
By DramaKelly

661K 30.2K 40.9K

Izuku Midoriya is a small and vulnerable quirkless boy, someone that needs to be protected from bullies and a... More

Chapter 1 - Reunion
Chapter 2 - Vip
Chapter 3 - Todoroki
Chapter 4 - Side Effects
Chapter 5 - Hosu
Chapter 6 - Shinsou
Chapter 7 - A Pit Called Love
Chapter 8 - Protective
Chapter 9 - First Job
Chapter 10 - Bakusquad
Chapter 11 - Truth Revealed
Chapter 12 - Compassion
Chapter 13 - Date
Chapter 14 - Kaminari
Chapter 15 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 16 - Heist
Chapter 17 - Practical Exam
Chapter 18 - Deku vs Kacchan
Chapter 19 - Training Camp
Chapter 20 - Kota
Chapter 21 - Rescued
Chapter 22 - Toya
Chapter 23 - Todoroki Sensei
Chapter 24 - Sero
Chapter 25 - I Know
Chapter 26 - Black-Out
Chapter 27 - Exposed
Chapter 28 - Kidnapped
Chapter 29 - Quirkless
Chapter 30 - Shittier Hair
Chapter 31 - Cheating?!
Chapter 32 - Fucked Up
Chapter 33 - Regret
Chapter 34 - Licence Exam
Chapter 35 - Questions Without Answers
Chapter 36 - Meeting Up
Chapter 37 - Answers
Chapter 38 - Getting Help
Chapter 39 - Midoriya Hisashi
Chapter 40 - Scared
Chapter 41 - Back Together
Chapter 42 - Start of the Siege
Chapter 44 - The Fall Of Izuku Midoriya
Had to do it to 'em

Chapter 43 - The Rise of the Green Reaper

8.7K 472 342
By DramaKelly

Pov Bakugou
Deku didn't come back for the rest of lunch and I knew something was up. I bet his dad is going to try and get rid of flame brain or something and doesn't want Izuku anywhere near it. But why did he warn me? Be ready to fight and defend. What does that even mean? Why would I be the one to be attacked? And defend? Is someone else a target to? It must be...

"Uhm, Bakugou? You seem kinda distracted. Everything okay?" Jirou asked, quirking a brow.
"I don't trust the new principal, that's all" I grunted.
"What? But dude, he's Midoriya's father. I'm sure he won't harm his own son" Sero pointed out.
"No, he won't" I sighed, looking back down at the table.

"Not Izuku... But what about everyone else in here? He doesn't give a damn about us and you know it. Him being the new principal is all part of some bigger scheme that won't reveal itself until it's too late. I know him well enough to know he has something planned. Something I'm not gonna like"

"Oh come on Bakubro! Don't be such a pessimist all the time!" Kirishima smiled.
"It's not cause your boyfriend left you can start acting like a giant jerk again, you know?"
"Shut the fuck up shitty hair!" I hissed, almost releasing an explosion in his face. Luckily I remembered in time, letting my hand rest on his face for a second before pulling it away.


"Yeah, I miss my quirk too..." Eijirou pouted, looking away from me. Damnit! Ugh, now I made him sad or whatever! Suddenly the doors of the canteen burst open, Toya flying through the air and harshly landing on the ground. People gasped and shouted and by the time Aizawa walked in, it was complete chaos.
"Holy shit!" Kirishima exclaimed, pulling at his hair.

"Everyone, please leave this area immediately!" Eraser called out as Toya crawled back up, blue flames surrounding him.
"I don't want to do this Shouta... But you leave me no other choice" the Todoroki growled. Fuck.
"What the hell has gotten into the two of you?!" Midnight screamed, coming in between them.
"Move it Nemuri" Toya hissed.
"I don't want to hurt you"

"Then don't! What's wrong with you?!" Midnight hissed, now standing with Eraserhead.
"You don't understand! I have to do this!" Todoroki yelled, tears in his eyes. Something is wrong. Something is very very wrong... Is this what Deku warned me about? Is his father behind this? I frowned, pulling Kirishima behind me. He should stay clear of action now that his defence is reduced to zero.

"We need to get out of here" Yaoyorozu stated.
"Everybody move out in an orderly fashion!" Iida yelled, moving his arms around like a stiff robot. Of course nobody gave a damn about orderly fashion. Everyone just stormed out, running for their lives. I found it strange the alarms hadn't been triggered yet, but then again, the principal was behind this whole mess to start with.

I turned around to make sure Kiri was following and saw Midnight pull the fabric of her costume apart to release her quirk. Only...nothing happened..? What? I saw that Present Mic tried to scream but nothing came out. My eyes widened. Fuck! Of fucking course! They've been planning this shit so they must've given the teachers quirk erasure drugs without them knowing! Suddenly all windows and doors got blocked. Ultimate lockdown. Oh so the alarms were triggered after all.

"Not so fast, heroes~"

My body froze at that voice, remembering it quite clearly. I tried to control myself, tried to stop shaking in anger, disgust, and pure fear. Shigaraki Tomura... In a matter of minutes, everyone was handcuffed with quirk eraser handcuffs. It was hard to fight when everyone was standing so closely to each other, with barely enough room to move, so they got to us quickly.

After that they dragged us to the big hall in the back of the building and threw us on the ground. There was some shuffling of people who tried to get a little more comfortable and some hushed whispers of panic and fear.
"Psst! Bakugou!" a voice whisper yelled from behind me, making my eyes widen.
"No fucking way..." I breathed.

"Don't tell me D.E.K.U. is involved in this mess too?"
Kaminari grinned, now shuffling next to me.
"Relax dude! I sneaked in together with Shinsou under the orders to save you"
I glanced down at the bracelets around his wrists, the very same as my own, and looked back up with a sceptic look.

"It are fakes" he deadpanned with an uncharacteristic neutral face before zapping mine, causing them to short circuit.
"So is icyhot here as well or did the fucking gang split up?" I grunted, moving around to make sure no one was watching or hearing us.
"He'll be here later on, don't worry" Denki grinned.
"He just has some, uh, other business to attend to at the moment... Yeah, let's keep it at that"

I frowned but didn't have time to react to it as the rest of the Bakusquad started to notice his presence.
"Kaminari?!" raccoon eyes whisper hissed, her eyes wide. This instantly pulled the attention of all the others around us, making me roll my eyes.
"Shut your trap pinky! Or do you want the whole damn school to know he's here?" I hissed in a hushed manner, glaring at her.

"I'm here to help" Pikachu added with a small smile.
"All For One is planning on killing all students in the whole school and when the Reaper caught air of it he went totally ballistic. AFO used Toya to make the teachers weak and defenceless and now the League is slowly taking control of the school. Or at least, that's what they think"
Denki grinned as he started zapping everyone's cuffs, setting them free.

"Keep it on the down low though, we don't want an uproar" he muttered while unlocking Kirishima.
"Oh yeah, I've got something for you" the blonde smiled, pulling out a weird looking vile from his pocket.
"A little something to help everyone in the fight that's about to break loose. Here"
"What is this?" Eijirou asked, eying the bottle.

"I don't trust it" Sero muttered.
"It's your quirk" Kaminari answered Kirishima, making us all look at him with big eyes. Izuku is giving him his quirk back?!
"M-my... My quirk...?" he breathed in utter shock. This meant he could still be a hero! That his future wasn't as shattered as everyone thought it was!
"I've got orders to make sure you take it bro" Denki grinned.

"Reaper thinks you've learned your lesson and won't double cross us again. Oh yeah, if you do so, he'll take it away permanently, I had to mention that as well"
"You're not seriously thinking about taking that, are you?" Sero asked.
"Dude, for all we know it could be poison"
"Yeah, cause it would really help their case to kill a fucking quirkless" I grunted.

"So you think it's the real deal?" headphones asked in surprise.
"Oh, it is" Kaminari stated, suddenly freezing up and pressing up against his ear. It was now I noticed he was wearing a hidden earpiece. He must be communicating with the others.
"Alright, got it" he whispered, looking straight at me now.
"Ace is on his way, I need to meet back up with Commander. Be ready to fight like your life depends on it, because it does"

With that he crawled back into the mass, giving small shocks along the way to disable as many bracelets as he could. I turned back to Kiri, who was staring at the vile in hesitation.
"Take it" I said, making him look up at me.
"What makes you so sure you can trust him? He's part of the D.E.K.U. now" Sero pointed out.
"Because I know, okay? Believe it or not, I've seen the fucking dunce face around after the whole villain thing and, well, he helped me get back together with Izuku so..."

I muttered the last part, looking away from their prying gazes.
"Only thing I'm saying is that Pikachu is still one of my idiots, and therefore I trust him"
"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were part of the D.E.K.U. too" ponytail pointed out, having listened to the conversation as well.
"Believe me, I'm not. I'm just trying to let everyone survive this whole fucking ordeal" I grunted, looking back at Kirishima.

"This is your chance to be a hero again, fucking take it already"
"If you think this is it, than I believe it" Kiri nodded.
"I trust you with my life, after all"
With that he opened up the vile and drank it all up in an instant, everyone watching him closely.
"I don't feel any different-"

But the moment he said that, his body started convulsing and he fell shaking to the ground. Fuck! Of course it drew a lot of commotion and that stabby bitch came to check on what was happening. I was ready to defend Ei if she came any closer while Momo and Mina were fussing all over him. Yet the second everything was about to go down, Kiri let out a loud gasp, stopping all movement at once before starting to breath regularly again.

"Man... That was a serious trip, holy shit" he breathed, making Toga stand down and frown.
"Ooh~! No fun~! I wanted to stab you!" she whined.
"But Shiggy said no stabbing until master is ready so... So I guess we'll all just have to sit still and wait!"
She grinned and pulled both Sero and Jirou in a side hug, making them cringe and freeze up at the same time.

"We're like a big group of friends! You're all so nice! Oh! Oh! Oh! I know what would make this even better! Some blood-"
With that she jabbed her knife at Kirishima before anyone could react. My eyes widened and my heart stopped. No. No, no, no, no, no! Panic washed over all of us, except for the one that got stabbed himself. Blood freak pulled back, seeing she only made a cut in his clothing and not his skin. She pouted and started whining again.

"Hey! No fair! Don't use tricks on me! I stabbed you! I know I did!"
"Yeah, you did" he stated, smiling a little while standing up, breaking his cuffs while hardening his skin. I grinned, getting up as well, taking off my handcuffs, letting explosions spark in my palms.
"We're taking back our school, bitch"

At that moment Kirishima punched her in the face, sending her flying into the wall.
"Whoo! I'm back!" he cheered, slamming his hardened fists together. After that he kissed his own skin, smiling like a fangirl.
"I missed this so much!"
I rolled my eyes at that, seeing we were quickly surrounded. Fuck. Luckily most people were already free of their bounds, and those who weren't were being freed by others.

I must say the enemy quirks were pretty powerful, but we were able to manage. That was up until the doors burst open, sending a body flying inside and crashing into the wall. My whole body froze and my heart was filled with a cold void. I would recognize that green hair everywhere... My eyes widened and I dropped everything just to propel myself towards him.

His father was standing in the doorway, his hand smoking from the impact. All fighting stopped as Deku hit the wall and everyone stared as I dropped to my knees next to him, checking over his injuries. Miraculously, he was totally fine. But then again, he isn't really quirkless. I looked back, scowling at the man that called himself All For One, who dared call himself Izuku's father.

"I wanted for you to join me son... But if you won't, I'm afraid the Green Reaper must die"

His voice cut through the silence, almost making me flinch. Before I could react, however, a hand was placed on my arm, turning me back around. Deku was looking straight at me, a serious expression on his face.
"Get everyone out of here" was all he said when standing back up, his eyes now glowing a dangerous dark green. Gasps were heard and I mentally cursed up a storm.

His father just outed him as the Green Reaper in front of the whole student body... His cover was blown to smithereens... I slowly stood up, taking a few steps back while trying to keep my breathing even. Everyone stared wide eyed as Midoriya got engulfed in a green glow, his eyes and hair shining a bright emerald green.

"We should get back" I breathed as I got back to the others.
"You knew-" Jirou hissed, making slam a hand in front of her mouth.
"We need to get the fuck out of here" I repeated, not denying her statement.
"Come on"

Pov Todoroki
I sneaked my way into the storage building, making sure not to be seen. Midoriya send me in alone because he needed every member with him. I fully understood his decision and was flattered by his trust in my ability. I took a deep breath, cooling down the air around me as I breathed out. I saw my opponents noticed the small warning and smiled a little. Time to make my move.

With one swift movement, everything around me froze into place. I knew my siblings were cold resistant due to their quirks and my grandmother had a heat quirk so she should be fine too. Hopefully the enemy didn't have a lot of people who could counter my quirk and I could get them out of here quickly.

As expected I was able to quickly cover ground since no one was able to lift a finger towards me. Sometimes a gun was fired but I easily dodged since their reaction times were slowed.
"Fuyumi" I smiled and ran towards my sister, who was stuck in what seemed like a glass cage.
"It's thermo-proof" she explained as I tried to open it.
"No difference in temperature will open it, believe me, I've tried"

"Where are the others?" I asked, glancing around. Nobody else was here, just a few more frozen guards.
"I don't know, we were separated almost instantly" she told me as I grabbed a big metal pipe.
"Uhm, Shoto? W-what are you planning..?"
"Just stand back" I ordered before swinging the weapon onto the glass, making a huge asterisk appear in the window. Just a few more swings will do.

"And I thought Toya was the deranged one" she muttered as the glass shattered and I helped her out.
"Offence taken" I stated on a neutral tone while she dusted herself off. After that she punched me in the gut, making me double over and groan. What the hell was that for?!
"That's for turning into a villain" she said on a stern voice.

"Seriously Shoto, what is wrong with you?! Even after Toya returned home with so much regrets you still go out there with the Green Reaper of all people!"
"The Green Reaper saved me! He saved us all Fuyumi!" I hissed, glaring at her with tears in my eyes.
"H-he gave me a chance... He was so gentle a-and caring and so much more than father ever was! It's due to him father is in prison, remember that"

She stared at me in silence before I turned around and started walking.
"Come on, we have to find Natsu and grandma and get the fuck out of here. The Reaper is expecting me"
"Expecting you for what?" Fuyumi asked, a little sceptic now that she was shot out of her daze.
"All For One is planning on killing everyone in UA, we're gonna stop it" I stated, turning back to face her.

"Well, why didn't you say so? Let's go!" she smiled, pulling me along. I chuckled a little but started running after her as well.
"That's all it took to convince you eh?" I laughed.
"Toya teaches there, you know, and we Todoroki's always stick together, no matter what! Never forget it!" she yelled, turning a corner.

Ah yes, our old sibling pact we made when we were kids... I shook my head before rushing after her. I'm glad nothing seems to have changed in my absence.

Next chapter is the last chapter of this story peeps!!

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