Exchange to Hogwarts. (On Hol...

By backtotheshitshow

1.5K 24 8

They were so excited to be going to Hogwarts, but they weren't prepared for what mysteries and feelings they... More

Exchange Student ID's
The Kennedy's
The Carlyle's
The Trolley Incident
Cute Boys and Curious Toads
The Sorting Hat
Conversations and Common Rooms
The Squid Wake Up Call
Exploding Cauldrons
Lavender's Plan
Holding hands
Seamus' Advice and Keira's Warning
Boggarts After Breakfast
Heartfelt Herbology Chats
That 'At Home' Feeling
Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind
Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
Flowers and Bruises
Punches at the Pitch
Whatever This is

Thumper and Stitch's Great Adventure

52 1 1
By backtotheshitshow

Keira's POV

My shoes padded the wood of the floor as I quickly headed over to the girl's bathrooms. I took off my ash-covered uniform and placed them on a bench next to a nearby sink. Stepping into the shower I closed the curtain behind me, turning the tap to let the water flow down my back and face, washing away the soot and dirt.
After a few minutes of thinking about the past week's classes -which, except for potions, had really only been intro periods were you copy down the names of things that are involved in the topic and their meaning or purpose-, I turned off the water and wrap a soft, white towel around my body. Walking over to the bench I had put my clothes on, I grab my wand that sat on top of the pile of my belongs. Since I could not reach my things that were in my dorm, perhaps a spell could help. Thinking of which pair of pyjamas I wanted I raised my wand.

“Accio Coca-Cola Pyjamas,” I spoke clearly and waved my wand.

Within a second, my grey shorts and a white shirt that had been branded with the label of my favourite muggle beverage appeared in my hand.

Putting down my wand and dropping the towel that had shielded my body from the chilling air of the tile-covered bathroom, I slipped on the grey shorts and pulled the white shirt over my head. As I tied my purple hair into a messy high ponytail I realised I had forgotten something or rather someone, my very dear and very fluffy, pet racoon, Stitch. I would just leave him in my dorm but he doesn't go to sleep unless he knows I'm safe. I picked up my wand again and raise it, ready to say the spell and hoping he wouldn't be hurt during the process. 

"Accio Stitch the racoon," I say praying to Merlin that it would work.

I let out a breath I didn't know I held when my eyes were met with the flurry grey creature, who understandably looked quite shocked at his sudden change of location. Plopping Stitch on the floor after calming him down, I grabbed all my belongings and began to exit the bathroom.
"Come on Stitch, let's go," I called out to my pet, making him follow me as I made my way down the hall to Connie's dorm room.

As I opened the door I was met with a room that contained five four-post beds each with its own bedside table and in the centre of the room was a soft rug, all of which were covered in various shades of brown and red.
On one bed, lay, Lavender Brown, who was already fast asleep at the early time of 10:15 pm. On another bed, sat in grey trackies (sweat pants) and a white tank top, with crossed legs and reading a book that had a dark leather cover, was Hermione. Over on the ledge, looking out the window, was Ginny, who had on a pair of red shorts and a knitted sweater with a big golden letter 'G' on the front. And sitting on the rug leaning up against the end of her bed, petting her pet rabbit Thumper was Connie, she was dressed in the Pug pyjamas I had bought her from a Muggle store back home called 'K-Mart' for her birthday a year ago.

 "Oh good, your back." Ginny beamed, stopping her conversation with her fellow Gryffindor. "Hermione has suggested we play a game the Muggles call 'Truth or Truth'" Ginny stated with air quotations.
"Oh yeah, I'll play" I replied.

*time skip to 11:00 pm* ( soz I'm lazy)

Third Person

Three of the girls were sat on the floor while one, Keira, was laying on her back, head over the side of the mattress on one of the beds so that she would see everything in the room upside down with a sleeping Stitch just same next to her.

A slight problem had occurred, however, that none of the girls had noticed, Connie's rabbit had squeezed through the slightly ajar door and had snuck out of the dormitory. Now Thumper did manage his midnight escape without attracting the attention of any of the young witches, however, the thud of the wandering rabbit hitting the floor after hopping off his owner's bed was just loud enough to wake Stitch, Keira's beloved raccoon. The two animals are as close of friends as their owners, so when Stitch popped his head up and saw the rabbit hopping his way out of the dorm room, he didn't hesitate to follow Thumper down the hall on his adventure.

The furry creatures came to the top of the staircase that leads down to the dead silent Gryffindor common room, making their way down each stair two paws at a time. Reaching the bottom of the staircase Thumper and Stitch padded and hopped to the bottom of another staircase which happened to lead up to boys dormitories and again the two animals climbed the stairs two paws at a time.

For the past twenty-five minutes -it's 11:25 pm- the four girls, still unbeknownst to Thumper and Stitch's antics, had been asking each other many questions and eating snacks that Hermione had ever so kindly conjured up with a spell.

"Okay. Umm...whats your favourite muggle food?" Ginny asked Keira.

"Pizza." The Slytherin answered. 
Most of the questions were just a simple as that, none too personal, though Hermione seemed to have other plains.

"Alright." Hermione began. "Connie, truth or truth.?" The girl quizzed, taking a bite of a chocolate frog.

"Oh, that's a tough one, aaaah truth," Connie responded

"Do you have any....romantic feeling for one Ronald Weasley?" The girl interrogated with a slight smirk. 
Connie's face soon turned a bright red as she looked towards her lap while each of her roommates, except for Lavender who was still asleep, waited eagerly to hear her personal thoughts on the youngest of the Weasley brothers.

"Well.....uh I think he is cute I wouldn't say romantic feelings..exactly," Connie decided to say as she rubs the back of her neck, feeling kind of embarrassed to speak in such a way about one of her new friends, after all, they hadn't known each other long and Connie wasn't too sure about how she really felt.

"Would you go on a date with him?" Ginny asked

"I mean yeah, sure I guess." Connie shrugged, not wanting to be on this topic any longer than absolutely necessary.

"Merlin girl! You've turned redder than a stop sign." Her purple-haired friend laughed.

"Oh yeah!" Connie huffed. "Well do you have any romantic feelings for Neville Longbottom," the brunette questioned. Keira's laughter immediately ceased as she rolled onto her stomach.

'OH SHIT!!' Keira thought.

"Y-you didn't ask me t-truth or truth, so-so it's not a real-"

"Don't even," Connie said point a finger at Keira, knowing full well that the Slytherin girl was trying to worm her way out of answering the question, or should I say snake her way out of answering the question.
The room fell silent in anticipation of Keira's reply to the personal question, as she had now turned just as red as Connie had.

"Well?" Ginny pressed

“I- well-...” Keira let out a nervous laugh and opened her mouth to give an answer to her friend's question.

"AAAAHHHH!" A terrified shout was heard from somewhere outside the room before Keira could give a response on the topic of her feels about a certain plant-loving Gryffindor, which she wasn't complaining about of course.

*Meanwhile in the boy's dorms* 

"Some on get it, It'll give us rabies." Ron squeaked from his place on his bed.

You see as previously mentioned Thumper and Stitch had made their way up the staircase that leads to the boy's dormitories. But once they had done that the racoon and rabbit found themselves in a dormitory that happened to belong to Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom and Dean Thomas.

Everything was fine when the first creatures were hiding under Harry's bed, Seamus absolutely flipped when he saw Stitch sniffing an empty box of 'Every Flavored Beans, so much so that he tossed a book a the poor thing. Stitch let out a whimper and scampered back under Harry's bed.

"What is it?" Dean has asked.
"A giant fluffy rat! Under your bed, Harry!" Seamus breathed
"Think you've 'ad one too many sweets mate," Ron stated, patting Seamus on the shoulder.

But just then, a dazed Stitch stepped out from under Harry's bed.
"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Dean shouted, throwing a pillow in the general direction of the animal. All the boys immediately stood on their bed shouting at each other to get rid of what they called "a rat" 
"Ron you can deal with rats, you get it," Harry exclaimed.
"That's not a rat," Neville informed. "It's an animal from the muggle world. A Racoon, I think."
"Well, whenever it is. Someone get it, it'll give us rabies." Ron squeaked in fear. Stitch then jumped on to Deans bed and we'll, it was pretty much ever wizard for himself at that point as they all swiftly ran out of their room and down the stairs into the common room as fast as their legs would take them.

All stood a the bottom of the stairs, Seamus shaking with terror., Dean armed with a pillow should anything attack. Harry and Ron were, even though they would never admit it, hugging each other in fear and dear Neville was simply using the other as a human shield.

"What on earth is going on!?" Came a voice from behind them that nearly scare them half to death, although they calm down once they saw I was only Hermione and the other girls, even Lavender.
"There's a Raccoon our room," Harry explained.
"A what?" Lavender questioned, cranky she had been woken up.
"A rac-AAAHH! SEE RIGHT THERE!" Harry said, as all the boys hugged each other in fear.
"It's goNNA BITE OUR FACES OFF!" Dean shouted pointing to Stitch and Thumper coming down the stairs.
"Wait where'd the bunny come from?" Neville the asked

The girls became overwhelmed with laughter as they saw the fluffy rabbit and racoon walk across the common room and sit near the fire.
"Don't worry boys. It won't hurt you." Keira stated.
"How do you know?" The boys questioned at once.
"Because. He isn't a vicious animal. This is Stitch, my pet." The Hazel-eyed girl informed as she picked up Stitch off the floor, Connie doing the same with Thumper.
"Oh". They said together, embarrassment clear on their faces.

Word Count: 1795

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