Don't Worry || Chris Chambers...

By ChamberlainToHarlow

41.5K 810 864

Y/N is forced to move into a new town, halfway across the country. There, she meets a group of boys that chan... More

First Encounter
Morning Sunshine
Still Breathing
Late Nights
Lonely With You
Break Me Down
One More Light
Struck By You
Quiet Smiles
Chasing the Sky
One Step Closer
Running Home
Far, Far From Home
Long Way Out
Got a Problem?
The Royal Blue
A Wavering Tempo
A Sharpened Fate
Come Go With Me
Give Them What They Want
The Twilight Zone

Letting Him In

1.7K 36 8
By ChamberlainToHarlow

(A/N - I alwayssssss do this but sorry for the late post again. And trigger warning || possible abuse Thank you all for reading my story~ sincerely, author)

~Y/N's POV~

Coming in through my front door, I thought the house would be empty, but for once I was wrong. There was my dad, in the flesh. He stood, staring at me in the doorway peering behind me. 

I shut the door lightly and turn back to him, "Y-You're home." I stumble.

I realize that those are the first words I've said to my dad in weeks. I cringe as he steps towards me with a clenched fist.

"Where have you been?" He speaks, slurring his words. Nice, he's drunk. 

I stagger my feet offensively, "Out."

"I want to know who you've been out with." He has an angered expression. 

I bolt past him and run up the stairs, calling back to him. "Friends." I slam my door and sit against it to keep it shut as I hear him stomping after me. 

I can still remember the last time he beat me, I was crying for his mercy after I accidentally dropped a glass in the kitchen and broke it. I'm not putting up with it again. I can hear his booming voice still struggling to grasp me through the door. I'm not letting him in.

Finally, he reaches my door and twists the doorknob furiously. He slams his side into the door, pushing me back and crunching my arm under the door. I wince from the pain of absorbing the shock, but I resist and push the door back. 

"I swear to god Y/N you better let me in there." He continues.

He pounds a fist against the door in an effort to get it open, I can hear the wood contorting beneath his hands as he repeatedly berates the frame. He slams into the door over, and over, digging the bottom into my arm more, forming a small pressure tear on one end of my forearm. 

But soon enough, it goes silent. He's gone from the hall. I look back to my arm, to see that the tear now spans my entire arm, and I've been dripping blood across the floor. I'm not staying here. No way in hell I am, not after that. I grab a few things to shove in my pockets, and I hop out the window and down the same tree, still trailing blood, but remembering to shut the window behind me. 

The moonlight is faint but visible enough to light my way back to Teddy's field. I walked along the same exact path that Teddy had left earlier carrying me. His feet crushed the grass beneath him, and left a trail. Now my blood is left behind me as it continues to drip down my arm.

I reach the field, and sit down because I feel my head going light from blood loss. I run a finger across my open wound, the blood glistening in the faint moonlight. It's almost as if it was oil leaking from my arm, dripping, warm, reflective, it was beautiful. I looked around to the patches of flowers and let a small smirk crawl across my face. 

I rest my head near a patch of daisies and close my eyes, blood still generously flowing from my arm. It leaks over the white petals and falls down the stems and into the tall grass. I slowly run my hand through the grass as my eyesight very faintly begins to wane in and out. My breathing diminishes, as I lose consciousness. In complete darkness, all I can feel is a warmth from the soft grass and daisies. I'm somehow more comforted now than ever before.

~Ace's POV~

I pick myself up off the ground of Eyeball's room. The jagged edges of the wood on the floor dig into my palms as I stand up. I look over to Eyeball, who has his stupid smirk he had last night when he was talking about Y/N. What does he know anyway? I'm not weak for nobody.

Going down the stairs, I end up back in the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"What did you do to her Merrill?" Chris asks from behind

I turn on my heels and lean against the counter, "What? Y/N?"

"Noooooo, not her. Yes of course! Who else would I be talking about." He spits down at me

I smile, "I just had my fun playing with kitty, then I let her go~ that's all I did."

"Where is she now?"

I pause, "Probably off with that Duchamp asshole. She seemed pretty into him." I lie, knowingly. 

I watch the anger drain from Chris's face as he shakily continues, "W-What? Did she tell you that?"

"Ohhh yeah. That's what we were talking about. The kiss and all.. she was into it." I smirk

"Where are they?" He yells, that fury returning to his voice, but with a new life. 

Grinning, I reply, "Where they always go to be alone. Don't you remember the daisy patch?"

~Chris's POV~

"... daisy patch?" I repeat

Fear is the only thing I can feel at this point. I know for a fact that Y/N was more than just distressed after the stunt Teddy pulled. There's no way that they'd be off together this soon. I've gotta find her

Without another word to Ace, I turn and leave my kitchen and go out the door.

"daisy patch" I whisper to myself

Me and Gordie used to go to the daisy patch to play when we were young. I'm not sure I remember where it is anymore, but god damn it, I'm gonna find her. She's not safe with people like Teddy out there.

I turn on the gravel path beside the train tracks, and peer through the woods to try to get a glimpse of the land across the tracks.

Then I see it. Daisies. 

I bolt across the tracks, not even bothering to check for trains. Running through the woods, my arms get scraped by the bushes and trees along the way, but I can barely feel it when I'm focused on one thing.

It seems almost like a dream when I see her. It really doesn't feel like anything real. She's smiling, unconscious, and bleeding from her arm. 

I stand looming over her body for a little while, just baffled. Why is she here? Who did this to her? Why did Ace know this is where she'd be?

Looking at her laid across the grass, she looks happy. It's a smile that not even I have ever seen before. It's almost disheartening. 

I place one of my arms under the crook behind her knees, and the other under her back, and pick her off the ground. She's lighter than I would've imagined, but that's the least important thing on my mind in the moment.

Having nowhere else to bring her, I walk to the tree house in hopes that nobody's there.

With Y/N now cautiously draped over my shoulder, I climb up the ladder and push up on the trapdoor at the entrance. I pull myself up over the threshold and sit down, closing the trapdoor. I set Y/N on the ground splayed out in front of me. Now getting a closer look at her face, I can tell she's been crying.

With her laid out in front of me, I assess the wound across her arm, now congested with remaining congealed blood, making the scab hard to see. But it still drips with blood, so I take my shirt, and following with the same thing Y/N did, I wrap her arm.

I push the latch over on the trapdoor to lock it from anybody else coming in and assuming the worst of me-- since that's all people ever do. 

Looking over to her face, her lips ever so slightly come to a curve at the ends, forming just the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. 

I lean against the wall, and somehow lose track of time and drift asleep.

However, I must not have seen the time pass; because I wake up to the sound of Teddy, Vern, and Gordie pounding on the door and screaming at me.

"What's going on up there?" I hear Gordie shout

I frantically rise to my feet and lean out the window.

"Keep it down, Y/N is asleep!" I call back, not thinking of the possible reactions. 

All I can hear is Teddy's loud cackling laughter from below me.

"She fell asleep? Nice one Chambers, knock 'em outta the park." He yells.

I hesitate, what was he talking about?

"First time in the tree house, really?" He giggles, "Where's your shirt Chris? You missing your pants too huh?"

I fumble with the window before slamming it shut behind me. God damn it Teddy. I turn the lock on it and slump down the wall sighing with my head in my hands. I look to Y/N, bloodied and lain peacefully across the ground. I lean forward enough to reach her. I place my hand across her forehead. I can see her chest begin to rise and fall faster than before. Her face fades from comfort to discontent. 

Y/N's eyes leak with tears as she blinks her eyes open and sits up. She looks confused and afraid. 

~Y/N's POV~

I look in front of me, "Are you alright Y/N?" Chris asks cautiously.

Wiping the tears from my cheeks, I nod profusely. "M-Mhm" I stifle out

I look to my arm, Chris's shirt wrapped around it. I wrap my hand around my forearm, only to wince in pain. I peel back the fabric stuck to the somewhat opened wound, to see how deep it went. 

I look back to Chris, "How did you find me?" But he looks down at his feet with a little bit of annoyance.

"Were you really in the field with Duchamp when that happened?" He gestures towards my arm. 

I tilt my head, "Teddy? God no. I haven't spoken so much as a single word to him after what he did to me." I bring my hand up to my lips, almost still in utter disbelief of what he did. 

Chris's face lightens up a bit, "So why were you there?"

"I just had to get out of my house, and I didn't know if you were home." I sigh, I had wanted to see Chris and cry, but he was ancy to get me out of his house the last time I was over.

Now it dawns on me that Chris is sat across the room from me, shirtless. "Where are the others?" I say worried.

"Down here!" I here Vern call from beneath the trap door.

My face turns a bright shade of pink, "How long have they been there?" I ask Chris

"Half an hour" Teddy calls

I wince at his voice, I didn't know he was here too. Chris must've noticed the negative reaction, because he moved to sit next to me, and put his arm around me. He caressed my wounded arm lightly, staring down to the newly formed scab. 

A light click sound rings throughout the room, as I see a blade of grass fastened to a thin twig slide the trapdoor lock open. The door pushes open, and the others file in, first Gordie, wielding the twig in his grasp, followed by Vern, then Teddy. 

I find myself leaning my head on Chris's shoulder, as his arm is around me. I blush, and look to the others, now staring at the two of us with a variety of expressions across their faces. 

But Teddy looks like he's about ready to throw up. His eyes are not on my face, or Chris, but on my arm. I cover the wound with Chris's shirt again, sitting up and taking my head off of Chris's shoulder. I flinch as his shirt drags across the gooey blood partially dried on the wound. Teddy comes towards me and gets down on his knees, and takes the shirt from me and throws it at Chris.

"Who did this?" He asks, not even remorseful for what he did.

Now beginning to cry, I press myself up against the corner, away from him. "Just stop." I shout back at him.

He steps back, and looks to Chris, who looks madder than I've ever seen him be. "I-I'm sorry Y/N."

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