Chapter 1:Meeting him

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It was 2o'clock in the morning and this was Angelica's last night shift for the week.There were no emergencies until now,so her shift was going just the way she liked it.As she entered the kitchen to grab another cup of coffee (this would be her fourth cup),she heard doors open and people rapidly enter the O.R.
"Calling for Angelica..." she heard through the intercom.She sighed ,drank her coffee and quickly walked into the room.
"Here we go...." she said to herself as she mentally prepared herself for her patient.
"Hi Ange" ,a tall handsome looking man with dark curls and a muscular build greeted her on her way in.He happened to be the OB/Gyn and the surgeon for this patient.He smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Hello Dr .Stephens".
He grimaced in disapproval." How many times did I tell you to call me Gary?"
"No I'd rather not.Let's keep it professional" Angelica replied.She knew that Gary was attracted to her,and although he looked really good,she preferred not to mix work and her personal life.She did not want things to get complicated.
"Okay Ange,as you wish " he sighed.She saw the disappointment in his eyes and attempted to change the subject.She did not want to hurt him,as she considered him a friend.
"So who is the patient?" She asked to change the subject.
"Umm....a 22-year old woman,seven months pregnant,married.Also well known so she requested we signed a confidentiality agreement."
Angelica rolled her light brown eyes in disgust .
Gary chuckeled at her outburst and replied:"Tell me about it....And this is the wonderful part.She requested YOU to be in charge today "
"She said that she wanted to have positive energy around her and she liked your positive attitude"
Angelica pondered who this mysterious woman was.But she didn't have to ponder for long because at that moment the doors opened and in came the young woman,heavily pregnant and in a lot of pain.From the looks of it ,she was in full blown labor.As tears streamed down her face ,she rubbed her belly fervently and tried to do breathing excercises.But instead she ended up panting uncontrollably.
Angelica recognized her right away.With her petite figure and Hispanic looks,she was the woman married to Prince Rogers Nelson.She came in a few weeks ago with early labor signs and checked in first class.Angelica was there that night to work some extra hours ,as she needed some extra cash this month.She remembered how scared she looked and she felt sorry for her.She also wanted to be a part of her husbands life ,even if it was through helping his wife.He was her all time favourite artist ....
"Hello Mayte" she said
Mayte looked up and smiled widely through her tears."Angel!You're here!My husband will be here soon,but he is a bit....different"
Smiling at her special nickname,she replied:"I know.Ofcourse I am here.Don't you worry I will take care of everything.Just relax,I will handle your husband"
"Thank you,Angel" she replied with gratitude.
She helped Mayte out of the wheelchair and placed her on the hospital bed.As she helped her change into a hospital gown,she could see the fear in this woman's eyes.She was scared.
"Don't be scared ,Mayte.Everything will be alright.Another nurse will give you your epidural....." Her monologue was interupted by the sound of clicking heels on the hospital tiles as they rapidly approached the O.R. hallway.Angelica did not have to look to know who it was.
"My husband!He's here!He can be a bit difficult so I apologise in advance if he causes any trouble.I know for sure it will take a miracle for him to wear those scrubs."
As Angelica mentally prepared herself for this encounter ,she prayed silently for wisdom to get him to wear those scrubs,as it's hospital policy that visitors were not allowed to enter the O.R .without scrubs.She straightened her uniform and walked into the hallway to face the man they used to call Prince....

There he was ,looking as great as ever,wearing black trousers and a black sweater.His hair was short and he sported a small goatee.She saw that he wore a necklace with Mayte's zodiac sign and she thought to herself :"wow he really loves this woman...."
But she didn't have much time to be with her thoughts because he approached her like a cautious deer and asked her:"Hi ,I am here to see my wife...?"
Seeing the worry in his eyes she refrained from fangirling him ,so she put up a professional face ,smiled politely and replied:"Hello sir,your wife is inside getting ready for w C-section."
"Can I go in?" he asked.
She couldn't resist to act a bit sassy ,so she looked at him and said:"Not like that you can"
"Excuse me?!"Uh-oh.He sounded irritated.But she was adamant .So she took a deep breath and told him to wear scrubs.As she expected ,he refused.She thought to herself:" I am a professional and in charge .And I'll be damned if anything goes wrong on my watch!"
As much as she loved prince ,her career was her pride and joy.She took pride in the respect she got through the years and she was proud of herself that she maintained her integrity.So she replied:"Well it looks like you won't be seeing your wife then"
As the man turned beet red and was clearly pissed,Angelica realized she had to change the course of this conversation if she wanted to keep her job.Because she knew he was a force to be reckoned with.So while thinking of options just in case she lost her job,she pleaded with him.She understood his anger but she wanted him to understand her too,that she was just trying to do her job.Her pleading seemed to work because he started to calm down.Without a word he turned around and went to change.She sighed of relief...

When he came back he was fully dressed in scrubs ,even the shoes .Although Angelica found it quite hysterical to see him like this,she kept a poker face and pretended to look very serious.He looked embarrassed and he smiled apologetically at her.
"I'm sorry.I shouldn't have lost my temper like that.But I'm a little on edge you know"
He innocently looked at her with those hazel eyes and she couldn't help but melt inside.Angelica understood him completely and maybe she would have lost her temper too given the circumstance.
"Don't worry Mr.Nelson,I understand" she replied.
He stared down at his attire and started fidgeting uncomfortably.Angelica couldn't help but smile ,as she found it very amusing.She kept quiet ,though.She didn't want him to get angry again.
"Thank you,nurse errr...." he said inquisitively
"Angelica...."he replied softly." Angel"
"Can I call you Angel?" He asked sweetly
Angelica smiled and thought to herself:"Your wife already does..."
Instead she just replied:"Sure"
She led hm into the O.R.and said :"Okay Mr .Nelson,let's go get your baby"
"Ok Angel,let's do this"

In the O.R. Mayte was about to receive her epidural.Her husband walked up to her and hugged her for a few seconds before his wife started to chuckle.
"Angel you are a miracle worker.You got this man to wear scrubs??"
Angelica laughed and winked at her.
"Yeah yeah have a good laugh..." He replied.
"Honey you really look funny,but very cute.....Ow!"
She grabbed her belly in agony
"Are you okay?" He asked with concern
"Yeah,it's just....oooohh shit!!This hurts!"she cried
He tried to calm her down by stroking her hair.
"'s okay.I'm here ,everything will be alright"
"Are you sure ?" she sniffeled
"Mm-hmm .It's in God's hands"

As Angelica watched the two lovebirds,she could not recognize the guy who wrote all those explicit songs not so long ago.Here she saw a family man supporting his wife in the most loving and gentle way.She started to get emotional at the thought how much love can change a man,and she started to get teary eyed.She admired him even more.Just as she wanted to turn around,he looked up and saw her emotion.He just smiled at her as if he knew how she felt.The other nurse came and gave Mayte her epidural. Then it was time for the surgery to happen.
"Should all these lights be on?" He asked Angelica
"Unfortunately ,yes"
He just sighed and went to stand next to his wife.Obviously he was very protective of her.Gary came and performed the surgery.
"Okay Mr.Nelson,you have a baby boy"
He looked up at his son with so much joy and gratitude.Tears were streaming down his face."My son....Why is he not crying?"
Angelica quickly took the baby and brought him for oxygen.When he arrived ,his son was receiving oxygen.
"Angel,what's wrong with my son?Why is he not crying??"
Angelica knew exactly what was going on and she felt deeply for this man ,knowing how much he longed for a family.She told him exactly what is going on.
"Sir ,your son can't breathe on his own.There are many reasons for that.But we have to run some tests..."
"No!No needles on my son.You will hurt him"
"No Angel ,no one touches my son.Not one hair on his head is to be harmed.Do you hear me??"
Angelica looked at this man desperately trying to protect his son and her heart went out to him.He put his hand on his head as if he was defeated. She could read panic all over his face.Without a word she walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder and that's when he broke down.He cried and cried.And cried...
"What am I going to tell my wife?How will I face her?She will be crushed."
He looked at her almost as if he were pleading.
"Help me us.Money doesn't matter.I just want my son to live..."
"We will do the best we can,sir.Just take some rest.I will talk to her."
"Thank you"

As expected Mayte let out a loud cry when Angelica told her.But she managed to calm them down and helped them think positive.Some tests were done on the baby and the results would be in the next day
But her shift was over so it was time for her to go.
She walked up to them and hugged them."It will be alright .Have faith."
And with that she walked out of the O.R.When she reached her car she felt emotionally exhausted.She broke down and cried ....

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