The Organization (Season Thre...

By KingzGaius

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I'm Gaius Dominic. An avenger. The only legitimate son of the late deputy senate president (Senator Uche Domi... More

Episode 1 (S3)
Episode 2 (S3)
Episode 3 (S3)
Episode 4 (S3)
Episode 5 (S3)
Episode 6 (S3)
Episode 7 (S3)
Episode 8 (S3)
Episode 9 (S3)
Episode 10 (S3)
Episode 11 (S3)
Episode 12 (S3)
Episode 13 (S3)
Episode 14 (S3)
Episode 15 (S3)
Episode 16 (S3)
Episode 17 (S3)
Episode 18 (S3)
Episode 19 (S3)
Episode 20 (S3)
Episode 22 (S3)
Episode 23 (S3)
Episode 24 (S3)
Episode 25 (S3)
Episode 26 (S3)
Episode 27 (S3)
Episode 28 (S3)
Episode 29 (S3)
Episode 30 (S3)
Episode 31 (S3)
Episode 32 (S3)
Episode 33 (S3)
Episode 34 (S3)
Episode 35 (S3)
New story alart

Episode 21 (S3)

325 23 0
By KingzGaius

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)


I just accomplished my first official mission.. Adding extra three men to the number of men that I've killed. And i still can't believe i jumped out of eighth floor. So amazing.
🚁 🚁 🚁
Two days later
Location: The organization

News Headlines: The former IG of police had been assassinated.

Next page: The former Inspector general of police Yusufu Abubarka and his two bodyguard was found died in his hotel room just few moment after been visited by a lady who disappeared after she dived into the swimming pool from the eighth floor.

"Eighth what?" •*I exclaimed mannerly and dropped the iPad on the table in my office after clicking on it's power button*•.

I mean.. How can human being do such magic? Or has Gaius initiated her into his supernatural bulletproof stuffs? •*I said barely audibly to myself as i pick the glass cup of Hennessey on my table and head towards the door to know who the knocker is*•.

"Oh! Guess who we have here?" •*I thought to myself as i opened the door*•.

"Glory? Come in". •*I said to the baby agent who's name had been in the lips of every cyberian since Saturday evening, wondering why she's here*•.

"Agent Sonia sent me to get her iPad from you". •*She said as she walked in, while i closed the door as she head towards my table where the iPad is*•.

Right at that moment, I began to see opportunities to approach her. At least to win her heart and be on her good side just to know what Gaius is planning to do with her.

"Why on a rush?" •*I said as she picked the iPad and turned to leave, and she gave me that questioning stares*•. "I mean..... Why not get yourself a cup of Hennessey. You know... Spend some time here with me. Let's just get to know each other the more". •*I smilingly said and wink at her*•

"I would have love to. Just that it's too early to start partying with a superior agent. Moreover is not yet weekend". •*She smilingly said as she walks towards the door. And getting to where i stood, I grabbed her one in a million waist and gently pushed her to myself, and she gasped with a surprise facial expression, trying to get off my grip*•.

"C'mon! Forget about the superior stuffs, let's be friends". •*I said without letting her off my grip, and just then her phone began to ring*•.

She stopped struggling to get off my grip, got her phone out from her pocket and glanced at it. Boss was boldly written on it, and she unhesitatingly picked up using the Bluetooth earpiece that was fixed to her left ear.

"Good afternoon boss" •*She muttered to the caller, probably Gaius, and i gently slide my hand from her waist to her irresistible ass and grabbed it, causing her to gasps as she said "Not Really Boss", and i smirked as she stare at my face*•.

"Somewhere around your office". •*She said as she boldly grabbed my innocent balls and roughly squeezed them without fear, causing me to loose breathe just within a twinkle of an eye, and i stared into her eyes pleadingly without saying a word*•.

"Okay boss. I will be with you shortly". •*She said and end the call*•.

"With due respect sir. The next time you will touch me in that manner without my permission....... I will cut your dick off". •*She said with a serious tone, let go of my innocent balls and walk towards the door, while i took a deep breathe and watch her leave without saying a single word*•.

"Shit!! I just fucked up" •*I muttered to myself as i unfasten my belt and zipped down to let in some air, and drank the whole content in the cup as i sat down on the three in one couch in my office, thinking of another way to get back at her*•.

Seriously... I am getting sick in the head. I need to know what exactly Gaius is planning to do with this baby agent of he's before making my next move.

Since after the rescue mission, I've instructed two different junior agents to approach and make friends with her, and they both failed. She don't just want anyone else around her, except Sonia who still don't want to cooperate with me. Or was she being honest with me when she denied of knowing what Gaius is up to. Or maybe Gaius isn't planning of causing any extra ordinary harm with her, apart from sending her on missions like the previous one.

It seems Gaius had already told her who to take shit from. And her biggest mistake is thinking that i am too soft to mess with.

Since it didn't work out this way, i am left with no other choice then to do it the other way round.
Location: The Organization

"You made all the papers in her name right?" •*I asked Toni who just hand over the remote key to me, lining on the interior glass veranda downstairs as i wait for Glory to show up*•.

TONI: Yes Boss. •*He said before walking away*•.

And just then, the elevator opened and Glory walked out from it, clad in a blue jeans trouser and a white customized organization's T-shirt and her natural black hair looking cute.

Her last mission was super b and i am proud of her. Although i haven't said much on that since that day just for her not to be too proud of herself and start bossing around in my absence.

"How are you?" •*I asked as i stood erect and head towards the exit of the building*•.

"Doing good boss" •*She replied as she hurried up, and we walked side by side as we head towards the electronic exit door*•

"Thanks for the money boss". •*She muttered excitingly, Probably referring to the money i ordered the organization's financial manager to pay into her account yesterday*•.

"Oh! Have you gotten the alert already?" •*I just muttered to keep the conversation going, not that i don't know*•.

Glory: Yes Boss.

ME: How much did he paid you? •*Typing in the pass code on the mini flat screen at the electronic exit door*•.

"12 million naira boss". •*She muttered excitingly, but mannerly as i took a quick glance at her face, trying her best not to smile broadly. While the electronic door opened and we both walked out just within seconds*•.

"Wow! You're almost as rich as i am". •*I gigglingly said and she laughed out loud, and covered her mouth with her right hand as she noticed the securities where staring at us*•.

"Tell me Glory. What kinda car will you like to buy with your money?" •*I asked her as we head towards our exterior parking lot*•.

"I don't really know for now boss. Maybe i will get someone to choose for me. Probably what the money in my account can afford. Because if i am to go for the kinds of cars you all rides here....hmm! I might go back to 0 just within seconds". •*She said as we walk and i smile inwardly*•.

"What about this one?" •*I said, pointing at a white brand new tear leather BMW bullet proof SUV that worth over 47 million naira, which was parked out of the parking lot*•.

"It's nice too. And it looks expensive too. Did you bought a new car?" •*She asked and glance at me just as we stopped beside the car*•.


"The money that was paid into your account is for the accomplished mission. And this car is a gift from me to you, for coming to my rescue". •*I said as i gave her the remote key and she went crazy, drawing the securities attention*•.

"Boss? You mean... This is mine? I mean.... I can have it?" •*She puzzledly asked after some seconds of jumping around the car, Sounding astonished. And i nod affirmatively*•.

"Oh my Goodness!" •*She exclaimed as she paced towards my direction*•. "Thank you so much boss". •*She said as she hugged me tightly with all her might, feeling so excited*•.

"You're welcome". •*I muttered barely audibly as i tapped gently on her back and gently disengage from the hug that was lasting more than expected*•.

She pressed the car remote as she excitedly head towards it, probably to check out the interior and see what it looks like, whilst I'm not yet done.

"I'm not done talking". •*I muttered bossily with a low tone and she stopped immediately*•.

"Oh! I'm sorry boss". •*She apologized as she turned to face me at that same spot, still smiling broadly as if she was granted a ticket to heaven*•.

She was so happy. It's written allover her face. She tried her best, but she couldn't hide it. The Joy she was feeling was beyond boundaries and the best place she should be at this moment shouldn't be the organization, I guess. She need to be somewhere far from me, far away from the organization with those she really love, those who really cares about her happiness, at least for a short while (break time).

"Go take off that customized shirt you're wearing and wear something that won't expose who you've become. You're to leave just with your phone, debt card, transmitter and customized wrist watch, and don't get it off your wrist because i might need you anytime. Any other thing you need, like clothes and footwear, buy it out there". •*I said to her*•.

"Where are we going boss?" •*She asked Puzzledly as she stopped smiling*•.

"We?" •*I asked with a smirk*•. "You're going home, to stay with your family for one week". •*I said, increasing the level of the happiness*•.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!! 😘" •*She excitingly said as she walked up to me, kissed my chick and ran towards the building entrance, probably to go get ready*•.

"Never talk about us out there". •*I said audibly to her hearing*•.

"Copy Boss". •*She muttered as she ran*•.

"Better, because we get our eyes on you". •*I said barely audibly to myself*•.
I went back to my office and waited for Glory to leave for her home before heading to my hotel/resort to spend some time with my workers and know how thing are as well.

Sonia was doubting Glory's trust, saying i shouldn't have let her go. But i have my reasons for that. Moreover i am not stupid. I Bought her a trackable car, ordered her go with her phone, transmitter and not to get her wrist watch off her hand.

I trained Glory myself and know what she's good at. I didn't taught her all i know. She's a weapon, not a wizard. In terms of computerization, She's just an average lady who only knows how to do few stuffs with device. Even if she's wise to drop everything behind, will she be wise enough to detect the transmittable bug i installed in her neck the very first day she saw my face during my assassination mission? Do she even know that she's bugged?
Two Days Later
Location: The organization
Time: 06:09pm

"Baby, I'm kinda busy right now. Why don't we talk some other time". •*I said to Clara on the phone and she kept silent. Probably, she's tired of my nowadays excuses of been busy and all that*•.

It been almost a week we saw each other. Each time she talks about coming over with Desmond to spend some time at my place, I always finds an excuse just to postpone it just because I'm aren't comfortable with my thinking and anticipation of what will happen any moment from now. And staying away for some times makes it a bit lesser.

"Okay... Till then". •*She managed to say*•.

"My regards to Desmond". •*I said and she dropped the call without saying anything further*•.

"It's my turn to play right?" •*I asked Toni (my personal bodyguard) who was teaching me how to play snooker in the organization's game hall downstairs. And in there, it was just both of us, no one else*•.

"Yes Boss". •*He muttered and snip his drink, while i aim at the white ball and hit*•.

And this time around, I managed to hit in one of my balls for the second time since we started playing. 👏👏👏 And someone clapped from behind, distracting me from aiming for the next ball, and I turned to spot Dan as he walks towards the snooker table.

"You're quit a fast learner". •*He said as he walk gently, while i ignored him as i aimed at the white ball and hit*•.

Aww!! •*He exclaimed barely audibly as the ball hit at the edge of the table and bounced back, while i let Toni to play*•.

Dan grabbed my barely filled glass cup, open the barely filled bottle of Hennessey, add more liquid to the cup in his possession and drank to his satisfaction before saying "Toni, please excuse us for a while, I want to talk to my brother", while Toni hesitate to obey him as he stared at me for further order, just like any other personal bodyguard will do.

I stared at Toni and nod affirmatively, and he dropped his snooker stick and walked away with his cup of Hennessey.

"Ahh! Let me teach you how to play better". •*Dan said as he dropped the empty glass cup and picked the snooker stick, and we restart the snooker game*•.

He played first, scattering the balls. And i played next, successfully hitting in a ball.

"When are you planning on taking out Mrs Nwachukwu?" •*He asked and i glanced at him for some seconds, focused on the ball and hit, and this time around, I failed to hit in the ball*•.

"Waiting for superior orders". •*I said mannerly as i stood erect, giving him space to play*•.

"He had given his orders already and you know it. You were the one who postponed it, saying Yusufu should go first". •*He said and hit in a ball*•.

"Taking out Mrs Nwachukwu is my business, I do it when it pleases me. Try doing something more meaningful with your time and keep her out of your schedules". •*I mannerly said after drinking directly from the Hennessey bottle, and he skillfully hit in another ball*•.

"Everything that has to do with this organization is my business, Mrs Nwachukwu's case inclusive. I am the first in command". •*He bossily said, but mannerly, and I giggled to how bold he sounds*•.

"Commando! Thank God you knew i wasn't referring to you when i said -Waiting for superior orders-". •*I said barely audibly to his hearing and snip from the bottle of Hennessey, while he hit the ball and failed*•.

"Let me ask few questions". •*I said as i aimed at the ball*•.

"Sure" •*He muttered as he fill his glass cup*•.

"Was your father assassinated by Mrs Nwachukwu?" •*I asked and hit in a ball*•.

"What kinda question is that?" •*He asked with a mean tone with his cup a middle way to his mouth*•.

"Just answer me". •*I muttered*•.


"What of a your mom?" •*I asked, staring at him*•.


"So what exactly makes Mrs Nwachukwu's case your business?" •*I asked as i aimed and hit in another ball*•.

"Gaius don't be stupid. She heartlessly took away your mom, your happiness". •*He said as he dropped his glass cup and walked up to me, while i stood erect, stare at him for some seconds and walked away from him as i reposition to another angle that will suit the game*•.

"Thank God you said my Mom, not our Mom nor your happiness. And taking her out will also cause someone else happiness too". •*i said barely audibly to his hearing, wondering what he's up to with this conversation as i aim for the second to my last ball*•.

The new Dan i know will just go for Mrs Nwachukwu whenever he wants without asking for my permission or trying to convince me into doing it myself. So why is he here trying to get words out of my mouth? •*I thought to myself*•.

"Oh! Now i get it. You're hesitating on taking out Mrs Nwachukwu because of Clara's happiness". •*He gigglingly said like an epitome of Devil, while I hit the ball and failed*•.

"Does it looks like i care whether someone gets hurt or heart broken?" •*He muttered and i ignored him as i stood erect and went for the bottle of Hennessey*•.

"I don't give a dem bro, I will launch it at anyone of them the way it pleases me. Anytime any day, and i need no one's permission to do that" •*He gigglingly said in a devilish manner*•.

"You've never loose any of your parent or love one's, you don't know what it feels like. I wonder why you drive joy in watching people around you suffer in pain". •*I said mannerly and made to drink from the bottle of Hennessey, and he paced up to me within seconds like an enraged vampire, snatched the bottle from me and smashed it on the hard floor*•.

"You killed my own happiness dude, my unborn child inclusive. Never lecture me on the shit i do, because you're not different from me". •*He shouted right to my face, staring into my eyes with rage, while i stared in silent for some seconds*•.

"If you're a truthful human being who really know the person that killed his happiness, then you would have be on the general's neck, your father and stop beating around the bush". •*I said to him, upsettingly threw the snooker stick on it's table and walk away from him, heading towards the exit of the game hall*•.

"Aww! Are you leaving already? We are not yet done with the game bro". •*He said mockingly, while i ignored him*•.

"Better go write her tribute on behalf of the Dominic's family, because she gat just few days to live". •*He said audibly to my hearing, while i pulled the door inward and angrily bounce it as i walked out*•.

Right at that moment, the only thing on my mind was how to get Clara's mom far away from Dan's reach as soon as possible, if possible, out of the country. But how on earth am i to do that? It's will be suspicious, Showing concern on her all of a sudden. How exactly will i convince her to leave this sick country within 48 hours? What exactly will I tell her? What will i tell Clara if she ask me why?

This left me with no other choice than to wait for Dan to act first. Since after Clara's dad's death, more security personnel had been assigned to their home, which will make it a bit cumbersome for Dan to get in. That is if he plans of going for her at their place.

And since Clara's dad died, her mother hardly leave the house, which means Dan will have to wait till the day she leaves the house.

But none of this makes sense because i can't watch over Mrs Nwachukwu 24/7, neither will i have the time to watch over Dan. But the cyberians will.

There is no way Dan will embark on a mission without the assistance of our genius cyberian (Taiwo) or any other cyberians, which makes them the best people to keep me updated.
Two Days Later

Time 08:14 am

"Bia Clara? You're not dressed yet?" •*My mum said loud and clear as she descents from the staircase, dressed in an expensive black lace which she used it's pieces as head tie, while i pretend not to hear her as i laid down on the three seaters couch in our living room, operating my phone with it's earpiece fixed in my both ears*•.

"Clara?" •*She called out again with a serious tone as she stopped in the middle of the staircase, and i muttered "Yes Mum" as i unplugged the earpiece from my ears, still laying down*•.

"Are you not attending the mother to the IMO state governor's wife funeral?" •*She asked and continue descending, referring to the burial ceremony which the whole family was expected to attend*•.

The IMO state first lady is a family friend. She and my Mom had been friends for years now. I don't really know for how long because i grew up knowing her as mom's friend who normally visits whenever she's in town.

Her mother died long ago, even before my dad got assassinated. But they intentionally preserved her body, planning a spectacular burial ceremony which everybody (both home and abroad) was invited.

Even my brother intentionally postponed his returning ticket to Saturday afternoon, been tomorrow, just to attend the funeral which was my mom's doing. She loves keeping it 100 whenever it has to do with her rich friends and politicians

Initially, I was interested in attending the mighty anticipated funeral because of the Foreign based family and friends my flamboyant Mom wants to introduce to us. But after the terrible dream i had last night regarding this very funeral, I got discouraged.

Telling my Mom not to attend the funeral just because of what i saw last night will sound crazy. She had spent a lot in preparing for it. Same with the governor's wife who her recommended security guards that will be accompanying us arrived at our place as early as 07:09 am.

"No Mom, I don't feel like attending". •*I muttered audibly still laying down*•.

"What do you mean by you don't feel like attending?" •*She asked with a mean tone as she took off her expensive black D&G sunglass*•.

"Desmond is having fever since last night. I can't go with him". •*I lied*•.

"Then let him stay with the maids" •*she said just as she stepped into the living room, and i glanced at her disbelievingly*•.

"I just can't leave him behind Mom, I need to take him to the hospital, and after that, we'll go see his Dad". •*I said, while she speechlessly stared at me disappointedly in those motherly manner, and just then, my phone began to ring, and i glanced at it to see Gaius's picture*•.

"Mom we need to leave now if we must get to IMO state today". •*my elder brother said from the front door. He has been waiting for some minutes now*•.

Meanwhile, I've already picked Gaius's call and muttered "Hello"

"What of the stuffs we are to go with?" •*Mom asked as she wore her sunglass*•.

"They're in the boot Mom. You look gorgeous 😘". •*I said and blew a kiss and she muttered "Thank You" as she heads for the exit door*•.

"Safe journey". •*I said just as she walked out of the door and closed it*•.

"Do you said safe journey? who is traveling?" •*Gaius asked immediately*•.

"My mom and my brother". •*I muttered barely audibly*•.

"Is she leaving the country with him?" •*He asked*•.

ME: Ha! Country ni! They are attending mother to the IMO state governor's wife burial. I would have go with them, just that what i saw last night discouraged me.

"What exactly did you saw?" •*He asked, indirectly forcing words out of my mouth, and i decided to tell him, he knows and understand me better than any other person*•.

ME : I dreamt when a mysterious bullet hit a security personnel and a young lady during a ceremony. I don't want to witness such thing, neither do i want to be that young lady, that's why i refused to go.

GAIUS: Do your mom know about it? •*He asked with concern*•.

"It has nothing to do with her, so no need of warning her". •*I said just to end the topic and talk about us*•.

"Just a minute baby, I got a business call to attend please". •*The crazy baby Daddy of mine who love business more than any other thing said and dropped the call without even allowing me to say a word, which made me pretty upset*•.
Time: 08:00 am. Friday
Location: Hershel Nigeria Ltd (Our family's company)

As the CEO in charge of my Dad's legally built multi million fame (Hershel Nigeria Ltd) which he abandoned under my care since we returned from elite soldier, I've made it my obligation to keep it moving and maintaining it's position in the business community.

But what i don't just understand is how 20,954 liters of engine oil got missing just in two days with no one having any clue of how it happened.

This made me to get to work as early as 08:00am and call for an emergency executive board meeting. It's either they provide my oil, it's money or i deduct it from the salaries, Period.

We were still in this heart breaking meeting when i got an emergency mission alert, probably from the cyberians as my wrist watch began to blink as usual, followed by my phone.

Already, I had a Bluetooth earpiece which is connect to my phone fixed in left ear making it more easy for me, and i activate it by clicking on my watch as i stylishly glanced at it and muttered "Speak" barely audibly.

"Sir... Mrs Nwachukwu and her son just drove out of their compound, accompanied by IMO state governor's securities. I guess they are attending the mother to the IMO state first lady's funeral". •*Taiwo said through the transmitter*•

"This meeting will be postponed to tomorrow morning, And you all should better fine my oil before then or I'll do it my way". •*I bossily said to them with a mean tone as i intentionally abandoned my official job to go avenge the death that killed my uncle's pretty wife, got up from the emperor seat and walked out from the executive hall, heading straight to the elevator to find my way out of the company*•.

"Use the traffic delay tactics to hold them within the city". •*I said to Taiwo through the transmitter after some seconds of getting into the elevator because i need to get home first, at least to get a sniper rifle which i will use*•.

"Copy Boss". •*He said and just then the elevator opened at the company's reception hall down stairs*•.

I mannerly fast walked out of reception hall through the exit door as i shoved my right hand into my black suit inner pocket to get my car remote. And within 120 seconds, i was already speeding to my mansion and at the same time, working with Taiwo and Sonia through the transmitter.

Finally, I will get to hurt those whom my cousin brother choose over us again. killing two birds with a stone at once (wink).

By Kingz Gaius Chinedu.
[Story Boy]


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To be continue.....

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