Chapter Forty Eight

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L a u r a

"Is she coming?" I ask Ross.

"I have no idea. I still haven't heard anything since I last spoke to her."

I was getting worried about her. Ross hadn't heard from Becca since he told her about the party. Today we were having our house warming party and we hoped we'd hear something from her by then, but still nothing. She told Ross everything was fine but I doubt that. I still don't know why she was so upset.

"It must of been more serious than I thought." Ross says to himself.

"I'm sure everything will be okay and you don't know she might come today." I say hoping it will make him feel better about the situation.

Now that we had all the furniture moved in and everyone kept bugging us about when they were going to be invited over, we made sure to make our house warming party was as soon as we could. We invited both our families and then a few of our friends.

There was the first knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I tell Ross walking towards the door.

I open the door and it's Rocky and Riker.

"Hey, come in." I greet them.

They both came in and we hugged and said our hellos.

"Never excepted you guys to be first." I joke.

"Are we the first ones here? See Riker I told you we would be too early." Rocky blames Riker.

At the point Ross walks in and comes and stands next to me. "Hey, your the first here? Really?"

Rocky looks at Riker but Riker ignores him and goes on to tell us about when the others are getting here.

"Ryland was running late so he's coming with mum and dad and then Rydel and Ratliff were with his family so they're coming later."

It didn't take long but soon enough everyone was here and it looked like they were enjoying themselves. It was good to see some of our old friends from high school, it was mainly mine since Ross left school for R5, well partly for R5. It seems like he stayed in contact with everyone though. I don't think a few of them knew that Ross and I were back together. That were kind of shocked to see us as a couple but then they were congratulating us. I guess they thought this was mine and Noah's house warming, funny.

As I was talking to my sister I heard a knock at the door. I looked around the room. I thought everybody was here? I excused myself and went to answer the door but Ross had already answered it.

"Becca?" I ask surprised. "You came!"

"Of course I did, why wouldn't I?" Becca asks. She almost seems a bit taken back by my question. Would it be so outrageous of me to think she wouldn't come after the way she has been acting?

"Oh I just thought..., never mind." I reply. I don't want to say the wrong thing.

Becca shrugs and makes her way into the party. Ross was about to walk off but I stop him before he has the chance.

"Wait, Ross!"


"Becca seems fine. Is this how she normally is? I'm just worried she's not actually okay." I say concerned.

"I guess everything that she was upset about worked its self out." Ross shrugs.

I don't say anything but I don't have to. Ross can read exactly what I'm thinking by my facial expression.

"Trust me." Ross assures me.

He gives me a quick peck on the lips and I give him a weak smile in return.

I'm about to walk off back to my sister and finish my conversation with her but Ross stops me by grabbing a hold of my hand. I turn around to see why he stopped me. I expect him to let go of my hand when I turn around but he doesn't, which I like. He rubs his thumb in circles against my hand and this instantly calms me down.

"I'll talk to Becca to see what's really going on?" Ross whispers to me.

"Thank you." I say gratefully.

"I don't even know why I care so much? I shouldn't, really. She isn't really my friend but when I saw her like that.." I pause thinking of what words I should say next.

"It's okay, it's the kind of person you are and it's another reason I love you." Ross tells me.

I smile. Any worried or concerned feeling I had before was now gone.

We share a quick kiss that I think we both wanted to last for longer. It wasn't a kiss full of lust or anything like that it was full of love. It was like I could feel the love he felt for me through the kiss and I hope he felt the same.

We both go off on our separate ways and I find my way back to Vanessa.

The party was wrapping up and people would be leaving soon, some people had actually already left.

I walked into the kitchen to get something to clean up a drink someone spilled and I saw Ross and Becca talking.

"Trust me Ross I was worried about nothing before, everything worked itself out. There was reasons behind everything that was happening. Right now I really am fine, in fact I'm more than that I am happy, great, wonderful, do you get it?" I hear Becca say.

I quickly walk back out and wait around the conner until they walk out.

Becca walks out first, smiling of course, then Ross. I watch Becca walk off and talk to Ross' friend and I'm watching her and she really does seem fine. I guess I could of been wrong about that one.

"Laura what are you doing?"

I jump back surprised. I look over to see Ross smiling but he also had this confused look on his face.

"Oh um, someone spilled their drink and I'm going to clean it up." I say vaguely.

"Okay?" Ross says sounding more like a question than a statement.

"Come with me." Ross says holding my arm and taking me into the kitchen.

"I just want you to know I talked to Becca and you're right she isn't okay at all. She just told me herself." Ross tells me shaking his head at his bad news.


Not exactly what I was expecting him to say.

"What? But I.." I stop myself when I look up and see Ross trying to hold in his laughter.

"But I just saw you walk in and walk out when I was talking to her?"

I scold at Ross.

"Anyway so as I think you heard for yourself everything is good with her." Ross says.

"I didn't want to be rude and interrupt your conversation, okay?"

"And yes I did hear and, also, thank you for asking, for me." I thank him.

"No problem. I better go over to Ryland he is trying to signal me over to him." Ross tells me.

I turn around and it's true. I see Ryland trying to get Ross' attention.

I smile at Ross as he walks off and then I continue to go and get what I needed from the kitchen.

The rest of the party went well. I enjoyed myself and I think everyone else did too. The only thing I had to worry about after everyone left was the clean up. Ross made a way of making that fun though.

/ / / / / / /

Not long now, only two chapters left. It makes me sad that this is ending but I know I should end it now. I'm thinking maybe a sequel for this book but when I post the final chapter you guys can tell me what you want.

I also have the prequel for this book: (500) Days of Raura. I don't know how many of you know but I posted chapter two of that and chapter three is coming soon. I'm going through it now. So if you could check that out it would be very much appreciated!!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Until next time...

// H e r e C o m e s F o r e v e r _ x o 💕 //

Accidentally In Love // RauraWhere stories live. Discover now