Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)

By fictionowl

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[Jasper Falls Saga: Book 3] This book is part of a series and must be read in a specific labeled order. Pleas... More

Twist of Fate
Looking Out For Me
Ivy Rose
Anxiety Attacks
A Desperate Beta
Peace Offering
Shut It Down
Gaining Intimacy
Past is Past
All For You
The Date #SpookFest2k19
It Begins
Consequences of Officiality (Part 1)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 2)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 3)
Beta Mate
Phase One: Uprising
Phase Two: The Hunt
Cheesy Romance
Puzzle Pieces
Troubling Developments
Ready Or Not
Game Plan (Part 1)
The Mole (Part 2)
Game Plan (Part 2)
Woeful Descent
Raid and Rescue
The Mole (Part 3)
The Mole (Part 4)
The Fall of Black Rock Canyon
Jaxon's Beta #SpookyFest2k20
Hope Unanchored #SpookyFest2k20
Unhinged (Part 1)
Unhinged (Part 2)
Man of Steel
A Slice of Normal
The Last Stand (Part 1)
The Last Stand (Part 2)
Iron Fist

Strange Behavior

5.4K 247 115
By fictionowl


"You know he's probably going to kill you, right." Sky stated scrolling through his phone. My guess is that he's seen my latest Instagram post which was posted last night.

Of course, I couldn't just let that photo go to waste and while Sky is probably right, Bennett will just have to come to terms with it. He's dating a prideful bastard who will show him off to the world regardless.

At least, that had been my thought all of the night before and up until now. We had a few minutes before the bell rang to begin classes and we were gathered at my locker. Myself, Sky, Dale, and Laken. According to Sky, he and Jace had a mini argument last night and now his mate's mad at him which is the reason behind Jace's absence. I didn't worry about it though. Eventually, they'd talk it out and who knows? Maybe by tomorrow, they'd be back to normal.

Digging through my locker, I found my math notebook and realized I'd completely forgotten to do the homework. It wasn't my fault though. It was Bennett's. I had been worried about him all of Saturday night and because of the lack of sleep, it prompted me to pay him a visit the very next day if only for some peace of mind. We spent some time together and even with Muttsey.

The pit had settled in mostly but was still wary of everyone around him save for Bennett. That dog stuck to my mate like glue. I remember yesterday when Bennett had excused himself to use the bathroom, Muttsey laid down in front of the bathroom door until he'd come out.

But, in all of the time we'd spent together, my worry only grew because I tried talking about what happened the night of our date. What happened at the pier? Why was he suddenly so adamant we leave the cemetery? Why did he practically shove me inside the car at the Walsh's when Muttsey went into a frenzy? And why did he suddenly run off on me in the middle of Pymbrooke Creek?

I was aware of Tobias' whereabouts and part of me wondered if Bennett had forgotten that. When he ran off like that, I was caught in a conflict. I wanted to run after him, but I couldn't just leave the car and Muttsey alone. Plus, I was still a little spooked and I tell you, my mate was quite brave running off like that especially in such an undeveloped part of the town. That strip had close to no lights.

But, no matter how subtle my hints were at steering him toward talking about it, he was sharp as per usual and successfully veered away.

Shaking my head knowing that I will try again to talk to him about it, I closed the locker and frowned when the junior corridor suddenly went quiet. All that could be heard was mumbled whispers. Turning about to see what had captivated everyone's attention, my gaze settled on Bennett who was making his way down the corridor with West trailing closely behind. If anything, West looked more like a bodyguard than he did a best friend with the way he frowned and glared as they passed by pairs and groups of whispering students who were not shy about their staring.

I'm guessing everyone saw the post and apparently, that's a problem. I don't get it. Who I date shouldn't be any of their concern. If I wanted their opinion, I would ask for it. But also, there is an ulterior motive behind my posting it. I was aware of the consequences, but I was just so damn sick of people in this fucking school.

My eyes followed Bennett as he made his way over to his locker with West one foot behind and they were shortly joined by Asher. They exchanged words for a moment before the sub whipped out his phone and showed them something. The glare West shot me promised a gruesome death while Bennett only shook his head and all the way from here, I could feel his rising frustration.

"Why do they do that?" Sky suddenly queried curiously, though his tone and expression perfectly portrayed his disgust. "What's the big deal if the two of you are dating?"

"That's why I posted it. I hate the way people at this school treat him so I'm hoping they'd leave him alone if they see that we're getting along. Maybe even dating."

The post on Instagram was quite straightforward so everyone who saw it knew that it was in fact, a date.

Excusing myself, I started making my way over to where Bennett stood engrossed in conversation with West and Asher. From the looks of it, they'd skipped past the post issue already and were talking about something else. Whatever it was, it seemed pretty important and I was almost tempted to eavesdrop from all the way here, but, I couldn't do that to Bennett.

I had only gotten a few feet away when some girl intercepted my pathway. She looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite place her face.

"Is it true? Are you really dating that weirdo now?" she asked, quite boldly I might add, and she was completely oblivious to the fact that her 'questions' were pissing me off. More so, her derogatory way of referring to my mate.

Who the fuck does she think she is?

"He has a name! And what do you know of it? Do I even know you?"

The girl scowled and it was obvious I had offended her. "My name's Whitney. Did you forget me that quickly?" She was incredulous but now that she said her name and I looked at her properly, a vague memory resurfaced.

She was of insignificant importance to me, but I did vaguely remember her from a Christmas costume party I had attended at...somebody's house. After hours of drowning myself in alcohol, I managed to get drunk enough to forget my own name so, why would I remember hers when all I recalled was the slutty Santa's little helper costume.

"I don't make it a priority to remember people I fuck at parties." If her jaw could drop any lower, it would be scraping the floor. "Now, if you'll excuse me, there's someone who's waiting for me."

"Didn't take you for a faggot, Hayes." she spat. Should I be offended? Better question, should I even waste energy on pretending to be offended?

"At least I'm happy." I called over my shoulder and made my way over to my mate. The grin on my face dropped away when whatever conversation they were holding immediately quieted away. It peeked my curiosity even more but for the now, chose to ignore it.

"Good morning, pretty boy. How is your morning?" Bennett only rolled his eyes at the megawatt grin on my face. Asher sported in a tiny smile of amusement while his mate groaned in irritation. Before my mate could answer the question, his dumbass best friend decided to inject his own opinion.

"I'll answer that. It was all fine I'm guessing until we showed up this morning. Why would you post something like that, Hayes? You got a fucking death wish or something? The fuck are you trying to prove? I warned you on Saturday that I'll kill you if you did anything to upset him." he ranted.

This dude has some serious issues.

I rolled my eyes at that. "I had my reasons for posting it. Besides, I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I mean, have you seen your best friend? Why should I hide him?" I retorted, leaning against the lockers. West growled menacingly in nature, moving forward as though to attack me but Asher and Bennett abruptly intervened shoving him back. He continued to growl and scoff catching the smug grin I shot him over Bennett's shoulder.

My mate then turned to me, shaking his head in frustration. "I get that you're prideful but next time, a little warning wouldn't hurt. It's not nice walking into school and the first thing you hear is that you're someone's charity case." Bennett informed, lightly patting my arm. I didn't let him get away, grabbing hold of his hand and lacing our fingers together.

And what's this they are saying now? Charity case my ass! And they can kiss it too!

"I'd do something to prove a point, but I don't feel like dying this early." I retorted, grinning smugly. Bennett only rolled his eyes. West scoffed in disgust. Leaning against the locker, I gave his hand a gentle tug to bring him closer. "Doing anything a little later? We have the free period during fourth. Want to meet up?"

I didn't miss the odd series of glances between Asher, West, and my mate as though they were silently communicating something, and I was the third wheel who was being kept in the dark.

"I can't. There's something I need to help Jax with." he stated and once again, the odd glance exchanged between Asher and his mate didn't go unnoticed. Just, I didn't call them out on whatever secret they were hiding.

"After school, then?" I prodded. Bennett shook his head and I was now very alert and suspicious.

"I'm on patrol tonight."

I groaned in mock irritation. He's hiding something. My mate loves to give vague responses and he was secretive about his past and careful of most things he says. But this, it felt off. Something didn't sit right with me and as a future beta, I couldn't just let it slide.

"Then, how about I come over later and we'll spend some time then. You get your work done and I get my time with you." I suggested. Bennett scoffed, raising an eyebrow at me.

"That's a terrible idea. I don't wanna get yelled at by Andre for being distracted."

I smirked at that, placing a hand to my chest. "So, I am a distraction." Bennett groaned just as the bell rang.

"Ugh! You're annoying, you know that!" he scoffed as he ruffled the front of his hair messing up the strands there. Chuckling, I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, my smirk growing ever wider feeling him go frigid, hearing his quiet gasp that was followed up with West's irritated groan, and Asher's wolf whistle.

I was aware that a lot of students were watching, and I hope they get an eye full because I'm gonna ensure that Bennett and I become a fucking eyesore to those idiots.

"See you in second period, babe."

I started moving away and was only a few steps ahead when they said something that caught my attention. Even as I walked away, thanks to my heightened hearing, the conversation was still coherent even over all this noise.

"Keep an eye on him, Asher. Please." Bennett was saying. Who was he talking about? Is it me?

"I got you. You two just be careful." Asher replied. The fuck are they up to now?

"Are you sure about this, B?" This time, it was West who spoke. I lingered near the end of the locker corridor to hear where is this conversation was headed.

"Yes. It didn't feel right. It can't be a coincidence, Jax. I'd rather have as much information as I can before we involve Tuck."

Who the fuck is Tuck?

Oh wait...never mind. It's that guy from Blackwater. But what's he got to do with anything concerning my mate? Why does Bennett need to have information before involving Corbin and why am I being kept in the dark? How come Asher's in on this?

Shaking my head, I shoved those questions to the back of my mind as I turned around the corner and headed toward my class. And just my luck, the teacher was already inside when I arrived.

"You're late, Mr. Hayes." he barked but immediately submitted, rolling his eyes and returning to his lecture as I raised an eyebrow. He was from my pack and my rank is higher than his, so, no fuss, no muss.


Second period came to an end and Bennett couldn't vanish quickly enough. He didn't even say peep to me, and I was sitting one seat behind him.

Third period came to an end, West scampered out of there like Cerberus was on his ass.

Now I was worried.

So, I had gone to look for them and find out why they were being so weird but didn't get the chance when I saw them leave the grounds in West's car. With no other choice, I walked back into the halls, my mind preoccupied with the many different possibilities for their strange behavior. Too caught up in my thoughts as that conversation between Asher, West, and my mate came to the forefront of my mind, I hadn't really been paying attention when I bumped into said sub making him curse beneath his breath as he glared up at me.

"You know, some of us aren't as tall." he spat making me raise an eyebrow. Deciding to shrug off his rudeness, I pinned him with a firm stare.

"Where are Bennett and West headed?"

Asher shrugged nonchalantly. "Obviously, if you don't know then how could I possibly know?" he retorted successfully getting on my nerves now.

"Cut the shit, Ash. Whatever is going on between West and Bennett, I know that you know. So, how about it? And don't lie to me. I'm not in the mood to play games."

"I don't know." he reiterated, this time more firmly. "But, I'm hoping that whatever's going on, Jaxon will eventually tell me."

I didn't believe a single word from his mouth, so I decided to push more. "Then, tell me at least, who Bennett was referring to when he told you to keep an eye on somebody." Asher suddenly looked like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck. At this, I raised an eyebrow. "Still want to play games with me?"

Asher expelled a deep breath, ruffling the front of his hair as he did so. What he did next made my suspicion grow that those two were up to something that I won't like. Asher glanced over my shoulder, then down the corridor behind him as though searching for someone. When he found nothing, whatever it is he wished to spill, he figured it still wasn't safe enough because he dragged me out to the back of the school where the football field was, and then up the bleachers on the very top bench.

"Asher." I said uneasily, watching as the sub continued to scour the field and the surrounding area. "Now you are just being ridiculous. Tell me what the hell's going on-"

"I wasn't supposed to tell you. But you know, I hate keeping secrets." he stated, cutting me off. He glared at me firmly and pointed to the bench, that unspoken order coming to past as I popped a squat. Asher huffed, raking his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner.

"I don't know what the hell's going on. As far as I can tell, Jax is the only person who knows what's going on with Bennett and not even my own mate will tell me what's up. But, Bennett did ask me to keep an eye on somebody, that person being you."

"Why?" I asked with a frown.

"He thinks you may be in danger."

I chuckled at that. How sweet is my mate? He thinks he needs to protect me so he's enlisted Asher into his scheme and while the sub was quite remarkable as a fourth-in-command rank wolf, why couldn't Bennett just come to me?

What was so bad that he felt the need to enlist a bodyguard while he did and went gods know what and where? My only hope is that he isn't doing anything to get himself hurt. And with me currently sitting in the dark, I had a developing fear that I wouldn't be able to protect him.

"From what?" I prodded.

"He didn't give much specifics." Asher said, plopping down next to me. "He just said to stay alert to anything weird happening around you. And also...keep Teddy Pike away from you."

Teddy Pike? That asshole who apparently likes bringing trouble to my mate. I remember him well, not just because for four months, that asshole was front and center for every fight that broke out on school grounds, or that he was unofficially suspected for his involvement with Tobias. We knew he was involved but since he was still a minor and yet to be caught in the act, he couldn't be prosecuted. It didn't, however, stop Tucker from kicking Teddy and his father out of the pack.

Honestly, the person I feel sorry for is Teddy's father. He's suffering because of his stupid ass son.

But mostly, I remember him because of what happened that day when Bennett had a panic attack. And who was the cause of it? Teddy Pike. Got his ass handed to him in just a few moves from my mate, but still. Anyone who could possibly send my mate into such a frenzy was almost immediately an enemy and it seems as though that there was quite the feud between those two.

"Does he think Teddy Pike might be a threat to me?" I queried and Asher shrugged.

"Bennett is a fourth-in-command and so am I. We have this a sixth sense if you will. We're never wrong about someone or something we think might be dangerous. We all know that Teddy is, but for whatever reason, Bennett thinks he might target you. Over what? That's the question. But, if they decide to tell us what they're up to, maybe it's all linked."


"Good morning, Bennett." I sang, plopping down onto the chair next to him.

It was already Wednesday, and I had begun to notice something I didn't like. Bennett had put his emotions on lockdown again robbing me of any chance to know what he was feeling or thinking.

The bell had already gone but our teacher wasn't here yet. Since Bennett and I weren't seated near each other for this class, rather, him at the back and I, more in the middle, I decided to steal a moment or two to speak with him.

He mumbled a greeting but didn't look away from his phone as he continued to read whatever it was that he was reading. Whatever was so much more important than me. He did, however, remove one side of his earplugs as if to let me know that while he didn't look at me, he was still listening.

"Good book?" I tried making conversation, beginning to feel a wave of crushing defeat settle over me as he took his sweet time giving a response.

"I guess."

Back to the vague responses, I see.

"Doing anything later? Maybe we can do something. Maybe, watch a movie, or get something to eat."

His lips wriggled, but his eyes stayed glued to the screen. "Can't. Busy."

Slouching against the desk, I placed my chin against my arms trying to catch a glimpse of his face. His expression was firm and focused and part of me wondered if it was the book that had him looking like that or was it me?

"Are you on patrol again?"

"No. I'm just busy." he answered roughly making me frown.

"Doing what?" Bennett snapped his gaze to me, his glare firm and leaving no room to imagine how irritated he was at this moment. I scowled at that. If anything, I should be the one sporting that glare. Not only is he already keeping secrets from me and we've only had one date so far, but now he's acting like I annoy him.

Give me a break.

"Why are you being so annoying this morning?"

I scoffed. "Why are you being such an ass all of a sudden? I asked you a simple question and you're getting all defensive about it."

"Yeah, because you're all up in my business and I don't like nosy people." he fired. I sat back staring at him in shock.

"Well fuck, then. I'm sorry for wanting to know how your morning was and wanting to spend time with you." I retorted, and sure enough, my little outburst had caught the attention of a few students. Shaking my head and ignoring the sudden guilt that flashed in his eyes, I abruptly got up. "Whatever, man." I mumbled, heading toward my seat and choosing to ignore him until he got off his pedestal. A teacher walked in a moment later, and this person was not our usual teacher for this subject.

"Good morning, class. Your teacher is unable to make it to class this morning, but she has left assignments for you to do." the teacher explained earning several groans of protest from students.

We were assigned a class activity to do that should at least carry through for the duration of the period and we had to work in pairs. As soon as the teacher left, students started finding a partner to work with while several girls flocked to me. I was actually taken back and slightly startled by the uproar they caused trying to gain my attention in hoping they could be my partner.

Usually, I would go with the obvious choice and partner with my mate. But seeing as I'm currently upset with his uncalled for standoffish attitude, I didn't necessarily want to get stuck having a forced conversation with him for the next hour or so. I chose the girl closest to me and I couldn't help the roll off my eyes when I caught the gloating smirk she shot the other girls like she won something. In fact, I'm surprised my eyeballs didn't get stuck from how far back they rolled.

Since she was seated directly behind me, I turned my desk and chair around to make discussing more convenient. To top it off, I had the perfect view of my mate from here. He might have made me upset, but that doesn't mean I don't want to look at him.

I swear, he could wear a fucking potato sack and still look good.

He'd chosen to partner with Blake Dalton and while I didn't particularly have a problem with it knowing that the guy is straight and had already found his mate, it still didn't stop the jealousy. Blake spoke so easily and carefree with my mate meanwhile, I yearned to carry a conversation with my mate.

But, he was being pigheaded.

Didn't stop Bennett from casually glancing my way either all through the period.

When next I caught him looking my way, I decided to tease him a little and sent a wink his way. His reaction was nothing short of adorable with the way he blushed and laid his head against the desk.

"Carter!" Blinking, I turned my gaze back to the girl in front of me and she blushed, twirling a lock of hair around her fingers.

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

I told you! Bennett is like a vortex. I can't help but be sucked in and everything else around me goes blurred. Sounds, sight and everything around just seems to vanish when I'm around him.

The girl giggled, making me raise an eyebrow. Did I say something funny?

"I asked if you were doing anything later."

Oh gods! Please no! I'm so not up to dealing with this right now.

"I have football practice later. Sorry."

The girl rolled her eyes, giggling again. Stop giggling, girl! I didn't say anything worth laughing at.

"I meant after practice. I was thinking maybe we can hang out since we never really had the chance."

Huh? I barely noticed her existence half the time before, anyway. What's she on about?

"You've seen my latest post on Instagram, have you?"

The playful smile she wore suddenly vanished and her expression turned serious. She nodded.

"Then you know I'm dating someone."

As quickly as her firm expression had been there, it disappeared, and that same playful smile came to rest on her features. "Dating. You're not together so I don't see the harm in the two of us hanging out. Just a little innocent fun, Carter."

Goddess? What did I ever do to end up in this situation? Like, can't she tell I'm not interested, or have I not been forceful about it? It was becoming a pain in the ass and I was tempted to make a scene. Walk over there, shove Bennett up against the wall and kiss him senseless if only to prove how serious about our relationship I am. But, I don't want to die.

"So..." she drew out, tracing her fingers along the back of my hand that was resting on the desk's edge, "what do you say? I'm sure the person you're seeing won't mind."

My gaze flitted over to Bennett and I had to bite down on the insides of my cheek to stop the nervous laughter. Yeah, I wouldn't be too sure about that.

My, my! If she could only see the glare Bennett was shooting at her. Best to not rock that boat.

"Flattered. But I'm not interested." I deadpanned, gently swatting her hand away with my pen.

She giggled, rolling her eyes as though I had said the funniest joke. "Oh come on, Carter. It could be fun. Just the two of us. Pretty please." she pleaded, clasping her hands together and poking out her bottom lip as if trying to look cute. All she was doing was irritating the living shit out of me.

"He said no. Or are you too dense to understand that?" a voice said making me jump as pleasurable chills erupted along my spine. My head snapped up to see Bennett hovering near the table, a firm glare fixated on his handsome features that dared one to challenge him.

Of course, dummy over there couldn't take the hint as she scoffed, curling her lip up at him.

"No one asked your opinion, freak!" she spat venomously.

Had it not been for Bennett's hand that had suddenly found its way on my shoulder grounding me, the surge of anger I felt then would have propelled me to ripping her head off. How fucking dare she? She doesn't even know him, yet she thinks she has some moral high ground to speak to him like that!

"Calling me names isn't going to deduce the fact that you're desperate as shit. He said no. Deal with it and move on before you embarrass yourself." Bennett returned and I couldn't help but stare up at him. I'm pretty sure there are hearts in my eyes.

"And I said, nobody asked your opinion. You should mind your own business, addict."

If she doesn't shut up, her parents will be attending a funeral sooner than they wish.

Bennett only smirked, pointing to himself. "His business is my business. You've seen his post, so you know that he's dating me." And without so much as another word, he walked off toward the front of the class and to the small classroom bin in a corner to sharpen his pencil.

The girl continued glaring after my mate even when he'd returned to his seat before she scoffed and turned to look at me with disbelief. "Are you really dating him?" she sneered as though she couldn't understand it.

"He said so, didn't he?"

She stared at me owlishly. "Why? He's a nobody. He'll tarnish your reputation around here."

This time, it was my turn to glare. "Do I look like I give a shit what any of you think? Why do you care anyway? I didn't ask you to be my partner for this activity to hear you dump on him so if you're not going to contribute to this assignment, we might as well work individually." By now, my outburst had caught the attention of the entire class and they were staring at me wide-eyed much like this idiot in front of me. Scowling in distaste, I grabbed the desk and turned it back around to face front.

I'm getting really sick of people in this school. Why the fuck do they care so much about who I date? Or are they that fucking bored with their own lives they'd rather poke their noses in mine?

I'm beginning to understand what Bennett meant when he said he dislikes such people.

When the bell rang to end the period, I was the first one out. The next three periods went by smoothly without incident and I was all too glad lest I snapped and ended up getting a day suspension because people couldn't mind their own fucking business.

As expected, the incident from this morning's class was the hottest topic around campus and everywhere I went, students were staring and whispering. Worse, when Bennett walked through the halls but thankfully, he was never alone when he did so. West was practically a bodyguard, and Asher didn't hesitate to throw a few choice words about.

But it still hurt and had me upset. His emotions were still on lockdown and he didn't bat an eyelash my way and I knew he could tell I was watching him when we were in the same room. But he was watching me too.

Never approached me though and I wondered if he was still upset about this morning.

Washing my hands as I had finished with lunch, I turned off the tap and dried my hands heading out of the bathroom. My steps came to a halt and the door bumped against my side, my gaze settling on Bennett who was leaning against the wall opposite the bathroom door. He had been scrolling through his phone again and realizing I was done in the bathroom, he looked up and slipped his phone into his pockets.

Was he waiting outside that whole time?

"Are you okay? About this morning." he spoke first.

I rolled my eyes. "You tell me, Bennett." Crossing my arms over my chest, I stepped forward until there was about a foot's distance between us. "I came to school in good spirits only to find out that my mate's decided to suddenly act like a complete asshole and now, everybody in school seems to have a fucking problem with our relationship. Yeah, Bennett. I'm fan-fucking-tastic!"

He expelled a deep breath, lowering his gaze in what looked like submission as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. One that fit him quite nicely if I must say.

Do not judge me! Just because I'm mad at him doesn't mean I can't appreciate his fine ass.

I felt bad seeing him like this but, I wasn't going to budge.

"I didn't come to fight, Carter. I felt your frustration and just wanted to make sure you were alright. And I'm sorry about this morning. I didn't mean to come of as brash. I just have a lot on my mind, and I don't like it when people crowd me. I'm sorry."

"Then make it up to me. Go out with me tomorrow." I retorted, my tone leaving no room for argument. Bennett chewed his lip, averting his gaze and I couldn't help the scoff that slipped out. "Oh wait, let me guess. You're busy." He didn't say anything to deny it or even try to make an alternative and that stung. I shook my head. "Whatever. Whenever you're ready to go back to being normal, you know where to find me." I said, shaking my head as I walked off.

"Wait." he called, grabbing hold of my hand and hurrying over to stand before me. "There's a lot going on right now. Give me some time and then everything will go back to normal. I promise. Just...give me some time to figure things out."

I stared at him for a good while and he returned my gaze with hopeful eyes. His stoic exterior had fallen away even though he still kept his emotions hidden from me, his face sure did a good job at portraying some emotion. He was practically begging me.

Expelling a deep breath, I tightened my hold on his hand. "Bennett, what the hell is going on? You're acting strange. Since Monday. You disappeared after third period on Monday and I didn't see you until after lunch. Yesterday you barely spoke to me and today you're distant. Please tell me what's going on."

"I know. And I promise to tell you. Just, I need some more time. Can you just bear with me for a bit?"

"I don't like being kept in the dark, Bennett. If something's going on with you, you have to let me know. We've talked about this already. Remember, sharing the burden?" I reminded gently and he nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"I know. And I don't want to tell you something I'm unsure of. So... just have a little patience. And as for people who seem to have a problem with us dating, since when do you care? I don't." A big smile was plastered onto his face and he looked almost proud.

That contagious smile of his brought one to my own face and it suddenly dawned on me that I didn't just love Bennett.

I was completely head over heels over him. And my gut was telling me to trust him. No matter how distant he may be or how brash he might come off, I should trust him.

"Okay. Whenever you are ready. I'll wait." I assured, leaning closer and pressing my lips to his cheek in a soft, slightly longer kiss. And if my mind hadn't been buzzing at the time of feeling him so close, I would have sworn he even leaned in a little and pulled me closer.

My, my! Somebody's getting bold!

And I love it!

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