrow. She also gave Darryl some food ,as he was on duty today.When she finished cooking ,she went ahead and bathed the twins.The twins were done bathing around 6PM ,when Prince walked into the nursery,still groggy from his nap.She smiled at him.
"Hey baby,you feel better?"
"A little,I'm hungry ,though" he replied while rubbing his stomach.
"I know you are baby you haven't eaten all day.But could you help me feed Mimi ?Then we can enjoy some comfort food." Prince fed Mimi some formula and Izzy got the same from his mommy.While feeding the twins,she heard Prince's stomach grumble.
" you're really hungry aren't you?"
Prince nodded while pouting his lip.

"Don't worry I'll feed you ok?"
True to her word ,she fed  him his dinner and they cuddled on the couch ,snacking on some mozarella sticks .Angelica knew that when he was this vulnerable ,he needed some pampering.
"Honey,just be sad today okay?You can cry if you have to .I'm here for you.Tomorrow we'll figure everything out "
"Thanks mama.You really know how to make me feel better.I love you so much"

The next morning would be the start of a very busy day.After taking care of the twins,they went to Prince's mom,where all his siblings would be as well.His stepfather was out of town ,so he wasn't there.While they were sad,the sight of the twins brought them so much joy.It would be the first time  Mattie would meet her grandkids .She was very emotional and cried when she held them.She walked to Angelica and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you so much.You have fulfilled my last wish"
"Why do you keep talking about your last wish?What's going on mom?"Prince asked his mother.
Mattie sighed and motioned the other siblings to give them some privacy.When they were alone ,Mattie let out a deep sigh as tears welled in her eyes.
" I'm dying ,son.I have ovarian cancer stage 4.The doctor said I have only a few months to live.When you got married,I was diagnosed"
Prince's face lost color and his hand started trembling.He felt like running away from all the drama.But one look at Angelica and he calmed down.He hugged her and they cried together.The rest of the day was spent making funeral arrangements .They decided to bury John the after tomorrow. Prince made sure everything was in order ,just like John would have liked.He knew his dad was a man who liked simplicity and order.Just like he did.

The funeral was small and simple,with only family members and a few very close friends.Dominique watched the twins at home, while Prince and Angelica paid their last respects to John L.Nelson.The following weeks after the funeral were spent visiting Mattie.They made sure she felt loved and also let her spend as much time as possible with her grandchildren.Mattie was very strong and Angelica saw where Prince got his strength from.During the last days of her life,she had private conversations with her son and he always was an emotional wreck after those conversations .Angelica never asked what was said,she just made sure to be by his side.She made sure he ate something ,because she knew he wouldn't think of food.

Then,on a beautiful morning in May,Mattie Shaw passed away ,leaving her son devastated.Prince arranged her funeral ,just the way she asked him to.He even sang her favourite song of his,The Ladder.She loved that song because she could hear both Prince and John in the arrangement. It made her feel closer to them in a way.After the funeral ,Prince shut himself in his office and stayed there all day.Angelica took care of the babies and let him have his space .She took a shower after tucking the twins in,and went to bed.She felt exhausted and emotionally drained .Suddenly she heard the piano and Prince singing Motherless Child. He poured his heart and soul into the song .Angelica tiptoed to where he was and quietly leaned on him.He immediately grabbed her and sobbed uncontrollably. She gently rocked him ,stroking his hair as his head laid on her chest.She led him to the bathroom,where she bathed him and helped him dress.He curled up to her and spooned .Suddenly he began to speak.
"I never thought I would lose both parents at the same time .This is a hard pill to swallow..." He looked up at his wife.
"I admire you,Angel,you are so strong .How do you do it?"
"Prayer ,baby.Prayer keeps me strong."
He looked at his wife and she could see the pain in his eyes.
"Angel,could you pray with me ?Please?" He pleaded.
"Ofcourse baby" .She proceded to pray for her husband and both got very emotional during the prayer.They realized they only had each other and held on to each other while drifting off to sleep....

Author's Note:Thank you John & Mattie for the blessing called Prince .Because he is,we are .Rest in Peace.....4everPrince

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