Kylo Ren x Reader - Two's Com...

By PrincessBumbleBee97

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This is my version of the Organa-Solo's AU it's a work in progress but I really hope you like the adventure... More



99 6 2
By PrincessBumbleBee97

"Come on then beautiful let us get you home," Matt said once his Mum and Dad had drove off. 

"You sure you want to go ____? I've opened that bottle..." Ben said smirking at you.

"I wouldn't mind a glass or two Matty..." you smiled up to him.

"It doesn't bother me baby, you can stay here tonight, as long as you two don't mind if she does?" Matt asked.

"I don't see why not," Kylo shrugged and Ben agreed.

"I'll go pour that wine," Ben said walking towards the kitchen and Kylo did too, seeming to go with the intention to consort a cunning plan with him.

You twirled around to Matt, "Mathew why do you have red lipstick on you?" 

"Do not call me that," he grumbled.

"Why not Matthew?" you teased.

"Don't be bratty," Matt growled.

"But I'm so good at it," you cooed hiding your face behind your hair.

He seemed to like this from you but needed to assert a dominance you'd not seen in him before. Although before he could make action on it, his brother broke his thoughts and yours too, "you two done making out yet?" 

"Coming Benjamin," you smiled cockily at Matt.

"You're going to regret it.." you had been sure Matt mumbled but he had said it so quietly.

Once you were back in the living room you settled on the sofa next to Ben. Matt came and sat beside you leaving Kylo to pass around the glasses of wine.

"So that went well," Matt said.

"Yeah, you're a good influence on us after all ____," Ben smiled.

"Umm, so does this mean I am allowed to date Matt now?" you raised an eyebrow at Kylo who had taken his seat on the chair in the corner.

"I never had a problem with you and Matt dating," Ben said.

"I," Kylo began, "don't suppose it matters, he seems happy."

"I am happy, the fact you went out of your way to make her feel like she couldn't talk to me still annoys me," Matt said taking an annoyed swig of wine.

"Well she's managed to deal with you a month," Ben admitted somber.

"I heard you were seeing another girl anyways Ben," you said gulping a substantial amount of your wine, perhaps feeling a little awkward having asked the question. 

"I am always seeing girls ____," Ben said and then regretted it.

You didn't really like your brain, sometimes it felt as though it was hell bent on making you regret things, "oh so you could say you're a man slag then?" you eyed him. 

Thankfully the room wasn't silent for long enough for you to make things worse.

"Watch it ____," Kylo rebuked sticking up for Ben.

"No, she's right, I really should not have called you what I did and it does make sense now," Ben said kindly. 

You smiled at him feeling grateful of the tension ease, perhaps you and Matt wouldn't need to keep away from them anymore afterall.

To fill the conversation gap your brain had another of it's excellent thoughts and blurted it without your permission, "so who is up for a game of never have I ever?" you joked.

"Yeah go on then," Ben chirped in stoic seriousness. 

"You have to go first though ____," Kylo said gaining attentive curiosity.

"Ahem, I was only joking..." you said embarrassed, sipping quickly from your glass.

Ben finished his and topped himself up and Matt who had done quite well on his glass too. You thought it couldn't have been five minutes since they had first poured it and you grimaced at them, that was not the correct way to drink wine, "you know you're supposed to savour wine...not shot it."

"They never did have an ounce of class ___," Kylo smiled at you, noting he had drank just a little more than you had.

"However speaking of shots, whisky, vodka, rum?" Kylo added.

"Seriously guys, do you want me to be a drunk wreck again? You've all already seen me that way…" 

"Yes, yes of course we do," Ben said laughing.

"No, come on ___, we should definitely play, I'd like to hear your dirty secrets," Matt explained and you rested your head against his chest. 

The trio seemed to have pounced on you, holding you down with their demanding stares. Of course you didn't mind playing, but you did mind the way all of them made you feel when they were all together, especially with the intention of getting drunk.

"What's your poison then Baby?" Ben insisted.

"Rum, I guess...or Vodka....I don't mind whisky but I've had some real bad experiences with it..." you admitted feeling sick at the thought.

Kylo wandered to the kitchen and back, with four shot glasses and two bottles, vodka and rum.

"Ok, so me first?" You said wanting to get yours out of the way, knowing well you wouldn't be good at thinking of questions as the night got late, "never have I ever, been kicked out of a bar?"

Matt and you stayed still, Kylo and Ben reached for a shot glass laughing.

"Look that was not my fault that night," Ben chuckled handing Kylo a shot of rum.

"Well it wasn't my fault you told her we were twins," Kylo said tossing the shot back with ease.

"Wait what?" you asked wanting to know more.

Kylo and Ben eyed each other but Ben was the one to speak, "no Sweetie you don't get to hear the story unless you want to you take a shot," Ben cooed.

Matt just stayed quiet and moved his hand into your lap. Possession, you thought. 

"I'm good...just ask you later when you're both pissed and I'm fine because I'm a good girl," you fake sighed.

"We both know that's not true," Ben and Kylo said in complete unison. It was so in synch at first you couldn't have been sure who had said it. 

Matt did not like the way his brothers were being. To your mind you thought he couldn't possibly have told them you hadn't yet had sex with him.

"Never have I ever, kissed a stranger," Matt said his fingertips beginning to gently trace circles on your inner thigh. 

You, Ben and Kylo all reached for a shot glass this time.

"Ben you and me are going to be fucked at the end of this," Kylo grumbled.

"Hmm, because you two don't think I know how loose you are?" Matt scoffed.

"Oi careful what you say Mathew I don't suppose you think I go around kissing strangers all the time do you?" you chuckled.

Matt fell silent and lifted your hand to kiss the back of it, "of course not darling" he jested.

"Never have I ever-"

"Hang on let me do a shot before the next round," you complained to Kylo taking back a shot of vodka and washing it down with a sip of wine.

"Ok princess, we'll keep it nice and slow for you tonight," Kylo cooed and your legs ached at your memories, "ready?" he teased and you nodded, "never have I ever, been tied up with a belt."

Your body froze, unwilling to accept a shot over such a circumstance, memories of Kylo holding your wrists between a belt to fuck you hard into his bed flooded your mind so vividly you almost let out a moan. However scared you were to accept the punishment Kylo had given you, you slowly noticed both Kylo's and Matt's hands reaching for their glasses.

"Wait, you too Matty?" you turned to face him blushing so madly you wondered if he had guessed Kylo's games.

"Don't act so surprised Princess, you know Matty by now, surely?" Kylo said his eyes glaring into your soul as though watching you do the shot was some form of sadistic vindication. 

You gulped, admittedly you had done sexual things with Matt but you had never actually had sex and Kylo took note of your response: rejoicing. 

"Ignore Kylo baby," Ben smiled offering you your shot, his hand falling lazily onto your leg. What put you about even more by this point was Matt had clearly watched and didn't even do anything about it.

"Ben?" Kylo said eyeing him in a way a triplet could only work out, it was his turn to ruin you.

"Never have I ever ruined someone's orgasm?" Ben said with an air of dominance you hadn't ever seen in him before.

"Well that one is subjective, did such person do it on purpose or not?" you practically shouted over them all before anyone could reach for shots.

"Oh, good question ____," Matt agreed with you pulling you into his side to kiss your head, you smiled up at him, turning his head to catch his lips.

"Fine on purpose," Ben conceded.

You held back and watched as all three brothers went for a shot, you shuddered at the dominance overload in the room.

"Never have I ever done it with more than one person in 24 hours. Now you can think all you want of me but..." you laughed grabbing the vodka and opting for an audible shot from the bottle, the boys squirmed at your boyish attitude. 

"I'd like to hear that story," Ben poked.

"A tale for a tale Benjamin," you laughed.

The room span as you watched the others reach for shots: just Ben this time.

"Hmm...slut" you eyed him an air of anger and an air of sarcasm, you winked at him though to be sure he knew you were playing.

"Princess, watch it." Kylo inserted always so 'Daddy' of his brothers.

"Uh-huh," you mocked him as Ben's hand grabbed your upper thigh so tightly he made you yelp from the surprise of it.

"Matt you need to keep her under control or I will," Kylo regarded him as though he really knew how much he could get away with.

"Kylo, we promised we wouldn't," Ben smirked taking a hold of your hand.

"What?" you laughed leaning against Ben's shoulder.

Matt's hand snaking down over your cunt, making it clench, it wasn't like him.

"One more round," he exclaimed but you didn't know why.

"Never have I ever had a bedroom injury," Matt said.

"Well that's not even fair because you all know I am a sub..." you blurted out instantly regretting it.

"Did we now?" Ben kissed your head whilst Matt's hand gained more skill over your clothed clit. You tried not to writhe, you didn't want to draw attention to yourself anymore than they were making you already.

"Here beautiful, I believe you threw yourself into that one without our help," he passed you two thirds of a shot, knowing you were likely reaching your limit.

"Never have I ever cheated on my partner," Kylo said an air of seriousness over this question.

You watched as every member in the room refrained from taking a glass, "aww you boys, I don't personally understand cheats, if I didn't love the person I was with, I would leave him, not sleep with someone behind his back."

"Cheers to that," Ben said clinking his wine glass with yours and finishing the last of his cup.

"Never have I ever had sex with multiple people," Ben whispered against your ear lobe.

You shuddered and watched as Ben sat you upright between him and his brother in order to take a shot with them both.

A/n I can't handle this chapter.

The next chapter may be a little longer away than these last few. I always take longer to write the erotic parts and one cock is normally enough to write about.

(Not that I am complaining)

I really hope you guys are enjoying this. I've been working really hard for this to actually read decently.

Thanks always for your continued support

Els x

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