The Next Generation (BNHA X D...

By LavenderBlitz

1.4M 26.6K 23.9K

There are some schools out there who have kids with incredible powers, Wether they be "Quirks", "Sacred Gears... More

Y/N Bio
Chapter 1: New Faces
Chapter 2: First Day
Chapter 3: Training Exercise: Part 1
Chapter 4: Training Exercise: Part 2
Chapter 5: Training Exercise: Part 3
Chapter 6: Teamwork
Chapter 7: Offer
Chapter 8: Free Day
Chapter 9: Water Park
Chapter 10: Y/N's Challenger!
Chapter 11: New Power
Chapter 12: Relaxing Night
Chapter 13: Rise Of The Blood Moon
Chapter 14: Fighting In The Dark
Chapter 15: The Saiyan Devil
Chapter 16: Dream Encounter
Chapter 17: Prepare For The Big Event
Chapter 18: Train For The Tournament
Chapter 19: The Night It Begins
Chapter 20: A Forgotten Promise
Chapter 21: The Tournament Begins!
Chapter 22: The Power Of Gremory
Chapter 23: The Peerage Falls
Chapter 24: Evolutionary Discovery
Chapter 25: Primal Power
Chapter 26: Kicking Things Off
Chapter 27: Ramping It Up
Chapter 28: The Semi Finals
Chapter 29: Conclusion Of The Tournament
Chapter 30: New Students
Chapter 31: Dragons Vs Gods
Chapter 32: Kick Back
Chapter 33: Deathly Encounter
Chapter 34: Working With Gremory
Chapter 35: The Imperfect Being
Chapter 36: Y/N The Exorcist
Chapter 37: Enter X
Chapter 38: The Rise Of Ultra Instinct
Chapter 39: Birth Of The New Omni God
Chapter 40: Aftermath
Chapter 41: School Dance
Chapter 42: Warming Welcomes
Chapter 43: Battle Training
Chapter 44: Field Trip
Chapter 45: Slight Change
Chapter 46: Encounter With The Unknown
Chapter 47: Mindless Beast
Chapter 48: The Berserker Vs The Devil
Chapter 49: Guilt
Chapter 50: Unexpected Rescue
Chapter 51: Human From The 12th
Chapter 52: Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter 53: No Mercy
Chapter 54: War With The Shadows
Chapter 55: True Terror
Chapter 56: Fear
Chapter 57: The Hidden Leaf
Chapter 58: Saiyans Dominate Ninjas
Chapter 59: Camping
Chapter 60: Robotic Battle
Chapter 61: I.S Academy
Chapter 62: Sudden Challenger
Chapter 63: Battle With The Giants
Chapter 64: Call From Deep Within
Chapter 65: The Titans Fall
Chapter 66: Return To The Academy
Chapter 67: Reunion
Chapter 68: Finish That Sparring Match
Chapter 69: Powerful New Enemy
Chapter 70: Birth Of A Fused Warrior
Chapter 71: Voyage For The Last Dragon Ball
Chapter 72: Tournament Of Weaklings
Chapter 73: New Home
Chapter 74: More Newcomers
Chapter 75: Bone Shattering Training
Chapter 76: The Ultimate Play Thing
Chapter 77: Know Your Place
Chapter 78: The Masked Swordsman
Chapter 79: Upcoming Event
Chapter 80: Road Trip With The Guys
Chapter 81: Rise Of A New Devil
Chapter 82: A New Tournament
Chapter 83: Wipe The Floor
Chapter 84: The Beast's Cave
Chapter 85: Preparation
Chapter 86: The Real Battle Begins
Chapter 87: Issei's Mistake
Chapter 88: Redemption
Chapter 89: Hidden Rage
Chapter 90: Rampage
Chapter 91: Beatdown
Chapter 92: The Final Match
Chapter 93: Giving A Tour
Chapter 94: New Pupils
Chapter 95: The New Midoriya And Yang
Halloween Special: Part 1/3
Halloween Special: Part 2/3
Halloween Special: Part 3/3
Special Chapter: Crossover M.E.G.A Part 1
Special Chapter: Crossover M.E.G.A Part 2
Special Chapter: Crossover M.E.G.A Part 3
Christmas Special: Godly Holidays
Special Chapter: Crossover M.E.G.A Finale
Chapter 97: Deadly Vision
Chapter 98: Evil Doubles
Chapter 99: The Celestial King
Chapter 100: Origin
Chapter 101: The King's Return
Chapter 102: The Midnight Royale
Chapter 103: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 104: Siege On The Academy
Chapter 105: Return To Universe 7
Chapter 106: The Plan
Chapter 107: Darkness At The Pinnacle
Chapter 108: Mysterious New Power
Chapter 109: Neo and Toga
Chapter 110: All The Help We Can Get: Part 1
Chapter 111: All The Help We Can Get: Part 2
Chapter 112: All The Help We Can Get: Part 3
Chapter 113: All The Help We Can Get: Part 4
Chapter 114: Erubus The Eater Of Gods
Chapter 115: Wrath Of The Dragon
Chapter 116: All The Help We Can Get: Part 5
Chapter 117: All The Help We Can Get: Part 6
Chapter 118: The Grand Priest's Request
Chapter 119: The Final Trial
Chapter 120: Bring Down The Priest
Chapter 121: Surprise Reward
Chapter 122: Y/N Vs Vegito
Chapter 123: Hide N Seek
Chapter 124: PaintBall
Chapter 125: SCP Escape
Chapter 126: Meeting The Past
Chapter 127: Restoring Lost Hope
Chapter 128: Ready To Rumble
Chapter 129: Rumble On
Chapter 130: The Hero Nobody Knows
Chapter 131: The Evil Gods
Chapter 132: Battle On Skyworld
Chapter 133: Legendary Triple Merger
Chapter 134: Celestial Awakening
Chapter 135: Unexpected Admirers
Chapter 136: Return Of The Perfect Being
Chapter 137: The Next Leap
Chapter 138: The Underground
Chapter 139: Beach City
Chapter 140: Y/N's Bootcamp
Chapter 141: Planet Eater
Chapter 142: Prom Night
Chapter 143: The Last Day
Chapter 144: Face Yourself
Chapter 145: Training Exercise 2.0: Part 1
Chapter 146: Training Exercise 2.0: Part 2
Chapter 147: Training Exercise 2.0: Part 3
Chapter 148: The Big Feast
Chapter 149: The Day of Fate
Chapter 150: Hyper-War
Chapter 151: Planet-Busting Battle
Chapter 152: Buying Time
Chapter 153: Ultimate Tag Team
Chapter 154: The First Incarnation
Chapter 155: Transcend
Chapter 156: Enter Omni Y/N
Chapter 157: Clash Of Omni Kings
Chapter 158: Dark and Light
Chapter 159: Ark's True Form
Chapter 160: Omniversal
Chapter 161: Ark's Domain
Chapter 162: The Final Showdown
Chapter 163: Until We Meet Again, Y/N L/N
Special Annoncement!
Change of Plans

Chapter 96: A Normal Class Day

5K 103 75
By LavenderBlitz

The sun was beginning to rise as it's bright and warm light greeted the room and provided everyone with some extra warmth

You were just waking up from in your bedroom as everyone began to wake up as well, you sat up and let out a loud yawn

Y/N: Man...Good Morning Everyone!

Lotus: Good Morning Y/N!

Caulifla: C'mon...I'm hungry...

With that the seven of you headed towards the door and entered the living room to be greeted by Rem and Ram

Rem and Ram: Good Morning everyone!

Y/N: Good Morning Ladies!

Rem: Breakfast is on the table, we prepared a lot of food with the help of Midnight of course!

Everyone looked to see Five Mountains of food, Skylar went wide eyed and laughed nervously as you and the other saiyans rushed towards the food

Everyone: THANK YOU!!

With that you all began to chow down, once Ram, Rem and Skylar witnessed the mountains disappear like Zamasu when Beerus destroyed him, everyone began to get ready

Time Skip

As Everyone walked through the hallways in their proper clothing, you looked at the class schedule

Y/N: Okay, we have Biology First class...

Lotus: Man! I suck at Biology...

Kale: Maybe it's just because you don't pay attention...

With that you headed to History class, eventually you made it to the classroom to meet with Glynda

Glynda: Good Morning Y/N, please take a seat.

With that you took a seat as everyone else began to enter the room, eventually every student arrived and the class begun

Glynda went on and on and on about how dangerous Grimm can be as over half of the class' students weren't paying attention at all

Some of you began to mutter silently as she continued to ramble about Grimm as she walked back and forth while pointing at the board

Y/N: Grimm don't even exist in our world...

Midoriya: It's kinda useless information...

Issei: The only thing I've dealt with that are even close to Grimm are strays...

Suddenly Glynda began to talk about a different type of enemy

Glynda: Stray Devils! They are also very dangerous, but unlike Grimm they are usually alone...

Y/N: You were saying?

As she went on about Strays

Ruby: Stays don't exist in our world...

Glynda: Now that we have covered Strays, Time for another enemy, ones that are not as barbaric and wild, but still formidable, Villains!

You could see Midoriya go wide eyed as she mentioned Villains

Glynda: Villains can come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes, all have their own unique quirks...

She continued to ramble for another five minutes about Villains but she eventually stopped and got to the last one

Glynda: Last but not least, we have a race of beings that are not our enemy, can anyone tell me about the Namekians?

After hearing the word "Namekian" you shot up from your desk and raised your hand

Y/N: I can!!

Glynda: Oh? Care to explain?

Y/N: Namekians are gentle and kind beings who come from a planet known as Namek, there are 2 different types of Namekians, Warrior Class, and Dragon Class...

You continued to go on and on about Namekians like how Midoriya talks about heroes, eventually you stopped

Y/N: And that's about all...

You then noticed that everyone went to their next class while you were talking

Time Skip

You were now in your last class of the day, Business Studies class as you sat at your desk and class began, teaching the class was Aizawa

Aizawa: Okay...Today I'll take it easy on you...everyone will partner up into groups of three and reenact an advertisement commercial for your store or product

With that the partnering began, You got up as Kasai and Lotus walked up to you

Kasai: Yo Y/N!

Lotus: Wanna partner up with us?

You nodded with a smile as the three of you began to think of something to reenact, eventually you got an idea as you pulled Kasai and Lotus in

Y/N: Alright, Here's what we're gonna do...

Time Skip

all of the groups made their commercials except for your group, some were very well done like Momo's Rias', and Weiss', others not so much like Kaminari's, Jaune's, and Issei's

You got up with Lotus and Kasai as the three of you stood in front of the class

Y/N: Let's do this...

With that the complete mess of a commercial began, through out the project you could hardly hold in your laughter

Lotus: Welcome to Olive Garden!

Y/N: Welcome to Olive Garden!

Lotus: Take a Seat!

Suddenly you started to dance and sing the song that you planned

Y/N:🎵 C'mon down to the Olive Garden to get your free breadsticks! 🎶

Lotus began to laugh as he thought to himself

Lotus: This is a good freaking commercial...!!

Suddenly Kasai appeared and began to play his role

Kasai: Hey I want some breadsticks!

Y/N: You want some breadsticks?

Kasai: Yes I would love some breadsticks!

Lotus: Well then c'mon down!

Y/N: C'mon down!

The three of you suddenly began to dance as you sung the same simple song making everyone think different things

Y/N: 🎶 C'mon down to the Olive Garden to get yourself breadsticks! 🎶

With that the three of you stopped and ran to your desks while trying not to laugh, Aizawa was completely speechless out of cringe by you little performance

Aizawa: That're all dismissed, go back to your rooms or whatever...

With that everyone headed out and walked to their rooms after putting their school stuff in their lockers

Y/N: Today was certainly fun!

Lotus: Man I want breadsticks now...

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