☆ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ☆ (yandere bnha x r...

By kirbysrevenge

175K 4.6K 4.4K

After Y/N joins U.A. to show her parents that being a pro hero is where it's at. She meets new friends, teach... More

●About Y/N●
Chapter 1: •Surprise•
Chapter 2: •New Friends•
Chapter 3: •Meeting My Peers•
Chapter 4: •Cafe Disaster•
Chapter 5: •Hospital•
Chapter 6: •Quirk Testing•
Chapter 7: • Unintentional Sleepover•
Chapter 8: •Soba (Date?)•
Chapter 9: •Date Continued•
Chapter 10: •Home Alone•
Chapter 12: •Everything About You•
Chapter 13: •Break In•
Chapter 14: •Stay Alert•
Chapter 15: •Attempted Murder•
Chapter 16: •Back To Class•
Chapter 17: •Jealousy Begins•
Chapter 18: •Boy Drama•
Chapter 19: •Explaining•
Chapter 20: •Cat Cafe•
Chapter 21: •Stalker•
Chapter 22: •First Villian•
Chapter 23: •Death and Dabi•
Chapter 24: •Grief•
Chapter 25: •Into The Minds•
Chapter 26: •Beach Day•
Chapter 27: •Weird•
Chapter 28: •Kitten•
Chapter 29: •Villians Again•
Chapter 30: •Chilling•
Chapter 31: •LOV•
Chapter 32: •The Others•
Chapter 33: •Planning•
Chapter 34: •Competition•
Chapter 35: •Evidence•
Chapter 36: •Crazy•
Chapter 37: •Caught•
Chapter 38: •Realization•
Chapter 39: •Downhill•
Chapter 40: •The End•

Chapter 11: •Tired•

3.5K 107 54
By kirbysrevenge

After Shinsou went home, I began getting ready for bed. I was extremely worried for my brother and best friend, they still had yet to arrive. I sighed and slowly fell into a deep sleep the moment I laid onto my soft sheets.

Karma arrived later in the night at 4 am. She shook me vigirously in order to wake me up,

"Y/N...Y/N!" She exclaimed, "We have to go to the hospital!"

"Mng... but I didnt break anything.." I grumbled,

"It's Sentako!"

"Is he high again?..." I sat up, angry she woke me up this early, although I went to bed 2 hours ago due to late night texting and surfing the web.

"No!! He got attacked! Now get your lazy ass up and come see for yourself!!" She scolded me in my poor, non-awake, ears. I yelped and shot out of bed, starting to change into some more decent clothing before heading to the hostpital.

Karma must've passed about 4 red lights on our way there because we almost collided with the other cars on the road. 'Is it that important?? We might end up in the hospital too if shes not careful,' I thought sourly. 'Yes I know he's my brother but it's no use in risking our lives to get to the hospital if it'll hurt us too!'
We eventually arrived and I immediatley jumped out of her car to hug the sweet, non-moving ground,

"Oh how I missed you.." I mumbled sarcastically,

"My driving isnt that bad!" She whined as she rushed over to the hospital doors. I gagged a bit before following her. The moment we walked in, she conversated with the receptionist, which felt like hours, until we were finally allowed to see Sentako.

As we entered the dull, white hospital room, we could hear groans of agony from it. When I glanced over at what was making the sounds, my eyes widened,

"Sentako! Oh my god!" I yelped and rush to my brother's side, "What happened- what happened?!"

He just gurgled in pain again and turned his head toward me. There were tears flowing down his face, he looked to be in so much agony.

"Who did this?" my voice croaked a bit while trying to whisper to him,

"I...I d-don't... know..." he answered and continued to wince. Karma and I stayed beside the injured (h/c)ette, it helped calm him down and stopped him from making too many sounds. The sounds which were currently aching my heart.


"Ewww shes droolingggg," Sentako cried in digust which caused Karma to provide a laugh to the statement. My eyes fluttered open and met with Sentako's, his face was scrunched while giving me a glare,

"Mm..are you... okay?" I mumbled and rose from my seat, my legs wobbled a bit as I did,

"I'm fine. Well, for now," Sentako growled the last part,

"That's nice.. too bad I'm so damn tired," I yawned obnoxiously loud and glanced at Karma, "I wanna go to bedddd,"

"Wow, your brother was practically dying and you fell asleep on him. Whatever." She snickered, "Take care, Sentako." She gave him a genuine smile, one that hasn"t been given in years,

"A-alright..." he mumbled, trying to hide his flustered face. I didn't realize it at first, but 'Does Sentako actually like Karma?'
The question remained in mind for a solid moment while they said their goodbyes. 'They do fight all the time.. but that's because they easily annoy each other.. or maybe they like each other so much it's annoying?'
I didn't realize how much thought I was actually putting into this question. Karma must've gotten impatient with me because when I gave up trying to see if they did like each other, she was already on her way to the car.

I jogged after her, hoping she wouldn't actually leave me behind. As I sprinted over to her, I bumped into someone. I stumbled from tgw impact but surprisingly didn't fall down, "Ow! Oh- sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."
I glanced up at the male. He looked exactly like Midoriya but with no freckles, taller/buffer, and had dark brunnette hair.

"Ah! It was my fault," he bowed a bit and gave me a sweet smile, "I never thought I would bump into such a beautiful lady,"

My cheeks started burning up, I didn't think a hot stranger would compliment me off the bat. He seemed my age too,

"Th..thank you.." I mumbled, completely embarassed,

"I'm Yo Shindou," he held out his hand, "You are?"

"Erm.. I'm Y/N L/N.." I muttered suspiciously and hesitantly took his hand. He kneeled down and planted a light kiss onto it,
"A pleasure to meet you, L/N."

"You too.." I blushed and pulled my hand away, "I have to be on my way before my ride leaves me,"

"Okay! Goodbye!" Shindo gave me a charming smile before walking past me. I stood there for a moment, dumbfounded. 'That guy was really cute and nice.. I wonder what he was doing here? He even called me beautiful.. no! Stop with the cheesy lovey dovey thoughts! You just met the guy!' I scolded myself as I sprinted outside.

Karma's car was no longer in the spot she had parked it, which means she actually left me here for taking too long. I heaved out a loud groan of annoyance and began walking home, my needs for a nap and shower were growing larger with each step I took.

A while later, after yawning for like the 100th time, I reached a neighborhood that was close to mine. I examined it a bit before seeing a certain red head exiting one of the houses. He turned and almost immediatley noticed me staring,

"Y/N! Hey! Are you okay?" Kirishima approached me with a concerned smile,

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where are you going?" I asked, forgetting what day it was,

"I'm going to school, silly." He chuckled lightly, "What are you doing near my house? Do you live near me?"

"UGh school..I forgot about that. I don't live directly near you but your neighborhood is close to mine." I explained,

"Do you want me to give you a piggy back ride to school?" He tilted his head,

"Pfft. I havent even showered and I don't have my uniform. No way I can just walk to school like this-" he grabbed my arm and led me inside his house, cutting off my sentence. I tried to pull away but it was no use, he seemed to really want me in his house. I was slightly frightened.

"Kirishima! Stop! What are you doing-"

"I'm going to spend the day with you!" He declared and gave me a toothy smile,

"But what about school?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, still shaken up. Kirishima shrugged and gestured towards the couch,
"Sorry for just pulling you into my house like a creep. I just really wanted to spend time with you,"

"It's fine. We do need to get to know more about each other anyway," I hummed and plopped onto the couch, "I'd like to know more anyway,"

Kirishima took a long pause for a moment before speaking, "Yeah.. I want to know everything about you too, Y/N.."

Giving me those rapey vibes there Kiri
Im so thankful I swear-
I was thinking of making the chapters shorter but I felt like that wouldnt satisfy
So yeah
Thank you guys sooo much 💖
See ya✌

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