Chapter 7 :Paisley Park

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The next morning Angelica woke up and noticed Prince wasn't there.So she took a shower and went to look for him.She saw him in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Good morning lovely lady.How did you sleep?"
"Like a baby" she replied
"Sounds like you needed that rest"
"Yeah,I did"
"You want some breakfast?"
"Sure,what are we having?"
"Omelettes" he replied with a smile,while serving her a plate and pouring her some hot cocoa.
During breakfast they joked and flirted a little bit with each other.He loved her sense of humor.It was as crazy as his was.Finally someone who got his jokes and appreciated them.He noticed that she loved to laugh and out loud too!When they finished eating ,Angelica started cleaning up and washing dishes.
"Now,you didn't have to do that,you're my guest"
"It's ok,you made me breakfast and it's only fair that I clean up"
Prince shook his head at her and replied:"You're really not used to being spoiled,are you?"
"No I'm not.I've worked hard to be where I am today."
"Well we're going to do something about that.I have our whole weekend planned out,but first I would like to know what you wanted to do now?Your wish is my command" he said while dramatically bowing for her.
She smiled and said:"Well...I would like to hear you play.Could you play a little for me?"
"Sure ,what would you like to hear?"
"It doesn't matter.Your music always heals me.It always has been my comfort during hard times"
"Really?Glad to hear that.This is the reason why I do what I do.I'm glad you get it,and that I have been able to inspire you in a small way"
So Prince sat on his piano,as Angelica sat on the couch and he started playing.He sang Strange Relationship,Raspberry Beret and Adore. He saw her totally lose herself to the music,as she closed her eyes and swayed to the tunes of his songs.Angelica forgot her pain and just flowed with the music.Prince then took his acoustic guitar and started playing Forever in my life.
"There comes a time in every man's life....Come on Angel,sing with me,you know the words"So they sang together.Prince noticed that the sadness in her eyes was gone for a moment.He liked her singing voice too.It was soft and gentle ,like a gentle breeze.It had a certain calmness to it.He knew that the only way she would bear her soul is through music.He wanted to know what made her so sad without making her uncomfortable.So he let her speak to him through music.
" Angel,could you sing something for me?You have a wonderful voice."
"What should I sing?"
"Just sing something and I'll follow your lead"
"But I have so many favourites, I don't know which one to choose"
He smiled and told her:"Just close your eyes,take a deep breath and sing whatever comes to mind.Just follow your heart,mama"
So she closed her eyes and started to sing.He recognized the words immediately. She was singing Comeback.He got emotional and he sensed her emotion too.The pain in her voice was so gut wrenching that tears streamed down his face.
"...spirits come and spirits go,some stick around for the after show. I don't have to say I miss you...-" Her voice started to break and Prince continued: "If you ever lose someone dear to you ,never say the words they're gone...they'll come back ,yeah.Tears go here...." At that moment she cried uncontrollably.He sensed that she lost something valuable to her,so he embraced her and stroked her hair,trying to console her.
"Shhh...I know it hurts mama,it will be okay"
He heard her sniffle and listened while she tried to control her sobs.He sensed that she was ready to open up.So he gently stroked her hair,waiting patiently for her to talk.
"I had a miscarriage 6 months ago,due to stress.My ex didn't want it and he wanted me to abort it.But I couldn't.It hurts so bad Prince,will this pain ever go away?"
He thought about his own pain and how he still struggled with it sometimes.
"No,it doesn't." He replied
"It never goes away.They say time heals all wounds but this wound never heals.With time life becomes a bit...bearable"
She continued:"I was so broken.Usually I would listen to your music,but after our encounter I never touched your records again.Until recently.So I tried to find comfort in food"
Prince felt so bad for what he did.He didn't know he hurt her this much.
"I'm so sorry baby.Please forgive me for saying those things to you.I was so absorbed in the hurt I was feeling that I took it out on you."
"It's okay Prince.Water under the bridge"
"No,it's not okay.You were the most positive person there that night.You had that spark in your eyes.And I broke that positive spirit.I feel terrible"
She quietly sat there and said nothing.He passionately kissed her and cupped her face with both his hands.He never wanted her to cry again.
"I love you Angel.I had promised myself never to fall again after the divorce.But here I am and I have fallen madly in love with you.The more I got to know you,the more I love you.I promise you I will spend all my days making you happy."
Angelica's eyes started to well."I love you too Prince and your love is all I need to be happy"
He kissed her on the forehead."Then it's settled. Come on babygirl,lets go for a walk"
They went for a walk as he showed her around the premises .He enjoyed making her laugh.She had the most infectious laugh he had ever heard.He also noticed her child-like innocence.She enjoyed the simplest things ,like a rainbow or flowers with bright colors.Now he knows her favourite colors are pink and purple and she has an undying love for pizza.As they walked back he let his cook make some pizzas for lunch.He smiled as her face lit up.Yep she loved food!As they ate their lunch,Prince noticed a pained expression on her face.
"What's wrong mama?Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
She started to blush."Umm...well...with pizza I tend to go a little overboard..."she tried to explain.Then he understood. He started to chuckle and said "Don't be shy girl ,let me help you unbutton your skirt."
When he did she let out a huge sigh of relief...and a small belch after that.She turned crimson and Prince started to laugh.
"Yeah you're definitely full"
"Yeah...I am"
She dozed off while they cuddled watching tv.He noticed her round belly peek from under her shirt.He gently place his hand on top of with ,closing his eyes and imagining what she would look like carrying his child.Angelica woke up and saw what he was doing.She tried to pull her shirt down.
"No,leave it." He lifted up her shirt and kissed her belly."This is where miracles are made.One day God will bless us with a miracle created right in here"He kissed her passionately and led her to the bedroom.He slowly undressed her and then undressed himself.She saw that he was ready to go.As he hovered over her,kissing her neck,she got a flashback from a very troubled event when she was younger.She tried to surpress it but he felt her body stiffen beneath him.He stopped and saw fear in her eyes.
"What's wrong mama?You're trembling... Did I hurt you?"
"No.I was sexually abused when I was younger and sometimes I get flashbacks.I got one just now"
As she watched him stare at her in shock and trying to register what she just shared,she felt insecure so she buried her face in her hands and cried.
"I'm sorry Prince.I understand if I will be too much of a challenge for you and you want to leave.I'm damaged goo...-"
"Don't say it " he said sternly
"Look at me Angel"
"No,I'm ashamed"
"Look at meeeeeee..." He urged
She looked up to him and his tears started to fall.He cupped her face with both hands and kissed her.
"Oh sweet girl,I wish I could take all your pain away.I promise you that I will never leave you and I will never hurt you."He kissed her again.
" Come on ,let's try again.This time we'll take it slow.Anytime it gets too much for you just stop me okay?"
He laid her on the bed and kissed her slowly.
"Close your eyes mama and just feel .Don't think"
He gently kissed her neck as he heard her moan softly.He whispered sweet nothins in her ear,making her feel comfortable.Then he gently sucked her breasts one by one,taking his time.
"Mmmm....tastes like heaven baby" he whispered
He continued leaving a trail of kisses on her body.When he reached her belly he heard her gasp.
"You okay?"
"'s just...sensitive"
He raised his brow and smiled mischievously:"Realllyy??"
"Well good to know "
He kissed her belly all over as he drove her wild.Her moans got louder.He got to her panties.
"I promised you that I would rip these off with my teeth.And I intend to keep that promise"
He ripped her panties with his teeth and threw them on the floor.
"I'll buy you new ones" he stated before contiuing his quest.He devoured her like a meal and she screamed in extacy.No one has ever pleasured her like this before.He penetrated her and they made love until they were spent.
As they laid cuddled up in each others arms ,he watched her playing with his chest hair.
"How do you feel mama?"
"I feel good,well ...great actually"
"You hungry?it's almost dinner time"
"Can I just have a sandwich?I'm still a bit full.And right now I'm too tired to eat"
"Okay baby,wanna watch a movie afterward?"
They had some grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner and went to his theatere to watch a movie.
"What movie would you like to see?I prefer comedies.What about you?"
"I like comedies too.But I wanted to watch one of your movies"
Prince sighed deeply ,closed his eyes and held the bridge of his nose.
"Please don't say Purple Rain?"
"No,I wanted to watch Under The Cherry Moon"
"Okay good,I got scared there for a second."
"Tired of it " was his short answer.
They watched the movies and laughed at Christopher and Tricky.He would tell funny anecdotes about the making of the movie.They shared a bowl of popcorn and a drink.
"You're probably real quiet at first...oh oh.And then you get LOUD Ooooooh ooooh!And then you get BLACK oooooooooh shittt ,Christopher ooohh shittt ,oh baby,oooooooh lawd...!!"
Prince laughed out loud at this scene and said:"That's you"
Angelica looked at him shocked."No it's not"
"Yes it is.Remember this?" And he proceded to mimic her noises from their lovemaking session and imitated her flawlessly.Angelica turned beet red and Prince kissed her on her cheek.
"I love it when you do that mama"

The rest f the weekend was spent making love,sleeping and eating.When it was time to leave ,Angelica was sad and didnt want to go.Prince embraced her and said:"Dont cry baby,this is just the beginning.Better days are coming..."

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