
By booknerd1203

37.1K 2.3K 285

Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... More

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
tentative cast list
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

Chapter twelve

742 56 3
By booknerd1203


Dear Caroline,

I have heard that William is taking full advantage of you being under his sire bond. Is it true that he made you perform some of that horrible rap music that was popular before the last World War? If so I am terribly sorry. I will say you are still very popular among the rumor mill around the castle. The fact that your body rejected the change is amazing. I feel horrible though. I am sure it is the worse feeling ever to have to obey William all the time. Or is more of a natural reflex kind of thing? None of servants have ever experienced it so we were curious. I hope William calms down soon.


I sigh as I read Elizabeth's letter. It has been two weeks since my father and brother left and I am having a horrible time playing the part of being sired to William. It makes it slightly better that I receive at least one note from Elizabeth each day. I still have to control myself when I think about the time he made me rap for him because he was "bored". It was some ridiculous song from someone named Snoop-fish or something or other. It doesn't even matter. It was horrible no matter what animal he was named after. I just have to keep reminding myself that it is only a little over a month till my father is back. I am sure that they will have a plan worked out. I have to cling to that hope. I am still working on how to sneak into that guarded room. I cannot take any risky moves.

Dear Elizabeth,

Yes he did make me rap for him. If only this sire bond didn't exist. Then I could show him just what I am made of. He is a ridiculous little boy in all honesty. I wish I could meet you in person, but I understand your reasons of wanting to be careful. I would hate for William to find out about our notes and for you to get in trouble. For the sire bond it's a natural reflex to do what he orders, but I do not enjoy it at all. I try to fight it, but it is not going well. I hope he calms down as well. I really wish he would just give me some alone time.

P.S Could you send some more of those peppermint sweets tomorrow? They are absolutely delicious!


***Alison's Point of View***

Ever since my father and Danny got back from the castle everyone has been on constant alert and planning almost twenty four-seven. I have two guards with me at all times ever since I have gotten back from the castle. Danny told me that Caroline did what she had to for my freedom. It hurt to know that I was of no use for this rebellion. Granted I was getting better at fighting. Almost two months ago I gave Danny a black eye. He promised he wasn't mad, but I am pretty sure he was. I remember the first week I was back after being captured.

Landon wouldn't look at me let alone speak to me. We had never been especially close because the way he practically stalked Caroline, but he had never out right ignored me. I knew he blamed me for Caroline being stuck with William. A shiver went down my spine as I thought of William. I have nightmare every night of him biting me. The first couple of days I was back I demanded to sleep with Danny or my father. I just couldn't face being alone. Now I am able to start off in my bed and if the nightmare is too bad I sneak into Danny or my father's bed. It might not seem like much, but its huge progress. My father left, two days after I got back, to tour the other villages about what was happening. Every village sent a representative back in case any decisions needed to be made quickly.

Landon didn't just ignore me though. Once he gave the message about the treaty and Caroline marrying that monster he quit talking to everyone. I don't believe for a second that she would marry him. Thankfully neither does my family. My dad knows something is up he is just not sure what. Danny has been on edge ever since Landon told us. He insisted he start teaching me how to fight that very second.

"Danny I'm not going to be any good. I don't have an ounce of muscle on my body anywhere." I insisted for the one hundredth time. "Alison, you can be as good as fighter as anyone if you put your heart into it." He encouraged while dragging me to practice field. "I'm not Caroline, Danny! I'm never going to be like her! She should have left me in the castle and gotten away when she had the chance! She can actually help the rebellion while I am just a nuisance. Daddy is wasting two men to guard me at all times, because he is worried I'll get taken away again. Caroline never needed guards. I wish she would have just left me there." I blurted out and by the time I finished sobs were wrecking my body. I fell to my knees and Danny fell beside me and pulled me into his lap.

He held me while I cried and rubbed my back. He never said anything till my sobs calmed down to quiet sniffles. "Alison." He started pushing my head up so I was looking at him. "I don't ever want to hear you say that you wish you were still in the castle again. I know you feel useless, but you are far from it. Yeah Caroline is a huge part of the rebellion, but do you know how she became that?" he asked me. I shook my head no in response. "She was your age when she started learning how to fight and shoot her bow. She was horrible when we were first teaching her how to fight. So it's ok if you are horrible at first. Who knows you might be amazing." I nod but am still sniffling. "Alison, Caroline was not going to let you stay in the castle while she was free. Do you know what the last thing she told me was before she went back?" he asked quietly. "She told me to start teaching you how to fight right away and to teach you how to use a bow. She wanted you to be able to defend yourself. She would never have told me to do that if she didn't think you could." He said while pulling me up to my feet. "Now we all know we will get Caroline back, so let's be able to show her how good of a fighter you are when she gets back."

I nod and wipe my eyes and nose clean. We finish the walk to the field and find my father already there with a few men. I try not to let my nerves get the best of me as I see them watching us approach. I can do this. "Alright Alison let's start with just seeing what I have to work with." He says while taking my hands and forming then into fists. "Now punch me as hard as you can." He says which makes my jaw drop. "What? What if I hurt you?" I blurt out causing Danny, my father and the other men to snicker. "Trust me Alison you won't hurt me. Now come on punch me with all you got. Don't hold back." He orders while getting on his knees because of our huge height difference. I give him a weird look but he just smirks at me. I think of how power less I felt when William had me. I won't let that happen again.

I take a deep breath and cock back my fist and put all the power I can muster into punching Danny. I hear a grunt and open my eyes not realizing that I had closed them. I find Danny on the ground holding his face. My father and the men's jaws are dropped and the field is silent except for Danny's cursing from on the ground. "Danny?" I ask timidly. He finally lowers his hand and I see blood pouring from his nose. Now the silence is broken by my father and the men's laughter! "Alison I think you might have given him a black eye maybe even a broken nose!" My father howls in fit of laughter. My jaw drops and I gaze at a very pissed of looking Danny. "I am so sorry Danny! You said not to hold back!" I blurt out as an explanation. He shoots me a glare while trying to get his nose to stop bleeding. "Stop laughing and maybe, oh I don't know be helpful?" My brother barks at the group of still laughing men. "Well it seems like Alison can take down you Danny boy so what else is left to help with?" A man, whose name I don't know, taunts making me giggle. Danny huffs and storms off the field heading back to our tents. My father grabs me and starts ruffling my hair still laughing at what happened. I finally push him off and attempt to fix my hair. "Caroline would be so proud sweetie, and probably jealous it took her a couple of weeks to learn how to throw a punch." He winks at me while we head towards the main part of the village.

***Landon's Point of View***

I cannot believe how much of an idiot I am. I wish I could take back everything I said to her in the room in the woods. I love her so dam much and now I don't know if I will ever see her again. Even if this treaty goes through, I am not guaranteed to see her before they decide to kill me. I have been isolating myself from everyone since I have returned. I knew Daniel and Craig (Caroline's dad. I don't think I ever mentioned his name. My bad) would know something is up, but I couldn't risk telling them the whole truth. I can't risk Caroline's life. I won't. I have to do something to help her, but what?

***Williams Point of View***

Her body didn't accept the change. I was astounded, this definitely complicates thing, but my father says he has a way around it so I will wait and see what he says. I will just kill time making Caroline do all amounts of ridiculous things. Poor thing thinks I really believe she is under the sire bond. I will admit I did believe at first, but I heard her running in her room to get on the bed. There is no way she should have been able to even hang her foot off the bed after I told her to stay on it; so ever since I have been having her do outrageously humorous things to see just how far she will go before she cracks. Ellie lectures me about how it is rude to do it, but I can't help it. Besides until we have final word from the rebels I cannot proceed with the plan.

Until that time comes I have to convince Caroline I believe that she is sired to me. I noticed that she saw the machine in which we destroy the stakes me confiscated from any humans we captured. The power of a stake has been gravely misconstrued over time. We will not die from a stake in the heart, but we can be controlled by a particular kind. It can be any type of wood really, but the only thing that gives it the power to control us is it has to be dipped in Vampire blood that is given willingly. I'm glad she took notice of it, which just means she is surely plotting a way to be a little detective and find out more about it. This is exactly what I need her to be doing.








so we finally see what is so special about the stake that is on the cover of the story. I really enojyed writing from Alisons POV. Please let me know what you guys are thinking so far of the story!! So vote and comment it up!!!! really guys talk to me about what you think. I would love some feedback from ya'll.


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