
Oleh booknerd1203

37.1K 2.3K 285

Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... Lebih Banyak

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
tentative cast list
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

chapter eleven

866 61 9
Oleh booknerd1203


"Wake up Pet. Pet. Come on Pet wake up. It's time." William's voice brought me out of the darkness and my eyes flutter open to see William straddling me looking down at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. I open my mouth to ask him what the hell he did but before I could he cut me off.

William sits back a little bit so he can look at my eyes. "Well now that you have finally woken up I will fill you in on what has been happening. You have been out for thirteen days. Your body did not accept the change. You are not the first human who when being turned didn't go into transition and change, but you are the second. In the first case the girl still experienced the sire bond to the vampire who tried to change her, although she did not take near as long as you did to wake up. Either way let's give it a try shall we?" He asked. My body didn't accept the change? So I didn't turn into a vampire? I was cut short of my musing when he ordered me to get up.

"Get up." He orders. I feel no need to get up. No urge to follow his command, but in a split second decision I did as he said. His eye brows rise excitedly. "Sit back down." Again I feel nothing, but follow his command. "Well this is great!" he yells. Like an excited puppy who finally got his bone. "You will stay on your bed till I return for you." He says while walking out of the room I assume to tell his father. I wait a few moments after he leaves to test what I'm pretty sure about. I sneak over to the edge of the bed and hop off with no problem. I run to the wall and stay there breathing hard from excitement. He thinks I am under the sire bond, but I am in fact not. This changes everything. Tears are falling from my eyes. I can be free. I can get away I know I can. I just have to be the obedient little girl under the control of the sire bond till I have a chance to escape. I can escape. I know I can. I just have to come up with the perfect plan. I can't rush this. Tears are still falling from my eyes and I don't even care. I am still a human. I can have a family some day! I still have a chance at helping my people.

I hear William and his father talking from outside the door so I run to my bed and softly climb on it. The tears are still falling and I put a dejected look on my face wrapping my arms around my knees. I have to play this part as good as possible. The door opens and I look up to see Xavier and William looking excited.

Xavier talks first not even caring about my tears "It throws a kink in the plan that you are not a vampire, but I think we can work around it. We have heard back from your father and brother plan on meeting us in three days. You will be present and be reunited with your family." He pauses as he noticed my confused look. "Well we can't very well just capture them all right away can we? We are going to lull them into a false sense of security."

They have got to be crazy if he thinks my family is going to fall for this. First off my daddy would sooner believe that a giant chicken the size of the castle is coming over for some snacks before he would believe that I am marrying a vampire willingly. He knows how I feel about Landon. He also knows I am more mature then turning to a rebound guy just because Landon said he didn't want me anymore. This whole plan is going to fail and William and Xavier have no idea. I try my best to hide the smirk that so desperately wants to be on my face.

"Ok pet, so here is what's going to happen." William starts pulling me out of my thoughts. "When they get here you will be the perfect little future queen. You will admit that you came back here part for Alison, but part for me as well. You will confess to them that you love me." Now at this point I should probably be crying my eyes out because he is making me love him, but all can do is one simple thing. Laugh.

Gut wrenching laughter filled the room as I tried to stop myself from peeing because that's how hard I am laughing. Tears are streaming down my face and through my watery eyes I can see William and Xavier. My laughter is so intense I fall off of my bed and onto the floor. They are both looking down at me as I role around on the floor laughing like a crazy person. Xavier lunges at me and then I woke up back in the dark room I started out in when I first got captured. Well William's ego has obviously came from his father.

Sooner than I expected the door flies open and William walks in with a bucket for some reason. Why does he have a-cue bucket of ice cold water crashing down on me while I am frozen in shock. He did not just do what I think he did. I look up to see a smirking William happily twirling the bucket handles around on his finger. Yeah if only I could slam the bucket across his face and wipe that smug little smirk off. That would be wonderful. I spend a few seconds letting my self-imaging it happen. When all the sudden the bucket slips off his fingers and does exactly what I had imagined! What the crap just happened? William is standing their pouting even though I know that bucket did not hurt him.

He throws the bucket against the wall and proceeds to stomp on it. Well someone is obviously a drama queen. After getting all his feelings out he proceeds to grab my arm and throws me over his shoulder. I don't bother fighting knowing that soon I will see my family again. We end up back in my room and I am dropped on my bed. "alright pet your father and brother are currently in the dining room waiting for you before we have a meal. You have ten minutes to shower and get dressed. I will wait here. Your dress is in the bathroom." I nod and make my way into the bathroom. It doesn't take me long to shower now that I know how to use this shower. I see the dress William chose and it is beautiful. It's a dark green that reaches about to my knees. The top is sheer but has a white under layer. The sleeves are darker and you cannot see the skin underneath. The middle bunches up a tad right under my chest and the bottom half flares out slightly. The style is almost like the previous dress I wore. After putting the dress on I wear my hair in a loose pony tail and bring it over the side of my neck where William drank from me. I use my hair to hide the scars from my family's eyes. I use several pins I found in the bathroom to keep it in place.

William is waiting on my bed with a box much like the ones that held the beautiful grey shoes. This one holds green flats with small bows on the toes. The green is the same color as my dress. William nods before speaking. "You will walk beside me this time. You can take in your surroundings since I am telling you now you may not enter or leave any room without my permission or if I am with you." I nod in response. "Now when we get to the dining room you will greet your family however you like and then seat yourself next to me. Father will explain that we have an announcement once everyone is seated. You will act as if you are completely in love with me. You will give no hints to your family that this is a ruse. You will do nothing that would anger me or my father. You will be polite and only speak when spoken to." He finishes while ushering me out of my room and towards the dining room.

This is the first time I have been able to see the castle. This place is huge. The walls are built of smooth grey stone. They are adorned with beautiful pictures of different landscapes and Vampires. I am not sure who they are, but they are obviously important. I see guards stationed outside a specific door that I can hear a lot of noise coming out of. I hesitate as the door opens and noise gets louder. I have never heard such a noise before. All I can see before William barks at me to hurry up is a glimpse of several man throwing pieces of wood into a weird metal contraption.

I hurry after William not wanting to give away that I am not under the sire bond. I plan on sneaking out of my room eventually to explore the guarded room. I have to plan this and make sure nothing goes wrong. There must be a reason that it is so heavily guarded. In all my planning I did not realize that we reached the dining room. I see my brother and father and happily run to them.

It hasn't even been that long since I've seen them, but it feels so good to be back in their arms. I have to make sure I am very careful with how I handle this situation. Whispering in their ear that it is a trap is a no go. I don't want to risk any vampire ears hearing me.

"Alison? Did she get back ok?" I asked my father. He finally let me go and nodded before replying. "We caught her not far from where we caught you." He chuckled. "She has been doing well." My dad looked like he was going to say something else, but Daniel cut him off. "Yeah she has been doing great." He mutters rolling his eyes. I look at him in confusion, but then I notice a faint bruise below his left eye. Did Alison give him a black eye? He notices me staring and I see a light blush creep on his face. "Oh don't be like that Daniel. She said she was sorry. Besides you are the one who told her not to hold back." Dad laughed while slapping Daniel on his shoulder. I laughed at my brothers annoyed face. I haven't got to laugh with my family for what feels like ages.

Too soon for my liking, William motions for me to come and sit by him. Xavier is at the head of the table with my father to his right and Daniel beside him. William sat to the left of Xavier and I was beside him. This is the most awkward family dinner of my life. Xavier clears his throat breaking the awkward silence. "Well I am sure you are interested in why we want to offer you this treaty." He says towards my father and brother. My father nods waiting for him to continue. William speaks next instead of Xavier. "Well I want to be at peace with the family of the love of my life who will be my future bride." It's all I can do not to scoff and laugh at his pathetic attempt at a love sick voice. I force a smile on my face as my brother drops his fork and my father chokes on his drinks.

"Love of your life?" "Bride?" my brother and father yell out at the same time. "You heard me correct. The time that Caroline has spent here has made me realize that this war is stupid. I love her and just want to be able to live our life. Right pookie bear?" Williams purrs to me the last part. Don't laugh Caroline. Don't laugh. Come on seriously what kind of nick name is pookie bear? You have to do this, pull it together. "That's right willy pie" I coo the nickname he hated so much and added pie because it sounded sweet. I do my best to bat my eye lashes at him sweetly.

"Care? What is going on?" Daniel asks me while my father is just staring at me wide eyed. "He is telling the truth Landon." I start. "I came back to the castle for Alison of course, but also for him." I say while gently placing my hand in his that is laying on the table by his drink. He intertwines our fingers and gently places a kiss on my cheek. I feel bile rise in my throat and try my best to hold in the vomit that wants to escape so badly.

"Caroline, what about Landon?" my father asks completely confused. This will be the hardest part. I take a deep breath and hold back a flinch as William squeezes my hand to tightly obviously as a warning. "I thought I loved Landon, but I was wrong. William helped me realize that. He and King Xavier honestly just want peace with us." I finish trying not to role my eyes on the word King. He is not worthy to be called king. He is a not worthy of being called a maggot. You would insult maggots by comparing Xavier to them.

"Caroline what has he done to you?" Daniel asks clearly not convinced. "Nothing, Daniel. I love him. I know we have always thought they were the enemy, but we were wrong." I glance over at my father and see him looking at me in deep thought. "You are lying!" Daniels yells causing me to flinch. "I know you still love Landon. You have loved him since forever!" He slams his hand down on the table harshly causing to the cups to shake slightly. "What has this leach done to you!?" He finishes by standing up towering over the table.

I rise from my seat and after glancing at William and after receiving a nod I walk to Daniel trying to pull him into a hug, but he shoved me away roughly. I wasn't expecting it and I tripped on the chair behind me causing me to fall backwards. I tried to spin around and catch myself on one of the chairs, but I just brought it down with me. I waited to hit the floor, but William caught me before I could. Well at least his Vampirism stopped from an embarrassing fall. I felt his arms grab me and then whirl me around to where I landed my family on my feet. The speed of the spin had me dizzy and I didn't understand why my father and brother were staring at me in horror. More specifically they were staring at my neck. I brought my hand up and found my pony tail to have fallen and my neck was exposed. I covered the bite mark and quickly yanked my hair to hide it again.

"Caroline." My father breathed out obviously in pain. "He fed from you?! Did he force you?!" my brothers breathing was labored and I could tell how angry he was. "No, I let him drink from me. I wanted it." I blurt out to keep Daniel from doing something stupid. My father and brothers faces pale after hearing my statement. "Just please sit down and listen to William. It's a good deal. Our people wouldn't have to live in the woods scavenging for food. They would have their own villages with supplies and goods we've never dreamed of having." I told them trying to get them to calm down.

My father used his hand to push Daniel into his seat. "I have written up a complete copy of the treaty for you take back to your people." Xavier spoke while snapping. A maid, who was probably about my age, came forward with a scroll handing to William. I saw a faint blush on her cheeks and wondered why. William then handed me the scroll and I gave it to my father. My father didn't look at it just me as I handed it to him. My father asked a question that sent me back to when my father, brother and Landon first started training me on what to do if I got captured. "Patchwork misses you, sweet heart. We all do." I didn't understand at first, but then a memory came back to me.

When my father told me he wanted to train me on what to do if I was ever captured. Obviously I was not to say anything about the rebellion or people involved in it. He did tell me that we had people everywhere and that everyone knew a code sentences that was used to find out if the person using the sentence could be trusted. Also there were two answers you could give. The first was: I miss Patchy and you all as well. Rub her belly for me when you get home. That response essentially meant help me. The second response was: Yeah right Patchwork has always hated me. This response meant I am fine where I am.

I looked into my father's eyes and trying to control my heart beat replied as calmly as I could. "I miss Patch and you all as well. Rub her belly for me when you get home." My father nodded slightly and my brother's face turned from anger to rage. He knew that I was asking for help, they both did. They knew better then to do anything right away though. "Who is Patchwork?" William asked confused. I laughed slightly at his ignorance. "She is a stray cat that hangs around our village. I used to always give her scraps from dinner at night." I lie easily. William nodded while leading me back to my chair.

My father and brother take their seats as well. "Alright we will take this back to the villages and start deciding. We will need time to decide. It is a huge decision." My father explained. Xavier replied this time "Of course my friend we are willing to grant you two months to come to a decision." He finished with a small bow towards my father. "That should be an adequate amount of time. Thank you. Now we would like to tell Caroline goodbye and then take our leave it is a long ride home." Xavier nodded and I rose from my chair heading to my family. I am brought into a bone crushing hug but I don't mind. I am pressed in between both of their chests. They are so warm and safe. They knew this was all a lie. They were going to make a plan and it was going to work I knew it. "I love you both so much." I murmured into my father's chest, but loud enough for Daniel to hear it as well. After a tearful goodbye they left and I followed William back to my room.

Two months. I know they will have their own plan, but I am not going to just sit here and do nothing. I will find out why that room is so guarded and what is inside of it. I am the daughter of the leader of the rebellion. I was born to fight and protect my people. I may not be a male, but that changes nothing. I am my father's daughter and he has taught me well. I hide my smile as William orders me to change and go to sleep. "You did wonderful my little pet." He tells me as he walks toward my door to leave. You arrogant jerk you acting like you have already won. Just wait the carpet is about to be pulled right out from underneath your stupid vampire feet. I laugh in my head thinking of how funny it would be for William to fall on his behind. "Argh" I bolt up from my bed seeing William splayed out on the floor. I chuckle out loud and recieve a glare as he stands up. "The stupid carpet had bunched up and tripped me. I will send a servant in the morning to flatten all the carpet in here" He mutters walking out the door. Well that only improved my happy mood. For the first time since I have been here I fall asleep with a smile on my face.







so her family knows that this whole treaty is a joke. What do ya'll think is fixing to happen now? What all can she really do while being trapped pretending to being under the sire bond to William? so I am 98% sure I posted a GIF of the cast on this chapter. I hope i did it right. Shout out to New_Season for being awesome and sending me the link to make one!!! If you have never read any of her stories check them out. Soooooo awesome!! Thank you all for reading!!! please vote and comment. I really want to hear from ya'll about what you are thinking!!


*photo credit for the gif goes to pinterest*

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