Chapter 8:Let's Have a Baby

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It's been 4 weeks after Angelica went to Paisley Park.She went back to her normal life after that,with Prince calling daily.He told her he would be very busy and by no means should she feel abandoned.He went into the rabbit hole to record some music and after that ,he left for Europe to perform.The past week ,though ,Angelica has not been feeling well.She felt tired all the time and nauseous. But instead of vomitimg ,she belches a lot.Which was quite embarrassing,especially at work.Not to mention her aching breasts,that seemed bigger somehow.Could she be pregnant?And if she was ,how would Prince react?They haven't used protection by any means,nor did it come up.She knew he loved kids and really wanted one of his own.He called her everyday,but she hid the fact that she wasn't feeling well from him.Everytime she felt the urge to belch,she would end the conversation.She was too embarrassed to let him hear them.
Angelica bought some pregnancy tests and called her friend Dominique for moral support. Dom knew her friend wasn't feeling well,so she brought her some soup and some crackers.
"Hi girl,how are you feeling?I brought you some chicken soup"
Angelica was starving and the soup smelled so good,so she devoured it right away.She knew she would feel nauseous again after eating ,but she was so damn hungry all the time and she couldn't control it.
"Thanks Dom,I was so hungry" she said.Not long after the nausea kicked in and she laid on her couch rubbing her stomach to settle.
"Oh God...,not again...!she groaned
" Angie what's wrong with you,you have been like this for a week.Did you see a doctor?"
Angelica sighed:"No...but I think I'm pregnant.I bought some tests to find out and I needed your moral support"
Dom's eyes grew wide :"What?Does Prince know?"
"No.He has been busy these past few weeks and I didn't want to disturb him.He does call daily ,though.Will you support me?"
"Ofcourse girl...that man has some super sperm " she said while shaking her head.Angelica let out a small chuckle at her friend's choice of words.Right after she let out some small belches.
"Does he know about your...belches?" Dom asked her friend.
"No,I just cut him short everytime I feel the urge.It's embarrassing Dominique"
"You should tell him Angie..-"
"Tell me what?" They both looked at the door and there he was.The man of the hour.Prince decided to surprise his girl,because he missed her so much.But also because he felt he being a bit off this past week.She always cut him short for some reason and he wanted to know why.As he saw her pained expression while laying on the couch,he knew something was wrong.He watched them inquisitively as it was obvious she was hiding something from him.
"What's going on Angelica?" Oh no ,he is angry.He used her full name.Angelica covered her mouth and pleadingly looked at Dom.She was too scared to talk.So Dom spoke.
"Prince,Angelica has been feeling nauseous for the past week"
Prince's expression softened as he walked up to her on the couch.He gently stroked her hair and watched her desperately cover her mouth with both hands.Her eyes started to well.
"Oh baby,why didn't you tell me?" How are you feeling?Why are you covering your mouth?"
Dom answered again:"Well...she's a bit embarrassed because instead of vomiting she just....belches.Which is also why she couldn't talk to you on the phone too long."
"Baby,there is nothing to be embarrassed about.Talk to me" he said while uncovering her mouth.
"Hey baby" Angelica said
"Hey mama,how're you feeling?"
Just at that moment a wave of nausea kicked in and she let out a loud belch."Oh God...not again"she groaned.She was frustrated and started to cry. "I hate this!"
Prince gave her a sympathetic look while rubbing her stomach to settle.His hand traveled to her lower abdomen and it felt....firmer?Could she be...?His eyes observed her slightly larger breasts.His heart skipped a beat.He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.But he remained calm.
"Baby are you pregnant?" He asked carefully.He hoped his excitement would not be heard in his voice.
"I don't know...maybe.I bought some tests to find out."
Angelica took the tests and went to the bathroom ,while Prince and Dom waited outside.The suspense was killing him and he nervously started to pace around.When the door opened he watched her expectantly.
She smiled and said:"Honey,I'm pregnant"
Prince kneeled in front of her,lifted up her shirt and kissed her belly.
"Hey there ,little one,this is your daddy. We are so happy you are here.I promise to love you and nurture you and your mommy.I love you and can't wait for you to arrive" he got emotional and grabbed her waist and cried.Angelica and Dom watched this man and they teared up as well.
"Congrats you two" Dom said.
"Thank you " they said in unison
"Okay girl,I'll leave you two alone ,talk to you later Angie" and with that ,Dom left the two parents to be alone.
Angelica turned on the tv and sat on the couch ,while Prince absentmindedly drew circles on her bare belly,occasionally placing gentle kisses on it.She stroked his hair like he did hers,to bring him at ease.He looked up to her and gave her a look of gratitude.
"You have made me the happiest man ,Angel.And I will spend the rest of my life showing you gratitude for this gift."
She smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"How are you feeling ,mama?Still nauseous?"
"A little...mostly after eating,which I seem to be doing a lot these days.I'm always hungry"
"What other symptoms do you have?"
"Well,my breasts hurt and seem a bit bigger"
He slipped his hand into her bra and cupped her breast ,giving it a slight squeeze.
"Yep definitely bigger " he said with a smile
"Also my lower abdomen feels...different"
Prince thought of the slight firmness in her lower abdomen."I did feel your lower abdomen being a bit firm.Not as soft as it used to be.'
Angelica nodded.
"I need to make an apointment with the OB /Gyn"
"Ok I'm coming with you.And please do not let your ex be your doctor okay?I would prefer a female doctor. I don't want other men looking at my cookie
Angelica laughed at his description of her private parts.
" Okay honey ,no problem"she replied
At that moment her stomach let out a loud grumble.Prince smiled."Our baby will definitely have your appetite."Then he spoke to her belly:"Are you hungry little one?Daddy's gonna feed you"and he planted a kiss on her belly.
"C'mon mama,time to feed you"
He made some sandwiches for her.She loved grilled cheese sandwiches.He also made sure her pickles and crackers were close just in case she felt nauseous.She smiled at him and said:"Look at you getting domestic"
Prince chuckled and said :"Right now I'm nothing else but an expectant father."
He poured some orange juice for her and himself and he watched her as she hungrily finished her sandwiches.He observed her and after a few minutes she felt nauseous again.He urged her to try a pickle.She ate it and felt her stomach settle.

4 weeks later at Paisley Park
Angelica was now 8 weeks pregnant and seemed to be growing at a rapid rate,much to Prince's delight. He loved all the changes her body made and it was no surprise that their lovemaking has increased.With both being in overdrive ,they spent a lot more time in the bedroom.Sometimes he had to slow her down and remind her that she was pregnant.Who knew that behind that shy personality there was a freaky little vixen waiting to come out.And come she did....multiple times!Angelica has been eating healthy ,which was not a surprise ,because Prince was monitoring her diet.Mostly vegetarian food ,but when she craved meat ,they would go to a restaurant to eat.Angelica decided to stop working to focus on the baby.She moved in to Paisley Park and her house has been sold.It was hard for her to make that change ,but she did it anyway.Dom promised to visit frequently .

After yet another lovemaking session,Prince drew her a bath and massaged her body afterwards.She loved his massages and dozed off feeling relaxed.When she woke up an hour later,she took a shower and put on a loose shirt and some leggings.She entered the living room and saw Prince sleeping in front of the tv.She watched him and her heart melted.She was so grateful for the way he has been taking care of her.Always being right there at her every call.He even stopped all projects until after the baby was born.He wanted to focus on her and the baby.She decided to surprise him and cook for him.She walked in the kitchen and started prepring spaghetti with home made tomato sauce and toasted garlic bread with cheese on top.For desert she was going to make a virgin version of tiramisu.Suddenly she felt two hands on her belly,as he whispered in her ear.
"Hmmm...smells so good in here.What are we having mama?"
"Spaghetti and virgin tiramisu"
"I can't wait to taste it"
An hour later Angelica and Prince were enjoying their meal.He loved her cooking and quickly finished his plate.
"That was delicious,if you keep cooking like that I might need a personal trainer to help me lose weight" he joked
Angelica just made a face and took a second helping."Don't go overboard mama,I don't want you to feel uncomfortable afterwards"
"I won't, I promise"
She ate her food and finished her plate.She ate a pickle to keep her nausea at bay.Prince placed his hands on her belly and noticed how firm t was.
"You've had enough baby.I will clean up.Wait for me in the living room okay?"
Angelica nodded like a little girl being scolded as tears started to surface.She has been so emotionally sensitive these days.
"What's wrong?"
"Angelica why are you crying"
"Nothing,just forget it"
He hated when she did that.And for a moment he lost his temper and raised his voice.
"Would you stop acting like a child and tell me whats wrong?"
Angelica felt hurt but didn't say anything. She just went to bed and closed the door.Prince let out a frustrated sigh and started to clean up.Afterwards he went to the bedroom and could hear her crying. He regretted his actions and knew he had to be more patient with her.She was such a sensitive woman.He entered the room and sat next to her on the bed.He placed his hand on her belly.
"I'm sorry.I shouldn't have yelled at you"
"If you're tired of me,just tell me and I will leave.I don't want to be a burden"
Prince was shocked at her response.How could she think she is a burden while carrying his most valuable gift?
"Angel look at me" As she lifted her head to look at him,tears streamed down her face.His heart melted as he saw the hurt in her eyes
" I'm so sorry ,c'mere" he held her in a tight embrace and wiped her tears.
"How could you think that you're a burden?how could you..." His voice cracked as tears filled his eyes.He was hurt that she thought that way.He took a deep breath and continued.
"You're carrying my baby,my most precious gift.You have given me so much joy Angelica,I could never be fed up with you.I love you woman"
"I'm sorry Prince ,but I dont know why I cry so easily."
"Hormones ,baby.It's part of the package deal.I should have been more patient with you.You can't help it" he said while gently stroking her belly.
"How do you feel?"
He laid down next to her and held her expanding waist.He noticed the loose shirt from earlier was not so loose anymore.He lifted up her shirt and saw why.
"Baby,need a belly rub?I'm guessing you went overboard at dinner tonight"
"Yeah a little"
He gently rubbed her belly and chuckled.
"What's so funny"
"This baby will make me file for bankruptcy, as I wont have enough food to feed it"
Angelica rolled her eyes at him and he started to laugh....

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