TMNT x Reader One shots

By A-Non-BinaryTurtle

223K 3.6K 1.9K

A book of one shots for TMNT fans, goes from movies to episodes to just made up one shots, requests are open... More

2014 The Bus Station
2014 Where Am I?
2014 Turtlenapped (Leo)
2014 How do we get out? (Raph)
Leo 2014 I Promise I'll Do Anything You Say.
2014 Catch Me! (Raph)
2014 Eric Sacks Or Shredder?
Donnie x Child Reader
Borrower Child Reader x 2016 Donnie (P1)
Borrower Child Reader x Donnie 2016 (P2)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P3)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P4)
2014 Don't worry (Donnie)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P5)
Borrower Child Reader x Donnie 2016 (P
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P7)
Don't Let Go!! (Donnie)
It's Alright Dudette. (Mikey)
Child Borrower x Donnie 2016 (P8)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016 (P9)
Child Borrower Reader x 2016 Donnie
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie (P11)
Child Borrower Reader x Donnie (P12)
Child Borrower Reader X Donnie (P13)
Part 14 Child Borrower Reader x Donnie 2016
Part 15 Borrower Reader x Donnie
Part 16 Child Borrower Reader x Donnie
Reader Borrower Child x Donnie Pt 17
Part 18 Donnie x child Reader
18 Part 2 Donnie x Child Reader
Donnie x Reader Chapter 19
Donnie x Reader Part 20
Turtles x Female Mutant Turtle Child
Turtles x Female Mutant Turtle Child
The Basketball Game
"Where'd He Go?"
Raph 2014 x Insecure Trans Boy
Karai x Male Reader
"Stacey Moans?" (Leo)
"Stacey moans?" (Raph)
"Stacey Moans?" (Donnie)
"Stacey Moans?" (Mikey)
Tracking BeBop n Rocksteady
Dance For Me (Raph x OC)
"Don't shoot!" (Leo)
Don't Shoot!! (Raph)
Don't Shoot!! (Donnie)
Don't Shoot!! (Mikey)
Power of Flight (Leo)
Recovery (Raph's)
The undercover Plan (Donnie)
The Power of Flight (Mikey)
Doing Our Part (Leo)
The Krang (Raph)
Karai (Donnie)
The Krang (Mikey)
The Ceremony(Leo)
The Ceremony (Raph)
The Ceremony (Donnie)
The Ceremony (Mikey)
Raph x OC
There Is No Time Left
We have to go!
A Werewolf
First date?

Stash of Orange Crush (Mikey)

3.2K 51 4
By A-Non-BinaryTurtle

Reader's Point Of View

I sat up ignoring the pain in my back and stomach as I frantically searched for April and the turtles. April was laying next to me as the ringing in our ears continued.

I looked over to find Mikey swinging his Nunchucks side to side, sending many Foot Soldiers flying back and dropping to the ground.

I looked to April as I yelled. "WE HAVE TO HIDE!!" I shouted. April looked confused before I pointed to Mikey she nodded. "I'LL BE BACK HOLD ON!!" I shouted once more as April yelled back a "Okay."

I roundhouse kicked a Foot Soldier that came towards me as he flew down to the ground hitting his face on the cold concrete, I ran past a few more until I spotted Mikey who was twirling his nunchucks as he deflected the tranquilizer darts that flew by him.

They plan on taking them. "Mikey, help me hide April!" I said as I jumped beside him. 

"Alright, on it." Mikey said as he stood up. "What's up bruh? Oh you think you can handle this huh?" He said as he pointed to himself with his nunchuck. I looked up at him with a smile, that goof.

"Oh snap-o-doodle fool." He said as he jumped up and kicked the Foot in the face as he misplaced his angle and footing and slipped.

He shot back up. "I meant to do that...I meant to do it." Mikey said trying to play it cool.

He looked over to me as he then continued to beat up some Foot. 

"Just go! Mikey, we need to get April and Y/n outta here now!" Leo ordered as Mikey flew by on his skateboard. April had made her way over towards me as I hadn't noticed till now.

"Come with me, and if you girls are thirsty, I got a secret stash of orange crush behind the fridge...Don't tell Raph." He smiled as he whispered the rest.

April nodded as I just followed him. 

Donnie suddenly tossed me my bag as it was still laying in the small meditation room that was becoming destroyed. "Thanks Don!" I shouted to him. He just quickly turned as he spun his staff behind him, with a small smile on his face. "No problem." He said as he continued to defend us.

Just as that conversation ended my watched beeped. I frantically looked thru my purse, as I started to feel my skin become cold as I was looking April was kind enough to try and help, whatever I pulled out she put it down as I kept pulling things out like chargers and sketching pads and art tools, I pulled a few more out as well as my wallet as it was now empty.

I looked at April, her eyes widened. "Hair..." She mumbled as she pointed to my hair.

I looked at my hair in her phone's reflection, it was becoming white as my eyes were becoming a dark blue, I stopped looking at myself as I looked around us and even out of our hiding spot.

"There!" April shouted as I followed where she was pointing to find my syringe.

I sighed as I crawled there, I just about made it before I felt a foot landing onto my hand as I grasped onto the syringe. I looked up to see Ethan, he smirked as he pushed harder and harder.

"AHH, Ethan STOP!" I shouted, just as he opened his mouth Mikey hip bumped him as he smacked into the wall knocking him unconscious. "Thank you Mikey..." I said quietly as I lifted my hand as it started to sting. 

Glass shards were inside my skin as my syringe was broken. "Sensei!!" Mikey yelled as he ran to his father... I looked back as Mikey and his two brothers desperately tried to open the cage their father had unhooked to save them.

I looked back to April as I felt myself slowing down. "NOO!!" Her screams echoed thru my ears.

"Sensi, dad! Dad! What are you doing?" Leo asked his father as he paniced, I looked over to the brothers as I sat on my legs as I looked up feeling the cold take over my body as I felt stiff and colder than ever before.

"Hide.." Master Splinter said before Shredder pulled him back and slammed him into the ground.

The world then faded to black as my ears were ringing.

I woke up as I felt the warm air hitting my skin.

I tried to sit up before I felt the cuffs on my wrists. I pulled them up and I fidgeted to try and break free. I looked around me to see a clear ceiling and it was covered in an old white paint.

I looked at my hands and arms as they were now blue and slightly crystallized.

I yanked on the cuffs once more as I looked to my right to see the turtles in cages...Where is Raph?

"Finally awake I see." A voice said, it must be Eric. "You bastard!!" I shouted at him.

Turns out it was Ethan as he had a gash on his forehead. I gritted my teeth at my once former brother. "He's tricking you, don't listen to Eric, he's the one who ki-" 

"Wow...Just wow, look at you... You turned out better than I ever imagined." Sacks's voice cut thru my sentence as he had covered my mouth with a cloth.

I glared at the both of them, I started to concentrate as I attempted to freeze the cuffs that held me down.

Before I could do anything Eric started to tell them to give me a sedative.

I squirmed more as they looked at me pitifully as they reluctantly injected me with a syringe, I closed my eyes as I looked away, there was no use... I couldn't freeze the cuffs in time. Come on freeze off already!

I finally was able to feel a good amount of ice on the cuffs just as they finished injecting me.

I broke off the cuffs as I immediately reached for Sacks, as Ethan punched my stomach, I doubled over in pain as I gasped for air and I could see black dots dancing across my vision.

Ethan then carried me to one of the cages I was guessing was meant for Rapheal. "He killed them... The night of the fire...He shot them." I whispered to him. "You're wrong." He whispered back to me as he threw me into the cage and hooked me up like the others.

I looked up to him... "I would never lie to you...Even now...Believe me." I said to him before the glass was closed and bolted shut.

Mikey was obviously pissed as he was glaring at Ethan and Eric as he pulled on his cuffs making the cage shake slightly.

Eric soon walked into the room as he came into my view, I could feel my eyes drooping as I was getting tired, I tried to stay standing up as much as I could as Eric was explaining something. 

I felt my eyes close as I snapped them open again, I looked over to see where Ethan was standing, to only see his feet as he twitched. I felt a tear slide down my face as I knew that he was hurt badly...

The world faded in and out of darkness before I felt my knees give way and the world soon became completely enveloped in the worlds darkest shade.

"Leo!" I opened my eyes as I tried standing up, I couldn't breathe I'm panicking, I'm panicking. Why am I still here? Why can't I move?

"Rapheal, glad you could join us. The fifth cage, is for you." I heard another voice say, I looked over to see the Shredder, the man all of us were warned about and were taken hostage.

I grit my teeth once more as I tried to push myself up to be able to stand.

Raph pulled out his sais as he charged towards Shredder full of rage, Shredder easily pushed him back despite Raph's efforts and sent him flying backwards as he hit one of the roof pillars and he fell hard onto the concrete below. "That's harsh man." Mikey slurred.

"Y/n! Guys!" April said as she pushed against my glass cage.

The slight frost around the glass was becoming less and less.

She rushed back to where Raph was pushed along with Shredder. "RAPHEAL!!" April cried. Her friend soon rushed in and rushed to her side. Before I knew it April was banging on Donnie's glass cage.

"DONNIE!!! What do I do?" She asked him as she got his attention. "Adrenaline..." He mumbled. "What?" April asked herself as she put her ear next to an open hole in the glass. "Adrenaline.." He said as he huffed louder.

April found the pad for the blood flow or something like that. She started to mash the screen as the shouts and grunts from Raph echoed their way up.

"GET UP!!" April screamed. I felt a sudden burst of energy as I caught my breathe as I felt myself slightly panicking once more, I felt so cold that it was warm... My skin started to turn a darker blue as I pulled my hands free of the cuffs as I huffed before I put my hands on the glass as it instantly froze.

I backed up slightly as I angled myself and put as much energy into my legs as I could, I launched myself forward as I skidded across the floor and looking back to see the brothers jumping around.

All I could really make out was Leo, he was the most sensible out of the three. "I feel like cleaning, who wants to clean the dojo? I-I'll clean the dojo!" He commented before they ran to help Raph.

I looked back at April with worry as I felt the stitching in my stomach had come lose, I quickly stepped closer to Ethan as I placed his head in my lap.

"H-how are you even still alive?..." I whispered to him, I could feel my hands vibrating as I sobbed quietly.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry...S-sis-sister..." He huffed. "I-I never sho-should h-have t-trusted t-them...F-forgive me..." He sighed. "I-I know... You're going to go see them...." I shuttered as I tried to not shake as much.

"I-I know, we all a-are p-proud...O-of y-you a-and April...Again..I-I'm sorry.....Goodbye." He inhaled sharply as he said sorry, letting it go as he said goodbye.

I felt the tears pour from my eyes as I sobbed. I looked down at him as I gently closed his open eyes. Rest In Piece...Ethan.

I looked down to the area where everyone previously was at to see it empty other than the cracks and chips in the walls and floors from Raph's and Shredder's battle.

I jumped down still feeling the adrenaline as I basically bounced off of my feet. "Woah.." I steadied myself as I ran as fast as I could. I could hear the squeals from the turtles as they were being shot at. I jumped onto the top of one of the trucks and raised my fists as I jumped off it. 

I screamed as I hit the ground, sending snow everywhere and sending a wave of blocks both in snow and ice to a few of the Foot Soldiers.

I quickly went back into battle as I shot ice at a few other Soldiers as I passed by them. 

I could hear faint talking behind me as I was dealing with the foot, Mikey and Raph chiming in as Leo told April's friend to get into the truck across the way.

"How many times did you push the button?" Donnie asked April. "I-I...Maybe the same amount as I did for you guys?" April said as she stood there wide eyed.

A group of the Foot shot at me as I dodged most of them and sent a wave of icicles raining on top of them. Crushing bones and piercing a few limbs.

"Everyone get in!" Leo shouted as I jumped into the back of the truck. I sat down as I felt my high of adrenaline wearing off quickly. The pain in my stomach growing, Mikey looked at me worried as he decided he should stay on top of the truck.

"Let me take a look." Donnie said. I looked at him hesitantly as I was afraid of what the damage was.

"Drive!" Raph pounded on the back of the truck facing forwards as April's friend began to drive. Donnie restitched me, and wrapped me up. "Should be healed enough til we get home." He said to reassure me.

"Thanks Donnie..." I said. "For now, rest." I simply nodded as all the weight of the past few hours hit me as I passed out from exhaustion.


2148 words

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