World Trigger: Kazama's New C...

By Indigo-DemiPanther

17.8K 433 184

Everyone was confused when the Kazama squad returned from a mission with a child. Kazama's only response bein... More

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Adjusting To A New Life Part 2
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Big Brothers and Big Sisters Part 2
Big Brothers and Big Sisters Part 3
Found the Dub
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Anything but Lonely
The Gentle Brute
Clear minds become clouded
Night filled with Fear
The Test
Clouded minds become clear
Defend the Base
Book Cover Contest & Q&A
Small Cries
Wandering Thoughts
Scathing Sunrise
Update and Q&A
❤Update On The Rewrite!!❤

Kamiko's Exploration Part 3

1.2K 33 6
By Indigo-DemiPanther

The sound of rain had slowly pulled her out of her slumber. The gentle pitter-patter was enough to pull her towards the window. She pushed a few things around until she could finally reach the windowsill. Kamiko glanced out towards the other side of the road.

"Wonder if someone is home now?" She thought as she climbed down. She took a good look around before jumping off the windowsill. A shiver went up her spine as she headed up the stairs. Each step letting out a loud creak than last until she reached the top.


The blaring alarm forced her back and within moments a crashing sound came from downstairs. Kamiko ran down the hall and opened a nearby door. She pressed herself against the wall before dashing underneath the bed.

The sound of the walls crashing beneath her sent several shivers up her spine. The Trion soldiers screeching made Kamiko's blood race. Excitement and fear coursed through her as she reached for her pocket. But stopped when she heard a voice.

"Yuzuru! Blast them!" the man shouted.

Kamiko crawled from underneath the bed. Pain seared through her as the ground disappeared. Her vision blurred as she slammed into the ground. Her head pounding as the blast screeched in her ears.

When she was able to open her eyes, she could barely see anything. She tried to sit up but wailed as she fell back. She let out another wail as she moved her legs. Tears stung her eyes as she struggled to her knees. Pressing her body upward, Kamiko desperately tried to push the debris away. "Help, please *cough* help!" Kamiko begged as she fell back to the ground.

~ ~ ~

"Oi! Wake up!" a voice shouted as she gripped a soft fabric. She opened her eyes slowly as another voice grabbed her attention.

"Wonder why she's so far from Border?"

"Don't care. I just found her in the rubble after you blasted it," the more aggressive voice said.

"But Kazama-san isn't one to neglect anything," the calmer said as a hand rubbed her back.

Kamiko looked up towards the voices. Meeting two pairs of eyes, she flinched and whimpered as she tried to push her leg against the boy. Fear raced through her as the boy held her close.

"Don't worry. You're Kamiko, right?" the calmer boy asked.

Kamiko hesitated for a bit before nodding. "Do you know Kazama?"

They nodded as he kneeled down and gently placed her on her feet. "Does your leg still hurt?"

Kamiko tried to stand but tumbled over herself. "I'm fine," she said.

"No you're not, ya lil' flea," the aggressive boy said as he lifted her up her shirt.

"I'm not a flea!" Kamiko said as she tried to squirm away.

"Yeah you are!"

"No i'm not!"

"Kageura, shouldn't we at least get her inside?" the calmer boy asked as he stood back up.

Kamiko looked towards him that back at the taller man. "Kageura?"

Kageura tossed her back to the smaller boy. She yipped and clung to the teal eyed boy as he followed after Kageura. She groaned in discomfort as the boy tried to readjust her in his hold. Shielding her as best as he could from the rain. "What's your name?" she asked as she peered up to him.

"I'm Yuzuru." he said.

"How do you know who I am?"

"Kazama told us about you."

"He did?"

"Yeah. You're the kid with the black trigger, right?"

Kamiko flinched. She felt a bit nervous as his words raced through her brain. Kazama had promised that Border would keep her safe, but was telling people about her trigger part of it? Did Izumi know as well? What about Tachikawa and Kunichika? The cold rain brought her out of her thoughts as she clung to him.

"We're almost back to Border. Hang in there." Yuzuru said as he leaned forward.

Kamiko nodded as she pressed herself into his chest. It felt like forever until the rain finally stops. When they slowly came to a stop, she peered from under the cloak. "Are we there yet?" she asked.

"Yeah, get on my back. We're going to take you to our operator room," Yuzuru said as he curled his arm around his back.

She nodded and climbed onto his back. Kamiko gripped his shoulders tightly as Yuzuru followed after Kageura. Once she heard doors open and close, Yuzuru's cloak had disappeared.

"We're here. We need to ask you a few things, okay?" he asked.

"Okay," Kamiko said as she let him place her on the couch.

"Why were you in the restricted zone?!" Kageura asked, more like demanded.

"Someone was after me." she said as she looked down at her fingers.

"Do you know who?" Yuzuru asked.

Kamiko shook her head.

"Where you on your own the whole day?"

Kamiko shook her head and looked up with a worried look, "Do you know Izumi?"

They nodded and Kageura made her way towards the door. Yuzuru walked towards the counter and carried a first aid kit to where she sat. "Keep an eye on the kid! I'm gonna go find that dumbass!" Kageura said as he shut the door.

"Hold still, okay?" Yuzuru said as he straightened her leg. She nodded and gripped the cushion. Kamiko whimpered as he pressed the damp cloth against her leg. "You're fine. I'm just making sure your leg won't get infected."

"It feels weird!" she whined as he started wrapping her leg in a white bandages.

"Done," he said as he closed the kit. "You should rest for a bit. Kageura should be back with Izumi soon."

"Okay~" she said as she laid her head on his lap.


"Uh huh," she said as she closed her. Yuzuru had placed a soft blanket on top of her before stroking her shoulder gently. The warmth pulled her back to sleep as the thought of finding Izumi shot joy through her.

"Kamiko!" Izumi's voice had pulled her out of her dream. Still dazed from her nap, she looked up at him. Waiting for the confusion to fade away before jumping into his arms.

"Izumi!! I'm sorry for running away!" she cried as he caught her.

"Don't worry about it. I already beat the guy who made you run away," Izumi said as he patted her back. Kamiko nodded as she wrapped her hands around his neck. "Did you say thank you to Kageura and Yuzuru for helping you?" She shook her head. He pulled her back so that she could face them again. "Go on."

"Thank you Yuzuru. Thank you Kageura." she said with a yawn.

They waved back as Kageura spoke up, "That damn idiot is really a pain!"

"Yeah, Tachikawa lectured him...sorta. Kamiko are you ready to head back?" Izumi asked as he lifted her onto his shoulder. She nodded and gripped his hair.

"Don't I need to hide this time?"

"Not this time. We're going to take a different route. Besides Kazama will be back soon and I'd rather we hurry up and get back to my room." he said as he walked out of the room. Kamiko smiled and held on tight as Izumi made his way through the halls.

"Kamiko, do you like Kazama?"


"Is he nice to you?"

"Super nice!"

"What about the others?"

"Shiro can be really mean sometimes, but he can be really funny. Utagawa is really nice too!"

Izumi chuckled, "Oh really now~ What about Kaho?"

"I...I bit her hand," she admitted bashfully hiding her face in his hair. Izumi simply laughed as he kept walking. Kamiko felt her face heat up as he continued to laugh at her. "Kazama made me apologize to her."

"That's good." He said as he lifted her off his shoulders. He punched in some kind of code before the doors opened up. "We're back!" He said as he walked in the room. Kamiko flinched when she saw the man. "Kamiko, this is our idiot of a teammate, Yugia," he said as he pointed to the man on his knees.

"That's cruel Izumi-senpai! I was simply chasing off intruders," Yugia said.

"How many times have I told you to leave my guest alone?" Izumi sighed as Yu-chan walked over to them.

"It's good to see that you're okay Kamiko-chan~" Yu-chan said as she patted her head.

"Yeah, you had Izumi running the whole building looking for you," Tachikawa said from his spot beside Yugia.

Kamiko smiled when she noticed that they were staring at her leg. "I was hiding in the restricted area. While I was hiding, someone blasted the house I was in and I hurt my leg," she informed them with a big smile.

"Only your leg was injured?!" Izumi questioned as he lifted her up.

She nodded and grinned as she moved her injured foot. "It still hurts. But not as bad as before! I think I can walk on it now!" She said as she tried to jump free from Izumi's grip.

"Not happening Ka-shrimp~" Izumi teased as he placed her on the couch. "That leg is gonna need a lot more rest. I'll have to let Kazama know what happened." he said as he handed her a sandwich.

Kamiko took the sandwich but looked up at him with uncertainty. "Am I going to get in trouble?" she asked her voice suddenly barely above a whisper. She couldn't deny the fear that whirled inside her at the thought of Kazama getting mad at her for being scared.

The blonde simply smiled and ruffled her hair as he took a bite of his own sandwich. "You'll be fine. Kazama is a very understanding guy. He'll probably get on Yugia for making you run off on your own." he assured as he continued eating.

A smile appeared on her face as she quickly ate her sandwich. She couldn't wait to see Kazama again and tell her about her adventure. Though she couldn't hide the disappointment that she felt that couldn't explore more of border. But she shook the thought as a knock on the door pulled Izumi and her attentions. The blonde opened the door and stepped aside to let the person in. Kazama walked in with a drink in his hand.

"How was she?" he asked as looked towards Izumi.

Kamiko perked up and tried to stand. But completely fell off the couch and landed face first onto the ground. She groaned as everyone let out sounds of worry as someone lifted her up.

"Are you okay?" Kazama asked calmly.

"Yeah, my leg still hurts but I can stand on my own. I just need a moment-"

"You need to rest your leg," Izumi interrupted as Kazama picked her up.

He looked towards Izumi clearly wanting some answers. With a sigh, Izumi had begun to explain everything that had happened. Yugia stayed on the floor kneeling clearly hoping for some kind of forgiveness from Kazama. Kamiko shifted in his hold and hugged his side as Izumi finished his explanation. Kazama sighed and nodded. "Thanks for watching her Izumi. I'd appreciate it if Yugia would not be the cause for another incident like this one in the future," he said as he made his way towards the door.

"We're going already?" Kamiko whined as she hung on. Kazama nodded as she waved goodbye.

"You'll probably see them tomorrow. But we need to get home before the rain comes back and get ready for dinner," he responded as he quickly made his way down the hall to his operation room. Grabbing his keys and her trigger, he turned to her with a stern look. "My bosses won't be back for quite some time so, for now, you get to keep your trigger but remember what I said?"

"If I use it out of line you won't hesitate to take from me again?" Kamiko timidly repeatedly. Kazama nodded and put it in his pocket before making sure everything is organized. It wasn't long before they left the office and quickly made their way to Kazama's home.


Thank you~ for 44 views!~ I really apperciate everyone reading!!❤️❤️❤️

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