A Kitten Called Cat

By GarethN

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I just made a couple of small mistakes, that's all... the sort of mistakes that anybody could make. There was... More

Prologue - A Kitten All Alone
Chapter One - The 'Sleeping in the Dustbins' Image
Chapter Two - Mr Bossy's Apartment
Chapter Three - Spaghetti Carbonara
Chapter Four - More Questions Than Answers
Chapter Five - The Kitten Necklace
Chapter Six - Kitten Makes a Big Mistake
Chapter Seven - An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter Eight - A Feast of Consequences
Chapter Nine - The Purrfect Pet
Chapter Ten - Kitten Ears
Chapter Eleven - The Piano
Chapter Twelve - Chocolate! CHOCOLATE!
Chapter Fourteen - A Walk In The Woods
Chapter Fifteen - A Sharp Reminder
Chapter Sixteen - A Suitable Dress
Chapter Seventeen - Titanic Headland
Chapter Eighteen - Miss Behaviour
Chapter Nineteen - Hostess
Chapter Twenty - Dinner for Two
Chapter Twenty One - A Walk...
Chapter Twenty Two - ... And A Talk
Chapter Twenty Three - A Lost Kitten's Tale...
Chapter Twenty Four - And A Lost Kitten's Tail
Chapter Twenty Five - Strawberry Fondue
Chapter Twenty Six - Slimeball Simone
Chapter Twenty Seven - Mr Bossy's Office
Chapter Twenty Eight - Attack
Chapter Twenty Nine - Hospital
Chapter Thirty - Afternoon Cappuccino
Chapter Thirty One - A New Family
Chapter Thirty Two - La Villa Strangiato
Chapter Thirty Three - Two Visitors
Chapter Thirty Four - The Beautiful And The Ugly
Chapter Thirty Five - Restaurant La Conia
Chapter Thirty Six - Helping Out My Sister
Chapter Thirty Seven - Home again
Chapter Thirty Eight - Drug War
Chapter Thirty Nine - The Big Wave
Chapter Forty - Arncliffe House
Chapter Forty One - Driving Lessons
Chapter Forty Two - Christmas in Italy
Chapter Forty Three - The Ambush
Chapter Forty Four - Beware the Small Crocodiles
Epilogue - Kitten Walks Again
Appendix - The People In My Story

Chapter Thirteen - You Belong to Me

707 36 0
By GarethN

I had my eyes tightly closed and was getting down to some serious business when I was shaken out of my happy state by Mr Bossy's voice, right there in the room. "Kitten!" he said.

Of course I jumped wildly and I think I might even have screamed. There are times when a girl really does not want to be disturbed! I looked around but of course he wasn't there. He must have some sort of camera and loudspeaker thing going on. I don't suppose I should be surprised but it was still a terrible shock for him to catch me doing something so very... personal.

"Come up to my study straight away," he told me.

Before my brain could recover, my feet were already moving but I was distinctly worried as I climbed the stairs.

He was sitting in his huge, Mr Bossy chair with his feet stretched out in front of him. He was looking at something on his computer screen and had a unmistakably smug smile on his face. He was enjoying how uncomfortable he was making me feel.

I dropped automatically into my good kitten kneeling pose but, as I did, I realised that he'd be able to see what was going on down there.

But I didn't have any choice. If I didn't do it, I'd be in even more trouble.

But then I gave a bit of a shrug. I mean... he already knew what I'd been up to so there was no point in trying to hide it.

He left me like that for a long time, quite openly inspecting the view. He had this funny sort of smile on his face... as if he was enjoying it or something.

And having him looking at me didn't seem to be squishing down my excitement... in fact it seemed to be building it up!

"Kitten, why are you here?" he asked at last.

"Because I was..." I dropped my head in shame and embarrassment. "Because I was playing with myself," I completed in a mumble.

"Head up, Kitten!" he told me gently. "And answer the question properly."

I sort of shrivelled up inside as I forced myself to meet his eye and repeat my words.

He stood up and stepped behind me and started to run a finger slowly up and down my spine. That kicked off a wild shiver. It might have started in my spine but it certainly finished up between my legs and I gave a gasp that turned into a long, shuddering sigh.

"We made an agreement, didn't we, Kitten?" he said as his finger continued to torture my spine with its featherlike stroking, "when I agreed not to remove your finger? What was it?"

"That I belong to you, body and soul, until you choose to release me." I wasn't going to forget those words in a hurry.

But there was something seriously wrong. Even with his finger stroking me like that, I shouldn't have been getting so excited.

"So, to whom does this delectable body belong, Kitten?"

"It belongs to you, Master," I managed to answer as he carried on stroking my back. It was really tricky to concentrate when he was doing that.

"And did I give you permission to play with it?"

"No, Master."

"Then it's time for a little punishment, isn't it, Kitten?"

I could feel his eyes boring into me and they dragged the answer, "Yes, Master," from my throat and sent a shiver through my entire body.

But then I realised that I didn't really have to be frightened. He thought the whole thing was pretty funny so the punishment would just be a bit unpleasant, not really horrible.

His stroking finger moved from my back to my front, slowly moving up and down between my collar and a point just above my breasts and I gave a high pitched whimper. He allowed me to suffer for a while longer as he continued to rub his finger up and down... up and down... up and down...

But then suddenly... and shockingly... he stopped. He lifted me up, as if I was as light as a kitten, spun me around, and plonked me down with my bottom in the middle of his desk. Then he sat down and raised my feet so that there was one on each arm of his chair, leaving me completely exposed in front of him.

He sat there for a long time... he seemed to be enjoying the scenery. I was totally frozen and wanted to melt into the table top in embarrassment.

"My object all sublime, Kitten," he said at last with a smile, "is to let the punishment fit the crime..." He paused for a moment then said, "Sublime! Oh, what a good idea!" and gave me one of his evil smiles. Then he swung his desk lamp around so it was shining straight between my legs like a spotlight and touched a couple of buttons on his phone to turn the rest of the lights in the room right down. There was no doubt about where the main attraction lay. Then he sat there for a while longer, enjoying my discomfort, whilst the main attraction ached and throbbed.

"Now, Kitten," he said at last, "because of the nature of the punishment I have in mind, and because of what I know about your background, on this one occasion, you have my permission to refuse to comply. Should you make co choose, you will be punished in a more conventional manner."

I suppose that offer was nice... sort of... probably!

But, it also forced me to face the uncomfortable truth... deep down inside, I wanted to find out what he had in store for me.

I was almost looking forward to it!

Again he left a long pause before he went on, "Right then, Kitten, I want you to show me what you were doing."

My mouth fell open in shock. He couldn't ask me to do that, could he? Not in front of him. "But I can't... like... Ow!"

He'd just pinched the inside of my thigh just above my knee.

And it really hurt.

But, for some reason it sent a weird burst of warmth shooting down into my tummy.

"Silly Kitten! You know that I do not appreciate your use of the word 'like' as a vocalised pause... like that! And, anyway, this is not a time for you to speak. It is a time to do as you're told!"

I tried to lick the first two fingers of my right hand but my mouth was too dry. Of course Mr Pervy Pants chuckled at that but then he said, "Hang on a moment." He reached into a drawer and took something out. "Give me your paw," he told me.

I held out my hand and, for a moment, he held it and stroked it tenderly before squeezing something onto my first two fingers. It felt a bit like toothpaste but much cooler and slimier. "That might help!" he told me.

And so, quietly dying of embarrassment, I smeared the stuff onto myself.

And of course he was right; it felt good.

It felt really good.

It felt so good that before long I didn't need the help of his slimy stuff any more because I was producing plenty of my own.

And, as I firmly ran the two fingers to and fro along my length, I sank so deep into the feeling that I somehow managed to forget that he was there and I was soon slipping back into the happy state that I'd been in before I was so rudely interrupted. As my fingers began to move deeper inside, I swallowed a long, deep sigh.

"There is absolutely no need for you to keep quiet, Kitten," Master told me. His voice jolted me out of my happy place and reminded me that he was watching this. "There are only the two of us about to hear."

At least I could stop worrying about making a noise.

For a while he just watched but then he put his hands on my knees and eased my legs further apart to give himself a better view. It wasn't uncomfy but it did remind me that he was there and made me feel even more exposed. His thumbs stretched around to apply the slightest of pressure to the sensitive skin of my inner thighs and, when I noticed that he was squeezing me in time with my own stroking, a deep, uncontrolled moan formed deep in my throat.

Without any conscious thought, my fingers drifted higher and began to run over my sweet spot and my left hand took over duty inside me, making me whimper with excitement.

"Eyes open, Kitten," he told me sharply and I jumped a bit. I'd sunk into the pleasure of the moment again and managed to forget that he was there. He gave my thighs a firm squeeze, sending a wild wave of something shooting through me - but I wasn't quite sure whether it was pleasure or pain. I let out a groan.

"Remember, you are doing this for my pleasure, not your own!"

I forced my eyes open to see him sitting there with that infuriatingly smug smile on his face but I couldn't help smiling back at him. There was something so terribly wrong and yet so unthinkably exciting about having Master watch me like this.

But as my hands began to move faster, my smile became more forced and was broken by a series of uncontrolled grunts.

Then faster still and the grunts became high pitched whimpering yelps.

And faster. My eyes might be open but I wasn't seeing anything because I was totally caught up in the excitement building inside me.

And faster... I was close now... and faster...

"Stop right there, Kitten,"

I had a desperate need to keep going but I just couldn't disobey Mr Bossy when he gave me an order like that. My hands jumped away from my bits, leaving me with the feeling that I was about to explode... or maybe implode... or maybe just dissolve in a puddle of total frustration.

"Now, put your hands behind your head."

I obeyed. Of course I obeyed, but I let out a long, drawn-out, pitiful wail as I did so.

He smiled broadly when he heard that. "You seem to be forgetting that you are doing this for my amusement, not your own." he reminded me. "And that was all going much too fast for my liking." His thumbs started stroking small circles on my inner thighs. I mean... it would normally have been a very nice feeling indeed but it wasn't the kind of attention that my body needed. It was just building up my frustration... and he knew it... he was doing it on purpose!

I could pretty much have bitten him!

He kept me like that for a very long time before he said, "Now, Kitten, give me your paws."

When I did so, he squeezed out some more of the slimy toothpaste stuff onto the first two fingers of each hand. "Your exquisite breasts have not been receiving their due attention," he told me. "You are to start rubbing circles around your nipples. In time with me now." He started to trace slow circles on my inner thighs with his thumbs.

I was in a bit of a daze but I did as I was told. I mean... I never really paid all that much attention to my breasts, particularly at a time like this. I suppose they were, 'all right in a limited way on a dark night,' but they certainly weren't much of anything to write home about.

But I was so wound up that those circles did really wild things to my body. My nipples were already rock hard and they were much more sensitive than usual. Of course I wanted to go faster and I had to force myself to keep my circling down to the horribly slow pace that he was setting for me. I put my head back, closed my eyes and let out a long whimpering wail of frustration.

"Kitten!" he said, jerking my attention back to him with another sharp squeeze on my thighs, "should you take your eyes off me again, I will ensure you regret it. As a little reminder, you're going to start pinching your nipples."

I would have protested but something about his smile told me that he could easily think of something much worse so I braced myself and pinched. I gasped as a burst of pain went shooting through my whole body but by the time it gushed out from between my legs, it had somehow turned into pleasure.

I was so shocked at the effect that I froze. "And again, Kitten!" Master reminded me gently, whilst teasing my inner thighs with his thumb nails. "Now!"

As I did as ordered, I gave a little yelp as the crazy, mixed up pleasure and pain thing blasted through me again.

"And again now..." he insisted, ignoring my pitiful whimpering and guiding me with another gentle squeeze.

"And again!"

As we continued to send those explosions shooting down between my legs, the pressure down there continued to mount. My mouth gaped open in a silent scream and, as I stared into his eyes, I wanted to beg him for something but I wasn't quite sure what.

"The harder you pinch, Kitten," Mr Smug told me with his infuriatingly smug smile, "the sooner you'll be allowed to carry on. Give me a really hard one now"

I missed one of his squeezes as I got myself ready. Then I gave my two nipples really cruel pinches, just like he'd said.

I mean... I was ready for the pain... but what I wasn't ready for was the explosion of pleasure that it sent shooting through my bits. The shock made my entire lower body spasm and if he hadn't been holding my knees so firmly apart, my thighs would have been clamped tightly together. I put my head back, closed my eyes and gasped.

But my awareness was jolted back by Mr Pleasure And Pain. "So, deep down inside, my little kitten is something of a masochist," he said. "That's rather nice to know." When I opened my eyes and looked back to him, he had a huge grin on his face.

I didn't want to believe it but he'd said it and so it must be true. And anyway, there was no other way of explaining the whole pleasure thing that was still pulsing away down there. I wanted to look away but he held my eye and carried on stroking my inner thighs with his thumbs.

"How utterly delightful!" he added. "I'll even let you off... this one time... for taking your eyes off me. Right, I want three more like that... ready and... go!"

This time I didn't even bother trying to contain the yelps of twisted pleasure and pain.

"Two more... go!"

This time it was a funny two-tone sort of wail.

"And the last one now. Make sure it really counts!"

That last one sent a violent shuddering spasm through my whole body and afterwards I just sat there, stunned by the intensity of my reaction. "Good Kitten," he told me. "Good, brave Kitten. Now put your hands back behind your head."

Of course I obeyed and I sat there, groaning and trembling, as he ran his hands along my inner thighs and inspected me, leaning so close that I could feel his breath washing over my bits. He breathed deeply, inhaling my scent, which I'd have found pretty odd and perverse if I'd been in any sort of a state to think. "Delightful..." he murmured, "delectable... good enough to eat. But some pleasures are made more piquant by anticipation, don't you think, Kitten?"

I could only manage a half-strangled moan by way of reply.

He pinched the sensitive skin of my inner thighs... not really hard but just hard enough. Everything sort of spasmed and I had to struggle to keep my hands behind my head. "Big girl words, Kitten," he told me.

"Yes, Master, I managed in a strange sort of trembling gasp.

"Good, Kitten, Now you are going to start to stroke yourself with your left hand... and you're going to stay on the outside. In time with me again!"

He must have guessed that I usually use my right hand when I'm working out my frustration down there and it felt strange and rather wonderful to be doing it with my left - almost as if it was somebody else stroking me.

Of course my body was screaming out for me to move faster and to move deeper but his stroking thumbs set a steady beat that seemed to be matched to my pulse. He smiled at me as my mouth fell open and a strange, strangled, "Aaaah!" noise emerged from the back of my throat.

And at last he gave me a tiny nod to tell me that I could start to move inside but he still kept my rhythm impossibly slow. The pressure was rising and my whole body was trembling and, if he didn't have my legs clamped in position with his elbows, my feet would certainly have slipped off his chair. 'Please!' my eyes begged him as he forced me to keep that dreadful, steady rhythm. 'Please!'

And at last, with the tiniest of nods, he gave me permission to nudge up the speed and pressure.

And that was all I needed to push myself completely over the edge.

But when my release came, it didn't come with a sudden explosion, like it always had before. Instead, with every pulse, it grew and grew until I didn't know whether it was pleasure or pain or complete and utter overload.

And for a while, I forgot everything else as wave after wave after wave shuddered through my body. I'd never experienced anything like that before. I mean... I'd never even imagined that it might be possible to experience anything like that.

I was yanked out of my stunned state by the scrape of fingernails along my inner thighs, "Kitten," Master was saying gently, "I didn't tell you that you could stop. Carry on with your stroking."

"But..." I began but this was quickly twisted into a wordless whimper by another sharp pinch to my inner thighs. I guess he didn't want me talking.

So I obediently resumed stroking myself in time with that unbearable rhythm he was setting for me with his thumbs.

But now the contact was slightly painful.

Mr Unimaginable Experience must have seen me wincing. "Does that hurt?" he asked sympathetically.

I nodded. I was a bit dry and ever so sensitive.

"Then give me your hand," he told me. "This time you may use your right hand if you prefer."

He squeezed more of the gooey stuff onto my fingers and a shocking jolt hit me as the greasy coolness met my swollen, super-sensitive bits. Again it didn't take many seconds of stroking before I was producing plenty of goo of my own.

Master started with the slow, steady rhythm again, but this time, he was carefully reading me and driving his rhythmic thumbs in time with what my body was demanding.

So the tempo steadily increased and, before long, I was gasping in time with his driving rhythm. But as my peak approached, I felt a strange and almost frightening feeling. "Master," I gasped. I knew I wasn't allowed to talk but I needed to tell him. "I think I need to go to the toilet!"

"Just keep stroking," he told me and I had no choice. I'd warned him and, after all, it was him that was going to get weed on. Perhaps he liked the idea. Perhaps he understood what was happening with my body better than I did. Perhaps I shouldn't be trying to think any more with the wild things he was making me do to myself. "Relax and let it happen!"

My brain seemed to be filled with a wild roaring as the unstoppable wave got closer. It was coming much faster this time and I was panting and gasping in time with the wild rhythm he was setting for me.

And this time, I managed to hold his eye as the wave overwhelmed me. He nodded his encouragement and support then eased my thighs even further apart and then slowed our rhythm to a deep, penetrating, thrusting pulse. I let out a series of wild animal roars as wild, spurting contractions tore through me in time with his new rhythm and I think I'd probably have collapsed if he hadn't caught me.

The next thing I knew, I was curled up in a little ball on His Perfect Mastership's lap as he gently, tenderly rubbed my back. "So next time you even think of doing naughty things with that exquisite body of yours," he told me, "you come to me and I'll sort something out for you."

"Yes, Master," I murmured sleepily as I snuggled even deeper into his shoulder.

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