Gorillaz and Me (Pt 3)

By Pearl2002

6.7K 184 28

Its been a while but now i finally remember who i am...Sia Rosemary Niccals Daughter of Paula cracker and...h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 4

265 8 3
By Pearl2002

How long has it been since i've seen mum? About a year i'm assuming...I'm 13 now and its the beginning November...so, just about six months.

Other than Dawn who isn't even related to me, and my dead twin brother Graham (who passed away when we were just two)
Mum is the only known family member I have...I have no aunts to uncles, no cousins no brothers or sisters, i don't even have a dad. At least i don't think i do...and if i did where was he? Probably six feet under like the rest of them...not that I care. I didn't and I don't.

Not even five seconds later i felt someone at my feet watching me...probably that daft Cyborg again, i didn't look...i didn't have to to know who was there.

"Sirus-Chan? What is the matter? Why are yo' crying?"
I hear a familiar Japanese accent ask me as I felt a hand rub my blonde hair. It was Noodle, since when did she care? She's never payed any attention to me then...Why now?

"Go 'way an' leave me alone."
I huddled up more into the corner, i heard her let out a soft sigh

"Sirus...I can not help yo' if I don't know whats wrong?"
She spoke sweetly and softly almost like the way my mum did when I got upset. But why? She didn't care before, why now?
She shouldn't be anywhere with me and same with me. I should be at home with mum, watching Corri and Emmerdale on weeknights after school enjoying a cuppa and a cuddle with a bowl of ice cream.
"Did Murdokku-San scare yo' again?"

I shook my head...I haven't seen Murdoc in ages, he's always in his camper van kissing girls for money.

"Well, Did Toochii say or do anything to you?"
once again i shook my head, still keeping my head buried in my knees. "Well it couldn't have been Russel-San...did I make you upset?" I felt her sit next to me as she asked the question
"Or is this about the robo-"

"I's not about any of that!"
I interrupted her at the mention of that dumb machine girl. I looked up at her, not even caring if she saw my eye. "Erin...she called mum a slag."

"She did? I'd have to have a chat to her about that...i'm sorry Sirus...Erin just, hasn't been herself i-"

"its my fault isn't it? Why my mum is gone, why Dawn left...Why Hannah- I-I don't mean-"

"Hey, none of this is yo' fault..."
she wrapped her arms around me and rubbed the top of my head.
"We all know what happened to Dawn, and Hannah left, I know they are like family, at least Dawn was to yo'. As for yo' mother, she was arrested for drugs and public drinking. I might not know your mother but she's no slag, I promise...and...Well we were going to make it a surprise but we were thinking about taking you down to the station to maybe see her yeah?"

This brought a bit of light into my darkness, seeing my mum was just just what I wanted.


she moved her hands to my face to make me look at her, she gives a soft smile as she takes out a handkerchief to wipe away my tears, gently moving the soft cloth across my rosy cheeks. She stopped for a moment and just stared at me beginning to cry.

"Noodle? What's wrong?"

"I should've known it was you... All these months. I could see it but. I just didn't want to believe it..."
I was instantly confused. What was she talking about suddenly? I felt her embrace me as she sniffles.
"Look at you...all grown up. heh...silly, you're going to make me cry too."
She hugged me tightly as i felt her begin to cry.

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