Accidentally In Love // Raura

By HereComesForever_xo

59.4K 2.4K 281

"You wouldn't leave would you?" "I wouldn't even dream of it." "You have before though." "Only and idiot woul... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Thirty Four

854 36 6
By HereComesForever_xo

R o c k y

As soon as Laura said those words Ross had an expression on his face that I had never seen before. It was like he almost died then and there. I knew that he would have completely blacked out everything Laura was saying. She was trying to say something to make it better but I could tell he wasn't listening. He wasn't reacting to anything, he was just siting there, in silence. Laura was saying stuff like

"Please let me explain."

"I swear it means nothing now."

"I love you and only you."

Those kinds of things just repeating them in different variations. I believe her, I think she means it. I could tell Laura was starting to get upset and worried because Ross wasn't responding. Then Ross got up and left without looking back, without saying another word. I still hadn't spoken since Laura said those words. I stayed silent, I wasn't really sure if I should speak or not. Even if I should I had no idea what to say, I was completely speechless. Laura was staring at the door. She hadn't moved since Ross left. I think she was in shock, I was in shock, Ross was in shock. I don't know what she was expecting to happen after saying something like that but Ross did say no secrets so...

Finally Laura turned around and looked at me. I could tell she was going to cry pretty soon. I just opened my arms and let her cry.

"Shhh everything will be okay." I soothed her.

Laura attempted to say something but because she was crying I couldn't understand a thing. I thought I better be polite about it though. I let her finish before speaking again.

"I know, but you don't have to talk right now we can talk later."

I start stroking my hand up and down her back. That seemed to calm her down a bit. I pulled her back from me.

"I'll be right back, you stay here." I tell her.

I got up and found some tissues and then got her a glass of water. When I came back and she saw me she started to smile so I smiled back. I didn't want her to get even more upset so I'll do want ever it takes.

"This is for you." I smile.

She took a sip of water then took the tissue and hesitantly put the tissue up to her nose. She looked up at me then smiled shyly. She turned around so her back was facing me and blew her nose ever so quietly. I laughed at her turning around. When she was done she turned back to me and she had that same shy smile, it was quite cute.

"Thank you for this." Laura says lifting the glass of water and nodding her head towards the tissues.

"No problem." I pause before speaking again.

"I feel like I am partly to blame to why you feel like this so I want to help."

"You can't blame yourself at all!" Laura says with a little bit of force in her voice.

"Well if I didn't get in the way of your relationship with Ross then none of this would have happened." I say apologetically.

"Rocky, I'm the one that had the thoughts and the feelings." Laura tells me.

"You weren't the only one." I mumble.

Laura goes quite. I don't make eye contact with her even though I know she would be looking at me.

"You felt the same way?" Laura asks.

Felt, feel whatever I think to myself.

"Well yeah. I thought you knew that." I say as if it was obvious.

Laura waits before she speaks. As if she was choosing her words carefully.

"I didn't know you had thoughts about us being together." Laura says slowly while putting emphases on thoughts. Basically telling me that she knew about the feelings but just not that I was actually thinking about being with her.

"The feeling and thoughts don't just go away Laura." I reminded her.

"I guess I didn't think about that, you know how you felt about this whole thing. I went off with Ross and left you behind. Of course you still had feelings for me, I mean I did have feelings for you. That is why we are in this whole mess in the first place." Laura says putting her head in her hands.

She quickly looks up to me.

"Don't you dare blame yourself for this!" She warns me.

"Alright fine." I give in.

I figured it would be easier agreeing to what she says.

It was quite for a little bit before Laura spoke.

"When do you think Ross will be back?"

"I honestly have no idea. It could be tomorrow, it could be a couple of days. You never know with Ross." I say sympathetically.

She looks away disappointed. I don't think she thought I knew the answer but maybe I would have given her something more.

"What if he never forgives me?" Laura asks softly. I wouldn't of known she was talking unless I was really listening.

"You're Ross and Laura, Laura and Ross. Of course he will forgive you." I reply.

"Our names have nothing to do with how much I've hurt him." Laura says as she continues to look at the ground.

I've only seen Laura like this a couple of times. It is very rare to see her so down. Maybe not now but soon I have to find Ross. I do care about Laura, I'm not really sure in what way but I don't want to see her like this, so upset. I don't know if Ross will even want to see me let alone speak to me. I really don't know when he would be coming home and I know he would be avoiding everyone. Even if he did come home he still wouldn't really be home. It's hard to explain but I know Ross won't be the same after this. So if he's home it would't be like the Ross I know is really there, if that makes sense. I owe this to Laura as well. She told me not to blame myself but I do. So I'll do whatever it takes, even if that means losing Laura.

Laura and I had been silent for a while now. I was thinking about my own things and I guess she was doing the same. I soon hear small sniffles.

"Hey don't cry. I'll bring Ross home tomorrow, it'll be okay." I comfort her.

Laura nods and tries to calm her self down. She leans her head on my shoulder in the process. I don't mind because I know it has no intention of anything behind it. I stay there comforting Laura and soon enough she is quiet. I try and move but she holds onto me. Only then is it that I realise that Laura is asleep. I can't get up, I'm trapped. Since it looks like i'm not going anywhere I try and make myself as comfortable as possible.

Before I knew it I had drifted of to sleep as well.

/ / / / / / /

H e l l o    e v e r y o n e ,

There is this really amazing book that you should check out. It is called Helpless Run Into Love. It's a teen fiction not a fan fiction but it's still really good. It's only small but I think that makes it even better. It would really mean a lot if you went and gave the author some love.

Thank you to everyone who reads, votes or comments on my story. It means so much to me and I can't even explain. You make me want to write more. New chapter hopefully out soon!

Until next time...

// H e r e C o m e s F o r e v e r _ x o 💕 //

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