
By booknerd1203

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Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... More

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
tentative cast list
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

chapter nine

818 64 12
By booknerd1203


Landon is fighting with everything he has trying to get out of their grasp but it is of no use. He notices me and for a moment his eyes hold relief but then turn to hatred. It was so fast that I wasn't even sure I actually saw the relief. He stops fighting when they are right across from us on the other side of the table. He won't look at me and I feel my heart shattering again. I drop my gaze back to my lap and try to hold back the tears that are begging to be released.

"Well this is not what I expected." Xavier announces from behind me. "William you said they were in love, yet they act like they have never met before." He says to William.

William clears his throat and moves to stand behind me by his father. "That's what my little Pet told me. She wasn't lying when she spoke of him. Something must have happened when she escaped." He grabs my hair and pulls me up dragging me to the wall and pressing me into with his forearm against my throat. I can see Landon over Williams shoulder and he is looking at us with an impassive expression.

"Tell me Pet, what happened between you and lover boy over there?" He questions. His arm isn't pressed against me too hard for me to breathe or answer just hard enough to hold me still. I considered lying but knew it was a waste of time.

"When I ran Landon was in the woods trying to rescue me. He found me and wanted me to come back to the village but I couldn't leave Alison. When I refused to leave with him h-he" a few tears escaped and William pressed harder against my throat. "He made me choose between him and Alison." I glanced over and wished I hadn't. Landon was staring at me with an expression of betrayal on his face. I hesitated before speaking and William switched from his forearm to his hand around my neck pushing me up the wall to where I was barely on the tips of my toes. It was difficult to breathe but, not impossible. "I chose Alison. He got angry and he left." My voice was shaky and tears were streaming down my face. William stepped back dropping his hand. I wasn't expecting it and fell to my knees.

"So you broke his heart." William said walking over to Landon. "Do you still care for her?" He asks Landon. I don't think I want to hear his answer.

Landon is looking at William now and doesn't even have any emotion in his voice. "No I don't. She made her choice and now I know how she really feels." He answers his voice void of any emotion.

A small sob escaped my mouth and I was hoping no one heard it, but I wasn't so lucky. William glanced over at me and smirked turning back to William. "It seems she still cares for you." William taunts

"I don't care what she feels. She isn't my responsibility anymore." He states flatly. I don't even try to hold the sobs in anymore as I pull my knees into my chest. He has to be lying. He couldn't just stop loving me. He couldn't. He was always so kind and gentle now he is nothing but cruel. He thought of me as a responsibility? What does that even mean?

Xavier who has been silent this entire time walks up and gently pulls me to my feet. I am still crying and my body is trembling, but I don't look at Landon anymore I don't think I can handle seeing him right now. "Please can I go back to my room?" I ask Xavier.

"No." William says while still looking at Landon curiously. "I want to try something. Come here Pet." His voice is soft but it is still an order. I look at Xavier who nods so I slowly drag my feet over to William. He grabs my arm and puts me in front of him so I am facing Landon. Landon looks right through me as if I wasn't even there. William moves to the side of me and I look up to ask him what he is doing when I notice his eyes. The throbbing starts behind my eyes and I know what he is doing. He wants to see if Landon will try to protect me by trying to stop William. The throbbing increases and my head is pounding. I wince and my hands reach up to my cradle my head on their own. Landon looks confused at what is happening. The pain suddenly triples and I fall to my knees with a gasp. My body is shaking but I am holding down the sobs that want to escape.

"In case you didn't know Landon, I have an ability to make people feel pain. It can be quite unbearable." William states calmly. "All you have to do is ask for me to stop and I will." William tells him, but Landon doesn't say a word.

The pain starts spreading to my entire body and my heart is racing. It's going so fast and it is so loud. Even Landon has to be able to hear it. Breathing is getting harder, I am panting as I start whimpering. Landon just stands there looking at the wall. He could make this stop. How can he not make William stop? He really doesn't love me anymore. The pain I feel in my ruined heart far outweighs the pain from William. I let myself fall all the way to the ground and curl into a fetal position resting my forehead on the floor and sob. The pain from William stops but not the pain in my heart. I continue to sob and I feel a hand pulling me up by my upper arm. It was gentle and for a split moment I thought it was Landon but when I glance up it is William steadying my shaky balance. I glance over to Landon to find him looking at me bored which causes me to sob even more and I have to lean on Williams arm for support to stay standing. I drop my eyes to my feet to afraid to look at Landon.

The pain he is causing me is worse than anything William could ever do. Landon promised me so many times that he would never leave. That he would protect me. That he would love me. This isn't love.

"Interesting." William muses. "You would let her suffer through the pain and not even flinch?" He asks Landon roughly. Landon shrugs his shoulders.

"I made a rude comment about you, when my little Pet was first captured, and she attacked me. Yelled at me and even hit Me." he says with a dark chuckle. "Earned yourself quite a punishment didn't you pet?" he asked happily.

"Yes" I whispered. My eyes shoot up to Landon against my will to see his reaction the same time he spoke.

"Good." He muttered. Good? He was glad that William had punished me for standing up for him.

"Good?" I gasp. He looks at me but doesn't respond. His eyes are empty and I shiver. "You told me you loved me. You told me you would always be there for me. Just because I didn't do one thing you wanted me to do you leave? What kind of man are you? You are not the Landon that I fell in love with. You stood there and watched me get tortured and you didn't even bat an eye. Do you really hate me that much? I wouldn't even let a stranger suffer through that pain." My voice is rising and I had stepped closer to him, my whole body shaking in anger. "I love you Landon! I will always love you." I am so close to him that we are almost touching. "Please! Say something!" I yell but he just continues staring at me with that empty look. "Landon" I whimper.

"You have hurt me more than I ever thought possible." I whispered. "You broke your promise Landon." I close my eyes as he continues to ignore me.

"That was just heartbreaking!" King Xavier cried sarcastically. He snapped his fingers and two other guards entered the room. They headed towards me and I didn't even have time to think before one had my hands behind my back and the other was cutting off my dress. "What? Stop it!" I yelled as the one behind me started pulling my dress off leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties. I tried to wrench myself out of his grip, but it was not working. "William? Please make them stop!" I cried as the one in front of me was rubbing my stomach with one of his hands slowly working his way higher. William just smirked and shook his head.

I looked around trying to figure out to do when I noticed Landon struggling with his guards. "What are you doing!!" Landon yelled fighting the guard's grips. "Let her go! Get your hands off her.!" I can see the rage in his eyes. Xavier laughs but snaps his finger again and the guards back off of me. I fall to the ground and grab my dress trying to use the torn pieces to cover myself.

Landon was still yelling out every curse word he had ever heard but I remained silent unable to process everything that was happening. "Someone gag him already." Xavier snapped. One of the guards shoved a rag that was in his back mouth into Landon's mouth. "Now that you are quieter let me explain what is going to happen." Xavier began. "It is clear that he still does have feelings for you. If he did not he would have let those guards have a good time." He looks at me and William and smiles. "Now that we have agreed that you two are indeed in love I will move on with my plan. You two" he motions to William and I "will be married and a fake peace treaty will put in place promising the humans safety." William snaps his finger and a maid comes forward with a robe for me to put on. Are these people psychic how do they know what Xavier and William want; unless this whole thing was planned. Landon is grunting and I felt all the color leave my face as I realize I am being forced into marrying William. Xavier steps closer to us and looks me dead in the eyes. "You will go along with this and do exactly as I say or little Landon" he says jabbing his thumb towards Landon. "Will be killed." I know he isn't lying.

Landon's face is red as a tomato and you could see the rage flowing off of him in waves. "Now that everyone knows the basics let me explain the treaty. It will claim that we are offering peace with the humans. The humans who are in slavery will be released and they can have their own villages separate from the vampires. We will provide the necessities for each village. This will obviously please those pesky rebels and they will come forth to discuss the treaty and once we all agree they will move into the villages. Once they are lulled into a false sense of safety we will take out the rebellion leaders swiftly. Once they have been dealt with we will give the rest the option of death or serving the vampires." He finishes happily.

Landon is standing still as stone staring at me with shock. I gulp "How are you planning on getting the message about the treaty to the rebels and my father?" I question

"Oh that's easy. Lover boy is going to go and tell them the offer. He will tell them about the treaty and about your engagement." He turns to Landon now. "You will do exactly what I tell you when I send you off. If I do not hear back from a representative from the rebels in two weeks I will kill Caroline." He growls. Landon is still not moving and I think he may be in shock.

"How does my marriage with William play into your plan? What is the point? If the treaty is fake is our engagement fake?" I ask hope evident in my voice.

"Oh no you and William will be wed. You will make a wonderful queen Caroline." He says sweetly.

"But I am human. Humans have never been royalty before." I exclaim. I look at William but he is just gazing at his father impassively.

"You want me to turn her don't you?" William says softly.

"Indeed son." Xavier agrees with a huge smile on his face. "Don't worry you can still play with your little Pet however you wish when not in the public eye." He winks at William making a shiver of disgust sneak its way down my back.

William turns to face me with a smirk on his face. "When you have completed the transition you will be sired to me. You will have to do anything I tell you too. You won't have a choice either it's actually a marvelous idea." The smile on his face gets bigger.

"Bu--" William cuts me off

"You opinion is not needed Pet." He says briskly. "Father when will lover boy leave?" he says turning his face towards his father.

"Quite soon actually. I will give him his instructions and he will go. If he is dumb enough to not follow the instructions you can kill your Pet however you wish." He says facing Landon.

William grabs my arm and drags me to the door. "No! Please just let me tell him goodbye! Please William!" I am fighting him and trying to throw myself on the floor to get out of his grasp. Landon is struggling against the guards trying to reach me he is moving his mouth in a weird twitching way and I realize he is trying to get the gag out. Does he really sill love me? I have to know. Yes, he has said and done horrible things and he doesn't deserve a second try. I just. I have to know. I have to know if our whole relationship was lie.

William snarls and throws me over his shoulder striding towards the door. "Landon I love you!" I scream. I hear a cough and right as we reach the door Landon yells "Caroline I--" he is cut off and I hear grunting as William slams the door shut. I don't even know if I will ever find out what he was going to say.






What was Landon going to say?! Should she want to know what he was goign to say?? What are yall thinking?? I know a lot of people do not like Landon very much and I am eager to hear what ya'll are thinking now. I will update tomorrow for all you awesome readers!! Any ideas on whats going to happen? Do you think William will actually turn her?


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