Chapter Sixteen

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I looked down at Laura who was now fast asleep. She fell asleep pretty much straight away when the movie started. She leaned against me in her sleep, of course I didn't mind. I continued watching the movie and as the movie went on she started moving a bit in discomfort. I let her body lay down on the couch and her head fall on my lap. I gently started to run my fingers through her hair. She smiled in her sleep which made me smile.

I can't believe Rydel was right and I saw her again. I knew I was bound to see her again but I'm happy it was so soon. Was Rydel right about the fate thing as well? Were we really destined to be together? I wasn't sure about that, but I was sure of one thing I definitely never stopped loving Laura. I look down at her again. How could I let her walk away? Why didn't I fight for her? It would have made this thing a whole lot easier.

Time was passing and my eyes became heavier and heavier until I could not keep them open any longer. Just like that I was asleep.

I woke up to buzzing in my pocket. It scared me. I looked around the room not knowing where I was. I felt this weight on top of me and looked down to see a peaceful sleeping Laura. We had moved positions now. We were more cuddled together. As much as I enjoyed this I thought I better put Laura to bed. I carefully got out from underneath her. I gently lifted her up and carried her to what I hoped was her bedroom. I didn't want her to be uncomfortable and sleep in her clothes but I didn't feel right trying to change her. I decide to leave her in her clothes. I get her under the covers and just as I go to walk away she holds on to me. Laura sort of mumbles something and her grip gets tighter. I think about staying with her for a moment. I don't want her to wake up and regret this in the morning. I know it's only sleeping in the same bed with her but she won't remember this in the morning. All she will remember is falling asleep on the couch and then waking up in bed with me.

Another buzz was coming from my pocket. It was my phone. I didn't tell anyone I was staying out late. I let go of Laura and she moves around in discomfort. I go out of the room and answer the phone just before it ends. It was mum, no surprises there. I felt bad because she was probably worried where I was.

"Hello." I answer the phone.

"Hello, Ross sweetie, are you okay? Where are you?" She asks frantically but calm at the same time.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was hanging out with a friend and I must of fell asleep." I tell her.

"Next time could you let me know if you are staying out. I've been worried about you." She says concerned.

"Sorry, like I said I accidentally fell asleep. I didn't think it was that late, what time is it?" I ask.

"It's nearly one in the morning. Your dad said this probably happened but I was still worried." She tells me

"Sorry, next time I will make sure I tell you." I let her know.

"So I'm presuming you are staying at your friends place then." She asks me.

"I guess so, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you." I say.

"Love you too." She says before hanging up.

"Ross?" I hear a faint voice say.

// H e r e C o m e s F o r e v e r _ x o 💕 //

Accidentally In Love // RauraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin