A Kitten Called Cat

By GarethN

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I just made a couple of small mistakes, that's all... the sort of mistakes that anybody could make. There was... More

Prologue - A Kitten All Alone
Chapter One - The 'Sleeping in the Dustbins' Image
Chapter Two - Mr Bossy's Apartment
Chapter Three - Spaghetti Carbonara
Chapter Four - More Questions Than Answers
Chapter Five - The Kitten Necklace
Chapter Six - Kitten Makes a Big Mistake
Chapter Seven - An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter Eight - A Feast of Consequences
Chapter Nine - The Purrfect Pet
Chapter Ten - Kitten Ears
Chapter Eleven - The Piano
Chapter Twelve - Chocolate! CHOCOLATE!
Chapter Thirteen - You Belong to Me
Chapter Fourteen - A Walk In The Woods
Chapter Fifteen - A Sharp Reminder
Chapter Sixteen - A Suitable Dress
Chapter Seventeen - Titanic Headland
Chapter Eighteen - Miss Behaviour
Chapter Nineteen - Hostess
Chapter Twenty - Dinner for Two
Chapter Twenty One - A Walk...
Chapter Twenty Two - ... And A Talk
Chapter Twenty Three - A Lost Kitten's Tale...
Chapter Twenty Five - Strawberry Fondue
Chapter Twenty Six - Slimeball Simone
Chapter Twenty Seven - Mr Bossy's Office
Chapter Twenty Eight - Attack
Chapter Twenty Nine - Hospital
Chapter Thirty - Afternoon Cappuccino
Chapter Thirty One - A New Family
Chapter Thirty Two - La Villa Strangiato
Chapter Thirty Three - Two Visitors
Chapter Thirty Four - The Beautiful And The Ugly
Chapter Thirty Five - Restaurant La Conia
Chapter Thirty Six - Helping Out My Sister
Chapter Thirty Seven - Home again
Chapter Thirty Eight - Drug War
Chapter Thirty Nine - The Big Wave
Chapter Forty - Arncliffe House
Chapter Forty One - Driving Lessons
Chapter Forty Two - Christmas in Italy
Chapter Forty Three - The Ambush
Chapter Forty Four - Beware the Small Crocodiles
Epilogue - Kitten Walks Again
Appendix - The People In My Story

Chapter Twenty Four - And A Lost Kitten's Tail

545 26 1
By GarethN

Master was busy at his desk when I appeared. He clicked his fingers and pointed to the ground next to his chair and I hurried over to kneel next to him. I sort of wanted to burble more apologies but I knew that, if I did anything like that, he'd just put me over his lap and spank me.

So I kept my mouth firmly closed.

At last he finished his work and carefully pushed his monitor back and tucked the keyboard away underneath it.

"OK, Kitten," he said. "I understand that you were terribly frightened this afternoon so I am going to make you a promise. I am never, ever going to do the finger thing when you don't know you deserve it. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I forced myself to think before answering. And as I thought, I realised that what he was saying was enormously reassuring. "Yes, Master. Thank you," I replied at last.

"And what is more, I trust you in that way, Kitten, and I know that you are never going to betray me again."

It wasn't a question so I decided it was safest not to say anything.

"Right, Kitten, I want you to hop over to the sofa and collect one of the cushions.

I hurried to do as he said. He popped the cushion on the edge of the desk then picked me up and plonked me down on it so that my body was on the desk and my legs left dangling. My bottom was propped up perfectly for his spanking pleasure.

"Now, I want you to reach across and grab the far end of the desk."

I hurried to do as I was told. Even for a silly kitten, it was obvious what was going to happen if I didn't.

He settled back in his chair with a hand in the middle of my back. "So, Kitten, what did you do that was bad?"

"I got lost when I was out on my walk."

"Wrong, Kitten." It was wrong but he seemed to see it as a mistake not a lie because I didn't get a smack. "Let's try an easier question. Did you know that I didn't want you to go up onto Pen Tor on your own?"

He must have seen my reaction. "Oh, come on, Kitten. How do I know where you went? How did we know where to find you?"

"I don't know... Ow!" My answer was met by a sharp slap on the bottom.

But then he paused. "I'm sorry, Kitten," he said to my enormous surprise. "That was a very silly answer but it was not a lie so it didn't really deserve a slap. I owe you the absence of one slap." I could hear he was sort of laughing as he said it, which was, in a funny sort of a way, quite reassuring. "I'll give you a clue. I've known exactly where you are, to within about ten yards, since you were brought back here the first time.

I still didn't know what he was going on about and I was clever enough to keep quiet.

He lifted my right ankle up, forcing me to half turn round until I was in a sort of sideways splits position. The view must have been quite interesting for him... and the position was doing funny things to my body - particularly when he started to run his finger in a line around my right ankle.

But, I forced myself to think. "Oh yeah, I've got the tracker on me."

"Good Kitten." He lowered my leg and patted me gently on the bottom. So let's try again. Did you know that I didn't want you to go up onto Pen Tor?"

"You never said..."

I was expecting a slap so when he only gave me a faint tap, I jerked violently and stopped talking."

"That was the lack of one I owe you," he informed me firmly. "Let's try again. Did you know that I didn't want you to go up onto Pen Tor?"

I gave a sigh. "Yes, Master."

"So you were a disobedient kitten?"

"Yes, Master." I knew it was true.

"You just thought you could get away with it."

"Yes, Master."

"You were wrong!"

"Yes, Master."

"Recurring theme here?"

"Yes, Master."

"So now we come to the matter of your punishment. You already appreciate how silly and dangerous your actions were, don't you, Kitten?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then all that is required is something to keep this at the forefront of your mind for the next couple of days." He reached down and took something from his desk drawer. "I think the tail is called for."

I gave a sudden, sharp intake of breath.

He paused briefly. "Again, because of the way you were treated in the past, I'm going to give you the option of a more conventional punishment. Would you prefer that, Kitten?"

"Certainly not because of the way..." My unladylike language alert suddenly stopped me from saying any more.

"Good Kitten," Master said with a smile when he noticed my self control. He rubbed his hand gently over my bottom and, even though it was still quite sore from the slaps, it felt very nice. "I hereby, and for all time, suspend my language rules when you're talking about your stepfather. There probably is no ladylike way of describing your feelings for him. So you may call him whatever you like!"

In spite of my situation, I had to smile at that too. He wasn't wrong! "It's not because of the way that horrible man treated me, I explained. I'm just a bit scared of how much it will hurt."

"Don't worry about that, Kitten," he said with a laugh. "It won't hurt. That's not the way this punishment works. If it does, I promise that I'll terminate it straight away."

"I don't understand."

"Don't worry, Kitten, you will!" I felt one of his hands; it was warm on my lower back and stroking me gently and I realised that I was trembling. I could only imagine how painful this was going to be. I braced myself.

"But, instead of the pain I'd expected, there was this shocking wave of pleasure as something warm and oily was massaged into my bottom. It was his slimy toothpaste stuff again. So, instead of the anticipated scream, a deep sigh was torn from my throat. This definitely didn't feel like a punishment.

And, as he continued to massage, everything down there started to relax. It had no choice, faced with those insistent, massaging fingers. I gasped into the table top and gripped the edge more firmly.

Something slipped inside my bottom but it didn't feel like the tail's cork. From the way it moved, it almost felt like... like a finger! My brain tried to tell me that that ought to be horrible and yucky but, with the things he was doing to me down there, my brain had pretty much stopped working and was dripping out of my ears. I would have tensed up but a building wave of pleasure stopped me as those massaging fingers built waves of arousal through my whole body and, in particular, from back to front.

Then, with a sharp explosion of pleasure that was almost pain, the thing was eased into my bottom.

And then, with a couple more gentle strokes, he eased me back down until I was left, spread out on the table, though one of his hands continued to tenderly stroke my back. I was still trembling but it wasn't from fear any more.

"So, how does that feel, Kitten?" he asked.

It was a long time before I could talk but he waited patiently, still rubbing my back. "Quite nice, if I'm honest," I managed to confess. I was happy that I was face down on the desk. I'd probably have been too embarrassed to admit it if I'd been looking at him. I found myself squirming to try to make sure the right bit of my body was being squeezed against the edge of his desk through the cushion.

"Even if I do this?" he asked and gave my tail a gentle tug which sent a wild burst of excitement shooting through my lady parts, "and remind you that this immaculate body belongs to me and you are not allowed to play with it in any manner without my explicit permission... and that includes pressing yourself into my desk as you would appear to be doing at the moment!" He gave me a slight slap on my exposed bottom that sent a little explosion of pleasure shooting through me.

Oh yeah! I'd sort of managed to forget all about that and was a bit disappointed to be reminded.

"OK, hop down, Kitten," he told me. "We need to go through the tail rules."

I tried to do as I was told but, when I did, the cork-thing was pressed sideways into my bottom sending a wild explosion shooting through my bits that I'm almost certain wasn't pain. Mr Meany was smiling as he helped me into my kneeling position - and that position did its own set of wild things down below. He sat back in his chair, busy cleaning his hands with some wipes.

"So... do you see how this punishment is going to work, Kitten?"

I nodded. I didn't think I could manage words. For once he let me get away with it.

"So the rules," Mr Meany began with a smile, sitting back in his chair. For the next three days, you are to wear your tail from when I come home until bedtime. I would strongly advise you against trying to sit down whilst wearing it..." he paused to give me the chance to wince. "Of course you have to remember that this exquisite body..." he leaned forward and gently rubbed my shoulder. Normally it would just be a nice feeling but, when combined with the tail, it sent wild shivers through me, "belongs to me and, should you play with it in any way, you will receive whacks and the three days will start all over again. Any questions?"

"No, Master," I managed to breathe.

"One last thing," he said, reaching into his middle drawer and taking out a small box. It looked familiar and I suddenly realised that it was the mobile phone that I'd stolen off him when I ran away. My insides sort of clenched up which did very strange things when the clench met the tail.

He took the phone out of its box. "This phone," he told me, "has been set up so that it can only be used to send and receive calls and texts to people on the contacts list - that's currently only Elroy and me. The clock and a weather app have been enabled but I think that's about it. No games or anything like that, of course."

He looked at me and I nodded.

"You are to keep it charged and, when you are allowed to leave the house on your own again, you are to take it with you. There will be whacks if you fail to do so. Any questions?"

"No, Master."

He handed me the phone and told me to call down to Elroy and ask him to bring up the food. It was a bit funny because I hadn't spoken to anyone by phone for so long but I managed to make the call without any problems.

Elroy appeared with the food almost immediately - I guess he'd been waiting for the call. And, unusually, Master did not go down to meet him and waited until Elroy had left.

I only worked out why when Mr Meany Pants told me to go down ahead of him. He wanted to watch me trying to use the stairs without moving my bottom!

At least he fed me from his plate without playing any of his normal food games. The thought of performing gymnastics or scurrying around after a ball with that thing stuffed up my bottom set my knees trembling!

It was a Wednesday so Mr Meany disappeared shortly after dinner, leaving me alone with my tail. Of course I couldn't settle so I drifted from room to room looking for the least uncomfortable spot to kneel, squat or lie. Nothing worked, of course. Every time I moved, every time I breathed, the thing sent these weird sexual surges through me and when I stayed still they relaxed into a steady, dull ache. I knew the only thing that might possibly work would land me in dirty great heaps of trouble.

At one stage during my wanders, I spotted my kitten ears and put them on. I knew that Master would like it and it was a sort of little way for me to tell him that I was sorry.

I was curled up on the sofa in the living room when Master returned and I was so wound up with my own problems that I didn't notice him arriving. He startled me with a kiss and, of course, that did all sorts of funny things down below. He smiled when he saw my ears and said, "You're not in bed, Kitten!"

"I couldn't sleep with... with this!" I replied. The idea was unthinkable.

"I told you that you could take it out at bedtime."

"But I can't take it out by myself. I'm sort of... afraid, I suppose."

"OK!" he laughed. "Give me five minutes then come on up to my room. I'll give you a hand."

So after about five minutes, I went upstairs and knocked on his door.

"Come in!" he responded though his voice sounded funny.

He wasn't in his bedroom but there were noises from the bathroom so I waited. A couple of seconds later he emerged. He was wearing a pair of beautiful, dark green, silk pyjamas.

"OK, Kitten," Mr Lovely said with his most tender smile. "Face down on the bed, bottom in the air." He stepped into the bathroom again and, by the time he returned, I was in position.

"Relax," he said as he knelt on the bed next to me. "I promise this isn't going to hurt."

My hands and teeth bit into his duvet as he started to massage the slimy stuff into my bottom bits and then suddenly, with an explosion of something, he popped the tail out. I was left trembling and shaking, face down on the bed. "Would you..." I asked. "Can I?" I was so glad I didn't have to look him in the face when I was asking him this.

"What do you think?" he responded.

"No... because it's a punishment," I acknowledged with a sigh.

"Correct, Kitten, you have to wait for the end of your punishment before you can have any relief of that sort. But, as you've had a difficult and frightening day, you may sleep here tonight and I will hold you until you fall asleep."

"Thank you."

"Have you brushed your teeth?"

"No, Master,"

"Go and do so," he told me, "and put something on."

"Why do you get so fussy about me wearing something when I'm in bed with you?" I asked when I returned.

"Because I don't trust myself with that exquisite body of yours!" he replied.

"After wearing that tail all evening, I really don't care what you do with me, I told him emphatically.

"Well I do... and one more comment like that and you'll be back in your own room before your paws can touch the ground. Now come here." He hauled me onto his bed, laying me on top of his duvet with my back facing him. He took my kitten ears off for me - I'd forgotten I was wearing them - then he covered me with his dressing gown and wrapped me up in his ginormous arms.

"You set?" he asked and I nodded sleepily. He turned out the light.

We lay together like that for a while. The dull ache between my legs had not completely gone away but it was soothed by him being there.

"I'm sorry I was a naughty kitten," I murmured to him at last.

"You were naughty, you are being punished and then, when the punishment is over, you will be forgiven. That's the way it works, Kitten."

I snuggled back deeper into him as I fell asleep.

The next evening, I had the tail in my hand as I waited for Master. I'd tried to put it in for him - I really had tried - but I just couldn't manage it. At least I'd put my kitten ears on.

He gave a small frown when he arrived and saw but he didn't look really grumpy as he led me up to his study. Without interrupting his phone call he pointed to one of the cushions so I brought it over to the desk for him. He put it on the edge and sat down in his Mr Bossy chair. Then he helped me to hop up so that my bottom was up in the air and my legs were dangling down on either side of his.

At first he seemed to ignore me - though I'd bet he was enjoying the bottom shaped work of art on display. Particularly after the tensions of the evening before, that did funny, churning things to my insides.

But then, as he got more involved in his phone call, his hand started to play casually over my exposed bottom. I just lay there, fighting to contain the whimpers of arousal and frustration that his stroking hand was trying to drag from my body. I absolutely knew that I wasn't allowed to make any noise when he was on the phone.

I was so wound up in my own feelings that I missed the fact that Mr Bossy had finished his call but my attention was yanked back to the fact by a little stingy slap. It didn't really hurt - it wasn't supposed to - it just built up the whole sexual tension thing. At least I didn't have to keep quiet any more.

"I told you to put your tail in, Kitten," he told me.

He gave me another little slap which made it a bit tricky to get any sort of words out but at last I managed it. "I tried, Master, I really tried..." I had to pause for a quick gasp as he started to stroke my bottom again, this time with two hands, one on each cheek. I closed my eyes and seemed to melt into his table top before being brought out of my trance by a couple of firmer slaps which made me gasp and jerk up from the table.

"You were saying, Kitten," he said as his hands resumed their stroking.

"I really did try... I promise... but I just couldn't manage it, " I gasped.

"I believe you, Kitten," he reassured me. Then suddenly there was slimy stuff being rubbed into my bottom.

I let out a deep sigh as my body slipped towards a dirty great explosion.

"Don't you dare!" he warned me and I fought to contain myself as he stuffed the thing inside me. Then, with a bit more gentle rubbing, he was done and I let out a long deep sigh.

He helped me back to the floor and sent me off to tidy away the cushions and put his clothes away as he cleaned up his hands. By the time I was done, he was busy with another phone call. I went to kneel by him and tried to get my churning bits back under control - which wasn't made any easier as his hand started to stroke through my hair round my ears - both my pairs of ears.

At last he was finished with his calls. "So, Kitten," he said, smiling down at me, "are you comfortable?"

"No, Master," I replied. I had to work quite hard to keep the snark out of my voice. But he was quiet for a long time and he continued to look at me and gently stroke my head until I started to think out loud. "Oh, I know I deserve it... but this is really cruel... I think I'd almost prefer to have the whacks."

"I know you would, Kitten, but that's the whole point isn't it? You don't get to choose your punishments. And you're going to think very carefully before you're ever a deliberately disobedient kitten again, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master," I agreed with a sigh. "But you're enjoying it!" It just didn't seem fair.

"Of course I'm enjoying it," he replied. "It gives me enormous pleasure to exercise my power over this exquisite body sexually. But I'm only ever going to do it as a punishment?"

I had to think about this and he used the pause to phone down to Elroy to organise dinner.

By the time he turned back to me, I'd managed to work out that it was true. The time he'd caught me playing with myself, he'd only used his power to give me pleasure... even if it was a crazy, mixed-up sort of pleasure... and even here, he was using the tail to make me have a long hard think about my naughty kitten behaviour.

"You're right, Master," I admitted at last, "and I'm sorry I got cross with you."

"Apology accepted," he replied, leaning down to kiss me on the forehead... but, as he did so, he gently trailed a finger down my spine, drawing another whimper of frustrated pleasure.

We had a quiet dinner together. I knelt next to him, of course; even if I hadn't been in trouble, sitting in a dining chair with my tail would have been unthinkable. But he fed me from his plate and didn't tease me any more than usual.

After our meal, he pushed the two piano stools together so that I could balance between them without putting pressure on my sensitive bit. We played together for a while and then he stepped away for a bit to let me practice a couple of tricky bars.

I was concentrating so hard that it took a while to notice he was behind me... and when I turned round, Mr Meany Pants was busy taking photos. It was a view of me from behind, naked apart from my ears... and my tail which was dangling down between the two stools. I'd probably have agreed that it was a 'delightful errotic image'... if it wasn't my own bare bottom that was on display!

There was one he particularly liked where I was looking back over my shoulder before I'd worked out what he was up to. He teased me about having it blown up into a huge print and hung on his bedroom wall instead of the abstract painting that I didn't much like.

Or, at least, I hoped he was teasing!

Then he sat down with me again and we played through the piece one more time and this time I managed to get it all right. He gave me a smile and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Ready for bed?" he asked.

I nodded, covering my mouth as I yawned.

But the yawn was twisted into a squeak. He must have grabbed the tail as he was kissing me and, without any warning, he yanked it out. I stared at him for a moment, gasping with my mouth wide open.

"You're mean to me!" I murmured.

"I'll kiss it better tomorrow night!" he promised me, doing a funny eyebrow thing. And I had to look away because there was a real danger of me exploding there and then!

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