Chapter Eleven

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I slowly started to drift back into consciousness. I could hear the sound of running water. I open my eyes, adjusting them to the light. I look around the room and instantly memories of last night came flooding back. I let out a loud groan and put my hand to my head, remembering everything!

I heard soft singing coming from the shower and if I know Becca, which I do, that means she is shampoo and conditioning her hair. That gave me another 10 minutes or so for her to get out. I looked around her room for my clothes I spotted my underwear on the floor. I got up and put them on, I guess that's a start I thought to myself. I saw my jeans strewn across the floor. I picked them up and checked the pockets for my phone. No sign of it. Did I leave it in the car? No I definitely brought it in with me last night. I turned around in frustration, where could it be?!

I saw it on charge next to Becca's phone. She must of put it on charge for me, how thoughtful. I press the home button seeing my notifications flash onto the screen. There was a couple texts and missed calls from my mum and Rydel, probably wondering where I was. I didn't let anyone know I was staying out for the night, I didn't even know I was staying out for the night. I just went to get coffee and then everything sort of happened. I replied to both Rydel and my mum letting them know I ran into an old friend and crashed at their place. Also saying I wasn't sure what time I would be home.

I placed my phone down and headed to the kitchen. I was starving, I hadn't eaten since at the coffee shop with Laura. I saw a pancake mix in Becca's cupboard and decided to go with that. Pre-made food was my specialty. I laughed to myself at my attempt of a joke I made.. to myself.

Just as I put on the first pancake I heard the water stop. Becca will be out soon. How is this going to go? I hope it's not awkward. I start thinking of all these scenarios in my head.

"Good morning!" Becca chirped.

"Oh hey, I mean morning." I say coming out of my thoughts.

"Don't burn that pancake! I would rather a golden one please." She says playfully.

"Thanks for the pressure." I joke back to her as I flip the pancake.

Becca walks over to the fridge and gets out the orange juice. She pours herself a glass and a glass for me too. She puts them on her bar and disappears. I finish off the last pancake and just as I was about to call out her name her voice cuts me off.

"No need to yell my name." She says.

"How did you know I was-" I start before she cuts me off again.

"I know everything." She states while raising her hand as a sign for me to stop.

I shake my head and laugh. We start eating our breakfast and I decided to start the conversation I think we have both been dreading.

"So.." I start but Becca doesn't let me say another word.

"I know, I know. Last night was a mistake blah blah blah." She says before taking another bit of her pancake.

"How did you know I was going to say that?" I question her.

She looks at me knowingly.

"Okay, you know everything, I get it." I revel.

She smirks at me then takes a sip of her orange juice.

"It's not like it was a huge mistake though. I mean I did have fun and I don't think I regret it. I just, just.." I pause getting lost for words.

"You don't want to get back into a relationship, I get it. I don't either. Just because you have sex with someone doesn't mean you like them Ross. Yeah like you said last night was fun but it didn't really work out the last time we dated and besides I think there is other people we'd both rather be with." She says casually.

Wow she is seriously the coolest person ever.

"You're the best!" I smile at her.

"So I've been told." She jokes.

We finish off breakfast while casually talking. We do the dishes together so it's not as boring. When we're done with that we go back to Becca's room. She sits down on her bed while I try and gather all my clothes together.

"So what happened with you last night?" I ask her.

There was a long pause. I turn around to see why she wasn't responding to me. Once she notice me looking at her she answered.

"What do you mean?" She says nervously.

"You know what I mean." I say sternly while sitting down on the bed with her.

She looks around nervously. What is she keeping from me?

"Um.." Is all she manages to say.

She is obviously avoiding the question.

"I'm waiting." I say impatiently.

She looks up to me and before I had a chance to react her lips were pressed against mine.

I knew she was only kissing me to distract me. I let the kiss go on for a bit longer. I finally pull away.

"Becca you can't just kiss me hoping I will drop the conversation." I tell her.

"I know." She says sadly.

"If you really don't want to tell me you don't have too. You should have just said so. If you ever do want to talk to me you know I'm always here for you." I say reassuringly.

"Thank you." She smiles at me.

She leans in and gives me a soft kiss on my lips then pulls me into a tight hug.

We stay like this for a while, enjoying each other's presence.

"Well I better get going. My family is probably wondering where I am." I say while pulling out of our hug.

"Yes I think I've kept you to myself for long enough." She jokes.

We say our goodbyes and I make my way back to my house.

// H e r e C o m e s F o r e v e r _ x o 💕 //

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