Mari (Soul Eater)

By Writer-Chann

10.5K 737 323

Mari was five when her mom died, after, her dad becoming an alcoholic and locking her in their house after th... More

Part two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Ninteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Six
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three
Part Fifty-Four
Part Fifty-Five

Part Eighteen

188 16 4
By Writer-Chann


I'm trying! I swear! I have lots of schoolwork!!

Okay! So this is part two of my story and i hope you like it~

~~~~BTW, next chapter is going to have Kidd feels\head cannon so i hope you like~~~~

Part Two

Three years ago...

Mari was proud of herself. She made friends for the first time after her mom died. She skipped home through the dirty streets of her neighborhood, not caring about anything in the world. She felt like nothing could touch her.

She stumbled on her shoelace.

When her head hit the stones with a loud crack, she didn't think it was real. Her vision got foggy, colors becoming dull. She rolled to her side, holding a hand to her head. "Dad!" She screamed at their house that was maybe twenty feet away. "Dad!" The door didn't open, he didn't come out, nothing.

Her eyes drifted shut.

The beeping seemed loud as she woke up. She could feel bandages over her blue hair. She sat up, making her head spin. The beeping got faster, then slower, then the door opened. A man walked in and put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he said.

She looked up at him, putting a hand on her head. He had long stitches across his face, running below his shirt. "Where's my dad?" She asked him.

"We found you in the street when someone called us..." he said. He put two fingers on her neck feeling her pulse. She flinched as his fingers pressed into her neck. "What's your name?" He aksed.

"Mari." She said. "Where am I?"

"How old are you?" he asked.

"E-eleven...?" She said, her head hurting.

The door slammed open and her dad stepped in. "Mari!" He said, his voice slurred from alcohol. "What happened?!" He walked over and shoved the man away from her. His breath smelled like booze. "What happened?" he said again.

"I slipped and hit my head." She replied.

He pulled her out of the bed onto her feet. "I'll take you home then!"

The man tried to protest. "Let me give her an injection before she leaves to help her." He held up a small bottle and needle.

Mari's dad grabbed the bottle. "I can do that myself!" Her dad slammed the door and dragged Mari home. He sat her down at the kitchen table and pulled the bottle and needle out of his pocket. He filled the needle and held Mari's wrist she watched her dad jab it into her. Pain ripped through her arm and she cried out. Her dad held her wrist down with his arm. "Hold still!" He yelled. He pressed the plunger to fast and the liquid went into her blood stream with a jolt of pain.

She pulled away from his and started shaking. Tears were running down her face. She felt a hot feeling in her arm and she looked down to see a giant bade growing from her wrist. Her dad's eyes were huge as Mari screamed.

"What the hell?" He dad yelled. He starred at her like she was a monster. "No one can see you! Not ever again!" He ran to the door and locked it. "No! Never!"

Mari woke up and rubbed her eyes. Of all dreams she could have.

She sat up and saw she was in a pool of her own blood. She looked down to see her healed arms and stomach, the tattoos.

She put her head in her hands and cried. "I was wrong!" She slammed her fist into the ground. "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!"

She felt faint for a second and closed her eyes. "How much blood had she lost again? She stood and walked to the bathroom, hoping the water still worked. She turned on the shower and was happy to discover hot water and a towel. She got undressed and stepped in, letting the forgiving water wash the blood from her body.

She got and dried off. She walked across the hall to her dad's old room and found an old shirt. She slipped it off and walked downstairs and found the old washer and drier outside. She threw her jeans in and watched them spin around and around for a few hours. She slipped them on and tucked her dad's old shirt into them. She walked and found a pair of boots and socks, slipping them on.

She stepped out after fixing her hair into pigtails. She walked down the streets toward the DWMA but stopped before she reached it. She was tired and so she found a small park by the school and sat on a swing. She watched the Autumn leaves fall as she swung back and forth, waiting for something, anything.

When it came she had no reaction. Medusa came and sat on the swing next to her. She looked Mari up and down and sighed. "You look terrible." She pointed out.

Mari looked over at her. "I hate you so much."

Medusa laughed. "Most people do!" Medusa swung forward, then back, then stopped. "How about you come work for me?" She asked.

Mari held up one hand and flipped her off.

"Well then!" Medusa said in mock surprise. She stood and walked away. "You will work for me someday!" She was gone.

Mari sat and stared at the ground. "Mari?" Someone asked and Mari glanced over to see Ray holding a bouquet of flowers. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Hiding." Mari replied.

"If I were you, I wouldn't be within a million miles of the school!" She was joking but it still stung. Mari's lip trembled. When had she become so weak? "I'm sorry." Ray said looking at the ground. She looked up. "Want to come with me to give Soul and Maka flowers?"

Mari looked at Ray. "I think I'm literally the last person they want to see."

Ray shrugged. "Well do you want to come or not?"

Mari stood. "If Maka tries to kill me, it's your fault."

Ray shrugged. "I'll fix you up if she socks you in the face!"

Mari knew it was a really, really bad idea. Ray asked Mari a few questions, but Mari didn't talk, and after a minute, Ray stopped her futile attempts. They walked in silence.

Ray nocked on Maka's door and they waited. Mari turned. "I should leave..." She told Ray.

Ray grabbed her wrist before she could get away. "No. You need to say sorry."

The door opened and Maka look at Mari. Mari turned to her and opened her mouth but no words came out. "Maka..." She finally whispered out.

Maka looked her up and down. "Mari," She stepped forward and socked her in the stomach. Mari didn't make a sound as she fell to her knees and Maka kept her punches raining from above. "Stupid!" Maka shouted. "Friend!" Mari flinched at that.

A fist landed on her shoulder and Mari felt a fiery pain rip across her arm. "I'm sorry." She said as Ray held Maka's arms behind her. Mari stood and wiped a tear from her eye, then another. She pressed a hand to her bleeding lip. She looked up at the sky and tried not to cry. "I was wrong..." Mari said, tears streaking the blood on her face. She bent her head and put her hands over her face. "So wrong." She caught her breath in between sobs. "Is it too late to apologize?"

Maka looked to the side. Mari could see three red lines on her face. "It's been three days Mari."

Mari sighed. She had been unconscious for three days then. "Please, Maka..." Mari held a hand to her chest. "You guys... were the first friends I ever had. I don't want to lose you. Please..."

Maka reached forward and hugged Mari. "You sound like Crona again."

Maka was a little taller than Mari and Mari pressed her face under Maka's chin. She wrapped her arms around her waist and smiled. "Thanks... For everything."

"The word is bravery." Maka said. She pulled Mari and Ray, who was happy she hadn't had to hold Maka off Mari any longer, into the small apartment and to the living room where Soul was playing piano.

He didn't see and he quietly tried to sing a line of something. "...It's not much... of a life you're living..." His voice was deep and rich, but he couldn't get enough air to sing well. He couldn't sing because of Mari. She walked over as he kept playing the piano part to the song.

She sat down next to him and sang in her pretty voice. "Not really sure how to feel about it. Something in the way you move. Makes me feel like I can't live without you, and it takes me all the way, I want you to stay..." He looked over and kept playing. She sang and Ray and Maka swayed. "Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving. Cause when you never see the light, it's hard to know which one of us is caving..."

When the song was over, Maka and Ray clapped. Ray was crying. "So... pretty..." She turned and knelt to the ground and pulled out her phone. They all watched as she hit a number and the phone rang. "Crona!" She sobbed into the speaker. There was a muffled response as Ray kept crying. "I love you!" She sobbed into the phone. "I love you I love you I love you! I want to be with you forever and never be away from you!"

Maka chuckled and Soul slapped her leg. He leaned up and kissed her and she stopped laughing. "Love you." Soul said, breaking the kiss."

Mari wiped the blood from her lip and sniffed. "You guys are so sweet."

Ray stood and wiped the tears from her face. "You and Kidd though, Mari." Ray smiled.

Mari looked down, knowing deep down Kidd would never forgive her. "Oh... yeah. I don't think he's ever going to talk to me again."

Ray walked over and kissed Mari on the cheek. "Well, if no one marries you, I will!" She said jokingly. "Well, it will have to be you, me, and Crona."

Mari laughed, ray making her feel better. "We could be... uhm... Crari!"

Ray laughed. "Yes!"

Soul and Maka laughed and Soul turned to Mari. "I did.t know you could sing."

She fidgeted. "Well, I taught myself how to sing and play guitar when my dad wouldn't let me out of the house for three years. We had some old books and I learned a few chords."

Soul grinned with his shark teeth. "That cool. I can play guitar too." He pointed to Maka and Ray. "They can cook."

Maka sighed loudly and flopped onto Soul. "I can do other things than cook you know! Like... like... I almost made you a death scythe one and a half times! And I killed the Keshin and saved your ass a few times!"

Soul put up his hands in submission. "Fine! Fine! Your right! I'm wrong!"

Ray crossed her arms. She was wearing a purple hoody with cat ears. "And, by the way, I make a mean omelet."

"Yum!" Mari smiled. She turned to Maka. "Could I have some, uh, ice maybe?"

Maka's eyes widened. "Oh wow! Yes!" she ran off, returning with a bag of peas. "Here!"

Mari took the peas and flinched as she put them on her face. "Ow."

Maka smiled sheepishly. "Sorry..."

"No. no" Mari said. "From my point of view, you had every right to beat the crap out of me like Lord Death." Mari flinched. "Jeez... His reaper-chops though."

The three cringed. "Yeah." Soul said.

Maka stood, grabbing Mari's hand. "Let's go see the others. You can apologize."

"I've never been good at apologies..." Mari said, letting Maka drag her away.

They all stepped outside after they got Mari one of Soul's old leather jackets. They walked down the streets and went to Black Star's and Tsubaki's house first.

Mari knocked on the door lightly and it opened. Black Star stood in the doorway and looked at Mari. "Well, I thought you were the guy who's going to give me a record deal!"

Tsubaki came around into view and was talking as she made cookies. "Black Star! You can't sing for-" She saw Mari. "Oh!"

Mari bowed her head. "I'm sorry. I know it looked like I was hurting you guys but it was the keshin. He was controlling and I could use a few lessons from you Black Star on how to get people out of your head."

Black Star put his hands on his hips and nodded. "Apology accepted! And, yes, anyone could always use a few lessons from good old Black Star!"

Mari looked up at Tsubaki. Tsubaki smiled and set the cookie dough down on a table. "I've seen a few people go crazy and I forgave them! I can do the same for you, Mari."

Mari sighed with relief. "Thank goodness! I can not, can not, go without your cookies Tsubaki!"

She smiled as Mari bowed again and ran down the steps.

They went to Stein and Marie's house next, and when Marie saw Mari's face, she got really angry, then hugged her. "Stupid..." She whispered into the girl's ear.

Sid and Nygus were okay and so they started walking to Kidd's big mansion. Mari dragged her feet when she saw the two big rot-iron gates that led to the house.

"He hates me..." Mari said In between her breathing, sadness deep in her heart. "I know it. He's gonna never want to see me again."

Soul panted for air as they walked, the exertion tough on him. "I know... Kidd. He'll... forgive you."

"Really?" Mari asked, shrugging her shoulders in Soul's big jacket. She looked nervously up at Kidd's house. She lightly pushed open one of the gates with her hand. "Okay..." she whispered, unsure.

Mari tapped lightly on the big oak doors to the big house. She heard some footsteps inside and the door swung open. Mari quickly looked down as Kidd's golden her eyes met hers.

He stopped and looked down at her. "Oh..." he said. There were no bandages on him at all.

Mari looked up at him, scared. "Uh... Hey..." She felt tears prick at her eyes. She held out her hands in defeat. "I'm sorry!" She cried as her tears started flowing. She held her hands to her face and sobbed into them as she realized how wrong she had been. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She stopped sobbing when she felt his hand brush her face.

"It's okay, Mari. I'm okay." Kidd said. He wrapped her in a hug and held her for a minute with the others watching.

She looked up at him with red eyes. She pulled away from him. "Okay." She said, her voice hardening. She glanced up at the big house. "Your dad is never going to let me back into the school, is he?"

Kidd shrugged. "I really don't know. He was really angry, but..." Kidd looked at Mari. "We can always call him and ask." He beckoned to Mari, Soul, Maka, and Ray and they all stepped into the big house. Liz and Patty waved when they saw them and they didn't seem to be surprised that Mari was with them. Kidd walked to a big mirror and blew on the glass, fogging it up.

He put his finger on the mirror and with an hand he wrote Death's number. "42, 42, 564, whenever you want to nock on deaths door." He whispered under his breath and the surface rippled.

Lord Death appeared on the mirror. "Hello hello hello!" He said cheerfully. Lord Death looked at everyone and even though he didn't have any eyes, Mari could feel his gaze lock on her. "Hello Mari! You look well!"

Mari blinked. "You... you're not angry at me?"

Death waved his hand. "It was the keshin!"

Mari looked at hi with a blank face. "Wait..." she said, putting a hand to her head like it hurt. "You're not gonna kill me?"

"You were possessed, Mari. I can't blame you for that!" He put his hand up. "You're going to have a lot of homework to catch up on sinse you missed three days of school so you better come back tomorrow~" The screen went dark and Mari's mouth fell open.

"I am so confused right now!" She said. She looked over at the others. "So... I can go back?"

Ray shrugged happily. "I guess so!"

Mari glomped Kidd and squeezed his middle so hard he gasped. "Mari!" He said and she pulled away laughing.


A nock came at the door and they heard Patty call, saying she would get it. They all stood and craned their ears to hear who was there. Patty walked into the room with her arms crossed and her face fuming, an angry look in her eye. "He's here." She said, gabbing a finger at a tall man behind her.

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