Protect or Harm | A Mithross...

By Cat_Echoes

2K 35 22

In the offices Ross is a new video maker and finds out that Max and Adam are dating. However Ross realizes th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 17

68 1 0
By Cat_Echoes

Max's Pov




"Dude, turn off your alarm clock!"Tim's voice yelled from the living room, making me groan before I smashed around on my nightstand until I was finally able to turn my alarm clock off. Three days have passed since my two roomates dragged me to therapy; I still don't understand why they care- why they acknowledge the fact that I'm hurt. When for so long multiple people have just left me in the dark but, I'm thankful to know that they are trying to help me. I let out a sigh before I tossed my legs onto the side of my bed before pulling myself off my bed.

My entire body felt lacerated from the cuts that lingered all over my body but, I tried to ignore it as I hopped off the bed before marching towards my dresser to grab my phone. However, as soon as I grabbed my phone a reminder that I missed last night caught my eyes- the reminder itself was about a carnival that was in town today. I've always wanted to bring Ross to a carnival- perhaps to have fun with him, or win him some prizes to show him my love. But, I sincerly doubt Ross will accept my request.

A frown slowly drew itself on my face as Adam's words started to envade my thoughts, "Your nothing Max. Ross will never like you- why can't you just accept that?" I bit my lip before shaking my head trying to shake the thought away, No- no Adam was nothing but wrong. I need to try! I quickly threw on a blue t-shirt and black pants before racing out of my room towards Ross' room. A sigh escaped my lips before I paused infront of the younger male's door, I slowly curled my hand into a fist and raised it- ready to knock on the door. However, before I could slam my fist into the door, the door opened up ajar revealing Ross staring back at me with surprise gleaming in his crystal blue eyes.

Shoot- I didn't plan this far. I gingerly lowered my hand before scratching the bakc of my neck akwardly, "Hey Ross, I saw flyers saying that there is a carnival in town and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

Ross glanced down at the ground for a moment as though unsure before looking up at me however instead of getting the response I expected. Ross gave me a response that sent shivers down my spine, "Sure, what about Tim?"

I don't know what this new feeling is- hatred- disgust- jelousy? I sighed before looking up to meet Ross' eyes as I tried to think up a lie quickly, "Oh, TimTam is busy editing!"

"Oh well, of course I'll go with you Max- wait when is it?"

"Today at noon." I uttered as I looked into Ross' eyes- those same blue eyes that drew me in the first time we met in person.

"Well then, it's a date!

"D-Date?!" I could feel my face growing hot as I quickly looked down trying to avert further eye contact with Ross. "I-uh.."

"Oh heh- I meant like friend date; what did you think I meant?" Ross chuckled nervously before shooting me a grin of confusion.

"Oh- it's nothing, bud." I'd pause before looking down at the ground, I let out a low sigh before muttering my next sentence under my breath; making sure that Ross couldn't hear me, "Goodjob Max, you almost blew it infront of his adorable face!" I quickly glanced back up at Ross and pressed a fake smile onto my face, "alright, I'll remind you around noon if you forget."

"Yeah, yeah; just keep speaking out your butt Max." I heard Ross utter as I started to make my way down the hallway towards Tim's room. I need to make sure that Tim is distracted- but with what?

I gingerly knocked on Tim's door to only find the younger Male wall out to peer at me, "Ugh- what Max?"

"Hey, uh- you should totally head out to the store man- we need uh grocrries!"

"I bought groceries yesterday." Tim implied before narrowing his eyes at me. The male sighed before grabbing ahold of my arm and dragging me into his room, "What's up, Max?"

"I-I need you to tell Ross your busy if he asks you about going out today..." I sighed not looking into my roomates gaze. I heard a mumble come from Tim before I felt his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Timtam nodding at me.

"Don't worry Max- I can tell you want some alone time with Ross." The male instinctively winked at me before turning away, "Heh, goodluck!"

A smile made it's way onto my face before I nodded at Tim, "Th-Thanks Tim."

An hour has passed since I told Ross about the carnival and we only had 20 more minutes to get ready. I gingerly paced around my room questioning whenever I made the right decision when I heard a knock sound at my door. "I-Come in!" I turned around to find Ross standing in my doorway, his blue eyes looked upon me before he smiled at me.

"So, you ready to head out Max?"

"Ye-yeah, I was just grabbing a few things." I could feel my face flush but I tried to ignore it as I marched towards my nightstand where I retrieved my phone and wallet before I walked back towards Ross. I paused infront of Ross before I made an akward hop in the air while screaming, "Let's a go!" Ross sent me a quick smirk before following me out of my room to head to the front door. Tonight will be the best night ever!

As soon as Ross and I made it to the carnival we paused in astonishment. The outside looked amazing- through the fences that surrounded the carnival you could see a large Ferris Wheel, Rollar Coasters that flipped in all directions, hell you could even see a couple of the game booths. "Well what are we waiting for- let's go, Max!" Ross implied before he grabbed ahold of my arm. My face burned as I looked down at my arm which was interlocked with Ross's before I felt the younger Male tug me forward.

However as we walked forward something caught my eye- through the corner of my eye I could see the slightest bit of purple. I quickly threw my head around- expecting to find Jin standing there however in that spot stood a small child with a large purple balloon tied around their wrist.

"Max, you ok?" Ross spoke from beside me, I looked over to realize that we had stopped walking. I must have broke down and paused completely at the sight of purple. I let out a nervous chuckle before I nodded in response.

A couple of minutes passed before we made it through the ticket booth and into the carnival. However as soon as we walked inside Ross stopped in his tracks as his jaw widened. I turned my head to look in the direction he was facing and there perched in one of the gamebooths sat a large fluffy Squirrel plushie. A grin made it's way onto my face before I marched towards the game booth with Ross following closely on my heels. As soon as I made it to the booth I frowned- of course it had to be the one thing I was bad at, the booth itself was a dart booth.

The man running the booth turned around and gave me an ecstatic smile before speaking, "Ah hello there sir, wanna win something for someone special? Well with only a low cost of $10 you can win something! If your able to pop 7 balloons in one go!" A frown made it's way onto my face as I turned to look at Ross who was examining the plush with full content now. I gingerly dug into my pockets before I pulled out $10 and gave it to the man.

The man smiled down greedily before snagging the money out of my hand, he quickly raced away to gather darts and Ross turned to look at me, his blue eyes were watching me with worry. "Whaa- Max are you sure? You always get anxious from the loud 'POP' noises that the balloons make!"

"Thanks for specifying, Ross and acctually I am sure." I folded my arms as though trying to act like a little kid but, Ross finally gave in and decided to say nothing more. The man who ran the booth finally came back after 1 minute with the darfs before he pointed to the balloons that hung on the wall behind him.

"Now then- pop 7 of these bad boys and you can win any prize you want, however the lower the number the smaller the prize!" The man quickly backed away leaving me to stare at the balloons that mimicked me. A sigh escaped my lips as I moved my hand backwards and threw the dart, the dart sped out of my hand before popping the first balloon which sadly made me jump in fear.

"Good, now then pop 6 more and you could win a large prize!"

"Yadayda..." I uttered under my breath before I turned my head to look at Ross who was watching me with a large smile on his face- I need to continue this, just for him.

After about 5 more darts I was on my last one, I gingerly looked at the balloon who mimicked me before I closed my eyes: imagining Jin and Adam laughing infront of me. Rage gripped my heart before I opened my eyes and tossed the dart. "WINNER!" The man yelled out before turning to face me, "Now then what prize do you want?"

"The Squirrel." I spoke which made Ross gasp beside me, as soon as the man handed me the large Squirrel plush I pushed it into Ross's arms before sending him a large smirk, "Never doing that again!"

"W-why did you do that?"

"Because bud, you were eyeing that Squirrel as though it were a love interest for you!" I chuckled which made Ross punch my arm playfully before we proceeded through the carnival.

As we continued through the carnival we were paused by a small group of children who raced towards us. The first child eyed me angrily meanwhile the other two didn't even seem to notice me- they were to busy asking Ross about himself. I looked over at the first child to see him now standing infront of me, "You are meanie to everyone- why do you even hit people so much! I bet that's why Adam made you leave Skymedia, pathetic."

My heart dropped in my chest as I looked away from the kid. I could feel myself wanting to scream, ball up in a corner, even cut; but I continued to face this kid with a neutral frown, "You don't know anything."

"Are you sure, Max? I bet that the name 'Mad Max' originated from you being a bully, is that it- were you a bully Max? Is that why your so mean to everyone, Mr. Hothead!" The boy paused before sending me an evil smirk, "I bet you were just jealous that Jin was a better man for Adam then you were. That you are the worst Gay man out there."

I can't believe it- I'm being taken down mentally by a child. My eyes widened as I looked down at the boy who stood before me as I tried to figure out what to say however a voice broke me from my thoughts. "H-Hey leave him alone!" Ross yelped out from beside us, the boy turned to look at Ross before rolling his eyes, "Max is nothing but pure- why are you being rude!" A sigh escaped Ross's lips before he grabbed ahold of my arm and started to drag me away clearly trying to avoid further conversation.

As we continued through the fair I paused as I saw the one thing I've always wanted to do with Ross. Infront of us stood the 'Trample' Ferris Wheel. The Trample Ferris Wheel are one of those Ferris Wheels that go so far up the ground to where it feels as though you could see a different state from where you were. I turned my head to find Ross hugging the squirrel plush as he turned to face me, his eyes lit up with such curiosity as to why I might of stopped infront of the Ferris Wheel.

"Hey bud, wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?"

"I-uh.." Ross's face flushed before he looked at the ground and nodded. I tilted my head in confusion at my friends remark but, I know that he should trust me by now to tell me if something is wrong. "Sure, man."

"Cool!" I chirped before I grabbed ahold of Ross's arm and started to lead him towards the Ferris Wheel. However every step that we took towards the Ferris Wheel I could feel him tensing beside me however he still never said anything.

Minutes passed until it was finally our turn to get on the Ferris Wheel; the two of us trudged forward and stepped into the cart. As soon as the cart clicked shut the two of us took our seats and Ross sat beside me- well almost ontop of me, which I didn't mind. However that was not the best part, as soon as Ross sat down he quickly grabbed ahold of my hand and squeezed it tightly with his own. As the Ferris Wheel started I felt my heart quicken in my chest as I glanced over the side of the cart, we could have been at least 10 feet in the air and the view was already perfect.

Ross let out a loud whimper before burrying his face into my chest. I gingerly patted his back with my exposed hand before sighing, "What's wrong bud?"

"I-I'm sorry Max, I-I'm just scared of heights." Ross's voice was slightly muffled by my shirt but it was obvious as to what he was saying. I gingerly lifted up his head to only realize that Ross had been crying into my shirt- now leaving a large black water stain on my shirt. I smiled up at Ross's pink puffy eyes before I wrapped my arms around him.

"Its ok bud, I'm right here- you should have told me how you felt..." I uttered as Ross started to latch onto me while holding onto the Squirrel plushie.

A couple of minutes pass until the ride finally ends, as soon as our cart makes it to the ground- Ross looks at me gingerly before his face flushes a bright pink and he leaps off the cart leaving me to watch him uncertainly. I gingerly get up and follow him off the cart. We both wander into the parking lot, knowing that the Ferris Wheel was our last ride of the day before I pause- seeing an ominous shadow in the corner of my eyes.

I turn my head to find Adam and Jin standing beside a blue convertible. Adam's brown eyes were watching me as Jin placed a crooked grin onto his face. I let out a low yelp of surprise before I turned around to find Ross staring at me in fear, "Max, what's wrong!?" Ross askes as he stares into the direction I was just staring in. I quickly look back at the car before I turn to face Ross whose eyes are now burning with worry.

"It's nothing bud, I'm sorry I just- almost tripped!" I chuckled before I scratched the back of my neck gingerly.

"Oh-well in that case!" I turned my head to find Ross standing infront of me, before his lips pressed onto my nose. My face burned as Ross pulled away and I watched the younger male smile up at me as he clutched his Squirrel plush closer to his chest, "Thanks for the amazing day, Max, I had fun!"

Credit to:

• ScribbleKibble •

Video Name:
Dump The MNT Dew | Fananimaton for Mithzan

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