A Kitten Called Cat

By GarethN

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I just made a couple of small mistakes, that's all... the sort of mistakes that anybody could make. There was... More

Prologue - A Kitten All Alone
Chapter One - The 'Sleeping in the Dustbins' Image
Chapter Two - Mr Bossy's Apartment
Chapter Three - Spaghetti Carbonara
Chapter Four - More Questions Than Answers
Chapter Five - The Kitten Necklace
Chapter Six - Kitten Makes a Big Mistake
Chapter Seven - An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter Eight - A Feast of Consequences
Chapter Nine - The Purrfect Pet
Chapter Ten - Kitten Ears
Chapter Eleven - The Piano
Chapter Twelve - Chocolate! CHOCOLATE!
Chapter Thirteen - You Belong to Me
Chapter Fourteen - A Walk In The Woods
Chapter Fifteen - A Sharp Reminder
Chapter Sixteen - A Suitable Dress
Chapter Seventeen - Titanic Headland
Chapter Eighteen - Miss Behaviour
Chapter Nineteen - Hostess
Chapter Twenty - Dinner for Two
Chapter Twenty One - A Walk...
Chapter Twenty Two - ... And A Talk
Chapter Twenty Three - A Lost Kitten's Tale...
Chapter Twenty Four - And A Lost Kitten's Tail
Chapter Twenty Five - Strawberry Fondue
Chapter Twenty Six - Slimeball Simone
Chapter Twenty Seven - Mr Bossy's Office
Chapter Twenty Eight - Attack
Chapter Twenty Nine - Hospital
Chapter Thirty - Afternoon Cappuccino
Chapter Thirty One - A New Family
Chapter Thirty Two - La Villa Strangiato
Chapter Thirty Three - Two Visitors
Chapter Thirty Four - The Beautiful And The Ugly
Chapter Thirty Five - Restaurant La Conia
Chapter Thirty Seven - Home again
Chapter Thirty Eight - Drug War
Chapter Thirty Nine - The Big Wave
Chapter Forty - Arncliffe House
Chapter Forty One - Driving Lessons
Chapter Forty Two - Christmas in Italy
Chapter Forty Three - The Ambush
Chapter Forty Four - Beware the Small Crocodiles
Epilogue - Kitten Walks Again
Appendix - The People In My Story

Chapter Thirty Six - Helping Out My Sister

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By GarethN

The next day, Mr Bossy and Dr Nil disappeared after lunch and the huge villa seemed sad and empty without them. I was a bit fed up and Terri was even worse and a couple of times we got pretty close to being nasty and catty with each other. Nonno must have picked up on this so he sent us to bed earlier than usual.

He didn't tell us to go straight to sleep though so, after I'd gone to bed, Terri appeared and flopped down, next to me. "I'm sorry I was kinda bitchy tonight," she said.

"I wasn't much better," I admitted. "I guess I'm missing Mr Bossy already."

"It's alright for you," Terri said. "At least you get to spend the nights with him when he's here!" She was trying to sound all jokey about it but her frustration came bubbling out. "I'm just... like... I don't know..."

"You've got an ache?" Luckily it was quite dark so she couldn't see I'd gone bright red.

"You can say that again!"

"I know all about that ache!" I told her. "It was months before Mr Bossy would give me any attention like that!"

"Months!" Terri gasped. "How on earth did you survive?" I already feel like I'm about to explode or start screaming or something!"

I thought for a moment and then came to a decision. She was my sister and I didn't need to keep any secrets from her. "He caught me... like... trying to relieve the ache and... you know... helped me to help myself."

"Oh Jeez!" she exploded. "I'd have... like... literally died of embarrassment or something! She sat up in bed and turned round so that she was looking me straight in the eye. "So! What happened?"

I wanted to look away but I forced myself to sit up and meet her eye as I told her about the whole death-by-embarrassment thing.

When I was done, I was a bit surprised when she didn't say anything. I thought she might have fallen asleep or something - her eyes were closed - but then I realised that she was rubbing herself through the thin material of her pyjama shorts.

I froze. I just didn't know what to do. It was another of those 'social situations' that Miss Behaviour had never talked about. I had to have a little think but then I said, "That, Sister, is never going to cut it. Hang on a moment..."

I scurried over to the bathroom to collect a tube of the slimy toothpaste stuff that had magically appeared in my washbag after Mr Lovely's visit.

"Pyjama bottoms off!" I ordered her as I hopped back onto the bed. Now I'd decided to help, my embarrassment just evaporated. She gave me a funny look but did as she was told.

I sat down opposite her and, when her bottom half was completely naked, I put my hands on her knees and eased her thighs apart, like Mr Bossy had done for me. She was definitely looking confused but I gave her a friendly smile and stroked the inside of her thighs gently with my thumbs.

"Give me your hand," I told her and I smeared some of the stuff onto her fingers. "Now start rubbing yourself properly," I ordered her.

She hesitated but I gave her my best Mr Bossy look and she started smearing the stuff onto herself. She met my eye, amazed that she'd be doing this in front of somebody else... even me.

She was embarrassed, of course, but, as her fingers carried on their slimy work, she got distracted and her eyes drifted closed. "Eyes open, Sister," I said. She did as she was told and gave me a weak smile.

It was a very different experience, but it still felt rather wonderful, to be sitting on the other end of the fingers . At first I managed to hold myself a bit apart but, because I was staring into Terri's eyes, I found myself sharing in with her sensations. My breathing quickened with hers and it was a real struggle when I had to tell her to stop and put her hands behind her head.

I remembered my own shock and outrage so I gave my sister a reassuring smile. She was about to complain so I said, "No talking now!" I vaguely wondered where that had come from but then I realised that I'd been getting expert bossiness training over the last couple of months!

I gave her a couple of seconds to let her frustration build up properly so curious kitten took the chance to inspect her down below - I'd never seen a girl in that state before - and you can't usefully inspect yourself! She was opening up a bit and was all soggy! I wanted to reach over and touch her but I managed to stop myself. I mean... we were very close to the edge of all sorts of boundaries here and that would definitely be going way, way beyond.

"OK, top off," I told her when she'd had long enough. I helped to ease her pyjama top off and got a proper look at her breasts for the first time. She was bigger than me and they stood out large and proud... but they sagged a little bit under their own weight.

Then I got her doing the circles round the nipples thing and I definitely found myself sharing in that experience... her nipples were much more sensitive than mine. She was making a lot of noise and, down below, her lips were easing further apart and she was getting even soggier - there was even stuff dripping down onto the bedclothes.

When I told her to start pinching her nipples, she froze in utter shock. "Just do it!" I told her in my best Mr Bossy voice and, amazingly, she did as she was told. I found myself gasping in time with her as pulses surged down from my own nipples making everything down below clench together in time with her.

Maybe I was enjoying her surges a bit too much. When I told her to start rubbing herself down below with her left hand, I had to stop my own hand from slipping downwards... but I'm really not sure what I wanted to stroke... her body or mine. "In time with me!" I reminded her as she tried to speed up. I stared deep into her eyes as her mouth gaped open in frustrated pleasure and we smiled at each other as a funny kind of shared shiver passed through us both.

So she carried on stroking herself... in time with the horribly slow pace I was setting with my thumbs on her thighs. I could see she was getting close as we gasped and panted together.

I could feel her climax coming but I couldn't let her have it too easily. "You wait for my permission!" I told her firmly. I mean... I could see the desperation in her eyes but I couldn't show her any mercy. "Keep stroking!"

She carried on obediently and she kept trying to look into my eyes though by now her gaze was pretty glazy. I could feel with her as the pressure mounted, struggling to hold back that unstoppable wave.

"Wait for it!" I said though I really didn't know how long we could put it off. "Wait for it..." I repeated. "Wait for it..."

"And now!" I gasped and, for a moment, I had the image of my sister's face stretched in ecstasy.

But that image was blasted from my mind as that same wave overwhelmed me... and I hadn't laid so much as a finger on my bits.

I didn't know my body could do that.

Apparently it could.

The next thing I knew, Terri was looking me in the eye and had a huge smile on her face. "Thank you, Sister!" she said with an enormous sigh. "That feels so much better!"

We collapsed into the giggles of embarrassment that we'd been keeping bottled up then fell into each other's arms before flopping down onto the bed, exhausted but completely satisfied.

We were still wrapped round each other when I woke the next morning. I knew I must have done something right because it was light outside and my sister was still asleep and not hassling me to wake up. She was still naked, of course, but, after last night, that was never going to matter again.

I untangled myself and reached for my phone. I needed to tell Master.

"Good morning, Mr Lovely," I texted. "I have a confession to make. I don't think you'll be Mr Grumpy but I need to tell you."

The response came back very promptly. "Good morning, Kitten. Elaborate, please!"

"Terri had an ache so I used the Mr Bossy method to sort it out for her. I didn't play with your property but I enjoyed the experience too."

"I'm slightly disappointed..." he replied. I hadn't quite got round to feeling upset about hurting his feelings when another text arrived saying, "...that I wasn't there to supervise!"

I giggled at that.

We swapped a couple more texts, just for the fun of swapping texts, then he left me with the slightly menacing message, "I shall have to consider an apposite punishment for Friday!"

My bottom bits twitched in anticipation but I wasn't frightened.

But maybe just a bit nervous!

Monday was a quiet day. It was a bit rainy and, even though it didn't have the grey grimness of England in October, it still put a bit of a damper on things. I also had dirty great heaps of homework that I hadn't managed to finish over the weekend.

But Tuesday was warm and sunny so Terri took me to the private beach she'd told me about. It was a spectacular place with a steep cliff behind us and two rocky headlands reaching around a little bay with unbelievably blue water - it was so clear you could see the fish swimming about in it. The bay acted as a sort of sun trap and, though the sea was too cold to swim, we could paddle and relax in the sunshine as we enjoyed the scenery.

On Thursday, we went for a day trip down to Pompeii which was way beyond amazing. I'd heard of the place, of course, but to see it in real life was simply astonishing. It was a bit funny to have a couple of armed security guards following us around but, particularly after Slimeball's escape, there was no way that Nonno would let us go without.

I just couldn't settle on Friday because I knew that Mr Bossy was coming to take me home. I was looking forward to it but I knew that I was going to miss my new sister terribly.

And then there was the punishment to think about!

When we woke up after our afternoon nap, Terri insisted that I join her for a swim. It was a bit chilly but she'd made her mind up so I let her bully me! I splashed around in the shallow end for a while but it was really too cold for that so I started swimming properly: the head-down, face-under-water front crawl she'd taught me.

But then I noticed somebody standing in the middle of my lane... like... right in front of me. I had to do a bit of an emergency stop or I'd have smacked right into them. I was moderately grumpy and, as I came spluttering up, I was about to tell the lane blocker what I thought of them disturbing my swim.

But all traces of grump evaporated as Mr Lovely put his arms around me. I gave a funny sort of squeak but that was silenced as his lips closed on mine.

"You've been practicing," he said when, at last, he let me come up for air... I guessed he was talking about swimming rather than kissing! "Come on! Let's go!" He set off up the pool in an elegant but efficient crawl and I followed. We swam for a while before he casually hopped out of the pool. Then he leaned down with a single hand and hauled me out as if I weighed nothing.

And, for the first time, I saw his chest and arms.

He was a mess.

I could see one scar that looked like a bullet wound and a couple more that could have come from knives. Then there was a big patch of funny looking stuff that looked as if it had been done by a mincing machine or something.

"You should have seen the other guy," he said with a smile when he saw me looking.

"What happened?" I asked numbly.

"In the early days of the company, before I established my Enforcement Division, I was obliged to take a more 'hands on' approach to dealing with delinquent accounts. Some of the people we were working with resented my attempts to encourage them to put their affairs in order."


"But enough of that, Kitten," he said as he wrapped a bathrobe around my shoulders. "We need to have a little talk, don't we?"

Uh oh!

We shouted our goodbyes to Dr Nil and Terri who were swimming a safe distance apart under Zi'Anna's careful supervision but they didn't seem to notice us! They were too busy trying to avoid ogling each other's bodies!

He led me up through the garden to his room. "Clothes off and lie on your back on the bed," he told me

Double uh oh!

Of course I did as I was told. I felt distinctly nervous, though!

He wandered off, whistling quietly under his breath - and when I realised that it was his silly 'Punishment fits the crime' song, it didn't make me feel any better. He returned a short time later and popped a blindfold on me. Then he sat down on a chair at the end of the bed and shuffled me round so my legs were draped over his and my bottom was propped up on a pillow for his punishing convenience.

"Right, Kitten," he said, "hands behind your head."

I obeyed immediately though, of course, it made me feel even more vulnerable.

He left me like that for what felt like a long time and, as I waited, a yearning ache grew in my exposed bits. Whatever he was planning, I wished he'd get on with it.

There was the lightest of touches... almost a tickle, on the inside of my thighs, just above my knees. Then gradually... gradually... it turned into a stroking action... but just his fingertips... and, even more gradually, they began to work their way up. I just settled back into the pleasure. I knew it was all going to change into one of his crazy, mixed up sex punishment things later on but I might as well enjoy it whilst I had the chance!

The gentle, tender stroking worked its way slowly upwards... much too slowly... my bits were screaming out for his attention. I wanted to reach down and pull his hands up a bit but I managed to resist. That would not end well!

My tension mounted as his finger tips drew closer and I found myself holding my breath... but Mr Bossy just paused his stroking and only started again when I was breathing normally.

Suddenly my whole body was seized by a convulsive surge as he leaned down and gave me a butterfly-like kiss on my lower lips. "Your body is perfect," he murmured and a wave of warmth swept through me to meet his lips in a pulse of pure liquid pleasure.

"Right," he said, settling back in his chair. "Enough of that! It's time for your punishment!" I flinched as he rubbed slimy stuff into my bottom and my knees would have been clamped very firmly together if he hadn't been holding them apart with his elbows. As it was, I had to struggle to keep my hands behind my head. The struggle became even more tricky as he turned on some sort of kitten purrer thing and started waving it around between my thighs. My bits were already twitching wildly before he even touched me with the thing!

Then I gave an almighty jolt as he tapped the thing against me. He chuckled and leaned in to kiss me again then started rubbing the thing backwards and forwards along the slimy cleft of my bottom. The thing was set at a wonderfully gentle, thrumming level and I could hear myself making a sort of funny gurgling noise in pleasure as he rubbed it up and down. He chuckled again then said, "Right, Kitten! Tell me all about it!"

"You waaa?" was all I could manage by way of reply. Though having the thing on my bottom was quite nice, I really needed him to move it a bit further forwards... and it was making it a bit tricky to concentrate on what he was saying.

"Not good enough, Kitten," he told me and, with a slight click, the intensity of his purrer thing nudged higher. It was still gentle... but a tiny bit more urgent. "Let's try again, shall we," he said and I could hear his smile. "Tell me all about it."

I forced my brain to turn back on - which was really tricky in that particular situation - and managed to work out that Mr Meany Pants expected me to tell him about what I'd done with Terri... whilst he was torturing my bottom with his purry thing.

"Too slow!" he said with a tone of slightly disappointed amusement. "I really do suggest you get on. This thing has got twenty levels and we have two hours until dinner.

So, desperately trying to concentrate, I started to tell him about the naughty evening when I'd found myself helping out my sister.

The purrer was clicked up a couple of times as I told the tale. Once because he wanted to know more about how it had made me feel and once, when I got all distracted and just stopped talking.

At last I got to the bit where Terri was reaching her climax and, as I told him about that part, I found myself slipping into the mindset again. My breathing got quicker and my eyes were firmly closed behind the blindfold.

But my mind was cruelly brought back on track by a sharp pat on my lady parts with a couple of his fingers. It wasn't quite a slap but the shock yanked me back from the edge and left me ready to scream in frustration. "None of that, Kitten!" he told me sharply. "You're supposed to be being punished here, remember."

I gave a pitiful wail and I sort of wanted to hate him but I couldn't because he was my lovely, lovely Master and, anyway, I suppose he was right, really.

So I carried on with my story instead.

He seemed fascinated by the way I'd managed to make myself explode just by sharing in with my sister's feelings and he quizzed me about it in such detail that I found myself slipping back into the same state again until he pulled me back with another sharp pat.

And I really, really hated it when he did that!

At last he finished questioning me and he removed his purrer thing from my bottom and clicked it off. He was quiet for a moment and I could smell some wipy type things so I guess he was cleaning the thing off.

"OK, Kitten," he said when he had finished. He clicked on his purry thing, putting it back, I guess, to the level it had been at before, and started tracing slow circles around my most tender parts. "What do you think I feel about it?" he asked mildly

My throat made a funny little waily noise but I hurriedly pressed on because I didn't think I'd be able to cope with any more clicks. "You're a bit disappointed..." I had to gasp for a moment because he'd found a particularly sensitive bit, "but not really upset... about me helping her out... because... because..." He was circling in closer and that was making it really hard to concentrate.

There was another of the dreaded clicks!

Oh no!

"Because she's my sister and I was just..." gasp... "like... Aagh!"

In the heat of the moment, I'd forgotten his stupid 'dislike of the word like' thing and to remind me he'd just touched his kitten purrer against my sweet spot. My hips jerked violently up off the pillow.


Oh dear!

"And I was just trying to help her out a bit," I hurried on as his circling resumed.

"Correct," he agreed. "So why am I Mr Grumpy?"

"I don't know!" I answered, with a slight hint of irritation slipping out in my voice.


"Hey! That's not fair!" I gasped. "I really don't know."

"True, it wasn't fair at all," he agreed... Click!

And that click definitely, definitely wasn't fair... but I decided that I probably shouldn't say anything about it.

"Wise choice!" he observed. Sometimes I really hate it when he knows what I'm thinking!

He carried on with his gentle circling but, by now, the level of purr was so high that I could hardly breathe, let alone think.

"OK, let's give you a clue. Who does this belong to?" He leaned down and kissed me on my sweet spot again.

Things down there started to clench up again until they were interrupted by another one of his merciless gentle taps.

At least he gave me a couple of seconds this time to recover before he resumed his circling and questioning. He could probably see how close I was to a complete meltdown. "So who does it belong to?"

"You, Master."


I forced myself to think, even though it seemed impossible. "Oh yeah!" I gasped at last.

"Oh yeah!" he responded. "You are not allowed any orgasms unless I deign to give them to you."

"I'm sorry, Master..." gasp... "It just crept up on me..." gasp... "when I wasn't expecting it."

"I promise you that the next one won't just creep up on you. Now hang on..." he stepped around the bed and slipped a gag into my mouth. "You may be a trifle loud otherwise."

He sat back down and clicked the purrer up three more clicks. "Let's see how close to the edge we can take you!" he said as he eased the thing just inside my soggy folds.

My entire body convulsed and I would have shattered into a million pieces if he hadn't whipped it out and given me another firm tap - and even that was only just enough. And I'd have certainly screamed out loud if it hadn't been for the gag.

"That would appear to be too much for you," he observed. He was finding it much too funny for my liking as I lay there, writhing and panting. "Let's try this instead." He turned his toy down a couple of clicks and started rubbing it back and forth along the length of my lower lips.

I don't know how many times he brought me to the edge of the cliff and then pulled me back. Certainly it felt like a lot. And every time my frustration... my desperation grew until it was at the point of tearing me apart.

Only the fact that it was my Master stopped me from collapsing into some sort of wild, hysterical panic. I trusted him completely. He knew my body better than I knew it myself. He would never give me more than I could take.

But, in spite of that trust, it reached the stage where I was fighting against his attempts to push me towards the edge because I knew they were going to end in disappointment and even more frustration.

And, because I was fighting against him, every time, the cliff grew higher.

And higher...

And higher...

Until, of course, he decided I was ready to be pushed over the edge.

I was lying, curled up in his arms when I came back to my senses. He was smiling down with his loveliest Mr Lovely smile and I couldn't help but smile back. "You're beautiful," he said.

My hair was a mess from swimming, I was bathed in sweat, my face was red and I was a complete soggy mess down below.

But if he thought I was beautiful, who was I to argue. I smiled back at him.

"So, did you enjoy that?" he asked, still smiling.

"I don't know, Master," I answered after thinking about it for a bit. "I'm just your 'icle kitten. I can't answer hard questions like that."

He smiled and then patted me on the bottom. "Come on then, 'Icle Kitten," he said. "It's time to dress for dinner."

He scooped me up and carried me into his shower.

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