A LunaTic and Her Gunn

By R3b3lgrrrrrrl

186K 4.5K 1.7K

There once was a girl Who took Colson's picture But Then she ran away She didn't pop Back up Until His 29th B... More

The Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat
Backseat Truths
🎶Wonderful Tonight🎶
"I'm all in."
House Calls
"What'll it be Jack; five or a nine?"
Birth of a Backstage Ritual
Cut 'Em
A LunaTic and Her MAGICAL Tea Party
Fears; Casie & Large Jars
Fucking Mr. Baker
Chicken Alfredo
Love, Sex, Fights & International Flights
Seoul? WHAT!?!
"Welcome Home."
🎶It's Kismet, Ain't It🎶
A Hippie, A Punk & An Alien
Work Hard to Play Harder
🎶Roll Me Up & Smoke Me, Love🎶
"Fuck me. Don't fight me."
Whole Lotta Help For Her Friends
"What did I do??"
A Little Hate•Fucking Never Hurt No One
Hades & Persephone
🎶Scared Is What You Should Be🎶
"Just listen, remember."
"I've GOT YOU. Forever. Locked."
That Fucking Jacket
MY Girl
"This dumbass... "
Bloody Mouths & Lost Teeth
Murder Motel
Rockingham, NC
Hangen' with the Locals
Brunch with Friends
Don't Talk Shit Around Nix
🎶Viva Las Vegas🎶
A Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Raising Serotonin Levels
Hey, Montgomery!! Hey!!
You GOTTA Fight for Your Rights
Bleta Got Balls
Revenge of a LunaTic
🎶The Boulevard Is Not That Bad🎶
Chats, Flights & Late Night Delights
Looney Tunes & CasieDilla
Helluva Night
Off to the Races
Here, There, Everywhere
Promos, Sass & Tapping THAT Ass
"Of ALL the Gin Joints... "
The Queens of Dirty Secrets
Chain Smoking, Hard Drinking Woman
Making Up Isn't Hard To Do
Saturday Night
Cheers, Beers & Unexpected Tears
Freak Outs on a Sunday
🎶I'm Scared🎶
Colson Smash, Lunatic Attack, Casie Love; Such a Sweet, Fucked up Mash.
The Gangs All Here
DAY 1: Cincinnati
Detroit Wasn't Ready
Pittsburgh Proposals
Always on the Move
Philly, Dilly... The Day of Dude Fuck•A•Tillary
The Aftermath
🎀A Spy at the Watergate🎀
Burning Memories in Massachusetts
Coming Home
Ex's & Broken Bones
Bridge Parties & Strippers
Snoozing Through Sayreville
14 Hours
Day 12: Chicago
XX Marks His Spot
Bad Kids
Dangerous But Sweet
Learning to Lock the Door
Father's Day; On The Road
Colson's Day Off
"We'll take it!!"
It's All Coming Together
Sweet Everythings
Met Some Friends at A Rock Show
Long Rides, Legal Troubles & LOVE
Ring Around The Ruby
Shows in Different Country Codes
Day 26: Seattle and Old Side Chicks
🎶CRASH Into Me, Baby🎶
Pinky Promise
Late Nights & Lazy Days
That Fucking Doorframe
The Calm After Their Storm
A Good 'ol Brooklyn Break In
Welcome to The Hotel Diablo
Charming... Isn't He?
"This isn't my fault."
Sliding Safely Back Home
Things That Real People Do
"Suck my metaphysical DICK!"
True Intentions
Baby Girl
Internet Thangs
Because I suck.

And to Cleveland She Goes...

2.2K 57 0
By R3b3lgrrrrrrl

Coming in once he's off the phone, Colson informs Emma of his plan. That Luna is going to fly in tonight for them to have lunch together tomorrow. His body flushes with both anticipation and nervousness.

"Is she staying with you?" She asks.

"Nah, she's gonna stay DownTown." He reassures her.

They agree on a time. Emma calling her mom back to confirm Colson can drop Casie off for while. They're all set.

"Cool. Thanks, Em." He graciously pecks her GoodBye.

"You're welcome." She nods her head, smiling at him as he walks off to collect Casie.


After booking her flight, Luna heads back to Ashley's. She's home now, chilling on the couch with Jagger. Luna tells her of her plans to fly out to Cleveland. Ashley's shocked. She knows Casie but she didn't meet her until she and Kells had been friends for a good while.

"Wow!" She responds, cocking her head back.

"I know. It's like meeting his mom but obviously not his mom, you know?" Replies Luna with NY hummingbird hands.

Ashley doesn't want to but she can't help but laugh. Luna's never done well with parents or any type of authority.

"Well, she is an important mother to him. Considering... " Ashley's referring not only to Emma being Casie's mother but also to Colson's own absentee mother.

"I know." Luna quietly agrees. "That's why I don't wanna make a bad first impression."

"You'll be fine. We're not 16yrs old anymore. She's a mom but she's your peer. Just be your shining, brilliant self." She reassures Luna as she pops up of off of the couch. "Now come on, I'll help you pack AND even drive youuuuuuu."

"Oh, FUCK! A ride to the airport?? Now THAT'S friendship!!!" Teases Luna as The Girls head up the stairs.


Luna gets comfortable on the bed, pulling out her dab pen. The flight was smooth and she had easily Ubered to the hotel. She'd FaceTimed Colson once she'd checked in and had gotten settled. He was home playing FortNite with Casie. They spoke for a bit. Him giving her shit for not letting him pick her up. Her telling him to shut up; that she was fine and to enjoy hanging out with his little girl. Confirming that he's going to pick her up around 1230P tomorrow after he drops Casie off before exchanging GoodNights and I Love Yous. Colson texting her his SnapCode later so he can hit her up.

Snuggled into the bed, she Snaps him back. Luna misses Colson. She tries to fall asleep after Snapping him; hating the familiar feeling of a once full but now empty bed.

It makes her think of Justin. "But you'll SEE Colson tomorrow." She reassures herself before popping an Ativan to shut her mind up.


Casie and Colson had hung out, played video games and now she's tucked into bed. He's in his own too; smoking a joint, waiting for Luna to Snap him back. She does.

"She's such a fucking tease... " He smiles at the sight of her. "Mmm... I can't wait to be back in bed with her." He thinks putting the joint out. Falling asleep while truly missing one of his lovers for the first time, maybe if ever.


Colson and Luna arrive at Blue Point for lunch. Emma is already seated and watching them as they come in. They're dressed causally but stylish. Luna in a black lace top, cuffed, ripped boyfriend jeans and nude heels. Colson in fresh kicks, a grey Tshirt and jean jacket.

Colson spots Emma and waves. Holding Luna's hand he leads her to the table with him. Clutching onto his, she tries desperately not to white knuckle them.

"Hey!" He greets Emma by leaning over for his usual peck. "Emma this Luna. Luna, Emma." He proudly introduces them.

Luna smiles brightly and reaches her hand out to Emma. "Hi! Nice to meet you!" She says.

"You too." Responds Emma, taking her hand.

Once they sit down, the server greets them. Taking their drink and appetizer orders. The three of them making polite conversation before Emma breaks the ice by asking How They Met. Colson first speaks of their past not meeting all those years ago. It rings a bell in Emma's head.

"Don't tell me you're The Girl In The Cheetah Print Coat!!" She exclaims, astonished.

Luna laughs and looks at Colson with shy pride and that One Look, making him blush. "Yup!! This is her." He pronounces proudly, throwing his arm around her without a thought. "I finally found her." He beams to Emma and Luna's delight.

They order food. Conversation between Emma and Luna naturally evolving with ease. Emma asks Luna what she does, where she lives, if she has any kids.

Luna answers that she calls NYC home. She does not have any children. She explains that she does a little of everything. That she's a freelance photographer, singer/songwriter on an independent label. How she's had a few art showings and has successfully done some commission work. That she enjoys scouting, shooting and helping upcoming artist break through. She also mentions a bit of her political activism.

"Wait, so you went to Flint?" Emma asks, impressed.

"Yeah, we loaded up three large Uhauls, packed to the gills with thousands of cases of water and drove them from NY to MI. I had to take the ride a few times to establish a solid route and connection but for the last 5yrs there's been two full monthly deliveries. It's still not nearly enough though... So I'm currently working with this great guy in the community, Gary, to build a class action lawsuit against the US Government. We're preparing to take it all the way to the Supreme Court, which we'll probably have too. Not that those biased fucks will really do anything... But we fight the good fight, right?" Luna sighs, a little overwhelmed.

"Wow." That's really admirable." Emma responds after listening intently.

"I have the platform, resources and the intelligence to help. I'd be a fucking dick and part of the problem if I didn't do anything." Luna acknowledges her power with a sad fire in her eyes.

Emma nods in agreement before she looks at Luna seriously, making her nervous. "I feel like I can ask you things and you'll answer them honestly, which I truly respect and appreciate." She continues as she glances over at Colson "I like you, you seem like a strong, independent, educated, KIND woman, who could potentially have a very positive influence... " She looks at Colson again. "Over our daughter... But, I have to ask you. What drugs do you do?"

Luna laughs out of relief, catching Emma by surprise. "I'm so sorry. That was incredibly rude. You just me threw me off!" Luna apologizes. "To answer your question, I smoke a LOT of pot. I LOVE a mushroom and maybe some pure MDMA but I don't fuck around with scary drugs. Like meth or heroin. I'm already too hype for coke. Honestly, I'll pop an Adderall if the day calls for it... That's rare though. I drink but... Pot, pot's the go to. Always." Luna answers honestly.

Emma looks at her, appreciating how candid she is before looking back at Colson; who's staring a hole through her. "You know how much coke Colson blows, right?" She asks dead out.

"What the FUCK, Em??" Colson throws his long arms out in irritated shock.

"I'm only asking COLSON because if you're serious enough to want her to meet Casie then I need to know that she knows what she's getting herself into... So that our little girl doesn't get attached and her heart broken if Luna decides it's too much in 6mnths." Emma states emotionally.

"You think I'd bring Case around someone who I didn't think was gonna ride with me for the long haul??" He snaps back at the mother of his only child.

Luna interrupts them both. "Guys, chill out." She grabs Colson's thigh with her left hand, squeezing it under the table while she reaches across the table with her right to lightly touch Emma's hand. "It's okay. It's a valid question, Bunny. That's why we're here." She looks knowingly at Colson. Then she turns to Emma. "Honestly, obviously I know he does blow and Addies. I don't know how much because I don't do it with him but I KNOW." Luna pauses before she continues. "No one can guarantee anything in this life but as adults we CAN control our own actions. The only thing I can tell you, with absolution, woman to woman, is that I've never done this before. Being in love with a man who has a child. I will guarantee, to you, her MOTHER that if I do develop a relationship with your daughter and for some crazy reason Colson and I don't work out... I still have control over my own actions and if Casie wants to continue being friends with me, as long as it was okay with both of you; I WILL make it a point to maintain my relationship with her. Always. IF, it came to that, which I do NOT think it will. Because honestly... I love Colson, Emma. For all of his greatness and all of his flaws. I'm all in. If I wasn't, we both know I wouldn't have cared to jump on a plane last night to be here today. This. Colson. Casie. Your opinion. They're all very important to me." She squeezes Emma's hand slightly, giving her a comforting smile.

"Fuck." Is all that Colson can think. Completely enamoured by Luna's perspective.

"Thank you." Emma sighs out with relief. "That is a lot more mature and understanding than I expected from someone without kids." She smiles at Luna, squeezing her hand back.

"No. Thank you for giving me a chance. Kids fucking terrify me." Luna admits as she let's out a light laugh.

"Well, be ready then because Case is a pistol!!" Emma laughs with her.

Colson watches both women enjoy each other's company while they finish lunch. "Wow." Is the constant thought in his head. Falling even more in love with Luna while being equally grateful for Emma.


Heading back from lunch, Colson tells Luna how much her coming to meet with Emma means to him. Reaching over he begins to caress her leg.

"I know, Bunny." She purrs. Going on to express her relief with how well it went. That and how when they were leaving, she wasn't surprised how her and Emma had hugged sincerely before parting ways. "She's really nice." Luna tells him as she sweetly leans over to kiss him on the cheek.

It's not enough for her. Slowly, she moves to his jaw, to his ear then to his neck. Her hands slide over his pants; unbuckling them to pull out his hard cock. Colson lifts his ass so Luna can slide his pants off slightly. Then she takes his dick into her mouth.

"God Daaaamnn!!!" Colson's mind blanks while trying to focus on the road.

"FUUUUUCK, BUNNY!!!" He groans loudly, lifting his hips to push himself further down her throat. As they drive through DownTown Cleveland, she sucks his cock intently. He cums just as they pull up to her hotel. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST." He let's out in an exasperated satisfaction.

Luna pops her head up with a pleased smile. Colson grinning in content as he drags his large thumb over her wet, open mouth with his large thumb.

"You're so fucking HOT. You know that? I love that you swallow." He smiles at her, his hand resting on her face from where he wiped his excess cum. "Want me to come up and return the favor? He asks with a devious twinkle in his eye.

"Mmmmmm... As hard as that is to turn down. You should get back to Casie. She's waiting on you and I've taken enough of her time today." She tells him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you sure? What are you gonna do?" He asks inquisitively.

"Honestly? I'm probably gonna go upstairs and book a flight tonight. I'd rather get back to LA late and tired, then be weird and manic in a city I don't know." She shrugs honestly.

"You can come over and hang out with me and Case." He offers.

"Nah... This is her time. Are you coming back to LA with her?" She asks him.

"Yeah, tomorrow. Especially if you're leaving tonight." He responds.

"You talk to Casie, like I said, tell her about me. ASK her if she'd like to meet me and let her choose where. Even if I don't meet her officially tomorrow, I'll slide by to see you." She specifically directs him before kissing him again.

"Aight." He begrudgingly agrees.

"I love you. I'll let you know when my flight is and no matter what will see you tomorrow." She kisses him again with her words. He agrees once more before she slides out of his Cobra. "Looooove you." Luna beams before closing the door.

"LOVE YOU!!!!" Colson hollers through the open window before he pulls off.

"Fuuuuuck, I love him... Damn! She's REEEEEEALLY nice... I wasn't sure how this would go but I enjoyed her a lot." Luna thinks as she happily trots into her hotel. "It was much less painful than you had anticipated, ya freak." She mentally mocks herself as she laughs out loud while heading to her room.


"I knew Em would like Loons. How can you not? I can't wait for Case to meet her. They're gonna have so much fun together.... She really is amazing." His heart gets a little sad, missing her already as he heads to pick up Casie.

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