Saving Bennett Reid (Book 3)

By fictionowl

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[Jasper Falls Saga: Book 3] This book is part of a series and must be read in a specific labeled order. Pleas... More

Twist of Fate
Looking Out For Me
Ivy Rose
Anxiety Attacks
A Desperate Beta
Peace Offering
Shut It Down
Gaining Intimacy
Past is Past
All For You
The Date #SpookFest2k19
Strange Behavior
It Begins
Consequences of Officiality (Part 1)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 2)
Consequences of Officiality (Part 3)
Beta Mate
Phase One: Uprising
Phase Two: The Hunt
Cheesy Romance
Puzzle Pieces
Troubling Developments
Ready Or Not
Game Plan (Part 1)
The Mole (Part 2)
Game Plan (Part 2)
Woeful Descent
Raid and Rescue
The Mole (Part 3)
The Mole (Part 4)
The Fall of Black Rock Canyon
Jaxon's Beta #SpookyFest2k20
Hope Unanchored #SpookyFest2k20
Unhinged (Part 1)
Unhinged (Part 2)
Man of Steel
A Slice of Normal
The Last Stand (Part 1)
The Last Stand (Part 2)
Iron Fist


6.5K 263 145
By fictionowl


Mom and dad glanced to one another, exchanging similar inquisitive stares. They had been preparing dinner when I got home since I had football practice that afternoon. Dad stopped cutting up vegetables for a salad and mom stopped stirring the pot as I waved them over and motioned toward the adjoining dining room.

They left the kitchen and followed me, exchanging curious glances when they saw me sit down at the table. I wasn't wasting any time. I wanted them to know. After everything they'd been putting up with from me these last few months, they deserved to be the first ones to know.

Other than Asher and Jaxon. It didn't surprise me that they knew. Jaxon was Bennett's best friend. If he wasn't told, eventually he would've figured it out and then West would have told Asher, or the sub would've figured it out soon. I haven't really been putting a lid on my desperation, and I didn't care if a desperate beta was a shameful wolf.

I needed Bennett in my life. I craved the normalcy, and the balance the bond brought me. I functioned as I should and lived up to the respectable repute my father had put forward which I was determined to fulfil and like every upcoming prominent leader, surpass my predecessor.

But I couldn't do it without him.

"Is something the matter, sweetie?" my mother asked as they walked into the dining room. My father took his seat while my mother soothingly finger combed my hair before sitting in the chair next to her mate.

"I have something to tell you. Some good news."

I was a bit nervous. I wanted them to be happy, but the first impression they had of Bennett wasn't a good one. He had remained unofficially introduced until the gala almost four months ago, when he was practically announced as an addict to three quarters of the town. I was unsure of what their reaction may be when I said that he was my new mate.

Scratching at my cheek, I noted that they both watched me carefully, intently awaiting my next words.

"I've found my mate."

Dad did a double take as if to ensure he'd heard me right. Mom's jaw was hanging slightly open. I'm sure they were taken back, not only because the news was sudden and random, but it had only been four months since I'd been rejected. It was probably the shortest time ever that a wolf had gotten his second chance mate. For some, it took a year. Like Jaxon.

For others, it sometimes took years. And for the unlucky ones, sometimes they never did. I should count this as a blessing. Not that I didn't already know it. It's a blessing in itself that Bennett even allows me within five yards of his presence let alone speaks to me given all I've done.

If it wasn't bad enough I'd beaten the shit out of him, I'd gone further to stretch the truth and mock his condition. I so wish I could go back in time and bitch slap some sense into my stupid brain.

"Well," mom prodded, her gaze expectant and her tone jubilant. Excited.

Yeah mom, don't hype me too much. I'm already dangerously thrilled at the idea of another mate. If you hype me more, I may do something incredibly embarrassing and stupid and Bennett will probably never look my way again.

"Who is she?"

I laughed uneasily at that. "My new mate's actually a... another boy."

"Oh..." came their reply making me frown deeply. Is that all they can say? Are they that disappointed?

"We're not disappointed." my father spoke, and I swear to the goddess on my grave, I nearly screamed. I always hated how they did that. It's like they are mind readers intent on giving me a heart attack.

If you aren't disappointed, what was with the dead beat 'Oh'?

"It just doesn't surprise me." he continued, making my frown grow deeper. Dad must've caught my baffled expression because he chuckled lightly, making my mom smile as she locked her gaze on me.

"Carter, I'm the beta of Marcana and your father. You think I didn't know about those strange boys sneaking out of my house at four in the morning?"

Oh no!

I'm an idiot! Why didn't I think of that? Of course dad would know if there was some strange boy in his house whom was most definitely not Nathaniel or myself.

"Well, at least we know now it wasn't a phase. So, are you bisexual then?" mom queried. I chewed my lip unsure of how to answer that. I don't really know. I'm attracted to both men and women, but sexually, my got to preference would be women. I'd only slept with other guys as sort of an experiment to confirm whether or not I found them sexually appealing. I didn't label it per say.

But as of late, no one appealed to me except for my mate. And so he did from his scent that was something cool fresh like a cold, rainy day mixed with something naturally spicy, warm and sweet; to his physical appearance of a lean, trim body, short cropped chestnut hair and striking blue eyes that pierced through the veil of a rich, warm, complexion that made him look like an Eastern mythological god. Then, there was his personality. Quiet and observant, reserved yet something insanely strong, a wall barricading him that gave a boyish, mysterious appeal. I didn't forget he also had quite the mouth on him when he wanted. It all added to driving me over the edge with wanting him.

And not in the physical, sexual sense. The desire was there, but not yet strong. I wanted more than just his body. I wanted his attitude, his personality, his spirit, his strength, his fire. His troubles and worries.

I want all of him.

"Doesn't matter. I've gotten a second chance mate."

"Does your new mate have a name?" dad asked, carefully watching me. It made me uncomfortable and I felt as though he were peering into my brain, picking it apart for the name of my mate.

"Um...Bennett Reid."

"Pleasant young man." my mother commented. Dad didn't say anything. At least not verbally, but his expression said plenty. And it only added to my confusion on reading him.

Did he disapprove the match? Or was he thinking something far more complex? I truly hope it's the latter rather than the former. At least with the latter, I can find out what he's thinking.

"Isn't he Mandy's brother? The one Kelly left you for?"

He just had to go there!

"That's done with. Bennett is my mate. That's what I'm going after." Even I was caught off guard by the conviction in my voice. Mom was beaming with pride. Dad was confused.

"You're forgiving him that easily?"

I frowned, narrowing my gaze. "You sound like him." It was his turn to frown now, but he quickly schooled his features and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm not against it. Just dubious."

"He's not your mate, dad. Why would you be skeptical?"

"The boy has a reputation to his name, and you have one to uphold. You have to wonder how people are going to view your relationship. Bennett's reputation can affect yours. The last thing you need is people questioning the stability of your relationship because soon they'll start questioning your leadership." he explained. I rolled my eyes, having never heard more bullshit. He did have a point, but it's all bullshit.

"Then let them talk. Unless they think they can do my job better than me, or love my mate better than I can, then they should just shut up."

"There is no need to get upset, sweetie." my mother tried. "Your father has a point. People in this town-"

"Can keep their opinions to themselves." I finished for her. Yeah, it's rude and disrespectful to interrupt a parent but so is doubting my ability to function as beta while supporting a traumatized mate. And what's worse, those people who may talk probably don't know shit about Bennett.

"I know he has a point, mom. But it's senseless to judge a person when you don't live their life. I did that once and now I'm paying for it. I'll be lucky if Bennett ever gives me a chance."

My mother smirked then, that reaction catching me off guard and even made me worried. One thing I learned, mom never has good intentions when she smirks all high and mighty.

"You are my son, and I love you," she started. Watch my mother embarrass me. "But, let this be a lesson. I heard from Nicole about how you treated Bennett's reputation in his absence at school. It's good to see you applying those morals to yourself now."

By the end of mom's mini scolding, I was well aware of the pointed stare my father was throwing my way. He was disappointed too.

"What did you do, boy?"

Oi! He's mad. That tone and the fact that he called me 'boy'. If I don't get my stories straight, I'm in for an ass whopping.

I expelled a deep breath, feeling the regret of my actions weigh down so heavily on me. I felt trapped in this, as if there was no way to escape the guilt.

Maybe it was a good thing. Maybe it was the goddess's way of punishing me.

"I was a generic asshole. Said some...a lot of things I shouldn't have. Stretched the truth with lies. I hurt him. I did a really awful thing." I admitted.

Silence drowned us for moments at a time and I was desperate for them to say something. The longer they stayed quiet, the more unbearable became my guilt. I couldn't handle the guilt crushing me.

"Well," mom drawled, exchanging glances with dad, "at least you have admitted you were wrong. And I hope you're doing something about it."

Almost immediately, a smile broke out on my face. I ignored the puzzlement on their faces as they were probably wondering how I went from moping to radiating kilowatts of joy in a matter of point two seconds. It's a no brainer.

I'm developing a crush on my mate. So anything to do with him made me grin like a giggly drunkard. As long as it's not making fun of his condition.

"That's why I wanted to tell you about it. I invited him to the beach house. I'm not sure if he'll show up though since he's waiting to see what West decides."

"You invited Jaxon?" mom queried, and I nodded.

"It was the only way to get Asher there." I admitted and she made a sound of understanding.

Pursing my lips, I considered telling them about Bennett's PTSD. I wanted no incidents this weekend that would upset myself or anyone. Especially Bennett. The website did say I had to build my own support unit. Having more people educated about his PTSD would allow me a channel to talk about it and also, it would further build his support unit. These are people he would eventually be spending more time with and I didn't want some ignorant fool carelessly saying or doing stupid shit that may trigger him.

"But there's something you need to know. It's really important." I informed, and again, they patiently waited for me to continue. Sure I had their undivided attention and that they were really listening to me, I inhaled deeply.

"He has post-traumatic stress disorder. And if he shows up, I'm asking you to do some research on it and use what you learn. I want this weekend to be incident free especially where he's concerned. I don't want him to have any anxiety attacks because I've felt the effects of it, and it isn't pretty. So please, educate yourself on it and be mindful if he does show up on Saturday, or any other time your paths cross."


Whether or not they approved the match now that they knew of his PTSD, I didn't find out. They didn't say anything regarding it once I'd told them, simply choosing to brush it off and return to preparing dinner. But at least they knew, and I would confront them once more on Friday afternoon about it.

They are my parents, and I love them. But I won't tolerate them going to the beach house ignorant of Bennett's PTSD. It was no longer about wanting him there to change the nature of our relationship because even though he didn't let it show, I knew he was under pressure.

And after what happened yesterday with Mandy, it came like a nagging sixth sense to take him away from Black Rock for as long as I can. Something told me that Mandy wouldn't let it go that easily. She obviously didn't take kindly to rejection and criticism, and sure as hell didn't appreciate being dumped. And it was like Bennett had said yesterday.

She might blame him for this. Not to mention, I did not appreciate the way she spoke to him. As though he were scum. Lower than the dirt beneath my feet. Unworthy of being in my presence. No, I wasn't worthy after all the terrible things I said. And if he gave me a chance, I would never hurt him.

Mandy would just have to suck it up and deal with it. She'd have had to known that I would eventually stop fooling around with her. As said before, what we had was plain old fucking, and temporary. Because even while fooling around, I prayed to the moon goddess day in, day out, give me a second mate. Give me back my anchor. I didn't care who, just return to me what I lost.

Wary as hell at first that Monday he showed to help save Asher and Laken, but thrilled, nonetheless. My prayers had been answered. Only a fool would throw away a second chance at happiness. And this time, I was hellbent on making it last.

"Another peace offering?" His tone was inquisitive as I approached him by the lockers, gaze trained on the plastic bag I carried. "What're you apologizing for now?"

"How I forced you to go with me on Tuesday, and any other time I made you anxious, uncomfortable, afraid or hurt, starting from that time you and I fought out back that Monday. Also, for the hundredth time, I apologize for my shameful behavior in your absence those last four months." I lifted the bag in indication. "I'm sorry."

The corner of his mouth twitched but his features stayed otherwise stoic, except for the tiny wiggle his nose did a second later. "I smell fruit tart in there."

Glad he accepted my second peace offering, I held the bag out to him, quietly watching him stare down into it surveying its contents. Fruit tart, cheesecake, and Burger King. Because for the life of me, I couldn't cook. Or bake.

But if I could, I'd gift him an entire buffet.

"Question. What are you hoping to gain from this?" he posed, accepting the bag of goodies. He's so sweet sometimes. All that standoffish attitude and yet he loves getting gifts. Even if it's from me.

"I'm hoping to sweeten you up to maybe agreeing to go to the beach house this weekend."

"So... buying me edible goodies is your strategy." he reiterated. I nodded, raising a speculative eyebrow, a tiny smile threatening to make itself known.

"Is it working?" He narrowed his eyes at me before rolling his eyes and walking away. His reaction made me laugh, not only because it was adorable in its own way, but he didn't even deny that my charm may be working.

Very well. I know what I must do tomorrow morning as well.

The morning periods crawled by at a snail's pace successfully irritating me. Perhaps I had too much energy and excitable to spend time with Bennett.

His demeanor wasn't as cold or distant as it had been yesterday, Monday or Tuesday before and immediately following his anxiety attack. I had a feeling he was biting back, lowering his defenses if only a tiny bit. I would accept what he gave and work with it until he decided to reward me with more of his time.

That's all I want with him right now. Time. To know him and talk with him. Or just be near him and let the bond sizzle and zap at my haywire beta hormones and suppress it into submission.

The classes we shared together was like an irritating itch I desperately wanted to scratch. I wanted to turn around and speak with him but couldn't. Yesterday morning we had English, but because we skipped that class because of the drama his sister stirred, I didn't want him getting in trouble or missing another class.

No matter how much I willed the seconds to tick by faster, my eyes flitting to the annoying analog clock every few moments, the higher my agitation grew. At one point, it got to be bad because I felt something smack me in the back of the head. Growling, I turned to glare down at the crumbled paper ball and picked it up, searching for the perpetrator only to be met with a firm blue eyed stare.

Neatening out the small piece of binder page, a smile tugged at my mouth at the words 'calm down' written there in Bennett's handwriting. I guess he felt my agitation swelling, and it was annoying him.

When lunch finally rolled about, I disregarded the eating part of the break and took to the school halls searching for my mate. He was not difficult to pick apart in a crowded room or group. Even without the bond's soulful, magnetic gravitation toward him, his image had been ingrained into my mind so that I knew his build from the back and front. Plus, my sense of smell would lead me to him in any situation. I could easily spot his head of hair in a crowded room. Chestnut in nature but not too much on the dark end. A shade or two lighter than the average dark chestnut, it gave him somewhat an angelic appeal.

Even if his tongue was sometimes uncivil.

Barging into the lunch room, my steps slowed coming to a halt when I saw him speaking with Mandy. Or, more like he resembled a frightened, cornered kitten while his sister verbally assaulted him. And from the angered expression she wore, she was pissed off to high heaven.

It grated on my nerves. Not that she was speaking to him, but in the manner she did and for the sake of my sanity and her safety, I decided against eavesdropping from all the way here. His anxiety radiated in waves, rippling throughout the lunch room and the more she talked, his anxiety sparked reaching new heights. Fear of him having a breakdown or another panic attack and his ascending panic drove me forward.

Just a few feet away from the three, since it was his sister and her friend verses Bennett, Mandy snapped her gaze toward me. A sinisterly sweet smile of sorts curled her lips and she glanced back to Bennett before saying something to him again, and then she was storming away with her friend in tow. A confident swagger in the twist of her hips.

I felt his relief that she'd gone away, but another emotion remained prominent. And I was suddenly dreading this confrontation.

"Bennett?" I called gently taking note of how his shoulders stiffened before he turned around. I was met with a glare of fury and I never thought to ever see someone so angry. Especially at me.

In his hand, he clutched the plastic bag that contained the goodies I'd bought him earlier. wasn't in his grip for much longer as he suddenly threw it at my chest. Fumbling a moment to catch the bag, I clutched it to my chest, staring at him in shock.

"What's wrong?" I tried again calmly, but his furious glare stayed fixed.

"This is exactly why I want nothing to do with you! I am sick and tired of people ruining my life over nothing simply because they think they can! Just leave me the hell alone, Hayes! You've caused enough problems already! I don't need to end up in therapy again!"

Without another word, he swiftly turned and left the lunch room heading out to the picnic area just outside. I ignored the curious and shocked stares of the other students, and I supposed most of them were waiting to see if I'd go after him to teach him a lesson.

After all, according to them, this is the guy who stole Kelly from me. Whom I beat up the Monday after I was rejected. And he did flat out yell at me in front majority of the school.

But I would not go after him. He needed some space, obviously.

No, instead I decided to find Mandy and get to the bottom of this. Whatever the hell she said to make him so upset, I'll make her fix it. I had no intention of taking the position of beta while I had no means by which to control my beta hormones. I'm not going to become beta without my anchor.

I circled the entire school twice, the search taking up all of my lunch period. And while I did spy Bennett once or twice throughout my search, I didn't dare approach him. Not to mention, the seething glare Jaxon shot my way promised divine retribution. And if that wasn't bad enough, Zain Walker was suddenly throwing sharp death stares my way.

What the fuck did Mandy do?

It was bad enough I had Bennett's best friend sending me death threat signals each time he saw me since Monday. I do not need Tucker Corbin's beta adding his two cents.

The end of lunch met me, and I let out a defeated sigh. I couldn't confront her now. Dale and Sky found me wandering the halls and pulled me to a stop.

"Have you guys seen Mandy?" I asked carefully. Dale's expression remained stoic as ever while Sky discreetly sent a shriveling glare my way.

Am I losing everyone as an ally or something?

"You're fucking up, Carter." was all Sky said before he gestured somewhere behind me. "There she is."

"Be smart about this." Dale warned and just like that, they left. Dale went off to his class for this period while Sky met up with Jace a few lockers down. Jace caught my expression, and while his was firm, I detected a shred of sympathy.

Good! At least not everyone was giving up on me. They should have more faith in me, though.

Approaching Mandy, I ignored the people around us and already her mood irritated me. For embarrassing her brother like that, she sure seemed unfazed.

"What the hell was that?"

Mandy turned; a sweet smile plastered on her face as she tried to appear clueless. "What was what?" she shot back. If her reply wasn't enough to irk me, her friends' secretive smirks was successfully getting me there.

"With Bennett. What did you say to him?"

She rolled her eyes, hands planted on her cocked hip. She suddenly pinned me with stare full of stern determination.

"I told him the truth. Exactly what he needed to hear. I won't tolerate that loser stealing what's mine again. I simply made it quite clear that if he wants a peaceful high school career, he'll stay away from you and me."

That was bad. But her secretive smirk said that she told him something far worse. Ugh! This bitch was ruining my chances!

I should've picked up that she was the crazy type months ago. Reacting purely based on emotion, my fist implanted itself into the locker behind her eliciting several gasps and stares of shock from the students around us. Her friends screamed, as did she. I didn't care that my hand hurt, or that the locker was now severely dented.

"Are you crazy?" Mandy shrieked. "You could've hit me!" she continued, stepping away a few inches, but still too much close for my liking.

"Listen to me carefully, Mandy Reid." I seethed slowly. "There never was anything between us. I told you before, so stop acting like it. Stay away from me and quit bullying your brother. And I don't hit girls. That's not how my father raised me."

Without another word, her gaping jaw, I turned and started walking away, well aware of the scene our shouting match had created.

"Why do you even care about what happens to him? You didn't hesitate before to exaggerate the truth. You never hesitated to make fun of him after what he's done to you! What changed, baby?" she screeched.

There was that godforsaken nickname again!

"Stop calling me that! I'm not your 'baby'! I never was and never will be!" I shouted back. Mandy gasped, her eyes misting. "Can't you see what that's doing to him? If you weren't so stuck in your little bubble where everything is about you, you'd realize that that 'innocent' fun is destroying him! And I want no part of it! You leave me alone or I'll give you a reason to stay away."

She suddenly burst out laughing as if I'd told her the greatest joke. Some students stared at her as though she'd lost it. Some were quietly watching it play out, others passed by not bothering with the commotion. She suddenly stepped forward, boldly draping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer.

"Nobody dumps me, Carter."

I raised an eyebrow. "Consider yourself dumped by yours truly, then."

She tsked. "Oh baby, you don't get it." she said, shaking her head sadly. "I hold the reigns here. And no relationship is over until I say it is."

Delusional much?

Pulling her closer so that her body was pressed to mine, I cradled the back of her head and placed my lips near her ear so that she alone would hear my next words.

"It's over, Mandy. You have two choices. Leave me alone or I'll slam you with a restraining order. You know I can do it. All I need to do is file a complaint to the Council. Don't test me."

Gently pushing her back, a sly smirk curling my lips as I knew I'd won from the shock registered on her face, I walked around her and headed to my class.

Never mind I was ten or fifteen minutes late. So was half the junior year for their classes.


It still bothered me and felt it necessary to completely resolve the commotion earlier in the day. Bennett needed to tell me what she'd said to him and he needed to know that this isn't like before.

I'm with him one hundred percent. Despite that little fact, I couldn't help replaying the confrontation over and over in my mind wondering just what the hell she'd said to him to elicit that type of reaction toward me.

Or, what if, he's been dealing with it all his life and finally got to the breaking point? That might be it.

And hopefully, he hadn't been pushed too much over the edge, so far that he wouldn't give me a chance to prove how serious I am.

Parking in front of the Reid residence where Bennett resided with his grandparents, aunt Zoe, and uncle Beckett, I grabbed up the plastic bag and got out of my Silverado.

He'd eaten the fruit tart but not the Burger King and cheesecake. And since he'd flung it my way, the cheesecake was half destroyed and the Burger King cold.

Oh no! I can't have him eating half destroyed, cold goodies. This order was warm, fresh from the fryer and bagged so that the aroma wafted up to my nose making my stomach rumble. The cheesecake was fresh from the bakery and I'm sure the owner was beginning to think I was obsessed with the dessert.

My steps became cautious as I started making my way through the black iron gate, the car parked before mine in my peripheral vision. Suddenly, I stopped and whipped back around as I finally remembered where I'd seen that familiar Honda Civic.

Dread immediately gripped me as I hastily made my way toward the house, the sound of voices talking over the other reaching me through closed doors and shut windows.

From the noise level, it sounded as though the entire fucking family was present and it was no damn reunion or celebration. It sounded as though a fight were about to break out.

I rang the doorbell once, then twice and waited while the itch started becoming unbearable. I needed to be on the other side, especially if Bennett is in there. And he was. I felt his anxiety reaching unexpected heights. I'm amazed he hasn't burst.

When no one came to answer, I took the initiative to invite myself and sure enough, the voices came clearer and indeed, an argument was happening. I followed the voices into the living area and what I found shocked me. The whole family was gathered in the living room. In one corner, closer to the steps was Bennett. He was seated there with his head in his hands while Jaxon and Hunter hovered closely as if ensuring his safety. The West brothers met my gaze, but other than they, I don't think anyone noticed my presence.

A brawl was seconds away from happening as the men of the family tried to keep the women separate. More specifically, Luke, Kosta and Beckett were hold Zoe back as the small woman tried to get away in hopes to attack Cheryl. The female sub was being barricaded behind Hubert and Vince.

"Bitch I swear!" Zoe roared. "If these guys weren't here you'd be a dead bitch walking! Watching your fucking mouth when you talk about my baby!"

"Well then maybe you should keep the whore in check!" Cheryl shot back.

Who are they talking about? Who's Zoe's baby?

And just as I thought this, my eyes caught sight of a small girl, probably about the age of four. She was the splitting image of Zoe, only far younger and she was a mess, being consoled and pulled out of the room by Roselyn- Hubert's wife- and another woman her age.

But it can't be that little girl they were referring to. Why would Cheryl call a four year old a whore?

"Who the fuck are you calling a whore, bitch?" Zoe raged, and even dressed in classy, casual attire with some fucking high heels, she was ready to go. It was obvious that she had just come from somewhere when this fight broke out.

"If you don't want any trouble, I suggest you keep that homewrecker away from my daughter and the next beta of Marcana."

Hold up!


"What did I do?" The words were out of my mouth before I could think twice. All eyes snapped to me, and even Bennett finally raised his head to look my way. While his expression said he was angry, that isn't the feeling that radiated off him and reached me. He was relieved and somewhat desperate. It was a result of his anxiety getting out of hand and I needed to do something before he had a breakdown.

"Piece of shit!" Vince roared, storming toward me. "Because of you, my daughter is home crying her eyes out!" he raged, balling his fist as if getting ready to fight me. I was prepared and would easily dodge the swing, but the chance never came as Hunter and Jaxon suddenly found themselves in front of me, pushing Vince back.

"She'll get over it. That's the process. You get dumped, mope for a bit and then move on. And for the last motherfucking time," I argued, a muscle throbbing in my jaw from having to repeat myself all the damn time, "Mandy and I never dated. Sure we were friends but there was nothing romantic about our relationship. Or the sex."

Cheryl and Vince went rigid, both adults turning to stare at me in bewilderment a moment before Vince shouted again.

"You used my daughter, bastard!"

Ey, he should calm down. His neck and everything is red, and he looks moments away from popping. He tried to attack me again, but Hunter roughly shoved him back, belting out a sharp warning.

"Dude," I drawled lamely, "she was all for it. Bet you didn't know this, but she begged me for it the same way she did other guys."

And that's the ugly truth!

"Do you get it now?" I queried. "Your daughter's the problem."

"Then I guess we'll just have to fix that then." Cheryl suggested, making me immediately alert, carefully scrutinizing her, aware of the confident smile she wore. All eyes were on her as everyone waited to hear what she'd say. She had something up her sleeve. She was too collected.

Vince then shared a nod with his wife and that made me all the more skeptical. He turned to face me.

"You have no choice, Carter. You will be mating with and marrying my daughter."

The fuck I will!

"Under what condition?" I queried angrily, aware of the anxiety that tripled. Sneaking a glance Bennett's way, his blue eyes were wide, jaw slightly ajar and his chest visibly rose and fell.

Fuck! This was not going according to plan. He is literally seconds away from having another panic attack.

"Mandy is three weeks pregnant." Cheryl announced eliciting sharp reactions of gasps and surprised stares from everyone. A tidal wave of emotion suddenly assaulted me which was swiftly accompanied by Bennett's hasty retreat as he all but ran out of the house, ensuring to aggressively bump his shoulder into mine.

Everyone was shocked. Save for me.

"And I will not have the father of her child be irresponsible." Cheryl continued. I didn't miss the death glare from Jaxon that said he was seconds away from killing me.

Seriously, they need to calm down. They're not thinking logically about this.

"Is this true?" Zoe suddenly boomed. Glancing over to the petite dominant female, I realized that there was no room for jokes. She was visibly shaking from how angry she was, ignoring her mate's desperate attempts to keep her calm. Her eyes brimming with unshed tears, Zoe appeared mad as hell.

"Of course, it's true." Cheryl butted in with a roll of her eyes not giving me the opportunity to answer or even defend my status. "He was the only one Mandy was involved with three weeks ago despite what you all may think of her." she continued, all the while I felt Bennett getting farther and farther away from me.

Where is he going?

"You will marry and mate with Mandy." she continued, reiterating her mate's earlier words with force. "You're going to accept your responsibility as a father and step up." She then turned her attention to the rest of the family. "And you all will ensure that that little homewrecker stays away from Mandy and Carter and doesn't try anything to upset my daughter. I already got rid of one homewrecker. Don't let me add another to the list." she added.

And that's when chaos broke free to wreak havoc and reign superior. No man reacted quick enough to stop Zoe because the next thing everyone saw was this petite dominant female battering Cheryl. The two women screamed and cursed at each other, becoming obvious that Zoe had the upper hand as she pummeled Cheryl, not giving the female sub a chance to breathe.

Their attention distracted trying to regain control over the chaos, it allowed me the chance to slip away undetected. His scent was growing fainter and if I didn't get out of Black Rock, I would lose it. The only thing I would have to track him was his haywire emotions and the bond. But even with that, it would take me hours to find him as I may spend that time driving around town waiting for the bond and the emotions to get stronger, acting like a compass.

I didn't have time for that and served inefficient since we weren't yet close enough to rely on the bond as a means of tracking. Plus, Bennett somehow had the ability to put his emotions on lockdown.

He was on the move and I wasn't sure where he was headed. And after a few minutes of driving about, his scent finally reached me and started getting stronger as I headed south of Black Rock territory. His scent got strongest when I crossed over into the slum area of town and my stomach plummeted to the floor.

Why on earth would he come here?

The slums wasn't the safest spot in Jasper Falls and I really didn't want to leave my vehicle unattended lest some idiot decided to steal it, scrap it and sell the parts for easy cash. It was a brand new vehicle!

Hopefully, I'll find him without having to stray far from my car.

I was driving the speed limit, peeking into every alleyway I passed in hopes of finding him. The window was rolled down and despite the curious stares of slum residents, I continued on my way following his scent.

It got even stronger as I turned right into another street and approached a two storey building painted in grey, with neon lights flashing outside and rock music blaring through the walls. Parking in front of the building, I got out and put up the one window that was down and locked all the doors. Even though I'd be just inside the building, I was unsettled by the idea that it would be out here unattended.

I'll just have to be quick.

Heading inside, I held my breath as the smell of booze, smoke, sweat, leather and sex assaulted my senses. The room was smoky and further smelt of cheap perfume and cologne. The people inside were decked out in leather jackets and pants, with piercings and tattoos. Scantily clad women hung all over groups of men, their boisterous laughter heard over the unnecessarily loud metal music.

I was completely out of my element. One look at me and anyone would know I didn't belong here. My white shirt alone was a stark contrast to the colour scheme in this bar, strip club joint. The service girl who passed by, dressed in a strapped leather top, mini leather skirt and knee high boots gave me a look that said as much.

"Hey, handsome." somebody said, drawing my attention to them, and it was a scantily clad lady twice my age. At the rate she's going, she might as well wear nothing. She came over, linking arms with me. "Can I get ya anything?"

Her offer was rather suggestive, and it was obvious this woman was looking for some young buck to pleasure her.

"No thanks. I'm here looking for someone." I said, not really paying her mind as I surveyed the room. He's in here. I could feel his haywire emotions and smell him as though he were standing right next to me.

"Why don't you come with me? I'm sure we can find your friend together." she continued to fish, dragging her fingernail across my chest and abs. Grabbing her wrist before she had a chance to venture further south, I gently moved her away from me.

"Again, no thanks. Your offer's flattering, but your services aren't required, ma'am." I reiterated, moving further into the room, ignoring the curious stares from the other men and women whom obviously knew I was not from here.

"Well, you're a face that don't belong here." someone said, and my attention was drawn to the guy behind the bar. He had a crew cut hair style, multiple piercings in his right ear, deep-set brown eyes and sleeve tattoos displayed for everyone to see hence his lack of a proper shirt. "Who you lookin' for?" he continued, moving on to wipe down the counter surface.

"What makes you think I am?"

The bartender scoffed. "You expect me to believe Marcana's future beta waltzed in here for a beer? People like you don't come round here unless they lookin' for something. So, who, or what you lookin' for kid?"

"A guy." I replied, walking closer to the bar so that not every soul in the building will be aware of my business. "A bit shorter than myself, blue eyes, chestnut hair. My age."

The bartender chuckled. "Yeah, I saw him. Been a while though."

This had me curious. "What'd you mean? He's been here before?"

The bartender chuckled, discarding the cloth as he leaned on the counter, sideways so that he could see the customers even while speaking with me.

"About four months ago. He came in here with some guy that led to a fight. Got into some trouble with Lukas. Haven't seen him till today. Frankly, I figured Lukas caught up with and killed him. He's out back."

"Thanks." Ignoring every worrying bit of information this bartender just spewed, I made my way out of the building through the back door which let out into an adjoining alleyway. Littered with garbage here and there, a homeless person sleeping on a cardboard box further down, I held my breath as the scent of garbage, urine and other unpleasant odors attacked my nostrils.

It's official. When I get home, I'll burrow my mother's soaps and shampoos, dump them in the bathtub and soak for at least two hours. No doubt I'll be smelling like a sewer and I feel that's the only way to have me smelling clean once again.

Voices caught my hearing, and immediately I started walking left, further into the alleyway. I could hear his voice clearly now, along with two other voices. Turning around the bend, I saw him standing with two other men. The other two were smoking and drinking, and one of them held out a newly opened beer bottle toward Bennett. Kicking up speed, I marched forward smashing the bottle out of his grip watching it splatter to the ground, glass and beer spilling everywhere.

The other two men jumped, ready to confront me but with a single quiet glare, they thought against their decision, immediately backing down.

"Beat it unless you want to be reported for engaging a minor."

"Sorry, dude." one of them said uneasily, and quietly, without fuss, they left. Once they were out of hearing shot, I pinned a glare on Bennett who was angrily staring at the ground where the beer spilled.

"Out of all the places to come, you choose here! You're lucky I found you when I did. Do you want to end up in rehab again?"

His anxiety spiked and it suddenly hit me that despite his haywire emotions, his anxiety had been relatively quiet. Bennett pinned me with a firm glare followed by a shove.

"Get off my case, Hayes! You're the last fucking person who should talking to me about rehab." His voice wavered at the ending and it made me feel like absolute shit. Of course, he's right. Of all the people, because what I did in his absence, I had no right to talk about it.

But I couldn't let it go.

"Who gives a shit? You were just about to throw all your hard work away. You were about to relapse and not more than a week after you got out. You're dead wrong if you think I'll ever let that happen."

He scowled and scoffed, glaring at me as though I were the scum of the planet. And maybe I am. But the gods know I will never let him hurt himself.

"Just fucking leave me alone! For fuck's sake, you've done enough!" he cried, swiftly turning about and walking down the alleyway. When he lingered at the back door, I stormed forward stomping on his destructive intention.

"No, you don't. We're leaving here, now." I stated firmly, though gently, gripping his wrist and tugging him along. He fought me, shoving my shoulder.

"Let go, asshole!" he barked, his voice wavering slightly, and I could just about hear the tears threatening to break. Turning about, he was now trapped between my body and the gray concrete wall, the sudden action making him gasp quietly and he stared up at me owlishly.

"There are other ways to deal with triggers. You don't have to relapse and further destroy yourself to cope and forget." He stared up at me in shock, the anguish and sudden guilt that washed over him and reflected in his eyes struck me like a brick wall. "You don't need to feel guilty. You have nothing to be guilty about."

His expression fell, eyes downcast as he chewed on his lip in uncertainty.

"But you're wrong. It's like you said. I shouldn't have let myself go like that."

"I want to help you, Bennett. Allow me to show you other ways to cope with the triggers. To prevent them."

He shook his head, another tidal wave of emotion washing over him and this time, it physical pained. His distrust.

But there was something else. Something he refused to disclose because the pain I felt wash over him felt a lot like heartbreak.

"I can't. You're going to be Mandy's mate. I'd rather not be associated with you any further than pack politics."

Wouldn't he love to know the truth?

A smile curling my lips, I gently took hold of his hand, more shocked that he allowed me to casually touch him.

"We'll talk about that in a bit. Let's get out of here first."

He didn't say another word, just nodded and allowed me to pull him along into the street and toward my Silverado. He quietly got in once I unlocked the doors, and the drive out of the slums was equally as quiet. Once we crossed over into Lativa territory, I turned on the radio and let the soft music fill the silence.

The closer we got to the human side of town; his anxiety started rising again.

"I thought you were taking me home." came his soft statement. I glanced over to him as the ocean started coming into view.

"Do you really want to go back there right now?"

"No!" came his quick reply and I couldn't help but grin.

"I figured. Thought you could use some time away from Black Rock. Tell you what; we'll spend some time here and maybe grab something to eat before I take you back. You could really use a breather after all that drama. What do you say?"

Bennett was quiet as the beach parking lot came into view. Driving into the lot, I parked in a spot closer to the sand and shifted the gear into park.

"What exactly are we going to do here at this hour?" he asked quietly, his gaze locked onto the horizon where the sun was dangling lowly on the horizon, painting a background of blues, reds and orange.

"Anything you want. We have three and a half hours before they pull the lot gates. I'm sure we'll find something to do." I assured, removing my sneakers and socks.

Getting out of the car, I motioned for him to join me. Reluctantly, he did after a moment or two of uncertainty weighed down on him. He emerged from the car barefoot as well and we headed down to the shoreline. Since it was evening, the tide was coming in pushing the shoreline back inland.

The cool evening sea breeze lashed and whipped at our clothes; the water was now colder as it washed our feet. Bennett had yet to say a word to me since we left the parking lot, but his emotions were no longer running haywire. He was calm and collected. Back to his usual, standoffish attitude; the Bennett Reid I was met with last Monday.

Back to the Bennett Reid who drove me crazy with desire and made my heart pound like a stampeding rhinoceros.

He walked in front of me, clearly caught up in watching the waves crash against and pull away the sand from around his bare feet.

We'd walked awhile now, farther away from the boardwalk and was approaching the part of the beach where the private houses sat.

"You guys should amp up security for here." he suddenly commented, his gaze dancing over the private homes.

"It's fine. Security and police patrol here often. The alarms are all set in case someone tries to break in only coming off when the cleaners come in every two weeks."

He was silent again, going back to sinking his toes in the sand. We stayed in silence as the waves rolled in and the sky got darker, the night air getting cooler and colder, the noise from the boardwalk dying down with more and more people beginning to leave. Glancing over to him, I realized he'd zoned out.

Something unlike him since he was always alert and aware of his surroundings. He was staring out at the water, his hand splayed on his chest as he fingered the small ring dangling from its cord around his neck. At one point, I could've sworn his eyes started shimmering and not from light. From unshed tears.

A moment later, I heard him gulp, his Adam's apple viciously bobbing at the action. He suddenly turned, pinning me with a fierce expression.

"Tell me the truth, because I'll be honest. If it's true, like I said earlier, I really want nothing to do with you. Is it yours?"

I shrugged. "For all I know, she really could be pregnant." His anxiety returned in part, but he was more hurt than anxious. "But it's not mine."

"You wouldn't know unless a paternity test is done." he argued, and I noted the dejection in his tone. I wondered if it's because he really wanted to give us a chance. And the news of his sister's pregnancy with 'my' child made him doubt we would ever fit.

"Not for werewolves." I commented, and he rose an eyebrow in question. "I won't use the excuse of condoms. I always use condoms, but they aren't one hundred percent reliable. There's another way."

He just continued to stare at me, patiently waiting for me to continue, though his expression was quite scrutinizing.

"Ever heard of the father-child pheromone?"

Bennett shook his head and I couldn't help but chuckle. For a moment there, he looked like a child captivated by an epic story and he couldn't wait to hear what came next.

"Ask any male wolf who has kids or has a mate who's pregnant."

"You won't tell me?"

Oh gods! I can't handle this. He's too cute. And how has he not heard about this? As a dominant male, surely someone would've educated him on that when he hit teenage years.

"You know, when a female wolf gets pregnant, during the various stages of her pregnancy, her scent begins to change? It becomes motherly." He nodded. "It's something like that. Within a week or two after conception, even as a microscopic dot, the offspring lets out an extremely mild pheromone that only its father can sense and smell. It affects the father's behavior making him extremely possessive of his mate, and incredibly protective of the unborn child."

His lips formed an 'o' shape as he glanced back out to the ocean. He then frowned, giving me a once over that was- in my opinion- even more judgmental than the last. "Are you lying? How come I've never heard of that?"

Probably because you're still innocent in some things.

"Wouldn't you know if I am lying?"

He scowled, and my gods, was it adorable! "You could be an expert liar. Hiding your emotions and telling compulsive lies."

I shook at my head at his skepticism. "I have nothing to gain in lying to you. You can always ask a close male relative about it."

"Fine. I will. Just know that if you're lying, I'll reject you effective immediately."

That didn't sound good. I hated the idea he would casually think of rejection, but it also made me wonder. Given everything that transpired within the last few hours, has something happened in his past that made him think of rejection as a solution? I remembered that statement he'd made on Tuesday about not needing me to school him on the pain of rejection.

"Will you tell me about earlier?" I asked, grabbing his attention. He gave me a curious stare. "What did Mandy say to you?"

"It isn't important." There was hesitation in his tone as he looked back out to the water.

"Bullshit! You don't yell at someone for no reason. You were fine earlier. What happened?"

He shook his head, turning his body so that he was fully facing me. "It really is nothing. I just reacted. I had a moment of weakness."

"I don't buy it. She said something to you. And that little confession earlier about her being pregnant pushed you over the edge. I felt your emotions, you hope that it's all a lie. Although I'd like to know, I won't push you."

I wasn't expecting it, but the moment I said those words, his whole face lit up and he hit me with an appreciative smile that just made him seem so alive. It was also heartbreaking when I thought of it. Just how much has he been through to have a grateful smile that shone so brightly?

We walked a bit more, rarely saying much. If we did speak, it was about random, trivial things. I didn't dwell on anything that transpired the last few hours because I'd brought him here to get away from that.

It was about time to pull the lot gates when we returned to the boardwalk, and since it had probably been hours since both of us ate, I decided to take him somewhere to eat.

We stopped at a nearby seafood restaurant and witnessing him in this environment and predicament was all worth it. He'd decided against eating out when I mentioned it simply because he didn't walk with his wallet and didn't have spare cash in hand.

"Dinner's on me." I assured, gently ushering him through the restaurant doors. The hostess recognized me right away and immediately knew that I would prefer a privatized booth.

"No, I couldn't." he continued to argue, even though he compiled and sat opposite me at our table. "I don't need you spending your allowance on me."

"It's nothing, Bennett. I suggested it so it's only fair I sponsor dinner. Right?"

He pursed his lips, eyes trained on the menu card the hostess provided us.

"I suppose."

Our waiter came by not long after, ready to take our order. Bennett ordered the cheapest item on the menu and ordered a glass of water as his main drink. What he ordered wasn't even a main dish. It was a damn appetizer. A snack, if you will.

"Hold up." I said, keeping the waiter in his spot. Bennett glanced my way curiously as I opened up the menu card again. "Add to his order..." I trailed as I scanned the items listed for something he might like.

If he's worried about the price, then that's fine. I'll order him something not too expensive but filling all the same.

"What are you doing? I don't want much to eat."

"You're only saying that because you're worried about the price. Fish sticks isn't a meal. Do you like shrimp?" I returned, and he hesitated.

"Been awhile since I've had shrimp."

A smile curled my lips as I handed the waiter my menu card. "Add to his order of fish sticks, a spaghetti and shrimp main course. Use the jumbo shrimp."

Bennett was staring at me in disbelief before he suddenly scoffed. "Fine. Since you insist," he said, glancing toward the waiter, "make it pepper shrimp."

The waiter scribbled the order and then recited it to us to ensure he got it right before leaving to put our order in. Bennett immediately busied himself with the table cloth. I learned another thing about him tonight. He would take spicy foods any day. The last time we ate together at a restaurant, almost a week prior, he'd ordered the special that came with the restaurant's signature hot sauce.

Bennett Reid was quite an intriguing creature. He roped me in without even having to try. Perhaps it was the mate bond naturally drawing me toward him, but at this point, I was beginning to think differently. I don't think it was the bond anymore. I'm genuinely drawn to him, and everything he does everything he says, keeps me hooked.

"You really didn't need to order me more food."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Look at it this way. The more food there is, the longer you take to eat and the longer you take to get back home."

His response was not verbal, but the simple smile that curled the corner of his mouth spoke volumes of his unspoken gratitude.

And I was more than happy to be the reason behind that smile.


It was well after midnight when I finally dropped him off at his house. Not a soul was asleep as the front door was wide open and several members of the household were seated about the front porch. And as I strolled to a stop, they stirred in response, three people walking down the steps and down the walkway toward the gate that was left ajar.

Those people were Zoe, Kosta, and some guy who looked familiar but for the life of me, couldn't remember his name.

"Thanks..." Bennett started, awkwardly averting his eyes out the windshield as though avoiding eye contact. "For tonight. I think I needed that."

I nodded. "We should get out. Think we might owe them an explanation."

Getting out was a mistake on my part because by the time I walked around to Bennett's side, the guy whose name I couldn't remember literally tackled me. Grabbing hold of my shirt, he practically bullied me against the side of the Silverado.

"Where the hell did you take him? Did you lay a finger on him?" the guy interrogated before I had a chance to defend myself. Zoe and Kosta, while they appeared concerned, couldn't be bothered by the bombarding warrior wolf, too busy wrapped up in ensuring Bennett was okay.

Of course, he is! He was with me!

"Alister!" my mate barked sharply, coming forward to grip Alister's wrist. "Stop it."

Holding his glare to me, Alister addressed Bennett, only once glancing toward his future fourth-in-command from the corner of his eye. "Are you hurt? Where did this fucker take you to?"

Well, he obviously doesn't like me.

"I'm fine." Bennett assured, mimicking Alister's questioning stare when he didn't give an answer to the latter. Alister raised an eyebrow.

"We were worried sick and drove all over town looking for you when we realized you'd left your phone behind."

"I'm fine, Al. What did you think would happen?"

"Tobias fucking Corbin! That's what." Alister scolded none too kindly. Bennett suddenly looking like a kicked puppy.

Am I missing something? I get their caution where Tobias was concerned given what happened last week, but from Alister's outburst and Bennett's reaction, you would think he has some form of ugly history with the guy.

"Sorry..." he apologized softly, "for causing you trouble." Those words were said with a nearly undetectable bitter undertone and I probably wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the sudden wave of guilt and displeasure that washed over him. wasn't really displeasure, more a mild shred of anxiety.

"Stop it! All of you!" The words were out of my mouth before my brain even registered them. "You're making him anxious again. It doesn't matter where he was, just that he's safe." I scolded, watching them with firm stares. I could feel Bennett staring at me in awe, probably shocked that once again, I'd spoken up for him and this time, against family members he actually loved.

Zoe suddenly stepped forward, bringing her nephew into a motherly embrace whilst apologizing for making him feel a way. Kosta tipped his head in gratitude toward me.

"You're right." the older wolf said. "I'll notify the others that he's home."

"Others?" Bennett queried.

Alister expelled an exhausted breath. "We sent out a mini search party a while ago."

Bennett's reaction caught me off guard. He stared at Alister in shock as though he didn't quite believe they'd resorted to such measures. And I don't know why he would think otherwise since search parties are common procedure when a member of the prominent families go AWOL. He then glanced toward his grandfather overcoming his momentary shock.

"Grandpa, can you not mention anything about him, please? When you tell the others." he requested, gesturing toward me. Kosta nodded, leaving to return inside, perhaps to make a single phone call and spread the message.

It irked me that he didn't want Kosta mentioning to others that I was the one who'd brought him back, but it was understandable. Lest Cheryl, Vince or Mandy find out and cause more chaos in his life. It became obvious to me from the interactions between Bennett and those three- or lack thereof- and the conversations Mandy had sparked with me over the last four months that he did not have good relations with them. And thus, decided it safest to avoid them altogether.

"So, where were you two? It's after midnight." Alister spoke then, continuing to watch me closely.

Jesus! What's this guy's problem?

"Al." Bennett warned pointedly. Said dominant only shrugged, a smugness in his nonchalance that seriously irked me.

"What? I don't trust any guy who makes contact with you especially when they're involved with Ms. Hoity Toity, socially or..." he paused, shooting me a pointed stare that was the epitome of judgmental, "otherwise."

"You can just spell it out, you know. It's not exactly a secret the nature of my past association with Mandy."

Alister rolled his eyes muttering lowly. "Don't downplay it, Hayes-"

"People!" Bennett warned sharply, drawing our collective, undivided attention, even if we did continue glaring at one another; Alister obviously not liking me, and I, hating his attitude. "Al, I'll tell you if it means you'll shut up and go back inside." The warrior wolf waited patiently; an eyebrow raised.

Bennett expelled a deep breath. "With everything that happened earlier, Carter figured it wouldn't be a good idea to bring me back yet. So, we went out to the coast. Spent a few hours there and then got something to eat." he casually explained, and it didn't go unnoticed to me that he'd used my first name. I think this is the first time he's done so.

And part of me wondered if this was progress. Were we getting closer?

"Sounds like a date." Alister mused, exchanging secretive glances with Zoe.

"It wasn't!" my mate retorted sharply, and with the brightly lit street, I could clearly make out his blush. And I felt his embarrassment.

It kind of was. The beach at sunset and dinner afterward? An unofficial date, then.

"Just leave, both of you." he cried in desperation, Zoe and Alister simultaneously laughing at his predicament. They yielded, Zoe heading inside first.

"Sure thing, B. Don't forget to kiss your boyfriend bye-bye." Alister teased, laughing like a maniac and running through the gate when Bennett tried to punch him. His face and ears were now redder than before and looked as though he were willing the ground to open up and swallow him.

Bennett regained his composure a moment later, even though my face was burning up from Alister's joke.

"Thanks again for today. Um..."

"Hold on." I said, cutting him off as I ran to the back door of the Silverado and got out the cheesecake. Returning to my previous spot near him, I held out the plastic cake container, noting his confusion. "You um...kind of destroyed the other one earlier. When you threw it at me?" I reminded.

"So you bought another one?" An amused smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth for a split second when I nodded. "Can I assume you bought another Burger King order, too?"

"Yeah..." I began sheepishly, "but it's cold now."

"So is this." He indicated the cheesecake.

"That's the magic of cheesecake. It eats better chilled." He laughed softly, and in response, my heart jumped.

"Alright. You better get going, Hayes. Like Al said, it's after midnight and I've had quite the day. See you at school."

I don't know what came over me, but I decided to tease him a little knowing well he might slap me. Or threaten to at least.

"No kiss bye-bye?" I teased, leaning a little closer, tilting my head to give more access to my cheek. Gone was his smile and soft expression as he shot me a death glare.

"Get out before I slap you."

"Okay, okay. Fine." I retorted, stifling my laugh as I held my hands up in surrender. He shook his head almost as if dismissing my silliness as he turned to head through the gates. "Goodnight, Bennett Reid." I called after him, my voice expecting.

Closing the gate and snapping the lock, he glanced at me through the black iron bars, a sarcastic, yet sweet little smile curling his lips. "Goodnight, Carter."


He turned and headed up the walkway and then up the steps. With him out of sight, it was time to celebrate a little. I was definitely making progress and maybe it wasn't the best of circumstances, but today certainly brought us closer.

I did lunges to the driver's seat, my spirit higher than cloud nine. Today had been quite eventful and I was looking forward to tomorrow in hopes it would bring only good things.

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