Chapter 6:Courtin' Time

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He loved her.....
He fell for this woman and now there is no return.He wanted to have her by his side all the time.So he decided to invite her to come to Paisley Park for the weekend.He dialed her number and as he heard the phone ring he felt his heart beat faster.What is she doing to him?He never gets nervous with women ,but Angelica ....she was different.He knew he had to take his time with her and treat her like a queen.That's what she deserved....
A big smile appeared on his face when he heard her voice.
"Hey babygirl,how are you?"
She smiled and said:"Hey baby,I'm ok,just came from work"
"So how was work today?"
"Well...busy as usual.I'm getting a promotion.They want to make me head nurse of my unit"
"Wow,that's wonderful news,mama.Calls for a celebration"
"What did you have in mind?"
"For starters, I would like to take you out on a date tonight. And then I was thinking to bring you to Paisley Park for the weekend.What do you say mama?Do you like the idea?"
She giggled a bit and said:"Yes I do,I am free this weekend so I can arrange that"
Prince smiled pleased and replied:"Perfect.Start packing girl and I will pick you up at 7.My driver will take care of your bags"
"Oh and Angel?"
"I will have a package delivered to you.Wear that tonight"
And they hung up.Angelica was so nervous to go out with Prince.So she called her friend Dom to help her out.Dom arrived immediately.
"Hey girl,what's up?"
"Not much I came from work.They want to promote me and Prince is taking me out on a date" she said nonchalantly.
Dom's eyes grew wide."On a date with the Purple One??! Wow this is getting serious"
"Yeah,he invited me to spend the weekend at Paisley Park ,so I'm going"
"Sounds like you'll be getting some purple action tonight girl"
"Stop think so?"
"Ofcourse!We're talking about Prince here.The man who wrote all those sexually explicit songs.He is so sexy it's impossible to resist him"
" I'm nervous" Angelica sighed.
"Don't worry girl he's already attracted to you"
"Yes but to be honest,he is different in real life than the persona he portrays on stage.He's funny and caring and very gentle.He took care of me last week when I had those cramps again.He gave me foot massages and warm towels.He made me tea and breakfast.He really makes me feel special."
"You're glowing,Angie.Are you in love?"
Angelica thought about it.She really was in love.
"Yes...yes I guess I am in love"Dom hugged her and said:" Well go get your man girl.Let me help you pack.You need a lot of lingerie because he will rip them off with his teeth. "Angelica giggeled at the thought.She knew for sure he was a freak.Just at that moment the doorbell rang.
" Special package for miss Rodriguez "
Angelica accepted the package from the driver,Darryll,who already got used to delivering to her.
"Thank you,Darryll.Please thank your boss for me"
"Will do Ma'am,have a nice day"
"Same to you " She opened the box when she closed the door and there was the most beautiful cocktail dress she had ever seen.Baby blue with silver on it.It had one shoulder off and it came with matching silver shoes and silver accessories covered with rhinestones that looked like diamonds.Even hair accessories were taken care of.All in the same color.This man was really into details.She saw a card in the box that read:
"My dearest Angel,
Just a small gift from me 2 U.Can't w8 2 c u in that dress 2night.Eye hope it's just like eye envisioned u in it.P.S. Don't bother wearing a shawl.Eye want 2 admire u.If ur cold ,eye no ways 2 keep u warm.....

<3 P."

She read it out loud and Dom started singing:"If I give you diamomds and pearls..."They both squealed and started laughing. Dom helped her pack and afterwards they had some soup for lunch.Angelica wanted to keep it light ,because she wanted to look good in the dress.At 6PM she started getting ready for her date with Prince.She felt butterflies in her stomach as she applied her make-up.Just as she finished ,the doorbell rang.He was here!She looked at the time,it was 7PM on the dot.Her bags were already at the front door.When she opened the door,Prince stood in front of her dressed in full white ,even his shoes were white.He gave her a bouquet of white roses.He kissed her on the cheek.
"Hey mama" he said in a seductive tone.
"You look much better than I envisioned you"
"Thanks,you don't look so bad yourself"
"Well ,I try" he replied,trying to be modest. After she put the flowers in water ,he offered her his arm.
"Shall we?"
She held on to him and said:"Yes we shall "
She smiled at him,hoping that she sounded more confident than she felt. They walked towards the car and Darryll took her bags and placed them in the trunk.On the ride to the restaurant, Prince noticed Angelica fidgeting nervously.He placed his hand on her knee.
"Relax baby,relax" he whispered.She took a deep breath and tried to calm down.When they entered the restaurant,they were led to the private area.The waiter gave them their menu and left.
"What would you like to eat,mama?"
"Umm...I would like to try the lasagna,would that be alright?You being vegetarian and all.."
"Yeah sure,just because I'm vegetarian doesn't mean you have to be.But at Paisley I have one rule:no meat allowed ."
"I can live with that"
"Great,let's order"
She ordered lasagna and he ordered eggplant Parmesan. For desert they had chocolate soufflé. Everything tasted great.Even the wine was exquisite.They spent the time talking and occasionally flirting.He loved it when she blushed.After dinner they drove to Paisley Park.As soon as she saw that familiar building she started to smile.The car parked in the garage and Darryll took her bags inside.She saw pictures of Prince and his symbol all over the place.It was just like she thought it would be.Simple yet elegant.Just like the man she fell in love with.He gave her a tour of the place.She saw the doves ,studio A and B ,his office and then he brought her in the elevator and they went up to his private quarters.She noticed that everywhere smelled like lavender, just like him.He loved that scent.When they entered his luxurious bedroom he lit the scented candles that were already arranged all over the room.He turned on the stereo and a subtle jazz sound flled the room.While he set the ambiance she looked around.The room had a lotnof gold and purple tones to it giving it a touch of royalty.His bed was round with purple satin sheets.Her bags were already in a corner next to the bed.She unpacked her bags and he placed them in the closet drawers.Then he started to kiss her deeply.As much as he wanted to take her right there, he wanted to take things slow.So he looked at her and said:"Wait here mama"
He went to the bathroom and ran a war!m bath for her using his lavender bath oil.He made rose petal trails in the hallway into the bathtub.When he finished he went into the bedroom to get her.
"Come on mama,I drew you a bath to help you relax a little.Nothing will happen without your consent.I just want to pamper you "
"Okay "
He led her to the bathroom and she saw the rose petals and the candles lit.Just what she needed.She found him such a sweet and caring man.
He sat a stool and played for her on his acoustic guitar while she undressed.She stepped into the water and he just had to touch her.When she was seated in the tub he massaged her shoulders and felt her relax.She closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure.He felt his member react to her moans and asked:"Can I join you?"
He undressed and joined her in the tub,mentally reminding himself that she needed to relax.He massaged her feet and started to bathe her.She looked at him surprised.He smiled and he explained:"Today I want you to relax.So I am trying to make you feel safe"
"But I do feel safe with you Prince"
"Thanks mama,I want to show you that I am not what is being said about me"
"I know you're not"
He kissed her and gently touched her and she felt him awaken.He chuckled and said :"Not tonight mama.I want this to be about you."
After a while he saw her getting tired so he helped her out of the tub and rinsed her out and himself.They dried themselves and got dressed.He wore pajama bottoms and she wore her nightie.When they lied cuddled up in bed she started to chuckle.
"What's so funny?"
"Dom is not going to believe this.She thinks you're ripping my lingerie off with your teeth"
Prince started to laugh and raised his eyebrow .
"Is that so?Well tonight I'm letting you off easy.I want you well rested tonight mama"
He stroked her face and of kissed her hungrily to make his point clear."Starting tomorrow,I will take you for a ride...and I WILL rip these off with my teeth"He said as he looked at her mischievously while playing with the waistband of her panties.She started to turn crimson as she lowered her eyelids.
He kissed her nose and cheeks."So cute" he mumbled.He held her close as she curled up to him,placing her head on his chest.
"Hmm you smell so good" she said while drifting off.He smiled and stroked her hair.
"Sweet dreams babygirl"
And they both drifted to sleep....

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