Chapter Forty One

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R o s s

I was standing at Laura's door waiting for her to come out. She was taking longer than usual to answer the door. Maybe I should call her to tell her I'm here?

I hope someone doesn't come between Laura and I this time. I think Rocky knows not to do anything and I guess I trust them both to not to anything. He was a little bit quite at dinner last night and then he went straight up to his room. We all watched a movie and he did come down for that and he was acting like himself which made me feel like nothing had happened. Then at the end of the night he said goodbye to Laura as well so hopefully this means that things are finally back to normal.

"Ross?" Laura says while waving her hand in front of my face.

"Huh what?" I say confused zoning back into reality.

"When I answered the door you were just staring off into space, are you okay?" Laura asks concerned.

"Yeah I um, I was just thinking about last night." I say with a smirk.

Last night, lets just say Laura and I were making up for lost time.

Laura just laughs at me while shaking her head.

"So you ready to go?" I ask.

"Let's go!" Laura smiles.

When Laura gets in the car I look over at her and smile to myself.

"Did I tell you that you look really nice?"

"No you didn't but thank you." Laura blushes.

While we are driving Laura gives me the "run down" on dinner tonight. Run down was her words exactly, she made it seem like so much more than it actually was. I have had dinner with Laura's family so many times I've lost count. I guess this is the last time since our big break up in high school. Though still, I don't know what she thinks is going to happen.

"Okay we're here!" I say excitedly.

"Bowling? We're going bowling?" Laura says unsure.

"Don't worry it'll be fun." I reassure her.

"I didn't even know people still went bowling."

"Says the girl with a flip phone." I joke.

She glares at me but we both end up laughing.

I could tell that she liked bowling even if she didn't say it straight away.

"See bowling is still fun." I say while we were walking back to the car.

"Okay I have to admit that was pretty cool." She reveals.

"People still go bowling."

"Ross, we were the only ones there." She reminds me.

"Maybe at the start but people started coming near the end."

"Yes you're right one other person came, and they worked there."

"It doesn't matter how many people were there you had fun and that's what's important." I tell Laura.

We both get in the car and I change the subject.

"So do you want to know where we're going next?" I ask.

"Why not?" Laura laughs.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm pretty hungry after that awesome game of bowling, by the way, next time I am totally winning both games."

"Yeah sure you will. You barley won the second game." Laura jokes.

"Anyway you're hungry, I'm hungry so where are we going then?" Laura continues.

Accidentally In Love // RauraWhere stories live. Discover now