Chapter Thirty Nine

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I know what Riker is doing and I appreciate it but I wish he left me on my own. It's easier to be by myself. I think he thinks I'm in trouble because I'm not home a lot but he has nothing to worry about. I'm not doing anything stupid I just want to spent some time alone for a while. Whenever I see Rocky it reminds me of Laura and right now she is the last person I want to think of. I can't get her face when I told her that I couldn't be with her anymore out of my head. When I said that night was a mistake she looked heartbroken. I had to get out of there, fast! Then she reminded me that I said I wouldn't leave. I didn't forget about that and I felt awful for leaving but I had no other choice.

What I said about coming home to find her with Rocky was true. I honestly thought that I might come home to see them together. That thought kept replying in my head and I couldn't get it out. I could imagine it so clearly like it actually happened or something. I would get home and walk through the door and see them there on the couch all over each other. If not the couch then I would be relived that they're not on the couch and continue walking upstairs to see if anyone is home. I would walk up the stairs and I would check the rooms to see if anyone was in them. I would hear a small sound and go to where I heard it. I would then stop breathing at the sight of it. As soon as they saw me they would stop. My heart would be racing and I would freeze not being able to move. That played in my head every single day I was gone. When I saw Laura there by herself I was so happy. I guess I got carried away with seeing her again. The next morning when I got some sense into me is when I realised that it was all a mistake. She might of been alone when I first saw her but I have no idea what she was doing when I was gone. So I went through with my original plan even if it killed both her and me.

I told Riker that I would meet him there. I still was unsure if I was going or not. Maybe I should just go. I know it will clear my head. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I went to answer the door curious on who it could be.

"Laura?" I say confused.

"Ross?" She says back just as confused as I was.

"What are you doing here?" She asks me.

"This is my house?" I reply but it come out as more of a question.

"Right, sorry. Riker invited me over and he said you wouldn't be here." She explains.

"Riker's not here." I tell her.

"No ones here. Its just me." I continue.

"Riker said to meet here at 2:30 though. He told me you wouldn't be here." Laura tells me.

I start to think maybe Riker set this up but Laura looks serious about meeting Riker, like it is about something important. I would think that he would know not to do something like this. Then I remembered a weird text I got from him earlier. Without saying anything I go back up to my room leaving the door open and Laura there confused. I grab my phone and read the text message from Riker again and then I realised what happened. I go back down stairs. The door was shut and Laura was inside waiting by it. When she sees me coming she looks up at me waiting for me to speak. She probably wants an explanation on why I randomly left.

"I think Riker mixed up our texts." I explain to her.

"Oh that would make sense." Laura half laughs. I think she was unsure if she should make a joke or not.

"Do you know what time he'll be back?" She asks seriously.

"According to this text maybe in half an hour. I think he was planing on leaving hockey early so he could meet you without anyone there." I say getting curious on why they were meeting alone. I don't think they were up to anything but why did he want to meet her with no one home?

Accidentally In Love // RauraWhere stories live. Discover now