World's Apart

By klutzy17

58.8K 1.5K 367

All Jack knew was that he loved her...and one day, any way he could, no matter what it took, he'd make it bac... More

Here In Your Arms
A Long Way From Home
In His Wake
Yesterday's Tomorrow
The Two Of Us
Together Again
For Old Times Sake
A Night To Remember
Farewell Kisses
The Wheel Keeps Turning
Back To Square One
Bye Bye Birdy
The Waiting Game
As The Snow Falls
Christmas Kisses
Winter Wishes
One More Good Day
Right Back At It
Auld Lang Syne (Part 1)
Auld Lang Syne (Part 2)
Yesterday's History
The Phone Call
Fools Gold
A Mother's Words
Through The Rain
I Will Love You
A Lesson in Love
The Last Time
Till Death Do Us Part
Old Friend
Into War
Flight Of His Life
An Ocean Of Blue
Forgotten Shoes
Living Nightmare
No News is Good News
The Love Of Two Hearts
The Long Night
J Is For...
By And By
Jack II
Jack III
In Minds Eye
New Beginnings

Love, Lies And Death

890 24 7
By klutzy17

Ali exhales the breath she had been holding "He's dead,"

Her voice is laced with saddness and the words hang in the air around them. Jacks eyes widen with sympathy as he squeezes her hand in his.

"I'm sorry Ali-" Jack thinks before continuing "I know we didn't always see eye to eye me and him but he was always kind to me and I know he was a better person to you than I ever was. What happened?"

Ali told Jack about the night the bombs fell over London, about her visions in the shelter, her home being destroyed and how James continued to show her love even in his last moments.

Jack says nothing, he just listens as the two of them continue to walk; offering Ali comforting squeezes whenever her voice wavered.

"You don't deserve this life Ali. James was right, you are an extraordinary woman and you deserve an extraordinary life," he says after a while.

Ali closes her eyes and takes a deep breath "I miss him every day," her voice breaks "I feel it here... " she presses a hand to her heart and pulls her lip into a tight line trying to stop it from trembling.

"...The guilt," her voice shudders "I can't feel anything else,"

Jack stops walking then and holds her hand, stopping Ali too. He takes both her hands in his and holds her firmly.

"Ali you have nothing to feel guilty for, you loved him and he loved you. You had a wonderfully beautiful life together. Short it might have been and ended prematurely but you have so many memories to cherish and James would want you to live life to the full. You and your baby, who I'm sure James will be watching over now and always," Jacks smile is genuine as he touches a delicate finger to her cheek.

Ali leans into his touch and shakes her head slowly "It's not that, you don't understand,"

Jack's brows knit together "Don't understand what? Ali what is it?"

Ali's stomach drops and she can feel the familiar sickening ache in her chest, the feeling is almost painful and as she makes to speak her words stick in her throat.

"Please don't hate me," she whispers.

"These last few weeks since James died I've been trappped in my own head, thinking. I thought alot about the two of us and what happened between us. You hurt me Jack,"

His face falls.

"But that was in the past and I'm learning that life is short and we need to really embrace the present and not dwell on the past,"

The corner of his mouth turns up slightly as he smiles timidly.

"I lied to you too..." she starts.

"I didn't mean to. It started after I found out what you'd done, I couldn't stop myself. The lie, well it just grew and grew,"

"There were so many times I wanted to tell you-"

"Tell me what Ali? Tell me what?" his face is serious as he moves to be infront of her.

Ali chews her lip nervously, her eyes glossy with unshed tears.

"Tell me!" He bellows, his voice echoing down the narrow lane.

"The baby, it's yours,"

The silence was deafening. His ears throbbed from the words and his heart hammered against his chest. Time slowed.

Ali watched as his face surfed through a wave of emotions.








"Please say something," she begged.

"Why didnt you tell me?" he swallows at the dryness in his throat.

Ali blinks slowly "I didn't know how-"

"You didn't even try," he retorts "Not once,"

"Believe me I did, the words never came,"

Jack turns away in anger, he throws a hand up in the air and sighs exasperated.

"Would it have changed anything?" Ali asks desperately.

"How can you act so dumb? It would have changed everything Ali! Everything,"

She stares at him then, lost for words.

"I would never have given up on us, I'd never have stopped trying to win you back. Never..." his voice cracks at the end.

"And that's why I didn't tell you,"Ali says quieter now.

"I came once, that day on the base. I'd planned to tell you everything at the start. But when I got there you were with her and I knew she was pregnant too. I was so hurt I just ran. I got home and that's when James proposed. He told me he didn't care the baby wasn't his, said he'd love us regardless,"Ali rubs her bump lovingly.

"After I got married I knew I could never tell another soul. People had to believe James was the father and you had to move on. I thought... Stupidly... That we'd both be happy this way. I thought we'd both have our new little familes and I could just forget you,"

Jack nods slowly, his anger dissipating somewhat.

"And did you?"


"Did you forget?" he clears his throat.

Ali regards him a moment then slowly shakes her head. The two of them start walking again. A silence falls over them, though it was neither comfortable nor awkward.

They walk for a long time. No words are spoken but every now and then Ali looks across at Jack from under her lashes. His expression is unreadable and each time Ali would look away in haste before he caught her staring.

"I know you're watching me," he murmurs with a hint of amusement in his tone.

Ali smiles sheepishly and her cheeks colour at his words.

"Forgive me, I just want to know what you're thinking," she replies honestly.

"I'm thinking..." he sighs heavily "I'm thinking that I love you Ali Dawes,"

A warm honey like sensation spreads across her body and her heart quickens at his words.

"I'm thinking you're a fool but a loveable one and in some backwards and twisted way... I can see how the lie got out of hand. I'm as much to blame for that as you are,"

By now they have stopped walking again and Jack delicately tucks a strand of Ali's hair behind her ear.

She reaches up and holds her hand against his, pressing it against her cheek. His palm is warm and comforting.

"So you'll stay with us?" She whispers fearfully.

Jack presses his lips to her forehead "I'm not going anywhere,"

Kneeling down he touches a gentle hand to Ali's stomach and smiles nervously.

"D'you here that baby? I'm not going anywhere," he whispers against her bump as he rubs her stomach softly.

The baby moves from within and both Ali and Jack gasp in amazement. Jack laughs then as Ali runs her hands through his hair a comforting feeling consumes her.

Everything would be alright now.

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