
By booknerd1203

37.1K 2.3K 285

Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... More

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
tentative cast list
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

Chapter ten

828 62 7
By booknerd1203


I cry the entire walk back to my room where William throws me on to the bed. He scoots me to the middle and straddles me. Fear consumes me and I start bucking to get him off. He just laughs and ties each of my wrists to the corner of the head board. I pull on the rope that appeared out of nowhere and felt it cutting into my wrist. I opened my mouth to yell but a rag is shoved in my mouth and then duct taped sealing it in place. William slides down my body and off the bed. I am still crying and fighting against the binds that are keeping me from tearing out Xavier and William's throats.

William looks down on me with a look in his eyes that almost looks like pity. He goes to say something when Xavier strolls into the room. I had given up fighting the binds now and was just silently crying.

"Well that was an emotional experience wasn't it?" Xavier asked like it took something out of him. I don't understand why they are doing this. I don't want to become a vampire. I don't want any of this. I want to go back before any of this happened.

"Pet this process is quite painful but since I am feeling generous I will use my ability to help you not feel the pain." He looks at me expectantly and I give him a small nod. Tears are still streaming down my face and I flinch when William climbs back onto the bed and straddle me. I know I look terrified because I am. He pulls the duct tape off my mouth quick and I gasp from the sting. He pulls the rag out and I instantly start begging in between fresh sobs of fright.

"Please...Please...W-William...I don't... w-w-want this. I-I c-ca-can't become a... vampire." He is looking at me and gives me an exasperated sigh. Then his eyes start to lighten and I scream in fear.

"NO! Please! I will be good!" I can't be here. This can't be happening. I wait for the throbbing but it doesn't come. Instead my eye lids start feeling heavy and I become extremely tired. My heart slows down and I lose the ability to move my legs and arms. My eyes close and darkness envelopes me.

(I promise this is not going to turn into she gets turned then falls in love with him. Please keep reading I promise you will love the ending of this chapter!!! Just don't stop reading here!!!)

***Williams Point of View***

As soon as I am sure Caroline is asleep I bite into her neck. Her blood is the most intriguing kind I have ever drunk. Most blood straight from the vein has a flavor that is unique to the human it came from. Caroline is indeed unique, but in a different way. At first her blood has a strong sweet taste almost like vanilla, but the more I drink the more the taste becomes a richer taste like dark chocolate. Never have I drunk from someone and their taste change mid drink.

I leave just enough blood to keep her heart beating before I stop. I bite into my wrist and use my other hand to open her mouth. I place my wrist over her mouth and let my blood drip into her open awaiting mouth. After a sufficient amount I close her mouth and gently rub on her throat until she swallows it. Once I can smell my blood in her veins I untie her and lay her hands at her side. Her hair is astray all over the pillow on the bed from when she was fighting against me. I think I knew from the beginning she wasn't going to break. I could see a spark in her that even I couldn't extinguish. It has been horrible having to treat her so badly. I grab ahold of her head with both my hands and smoothly jerk it to the left and hear the tale tell crack which means I broke her neck.

It will only be a matter of time now. Once she awakens all that needs to be done is for her to drink from the vein and then she will have finished the transition into being a vampire. Her first couple of months will be the hardest. She will crave blood constantly and she will be very weak. It will be a different experience for her that's sure.

I leave her room and station guards at her door. There is really no defined time limit for the change to happen. Sometimes it could be three hours or three days. Never has it been over a week and half though, which is why my father and I chose a two week time slot for those pesky rebels to come to the castle. I make my way to my bedroom and lounge on my bed. I will miss the feisty Caroline once she is turned. She was the only human or vampire that has ever stood up to me. Her strength is indeed a mystery. I have never seen someone so loyal to their cause or their family.

It's hard to admit that I am jealous of the love that she shares with her family. The girl agreed to be a blood slave just so her sister could go free. I had never planned on hurting Alison. I may be the Vampire Prince, but I would never condone harming innocent children. Human or not they are still children. When I first caught them I had to put my feelings aside when I drank from Alison. It needed to be done. I never planned on actually killing her though like I told Caroline. My father would kill me if he knew my weakness. He put me in charge of interrogating the humans who knew about the rebellion, but the more I did the more I have found myself struggling to be cruel to them.

I cannot let my father know this. If he did I would surely be executed for treason against the throne. I can never let him discover these feelings I am harboring on the inside. It gets so tiring putting on a show, but it must be done. I have a plan to take down my father. It has taken years to perfect everything. This matter of finding Caroline was the last piece I needed to fall into place. I knew she would have to be turned, but it still pains me to have to turn her into something she loathes. It was hard enough to make her be my blood slave. She of course has no idea of this plan. I am sure she only sees me as a horrible monster that lives to destroy humans. That is exactly what I need her to think for now. When the time is right I will tell her of my plan.

I reached over to my night stand where a bell was placed. I rang it three times. This meant I was hungry. About five minutes later I heard a timid knock on the door. I could tell by the scent from the other side of the door it was Elizabeth. I called for her to enter and made my way over to the table set up by the window. She carried a tray with a ridiculous amount of food on it for one person. Thankfully know one finds it odd in the kitchen though. They assume I just eat enough for two. That is not the case though. Elizabeth often eats with me when she is able.

She has been a servant of the throne since she was eight. She is now eighteen and has grown to be a beautiful young woman. I guess if I want to be honest with myself she is the reason for my change in heart about humans. She is so innocent and so full of life. Never once has she feared me. I remember the first time I saw her she was new to the castle. Her mother and father had been killed when they were first captured. The guards brought her back to the castle to become a maid. She was wondering the corridors dragging a stuffed teddy with her. The thing was obviously old. It was ragged and the arm was half torn off. There were tears falling from her face and I could hear some soft sniffles. I quietly walked up to her and asked her what was wrong.

"My momma and papa died." She whimpered out. Her sniffles became soft sobs now. I handed her my handkerchief from my pocket. It took her a few minutes to actually reach out and take it from me. She only took it once I kneeled down onto my knees in front of her. "T-the guards k-k-illed them righ-right in front of m-m-me." She stuttered out while falling into my arms. I was shocked at first, but finally closed my arms around her small shaking body. She soon cried herself to sleep in my arms. I stood up and gently carried her to the servant's chambers. I found out from the head maid, Jenny, that her name was Elizabeth and had only been here two days. She had a room to herself where I laid her in the bed. After I tucked her in I found Jenny again.

"You will make sure the girl is looked after. I do not want her wandering around the castle unaccompanied again. There are vampires here who wouldn't think twice about having her for a midnight snack." I snapped at Jenny.

"Yes your Majesty." She bowed. "My deepest apologizes, sir. I had left her in the kitchen separating the rotten potatoes from the good ones. I didn't think she would wander off." She finished panicked that I would punish her.

"Just make sure she is taken care of." I ordered and left without waiting for an answer. Ever since that day I had checked in on the child at least once a week. When I traveled with my father I always snuck away long enough to buy some sort of small trinket to bring back for her. She would always wait excitedly in my servant tunnels leading to my room the day that I would return. This was our secret though. It has been going on for six years and no one has found out. As she grew older she learned what I was doing outside of the time I spent with her. She was confused as to why I would torture other humans but shower her with affection and treats. I had no explanation for her at first. Now I know that she was teaching me that humans and vampires are not that different, besides the drinking blood and being physically stronger.

Since the time that Elizabeth was sixteen, I knew that I was in love with her. I did not act on my feelings till this year. I wanted her to at least be eighteen before I told her my feelings. I stopped aging at twenty-one, but I have been twenty-one for two hundred and ninety four years now. I remember the day I disclosed my feelings. I was terrified she would reject me and tell me she could never love a monster like me. We had snuck out of the castle through the servant tunnels and I took her to the waterfall about forty miles away from the castle. It was beautiful, but not as beautiful as her. She quite enjoyed the ride there. I had her on my back and her clinging to my neck with her legs wrapped around my waist.

I could hear her giggling the entire way. That sound was the most musical noise I have ever heard. I gently placed her down on the field and ran to the tree line where I hid the basket earlier this morning. I laid the blanket out and continued to lay out all the food I had brought. I brought all her favorites. Chocolate covered strawberries, spiced apples, ham, potato salad and red wine. After feeding her bite by bite, which had her blushing, I plucked up the courage to tell her. "Elizabeth, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. You are kind and loving. You do not let your title of servant hold you back. I love watching you hide in the library and reading books that most grown vampires I know could not even read to the title of. I love the way your nose scrunches when you giggle, and the way you blush whenever you are embarrassed. I wish we had met in better conditions, but I am so grateful for this time we have had together. I cannot withhold this truth from you a moment longer. I love you, Elizabeth."

I held my breath as I watched the shock of my statement set in. The blush I love so much rose on to her face. She went to stand up and I thought she was going to run, but she just got to her knees to reach into her pocket. She pulled out the handkerchief that I gave her all those years ago. "I have kept this with me since that day in the corridors. You were so kind that night. You have been so kind ever since. You have made losing my parents and being a servant so much easier. You held me all those times I cried and never asked for anything in return. I never dreamed that this would happen. I don't know what to say." Her voice came out soft. "All I know is I have loved you for as long as I can remember, William." I almost thought I imagined her saying that, but then she fell into my arms like all those years ago. Except instead of tears falling I heard laughter. I raised her face up and leaned down and kissed her soft lips.

I'm brought back from my memory when she sets the trays down and takes her seat across from me. The blush I love so much is prominent on her face. "How are you my love?" I ask softly while pouring her some wine in the cup and pushing it towards her. "I did something you might not be very happy with Willy." She muttered out using the nickname only I let her use for me. "You could never do anything to anger me my love." I say while buttering a roll and placing it on her plate. "I wrote a note to Caroline." She blurted out. I stopped cutting the beef I was fixing to place on her plate. I took calming breaths before speaking, but she beat me to it. "I didn't say anything about you, I just told her that her sister was not followed and that I wanted to be her friend. I hid a pen in her room and asked her to exchange letter with Me." She explained.

That wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. "I am not mad Ellie." I told her fondly. "I half expected you would do such a thing. Just remember to be wise about what you write. If we want this plan to work she can't know about it till the right time." I advise her while scooping out some rice for her plate. "I will be careful Willy, I promise." She smiles starting to eat while I make my own plate. Now all that's left to do is waiting for Caroline to wake up. I do not know how much longer I continue on with this charade of hating humans. Caroline makes it especially hard.








Aright so we have finally learned about William!! what do you guys think about Willy's big secret? Surprised? Love it? Hate it? Please share with me how you are feeling!! a few people have asked about the cover and why a dagger. It is actually a stake. We will learn more about this in the chapters coming up soon!! It does mean something I promise!! So please vote and comment if you like Rebel!!! I would love to hear from you guys!!


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