
963 34 3

October 16 ,1997

A 22-year old woman was brought in to the O.R. for an emergency C-section.From her grimaces it is obvious that she is in labor.As the nurse was prepping her for the C-section,the only sound you could hear was the beeping of the heart monitor,displaying her vitals.From the looks of it ,she was a healthy ,young,Hispanic woman.Suddenly the clicking of heels on the hospital tiles disrupted the enjoyable silence as they clicked rapidly in the hallway.The owner of those heels was a petite man with hazel/green eyes and a light complexion.He looked calm on the outside but his eyes displayed a hint of worry.
"Hi,I am here to see my wife?" His voice sounded like like a calm breeze on the riverside;deep and very masculine.He was dressed in black trousers and a black sweater.His only accessories were a golden weddingband on his left hand,a silver necklace with the Scorpio zodiac sign and earcuffs.Apart from that,he was ordinarily dressed.He sported a short hairdo and a small goatee.But he was far from ordinary....

The O.R.nurse greeted the man and said:"Hello sir,your wife is inside getting ready for a C-section."
"Can I go in?"
"Not like that you can"
"Excuse me?!"
The nurse inhaled deeply and replied:"You have to change into scrubs before entering the O.R."
The man had an unpronounceable name,but was formerly known as Prince.He looked at the nurse and shook his head firmly."Absolutely not!I will NOT wear that under ANY circumstance !"
"Well then,it looks like you won't be seeing your wife then", the nurse said dryly.
Mr.Nelson,as he was called by the hospital staff,looked outraged and his face turned beet red.Despite his small stature he was a force to be reckoned with,especially when angry.And right now he was pissed!
" This is outrageous!You have to let me in!I demand to see Mayte RIGHT NOW!!"
Unphased by his outburst ,she looked him straight in the eye and replied calmly:"You are not in charge here,I am .So if you want to meet your wife,I suggest you wear the appropiate attire,i.e. scrubs.Its hosptial policy to guarantee the safety of our patients,including your wife.So please let me do my job ?I promise you everything is confidential."
After a long pause he seemingly calmed down,gave in and changed into scrubs.As he faced the nurse again,he looked a little embarrassed and smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry.I shouldn't have lost my temper like that.But I am a little on edge you know?"
He looked at her with his doe eyes displaying sincere regret.
"Don't worry Mr.Nelson,I understand."
He stared down at his attire and started fidgeting uncomfortably.The nurse looked amused but did not say anything.
"Thank you nurse errr....."
"Angelica..." he repeated softly."Angel"
"Can I call you Angel?"
"Sure" she replied as she led him to the O.R.
"Okay Mr.Nelson,let's go get your baby
He smiled at her
"Ok Angel lets do this"
As she closed the doors ,she sighed and said to herself:"Celebrities...."
As she went to face one of the most challenging days of her career ,unknowingly this will be the start of an amazing journey that would change her life forever..,...

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