Chapter Four

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I was quickly rushing down the street. I was meant to meet my girlfriend in five minutes and I was still at least eight minutes from the restaurant.

I finally made it. Of course she wanted to meet at the most hardest place to find. I probably looked like an idiot running around the streets. I was just about to cross the street when I saw her. Laura?

Laura was the love of my life but I was stupid enough to let her go. It didn't end very well. I cringe just thinking of it. I saw her laughing with some other guy. Without realising it my hands were scrunched up into fists. It made me angry to see her with another guy. They could just be friends, right?

I wasn't looking at what was in front of me and suddenly I was face first with a table. I had walked into a table without realising it and now there was fruit that was nicely placed on the table everywhere. I quickly hid behind a table that was next to the one I knocked over.

I couldn't let Laura see me, not like this. If I were to see her again I don't want it to be in some random street. I waited a little bit before slowly checking if Laura and that guy were gone. I looked around and didn't see her, that's a good sign. I apologise for knocking over the table and help pick everything up.

Now because of that little incident I am running late, great. It's not like I love this girl but I don't want to be rude. I've had a few girlfriends since Laura but nothing has been the same. I'm not afraid to say that Laura is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I've tried to distract myself with my music but I can't keep my mind away from Laura. Everything about her is perfect. "What was I doing again?" I thought to myself. Oh right, meeting my girlfriend. That's right Ross you have a GIRLFRIEND. I shake my head trying to get my thoughts away.

I walk into the restaurant and immediately spot her. You couldn't miss her that's for sure. I'm not denying it, she's very pretty but I just don't have that much of a connection with her. I feel as though our relationship is more physical. I mean yeah that's cool and all but I kind of wish that I could actually talk to her. Like the way I could talk to Laura.

I walk up to her and give her a quick kiss.

"Hey you." She says sweetly.

"Hey sorry I'm late but I had a run in with a table." I say half joking.

She just looks at me not saying a word. Gosh sometimes she needed to lighten up. Yeah she was nice and all but sometimes she doesn't understand when I'm joking.

Laura was never like this. Damn, why is my mind on Laura so much today?

"Listen Becca, I don't.." I start before I was cut off.

"Oh." Becca spoke. She looks as if she was in a daze.

"What? What is it?" I ask worried.

"Oh nothing, except for the fact that I just saw my ex over there." She says while discreetly pointing over across the room.

I curiously look over to where she was pointing and my pulse started racing. I froze. I didn't know how to react.

Then the worst possible thing happened. I made eye contact with Laura.

// H e r e C o m e s F o r e v e r _ x o 💕 //

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