Chapter Twenty Eight

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I'm still trying to process this all. I don't know what I should say. Laura says she is over it, totally over it. What if that changes though. They could start hanging out and, no. I need to stop thinking about this. I'm over thinking it. Laura said she is over it and I believe her. I mean why shouldn't I? Rocky seemed fine this morning and I am the only one who is making a fuss about this. Then again, I should make a fuss about this. I'm only finding out this now. This has been going on for three years. Well technically it only went on for two months, but I didn't find out about this for three years! Rocky was encouraging me to ask Laura out. Wait did he know that my Laura was his Laura? I guess not. Come to think of it he was pretty shocked when he came home that, wait. I brought Laura home on a Thursday. I will ALWAYS remember that day, it definitely was a Thursday. I always thought Rocky was shocked because I actually asked her out. Maybe it was because it was the girl he liked and she ditched him to come home with me. I guess I can't get mad. Laura and I were never together. It stopped as soon as we started dating. Well that's what I was told. I don't know if I can be cool about it though. I get this weird feeling whenever I think about them together.

Laura was looking at me worried. I guess she didn't know how I was going to react. She didn't know what I was going to say. I don't even know what I am going to say to her.

"I'm going to go to the toilet. I'll be right back." Laura tells me before walking off.

I would presume she is giving me time to think. I have so many questions. I don't know if I want half of them answered though. I know Laura feels weird about answering them so I won't make her answer any more. I'll make Rocky answer them. He owes me a few explanations.

Laura still isn't back yet and I have had enough time to think. I stand up and leave the cafe. I walk across the road.

If Laura comes back out and I'm not there I know she will start to freak out, but everything will be fine in the end. I know what I'm doing. I was going to do this regardless on what happened between Laura and Rocky. So why not do it now?

I got what I needed and I headed back to the cafe. I saw Laura through the window. She looked really upset. She was sitting at our table looking at where I was sitting.

I probably should have thought this whole plan through a bit. My plan wasn't to leave Laura here. I was going to, I know this sounds cheesy, but I was going to reenact when I asked Laura out when we were fifteen. I thought it was a good idea but I probably should have thought it through a bit more. See when I asked Laura out I brought her a bracelet. I remember her telling me about how she always wanted a charm bracelet, and how every time something 'big' in her life happened she would put a charm on it. So I thought if I brought her a charm bracelet she wouldn't say no to me because that would just seem really rude. I went up to her and gave her the bracelet and made a little speech about liking her and blah blah, then asked her out and just like a predicted she said yes. I still think that was a pretty good plan. Fifteen year old Ross knew how to do things.

Today I was going to go up to her and say exactly what I said three years ago.

"Hey Laura, I got you something that I think you might like."

Then she would be overjoyed with the bracelet and that I got it for her. Then I would put it on her and pull out a charm to put on there. When I did this the first time I got her a little lock charm because I had a key necklace that she always loved. I thought that was a good idea when I was fifteen anyway. The whole charm bracelet thing seemed a little cliche to me but I know this is something that she really wanted so I thought I'd go through with it. Then I would say:

"I know this isn't really original or anything but, will you go out with me?"

Once again she will be overjoyed and say yes.

Accidentally In Love // Rauraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें