Chapter Fourteen

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R o s s

Becca just texted me telling me she wanted to have lunch because she had to tell me something. It had been a week since I last saw Becca. I wondered what it was and why it was so big that she had to see me in person. Not like I didn't want to see her but why.

I texted her back saying yes. I'll wait until I see her in person to start asking questions. She soon replied saying to meet for lunch at her apartment at 12:30pm. It was 11:40am now so I had some time to spare.

I was undecided whether I should tell my family I saw Laura again. I didn't want them making a big deal out of it. They knew the break up was hard for me and they knew I never really stopped loving her. They were being as supportive as they could which I really appreciated.

"Hey." Ryland says interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh, hey." I say back.

"Do you have any plans today? I think Riker, Rocky and I are going to go do something." Ryland says to me.

"What about Rydel?" I ask.

If it had to be anyone I would go to her. Only because she would make the least biggest deal about it. The others would tease me about it, not it a mean way of course.

"Her and mum are having a girls." He replies.

"Okay, I'm not free anyway. I'm going to Becca's for lunch." I tell him.

"Becca's huh?" He smirks at me.

"We're friends now. We stopped doing the dating thing a while go." I try and tell him.

"Yeah sure you're just friends." He winks and walks off.

I roll my eyes at him. Why is it that every time I have a girl as a friend they think I'm more than that. Guys and girls can be friends.

Finally it's time for me to go. I go down stairs and find Riker watching T.V.

"Are you going out?" He asks me.

"Yeah I'm going out for lunch actually." I reply back to him.

"With Becca." Ryland walks in the room.

"Oh are you two a thing again?" Riker asks seriously.

"No we're just friends." I say.

"Oh okay, well have fun." He says.

"Yeah have fun." Ryland repeats but with a sarcastic tone.

"Leave Ross alone!" Riker tells Ryland.

I go to thank him but Riker continues to talk.

"He can't waste any energy on you, he needs to save it for Becca." He starts laughing and Ryland joins.

I roll my eyes at them.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm leaving now." I say and start walking towards the door.

"What's happening in here?" Rocky asks now entering the room.

"Ross is going on a date with Becca." Ryland tells Rocky.

"Bye." I say and leave the house.

I could hear them laughing from outside. That's why I can't tell them about Laura. I said I was going for lunch with Becca. Can you imagine if I say I spent a whole day with Laura. I would never hear the end of it.

I get to Becca's apartment and was let up straight away, she must of been waiting for me.

"Hey Ross!" She says happily.

Accidentally In Love // RauraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant