Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fan...

By maryfigzz

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A girl should be like a Butterfly- pretty to see and hard to catch. Camille Ryder was unalike from the typica... More

Chapter 1: No Need For a Fake ID
Chapter 2: Memory Lane
Chapter 3: Way Too Hungover For This
Chapter 4: Tuesday
Chapter 5: Lingerie and Angel Wings
Chapter 6: Cosmetic Revenge
Chapter 7: I Won't Read Into It
Chapter 9: Not Likely
Chapter 10: Am I interrupting Something?
Chapter 11: L.A
Chapter 12: The Open Road
Chapter 13: New Beginning
Chapter 14: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 15: The Things You're Afraid of
Chapter 16: Just a High School Thing
Chapter 17: Oh The Pity
Chapter 18: Series Of Unfortunate Events
Chapter 19: Merry Christmas?
Chapter 20: One-eighty
Chapter 21: My Butterfly
Chapter 22: Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 23: Instigators & Troublemakers
Chapter 24: Mornings Like These
Chapter 25: Something Great
Chapter 26: I Trust You
Chapter 27: Bombshell
Chapter 28: Be My Valentine
Chapter 29: When It Rains, It Pours
Chapter 30: The Harshest Reality
Chapter 31: No Harm No Foul
Chapter 32: My Girl, Our Weekend
Chapter 33: Nirvana
Chapter 34: Numb
Chapter 35: Denial
Chapter 36: Anger
Chapter 37: Hopelessness
Chapter 38: Depression
Chapter 39: Acceptance
Chapter 40: Unkept Secrets
Chapter 41: Deal
Chapter 42: My Lucky Day
Chapter 43: The Birthday
Chapter 44: Great Night, Rough Morning
Chapter 45: The Later The Better
Chapter 46: Food Now, Sex Later
Chapter 47: We All Got Bruises
Chapter 48: Half Way There
Chapter 49:Half The Fun
Chapter 50: The Way Things Were
Chapter 51: Sleeping With The Enemy
Chapter 52: The Endless Cycle
Chapter 53: Out Of Tears
Chapter 54: Expiration Date
Chapter 55: All My Fault
Announcement !

Chapter 8: Awkward and Underdressed

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By maryfigzz

Cami POV:

The sound of Charli's shrills of laughter echoed through the apartment, as it took me from my deep sleep.

Caleb had spent the night once again, which was fine by me, but it was not cool to wake me up at 8:00 A.M on a Saturday morning. As the sleep was rubbed from my eyes, flashbacks of last nights familiar dream played in my mind. There was a peaceful meadow, I was lying in the grass looking up at the clear blue sky. A butterfly! I remember a royal blue butterfly lingering around me, just far enough out of my reach. The dream felt familiar to me, maybe I had had it before?

Thanks to Charli's annoying laughter, I had woken up and decided I might as well get out of bed. I grabbed my yoga pants hanging on my desk chair and my favourite black hoodie, making my way to the bathroom.

Remembering my plans with Niall this evening, I immediately regretted saying yes to the date. I didn't know for sure how it was going to go, but what I did know was that it could be awkward and detrimental to our friendship.

The smell of fresh cooked eggs and the sizzling of bacon diverted my attention to the kitchen.

"Stop it, you're tickling me!" Charli screeched, and Caleb chuckled.

I followed the barf worthy noises of the cute couple into the kitchen, and sent a menacing glare their way.

"I just love being woken up at 8am on a Saturday," I said, rather sarcastically.

"Relax Cam, we're making your favourite, bacon and eggs." Charli was trying to give me her best puppy dog look that was hardly working.

"Fine, you're forgiven, but only because you made me bacon," I said, as I held a warning finger up to her.

Bacon was my weakness and she knew that.

After scarfing down a surprisingly delicious breakfast, I spent my one day off from The Grind pampering myself, by painting my nails a dark shade of blue and tidying the clothes covering my bedroom floor.

It was decided that Niall was going to pick me up at 6:00, but he hadn't told me where we were going for dinner. With only half an hour left to get ready, I picked out a cute but casual outfit, doing my best not to dress too over the top. I took a hot curling iron to my hair to give it some natural waves and I swiped on a thin line of black liner over my eyelids. The doorbell rang, which sent a shot of nerves through my body.

I frantically walked towards door and I opened it, only to be met with a surprising sight in front of me. Adorned in a dress shirt and slacks was Niall, handling a large bouquet of typical red roses.

I faked a smile of admiration towards the flowers in his hands as I greeted him.

"Hey Niall, you look great," I said, feeling exactly what I feared, awkward and underdressed.

He eyed me up and down and seemed to realize the same thing I did. We were on completely different pages on the dress code for tonight. I didn't know where he was planning on taking me, but he could have at least mentioned it was going to be rather formal. He nervously hummed and smiled as his cheeks turned a light shade of red. This was already awkward and we hadn't even left my apartment yet.

"Thanks, you too," Niall began, as he nervously cleared his throat. "I should have told you where we were going," he sighed, as he looked down towards his own clothes.

I gently patted my hand on his shoulder, trying to ease his nervousness and embarrassment. If he could relax, maybe he would see that we were just better off as friends and tonight didn't have to be weird.

"It's fine, I'll just go change really quick," I said, trying to make the awkwardness shift onto a lighter tone. "Thanks for the flowers, they're beautiful," I added, as he handed them over to me.

While I placed the flowers in a vase, Niall seemed to be composing himself slightly just as Charli and Caleb both made their way into the entryway.

Just what I needed.

Initially when I told Charli about my date, she thought I was joking. She knew as well as I did how much Niall meant to me as a friend. She also called that he had a crush on me, over a year ago and the 'I told you sos I heard at the beginning of the week became quite infuriating. Now, to make matters worse she was present for this moment of weirdness between us.

"Wow, Niall you look-uhm, fancy," she said, sounding as if she were asking a question rather than complementing him.

I mentally face palmed as Caleb struggled to hold in his grin. Niall didn't seem to notice Charli's lack of conviction and he only thanked her quickly, as Caleb became more involved within the conversation.

"I don't think we've officially met," Caleb offered, as he outstretched his hand.

Niall took it in his, as they did the typical guy handshake and exchanged names.

"So, are you two going to different places or something?" Caleb asked, gesturing towards the differences between our outfits.

Niall nervously chuckled, trying to find the humor rather than mortification in Caleb's comment.

"I'm gonna change actually. I'll be right out." I said, and Niall nodded as I headed back to my bedroom.

I ransacked my closet, not wanting to leave Niall alone with those two for long. I picked out a black lace trimmed camisole dress and threw on my signature leather jacket. Before it was even properly positioned on my body, I practically ran back to my 'date' and flattened it out on the way.

Immediately when I rejoined them, they grew silent. Who knows what they said while I was gone? I internally groaned at the likelihood of their conversation making things worse for me tonight. They saw us off fairly quickly after I returned and Niall and I headed downstairs to his car. As gentlemanly as he was, he held every door for me and even opened the one on the passanger side to his Jeep. The ride to the restaurant was silent other than the overplayed radio music in the background.

When we pulled into the parking lot of a place called Toro, it took everything in me not to fake sick in that exact moment. I hated and I mean hated sushi. Not to mention that it was one of the most overpriced places in town.

Niall pulled into a spot fairly far from the door, since the parking lot was so jampacked with other cars. He turned off the ignition, finally stopping the awful music playing and looked over to me with a small smile.

"You like sushi, right?" he asked apprehensively, realizing he didn't know if I even enjoyed that type of food, which I didn't.

Despite the logic of kindly telling him I did not, I bit my tongue and nodded my head as convincingly as I could. I didn't attempt to speak, not knowing if my voice could pull it off just yet.

"Good," Niall sighed in relief.

I followed him to the front of the restaurant and we waited idly by for over half an hour, even though he had a reservation. We made small talk in the meantime mentioning school, classes and The Grind. It was nice enough to keep us entertained for the long wait time.

When we finally got led to our seats by a short and wrinkled oriental women, Niall graciously pulled out my seat for me and I thanked him as the waitress smiled in admiration. I would imagine she had not seen a gesture like that much, considering modern day men. Despite Niall's best efforts and amiable chivalry, I couldn't bring myself to feel any sort of spark. He was nice enough, but somehow my thoughts kept drifting to a curly head of brown hair and a raspy British accent. I hadn't seen or spoken to Harry since Halloween, but somehow in this moment, he was all I could think about. Something about the way his presence alone made me feel, did not resonate the same with Niall. So much for keeping what happened on Halloween, on Halloween.

"So.. what are you getting?" Niall asked, while looking down at his own menu.

When I glanced at the lists of food in front of me, they all looked foreign.

"Umm, not sure yet," I said, searching for something that would count as food. I saw some sort of rice bowl listed and decided I would play it safe and raid the fridge when I got home.

I would make do for a couple of hours tonight, but I just hoped this date consolidates our friendship rather than a relationship.

Harry POV:

Saturday nights were usually the nights guys like me would go out, grab drinks, pick up girls or hang out with friends. Since my best friend has fallen arse over tits for this Charli girl, I was left alone and bored.

Bandit was fully functioning without Caleb or I being there- at least for tonight, and yet I couldn't bring myself to do anything other than mope around my empty house. There was nothing on t.v and I wasn't the type to clean when I was bored. I was almost tempted to get dressed and work Bandit on the rare occasion I could take a night off. Maybe they needed me anyway? It was a Saturday, so guaranteed it was jam-packed and in need of some sort of authority. When Caleb and I were both absent, the acting boss was Colt. He was quite reliable but he got distracted by a pretty face and big tits too easily. Going in could be in the best interest and well being of my bar.

As I was considering doing just that, my phone vibrated inside my pocket. Much to my surprise, It was Caleb on the other end.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of you actually calling me?" I asked.

"Don't be a dick, I need a favor," Caleb replied, and I knew he rolled his eyes.

I huffed, of course that's why he was calling. He would never disrupt precious time with his girl unless he needed something. All the same, I was a good friend and if she made him happy, I was happy for him.

"What do you need?" I sighed, as I waited for his response.

"I think I left my wallet at your place this morning," he told me, while I could hear Charli mumbling in the background

I got up from the couch and looked over the confines of the living room where Caleb had spent the majority of his short time this morning. With no wallet in sight, I headed towards the kitchen and saw the brown leather item in question, sitting undisturbed on the counter.

"It's here," I said, as he let out a relieved breath.

"You think you can drop it off at Charli's place for me?" he asked, optimistically.

I took a moment to think about his question. I had been avoiding The Grind since Cami shut me down on Halloween, but the idea of running into her tonight was tempting. As surprising as it was to admit, I sort of missed her smart mouth and the playful banter between us. I was also bored as hell and had nothing better to do anyway, so the possibility of seeing Cami seemed pretty good. I made a mental note to start going to The Grind again and told Caleb I would be there soon.

For a Saturday night, the roads were rather empty and I arrived at Cami and Charli's building quickly. With Caleb's wallet in hand, I made my way into the elevator feeling strangely excited for some reason. My heart was racing noticeably quicker than usual when the ding signaled I had reached the third floor. Even when I delivered knocks to the door, I couldn't help but feel anxious to see her. On Halloween, I felt something I hadn't in a while and it stung that she didn't reciprocate. I didn't know why she was always so reluctant to be around me, I wasn't that bad, was I? Why does it even matter how she feels? It's not like I care. The door knob twitched and was pulled open by a cheerful looking Charli.

"Hey, Harry," she said, opening the door wider for me to go in.

I stepped inside of the apartment and saw Caleb sprawled out on the couch, eating a slice of pizza from the box set on the coffee table in front of him.

"You left it in the kitchen," I said, as I threw it directly at his torso and hit my target. He winced at the impact but chuckled shortly after.

"Thanks, mate," he replied, while shooting up his middle finger.

Charlie giggled and I only shook my head at him.

"Did you wanna stay? Maybe have some pizza?" Charli asked, kindly. Caleb's eyes bulged out of their sockets and he frantically started shaking his head.

What an asshole. Just to piss him off, I would stay, besides I hadn't seen Cami yet, so I decided to stick around.

"Sounds good, thanks Charli," I said, as I pulled up a seat beside Caleb on the couch.

He rolled his eyes and Charli scoffed at his immature behavior. We sat in comfortable silence, as we all ate pizza until the movie they were watching before I arrived ended.

"Think everything is okay at Bandit? Been a while since we left Colt in charge," Caleb said, sparking my curiosity.

Bandit had been the last thing on my mind in the duration of my time here. I kept wondering when or if Cami was going to pop out of her room and acknowledge my presence. She had to have heard that I was here, maybe she was purposely avoiding me?

"I'm sure its' whole," I guaranteed, even though I was contemplating the same worries only an hour ago.

"You guys should relax and let me and Cami check it out," Charli suggested, with a knowing smirk.

Caleb looked to me and let out a loud laugh. "I would have no problem at all with the idea, Harry on the other hand is a bit of a tight-ass incase you haven't noticed."

"Oh, I've noticed," Charli said, as she and Caleb chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at them. It wasn't my fault she was only twenty and it's not like I could control the legal age in Orange County.

"Where is your partner in crime anyways?" I questioned, trying to subtly ask what I have been wondering since I got here.

Charli and Caleb both smirked and gave me a questioning glance.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Charli responded, suggestively.

I frowned, Cami must have told her what went on between us on Halloween.

"I see you've spoken to Cami about us?" I asked, redundantly as I could feel my cheeks turn crimson.

"She might have mentioned it," Charli says, trying muffle her giggle.

"What were you thinking mate? She just warmed up to you and you go in and plant one on her?

"You know too?" I practically yelled, as I ran my hand through my hair.

It wasn't that big of a deal really, it was only a kiss. It was mostly just embarrassing that they knew what went down and that she wasn't into it.

"Well obviously," Caleb said, as he chuckled.

I was glad they found my rejection so amusing. Well, not at all actually.

"So do you like her- or?" Charli asked, with a hinting look in her eyes as she raised her eyebrows.

Did I like Cami? I didn't really know her all that well, and from the times that we spoke, she had been a pain in my ass. Although, I liked that she was not afraid to speak her mind and to be herself, that wasn't common in girls these days. But did I like her? I honestly couldn't answer my own question.

"I don't know- she's alright I guess," I stammered.

I didn't know what else to say. Did I really show up to try and run into her? That was so pathetic.

"Wow, your so poetic," Charli remarked at my answer.

"I don't know, okay?"

I was flustered and suddenly pacing around, creating a noticeable draft. Caleb and Charli both watching me, trying to hold in their smirks. At least I knew I could amuse them with my jumbled mind. The door lightly opening and shutting drew all three of our attention towards it. Moments later, Cami came into view in a little black dress bearing a confused expression. She looked from Charli, to Caleb, then to me and her eyebrows furrowed when she glanced my way.

"Hey, Cam. How was your date?" Caleb asked. His voice sounded weird, almost as if he was inquiring with ulterior motives.

"Uhm, what is he doing here?" she asked, completely ignoring the question.

She went on a date? Why did that bother me? Who did she go with? It better not have been Liam. These thoughts filled my mind, leaving me completely disoriented.

"He came to drop off Caleb's wallet. So?" Charli asked, bringing her back to the question I now wanted to hear the answer to as well.

"It was- nice. Niall was a perfect gentleman," Cami said, downplaying her evening.

The kid finally got out of the friend zone for a night? That was shocking, judging from her reaction the last time he asked her out. She probably couldn't get out of it this time.

"You went out with Neil?" I scoffed, and rolled my eyes.

"It's Niall, and yes I did. Not that it's any of your business," she remarked, with narrowed eyes.

Charli and Caleb seemed to be enjoying the dramatic scene going on in front of them, as they both looked back and forth between us.

"Did you have a good time?" Charli asked, interrupting our conversation.

Cami smirked as she tilted her head to the side before she replied. "I did actually, I had a great time."

I shook my head at her slowly and the smug smirk she had before, never left her lips. I had a feeling she was lying just to piss me off, but I didn't know her well enough to decipher if what she said about her date was true. What I did know was the fact that she went on a date with Neil at all, bothered me. But why should it? We were barely even friends. I couldn't remember the last time a girl had gotten on my nerves like this. That had to mean something, didn't it?

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