Spellbound: COMPLETE

By Joywriter9

3.8K 706 198

Dragons, princesses, and dancing. Oh my! Ever heard of the 12 Dancing Princesses? Whether you have or not, t... More

PART ONE: The Changes
Chapter One: Ariadne
Chapter Two: Ariadne
Chapter Three: Ariadne
Chapter Four: Peter
Chapter Five: Peter
Chapter Six: Ariadne
Chapter Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Eight: Ariadne
Chapter Nine: Ariadne
Chapter Ten: Ariadne
Chapter Eleven: Ariadne
Chapter Twelve: Ariadne
Chapter Thirteen: Ariadne
Chapter Fourteen: Man from the Closet
Chapter Fifteen: Ariadne
Chapter Sixteen: Ariadne
Chapter Seventeen: Ariadne
Chapter Eighteen: Ariadne
Chapter Nineteen: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty: Ariadne
PART TWO: The Challenge
Chapter Twenty-One: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Two: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Three: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Four: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Five: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Six: Simeon
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Peter
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Two: Estevan
Chapter Thirty-Three: Julie
Chapter Thirty-Four: Julie
Chapter Thirty-Five: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Six: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ariadne
Chapter Forty: Peter
PART THREE: The Finale
Chapter Forty-One: Prince Wilson
Chapter Forty-Two: Prince Wilson
Chapter Forty-Three: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Four: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Five: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Six: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Eight: Peter
Chapter Forty-Nine: Ariadne
Epilogue: 1 year later
Final Farewell
Freedom Series
1k Reads Contest!

Chapter Thirty-One: Ariadne

42 13 2
By Joywriter9

Ariadne's POV

More and more men kept coming to try and figure out what happened after midnight in our room. However, they always fell asleep before we left and did not wake up until we were safely back in our rooms. Dancing at night seemed like our only escape from the commotion made by all the gentlemen. Tonight, was another prince who was charming, but the only thing he would say to us was compliments and he also constantly was kissing our hands. It was a little odd.

It was a trick trying to get ready fast, without our maids, and quietly so the guards outside our door would not hear us, but even when we were loud, the guards did not even call inside to ask if we were okay. Although the number of guards seemed to double every night since my father had left. 

            "Ariadne, come help me with El's dress," Bell whispered as she tried to tie the back of El's satin dress together.

"Ow, that hurts!" El exclaimed.

            I hurried over and helped Bell, then made sure everyone else was ready.

            "Should we bring Khione and Leto?" Charities asked. "I do not want them to get hurt down there, but I also do not want to leave them alone."

            I looked over their tired faces. "We should probably let them sleep. I think last night wore them out."

            Charities nodded and left to put Leto in her cradle next to Charities' bed, while Bell did the same with Khione.

            Once we were all in the common room, apart from Khione and Leto who luckily were already asleep, we all carefully removed the seat cushion. As we did so all our candles blew out and we all fumbled around before Fortuna held up a lit candle and we all descended down the stairs in a giddy nervousness. We reached the end of the staircase and ran to the bridge, happy to see ten other faces smiling at us.

            "My, you girls got here fast," Estevan said with a dazzling smile as he came down to meet us.

            We all curtsied as he approached. "Just excited, I guess," I replied, trying to contain that exact excitement but not doing very well.

            He grinned. "Then shall we dance?"

            I attempted my best smile as I took his arm. The second our feet touched the pavilion's smooth tiled floor, gentle music started, surrounding us in its gentle rhythms.

            I did not realize that the others had joined us until we almost ran into Bell and her partner. Estevan, however, did not seem fazed by it and expertly moved us out of their path.

            Then he spun me and I could not contain the small laugh that burst out. I could not explain the sudden excitement I had. However, Estevan's smile was not the same and I noticed a hint of despair in his features that had not been apparent before.

            "Are you alright?" I was a little hesitant to ask, remembering when he threw me off the boat when I had first met him down here.

            He took a few moments to contemplate it, and I was beginning to think that he wouldn't answer at all. "No," he finally replied. "And I would not be telling you this if I thought there was any other way."

            "What's happened?"

            "Let us sit down," he said and led me over to a couch on the side of the dance floor. I smiled as a beautiful butterfly flew past my head before turning to Estevan, hoping I could help.

            "The power source to our kingdom is this magnificent tree in your world. There is a replica of it down here as well, but the true magic comes from the one in Glendowin."

            I nodded, not sure where he was going with this.

            "Our kingdom is dying. More so now than ever before, and I think it's because of this tree. I think something has happened to it."

            "I would not even know where to look to find it."

            He nodded. "You would know which tree it was when you saw it. I only ask that you try and figure out a way to heal it so that we do not perish with our kingdom."

            I quickly nodded. "What should I do to heal it?" Estevan may not have been the most hospitable host, but I did not want to take his home away from him, especially when he could not leave it. I also did not want to take away my sister's dancing either.

            "I am not completely sure yet," he said regretfully. "Perhaps you could find a book or maybe a journal that could help us more than anything we have here."

            I thought a moment and a small journal that is hidden in my room came to mind. "I think I know where to look."

            Then a bell sounded in the distance.

            "Oh," I cried. "We have to go!"

            Estevan nodded but put his hands firmly on my shoulders. "Please put this at the top of your priorities. I do not know how much longer we will last with the tree dying."

            I nodded. "I will, and I will save you."

            "We have to get back to our room before the prince wakes up," I said turning to my sisters.

            All the girls hurried to the staircase except Bell, who seemed distracted. Then she seemed to notice I was staring at her and she looked at me- wiping the look off her face so fast I might have questioned it being there.

            "Do you think this is real?" She asked quietly.

            That was not what I was expecting. "What do you mean?"

            "This," she said motioning around us. "It is too good. Almost like a dream, except I am always really tired afterward."

            I looked around at all the beauty that surrounded us. It was true. It was amazing and almost too good. The trees shimmered in the fake moonlight. Mystery glowed around every corner. Everywhere you looked, you could see something astounding and unbelievable. It was an indescribable beauty that took your breath away with every branch, twig, and flower. Despite Estevan's claim that the kingdom was dying, it was still breathtaking. Even the ground felt unbelievably soft through the holes in my slippers.

            "I suppose it is," I finally replied. "But it is a magic kingdom."

            "I wish I did not have to come here," Bell said wrapping her hands around herself. "I don't like it."

            "You do not have to come," I reminded her.

            "You know that I cannot just leave you, or Char, or any of our sisters."

            "I am the only one who has to come. The only reason I told you about it was that you girls wanted to dance so much." I said.

            "You know that even if none of us liked it here, we would still come to be with you."

            "I would not be alone-" I tried to say, but even I knew it was a weak excuse.

            "That is all the more reason for us to stay," she whispered harshly.

            "He may not be the best man, but I have to stay to help them keep their home."

            "Bell," Charities called. "Juno's tired, and I have not the strength to carry her."

            "I will do it," she replied and ran to catch up with them.

            Then I realized we were almost to the top of the stairway.

            I turned to look back at the kingdom and touched my neck. I pulled back and looked at what my hand had just touched. To my surprise, the necklace that Prince Wilson had given me lay there, shining brightly. I gently touched it again and looked out at the kingdom, wishing I knew everything so I could be a good ruler.

I nearly screamed.

            The kingdom had flickered for a moment. I looked at my sisters to see if they had seen it too, but they were all disappearing into our bedroom. I looked back out and saw in my mind what I had only glimpsed for a moment. Where the shining trees glistened, there had been rows of dried up twigs, and charred ground in place of the unnaturally beautiful grass. I looked at the lake and the scene of it being a pool of black ooze was forever burned into my memory. The only thing that hadn't been changed- I looked out at the huge castle that loomed over everything. What looked inviting now had appeared dark and threatening only a moment before.

            The kingdom really was dying.

            "Are you feeling alright? You look pale," I heard Diana say and I turned to look at her.

            I slowly nodded, trying to shake the foreboding feeling that had overcome me. "Let's go."

            How could this have happened?

I ran into my room and grabbed King Rowland's journal. I skimmed through the pages looking for a picture or the mention of a tree. Then the words "magic tree" stood out and I quickly read over the short paragraphs.

I have found that magic is better controlled when its source is something living and rather large. Though I have yet to test it on my own powers, I think that when I do I will use a tree as my source of magic. A magic tree would live longer than even the longest living tree, so if I became immortal than that would not be a problem. Trees are also very strong and can withstand a lot – weather, fire, etc.

The only drawback would be that if the tree died than my powers would die with it. And the only way to save a magic source is very complicated and dangerous. You must sacrifice another source of magic. Not only that, but the magic source's owner must be the one to do it. Then they transfer their powers into that of the dying one. However, doing this can destroy the magician or permanently injure them because they are literally being stripped of their magic which is a part of them.

I looked through the book two more times to make sure that I didn't miss anything, but that was the only page with information on the tree. It did give me the information that I needed but I did not know any magicians and I hadn't the slightest idea of how to transfer someone's magic. Neither did I want to put anyone through that kind of torture.

Then a loud rap on the door made me jump.

"Ariadne! Iris! It's time for dinner and Harriet insists we come immediately."

I stood up, time to tell Harriet the news.

I watched as Amity turned into a tiny animal and scurried into a small hole in the wall. Then I walked over to Iris's sleeping form and gently shook her, but she only slapped my hands away.

"Come on Iris," I prodded. "It's time for dinner."

Her eyes flew open at the mention of food and she groaned as she slowly rolled off the bed.

"Iris!" I cried in surprise as she landed hard on the floor.

"I'm coming," she groaned.

I did her hair in a quick bun and then quickly led her down the hallway. I figured that Harriet was being true to her word and we would be meeting the next gentleman on her list.

We walked into the royal dining room, but neither Harriet nor a suitor occupied the anxious room. I took one look at my sisters, and I instantly knew that something was wrong.

"What happened?"

Bell looked at me and shook her head. "Harriet just left the room; crying. She took the next suitor out with her."

I looked at her in disbelief.

"She left this letter on the table," Fortuna supplied. "We wanted to wait until everyone was here before we read it."

I walked over to Fortuna and took the envelope from her outstretched hand. I peeled back the flap and my heart plummeted when I saw red paper staring back at me. It might just be a letter to tell us that the war has ended. That they're coming home.

I wanted to believe it, but I knew it was a lie.

I pulled the thin paper out of the envelope with trembling hands. Bell and Charities let out a small whimper when they saw the army insignia. I closed my eyes, willing the words in my hand to change as tears began to fill my eyes.

"What does it say?" Juno asked quietly.

My heart broke. She didn't know the significance of the red paper, or the army's mark. How was I supposed to read this to her? To all of my sisters. She was only four years old and had never known her own mother, and now... 

I took in a shaky breath and began to read the black words as they blurred through my tears.

"On this night, the sixth day of the second moon in the 200th year of the rein of Glendowin, we hereby announce the," I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to continue, but they needed to know. "The death of our beloved king and ruler, King Charles Bennington Cardwell-"

I let the letter slip from my hands, not able to read the rest, and fell to the ground, trying to push down the overwhelming knot in my stomach. My heart throbbed and my throat hurt from crying, but I didn't stop.

I watched in despair as one by one, my sisters ran out of the room crying. I was left with Leto and Khione who were screaming as tears streamed down their little faces. I went over to the twins and cradled them in my arms, rocking back and forth; trying to comfort them but failing miserably.

I'm not ready to rule a kingdom. Father was supposed to help me. He was supposed to lead the kingdom until I was capable. Mother was supposed to be here to comfort us. Why did all of the tasks now fall to me? Why was I chosen to rule? There are so many people who could handle this better. Why me? Why now?

I don't remember the maids carrying away the screaming babies. I don't remember how much longer I sat there and cried. I barely remember stumbling outside to the stables in the dark. I needed to get away. I needed someone who could comfort me.

I jumped on Misty's saddle and rode as fast as she would go. It started raining, but I only pushed her harder, almost welcoming the stinging rain as its needles pelted my uncovered arms and face. I gritted my teeth against the pain, wishing for anything that would take away from the agony I felt.

I squinted through the darkness and blurring trees and saw a light shining through a familiar window. We galloped to it and I jumped off before Misty had come to a complete stop. I stumbled but did not stop until I reached the door and knocked as hard as I could with numb, trembling hands.

A strange man that I thought I should recognize stood in the doorway. He looked me over and I immediately felt self-conscious. The wind and rain had tangled and twisted my hair into a rat's nest. I had tears streaking my face, and mud covering my shaking wet form.

"Peter?" I asked through chattering teeth.

Why are you here? Why did you choose Peter?

"That there depends on who-" he started as recognition showed in his green eyes. "Princess?"

I nodded, hoping the rain masked my tears. "I need Peter."

His voice hardened. "He ain't here. Left yesterday and ain't comin' back soon by me reckonin'."

My last hope was crushed in my chest and I fell to the ground.

Everyone I needed was gone.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, but the words didn't register in my mind.

I slowly got up and stumbled back over to where Misty was waiting. I rubbed her nose. "What am I going to do?"

She just snorted and I reluctantly got back on the saddle, not knowing what else to do. There's was nowhere I could go for help.

We started home at a slow walk, I didn't have the energy in me for anything more than that. It was hard enough to stay on the horse with so many thoughts dragging me down.

Then I felt it.

Something wrong.

My world was spinning, getting faster and faster as I tried to hold onto Misty's slippery reins, but to no avail. The next sensation I was falling, and falling. When would it end!?

I clamped my eyes shut and tried willing myself away.

Then everything was silent.

Everything went still.

Hello, my wonderful readers!

So I'm not sure if I'm going to keep this chapter or not, because I deleted the scenes after this one... But I love this scene too much to delete it now (at the least the end part... The beginning I, unfortunately, have to keep in here).

But if I'm not going to keep it, then yay! You just got some extra chapters :)

Let me know your thoughts! And happy reading!

(Oh, and vote and comment please!)

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