You're a Mind Fuck, Babe

By frerardheartpains

585K 22.3K 28.5K

Frank Iero makes a comment that he probably shouldn't have and gets stuck in detention with his fiery psychol... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Destroya
Chapter 2: So Why Don't You Blow Me... A Kiss
Chapter 3: I'm So Dirty, Babe
Chapter 4: If You Look In The Mirror And Don't Like What You See...
Chapter 5: The Sharpest Lives Are The Deadliest to Lead
Chapter 6: Juliet Loves the Beat and the Lust it Commands
Chapter 7: Clean Me Off
Chapter 8: Mama
Chapter 9: The World Is Ugly
Chapter 10: I'm Not Okay
Chapter 11: Teenagers
Chapter 12: Get Up And Go
Chapter 13: Aw Sugar
Chapter 14: Your Starless Eyes Remain
Chapter 15: It's Not Loving If It's Just Fucking
Chapter 16: Kiss Me, You Animal
Chapter 18: This Is Not The End For Us
Chapter 19: 3, 2, 1, We Came To Fuck
Chapter 20: Is It Still Me That Makes You Sweat
Chapter 21: Trust Me
Chapter 22: We Are Young And We Don't Care
Chapter 23: Maybe They'll Leave You Alone But Not Me
Chapter 24: I Don't Believe In You
Chapter 25: I Sometimes Stare For Hours
Chapter 26: Baby
Chapter 27: Well I've Been Holding On Tonight
Chapter 28: You Might Wake Up And Notice You're Someone You're Not
Chapter 29: Everything's About To Change
Chapter 30: This Means War
Chapter 31: I Do It All For You
Chapter 32: Tell Me I'm a Bad Man
Chapter 33: I Can't Seem To Get My Shit Together
Chapter 34: And Down We Go
Chapter 35: Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating
Chapter 36: I'm Already Under Your Skin
Chapter 37: Are You Near Me?
Chapter 38: Every Star Fall Brought You To Tears
Chapter 39: I've Given It All Away
Chapter 40: Maybe We Took This Too Far
Chapter 41: Just Hold Me And Tell Me That I'm Everything You Need
Chapter 42: What a Catch
Chapter 43: This City Is Haunted By Ghosts From Broken Homes
Chapter 44: Tell Me What Your Worst Fears Are, I Bet They Look A Lot Like Mine
Chapter 45: Press My Lips Against Your Back Like They Could Take Away Its Pain
Chapter 46: How Tired Am I Of Being Scared?
Chapter 47: Show Me What Love Looks Like
Chapter 48: From The Razor To The Rosary
Chapter 49: The Words Won't Come Out
Chapter 50: All I Want For Christmas Is You
Chapter 51: Every Snowflake's Different Just Like You
Chapter 52: These Words Are Knives That Often Leave Scars
Chapter 53: The Light Behind Your Eyes
Chapter 54: I Held You Close As We Both Shook
Chapter 55: Where Is Your Boy Tonight?
Chapter 56: Kiss The Ring
Chapter 57: Call Me A Safe Bet, I'm Betting I'm Not
Chapter 58: I Love Him So Much It Just Turns To Hate
Chapter 59: Your Knife, My Back. My Gun, Your Head.
Chapter 60: Do You Hate Me?
Chapter 61: Baby, Can You See Through The Tears
Chapter 62: Some Patients Can't Be Saved But That Burden's Not On You.
Chapter 63: Haven't We Suffered Enough?
Chapter 64: The Bite of the Teeth of that Ring On My Finger
Chapter 65: You Are Perfect Porcelain
Chapter 66: The End.

Chapter 17: Don't Return To Me, My Love

8.5K 351 180
By frerardheartpains

I need to find a place to go, it's getting really fucking cold out. It's late and I'm irritable and I just want a warm bed to sleep in. Fuck. I have to go to school tomorrow. Maybe I should just sleep in the bushes near the school and sleep till people kick me awake. Fuck it. I don't want more bruises on my skin today. I pull out my phone and dial Gerard's number.
"Frank?" He says immediately after he picks up.
"G-Gerard... I just got kicked out and I have no place to go and I'm so sorry," I start to cry.
"My mom's fucking pissed and I'm sorry," I continue talking because he hasn't said anything.
"I-I'll be right there," he hangs up as soon as he's said that. I sit on the curb outside my house with my hands in my hair. I can't stop crying and shaking. Rain starts pouring, of course, because my night isn't fucking shitty enough. A car pulls up next to me, stopping and rolling down the window.
"Get in," Gerard shouts. I walk over to the passenger side of the vehicle and open the door, getting into the car. I shake my hair like a dog and put my seat belt on, closing the car door. We drive to his place in silence. Another awkward car ride with Gerard, me and silence. Unfortunately, three is a crowd.

We get to his apartment and he unlocks the door letting me in. I head for the bedroom immediately and take off my shirt and pants, leaving me in just boxers. I lay on his bed. He joins me moments later, taking most of his clothes off and wrapping his warm arms around me. He kisses my cheek softly. I turn to lay on his chest. He begins rubbing my shoulder with his thumb. I listen to his breathing and it soothes me.
"So why did you get kicked out?" Gerard asks.
"My mom doesn't trust me, I guess. She thinks I'm lying to her about everything. She was complaining that she couldn't meet my friend and she was afraid of why I wouldn't let her. I got way too fucking pissed off and I flipped," I explain.
"My mom and I used to fight like that a lot," he sympathizes.
"I hate it so much," I sigh.
"When I still lived with my parents, my mom was the decent one. She would kick me out a lot but my dad beat me. I was never the son he wanted and it really didn't sit well with him," he tells me.
"I don't remember much about my dad except he was an alcoholic who used to hit my mom," I say.
"I just wish I had a dad who I could care about," Gerard sighs.
"I could be your daddy," I try to sound seductive but it comes out weird. I laugh at how much I shouldn't have said that. Gerard looks me dead in the eyes and bats his eyelashes.
"Take me, Daddy," he whispers. The words slip out of his mouth effortlessly and give him a sort of vulnerability. An openness I hadn't seen before. I lift myself up and hover over him. I kiss him as I move my hands for his boxers. I slide them down and he helps me slide my own down. I kick mine to the floor and move my hands up his stomach and chest. I place my hand around his throat.
"I'm in charge," I growl.
"Yes, daddy," his voice higher than usual. I push into him and his mouth falls open as he moans. One of his hands grips the sheets and the other drapes around my neck. He digs his nails in as I pull out and slam back in. He closes his eyes and swears. I go faster, feeling my back being torn up by his nails.
"Harder, daddy," he moans. Shit. I'm getting too close too fast and I can feel it. I don't know how much long I can hold off. I thrust harder, slowing down slightly. I groan as I release into him, still attempting to follow his order. He moans and moves his hand to touch himself. Oh God... I roll my eyes back as I let the pleasure take over my body. A few more jerking movements and he came, releasing on his hand and chest. I lay down beside him and pant.
"Thank you," we say at the same time. A smile forms on my lips. My heart rate slows slightly and I stand up. I get my boxers and put them back on. I'm fucking tired. I lay back down on my stomach. I pull a sheet over myself and get comfortable. Gerard moves a little before turning the lights off. Soon enough, I fall asleep.

An alarm is blaring and my eyes snap open. I fucking hate alarms. I stir a little and look at Gerard's mop of hair on the pillow beside me. He's not disturbed by the alarm. I touch him. He groans. I start shaking him.
"Fuck off," he mumbles. I get up and walk over to his side of the bed.
"If you get up right now, I'll wear fishnet tights for you," I offer. He sits up immediately, taking the bait.
"That was easier than I was expecting," I laugh.
"Promise you'll do it for me?" He asks.
"I don't know," I reply. He stands up and heads towards his closet, rummaging through a bin on the floor inside. He pulls out a lace collar equipped with a bell in the centre.
"I'll wear this all day if you wear the stockings," he offers.
"Should I even ask what the fuck else you have in there?" I wonder.
"Eventually you'll have seen it all, probably," he smirks. I pull my pants on and my shirt.
"Fine, I'll do it but only if you wear the collar," I reply. A smirk forms on his lips before he kisses my cheek excitedly. I go out to the kitchen and make a pot if coffee, pouring some for me and Gerard. He decides to join me once the coffee is ready but we take it to go so we're not late for school. I'm not excited for the day and I'm honestly not even sure what we've been doing for the last month.

I get to my first class and it's so loud that I want to rip my hair out. I can't wait to see Gerard. The class seems to drag in forever as we discuss literature. It doesn't have to be boring but my teacher makes it that way. When the bell finally announce the end of the class and the beginning of my spare, I practically jump for joy.

During my free period, I race home, knowing my mom wouldn't be there. I head up to my room and rummage through my clothes for something I hadn't seen in a longtime. When I eventually find what I'm looking for, I smirk to myself thinking about why I had it. So many memories arise as I feel it in my hands after so long.


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