Blissful Encounter (Alexa Bli...

By ChugsBayBay

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cover by @SexyBombshell First story, see where a kid with what seems to be nothing gets one opportunity and... More

Chapter 1: Backstory
Chapter 2: Why me?
Chapter 3: Were you talking to me?
Chapter 4: Coincidence.. And Happiness?
Chapter 5: I should've known better
Chapter 7: Talk? Let's Talk Pt. 1
Chapter 8: Talk? Let's Talk Pt. 2
Chapter 9: Destiny will bring us together
Chapter 10: Big Game
Chapter 11: How you remind me
Chapter 12: What Have I Become
Chapter 13: Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away
Chapter 14: Hide... Kind Of?
Chapter 15: Hard Times
Chapter 16: Back to Work
Chapter 17: Game
Chapter 18: Game & Explain
Chapter 19: Bribery
Chapter 20: Conflict
Chapter 21: Lead up to the mini vacation
Guy Talk
First Day
...To Be Loved
Navigating New Beginnings

Chapter 6: Accident

986 19 13
By ChugsBayBay

**A/N Hey guys, ya boy Undisputed here, I hope you guys are enjoying reading the story just as much as I am writing it. I'm always accepting and looking for ideas for more stories, as I get this story going and get into it the plan is to create a schedule and to have 2 uploads of each book per week, so feel free to comment of DM me your ideas for a story or who you would like to see as the female in the book! Also, after talking some more with some good people, I know I said I'm gonna try to make every chapter 2k words at least, I realized that just starting out as a rookie it'll be hard to do that every chapter so if some are a little shorter or longer its because I either have big plans for the next chapter or I couldn't end it in the middle of an integral story part. Thanks for sticking around, and that my friends.... IS UNDISPUTED A/N**

*Previously read on Blissful Encounter*

Jackson looked up and saw Alexa, he instantly blushed as she was smiling and he got very bad anxiety as he then had seen everyone else was around the table, he started getting really hot, took of his headphones and made a B line for the door, as he ran away Alexa just broke down on her knees and started to cry, everyone was trying to comfort her but she screamed at them sand said "I should've known better, he hates me, it's over, there's no point anymore."

*In the school gym, just after Jackson walked out*

Jackson couldn't believe what he had just recently seen, everyone he didn't want to see, what pissed him off the most is that they just sat there looking at him, he didn't understand why they didn't at least nudged him or talked to him, instead he looked like an idiot and ran away when he didn't even mean too, that was just his first instinct because in life whenever something bad or embarrassing happened he just ran away.

*At the elites lunch table*

Nobody moved with the exception grabbing their lunch pails nobody really spoke or did anything, and once everyone else in the school was released for lunch, they walked in and felt the cafeteria felt very erie, they could tell something was wrong when it was dead quiet in the cafeteria, you could hear a pin drop if you were in there at the time. Then TJ had mustarded the courage to spark a conversation.

TJ: So you guys excited to have short second half of the day this shit is gonna be tight yo!

Theo: Yeah so excited for long football practice and conditioning, yay!

Mindy(Cheerleader, TJs girlfriend): Yeah can't wait to practice with someone who hates us.

TJ: Yo what is your guys' problem? We get a short day today and we have our homecoming game in two days and we are gonna make the playoffs this year.

Theo: We can't win in two days if we have no running game, let alone running back.

TJ: What do you mean? we have someone they have no film on, Jackson f'ing King.

Theo: Ok where is Jackson King? Because it looks like it to me that he ran away and he isn't answering any of us, so unless you have an idea of where he is were screwed, our other two running backs suck and this team is #2 in the province in pass defence... TELL ME HOW WE'RE MAKING PLAYOFFS WHEN WE WON'T BE ABLE TO SCORE POINTS, TELL ME TJ, TELL ME.

Everyone including TJ was taken back, Theo has never yelled nor raised his voice towards anyone before, he was kinda scary when he got loud, and he was always known to be the chill guy that all the girls could come too for advice or just to rant.

TJ: What do you mean bro? we are gonna tear up you and I are top 15 in the country no one can guard you and no one can intercept my laser passes bro. Plus, I'm sure J-dog Jacky will come to practice, he was on fire yesterday.

Theo: You don't get it do you man he's that missing piece we have always needed, he completes our offence, he makes any offensive line look amazing because he can run through or around anybody and can make better catches than I can. But you wouldn't know that because you're so self centred, you only think about yourself and always put yourself before the team, whenever you talk to coach it's "hey I'm not feeling this practice I'm gonna take it easy" meanwhile there are people like Jackson who try their ass of every damn play because he's trying to make himself and others better, not once have you ever reached or coached up your other receiver when they "screw up" a route when half the time its not them running a bad route but maybe you throwing a bad ball, but coach will always pick your side. You, as well as everyone here clearly didn't realize that Jackson still needs more time then we thought and its our fault for trying to get close to him by bombarding him with texts about his tweet.

Alexa: This is all my fault, Jackson hates me, I shouldn't have texted him I made him mad...

Alexa then showed the group the private text messages that he sent when he snapped on her, this took Theo back a minute and filled him with more anger because no one ever talked to him at practice or asked him how he was doing or trying to find out more about Jackson and he felt so inconsiderate.

Theo: No Alexa, this isn't your fault, this is everyones fault. I'm sorry for yelling earlier especially to you TJ, I guess I just thought of Jackson as a brother and I can't stand to see him struggle.

Alexa (bawling): I moved way too fast, he's this way because of me, I asked him to come talk to me when lunch ended but I should have known he wasn't ready.

Theo: Again Alexa, this is not your fault, I remember at practice yesterday he was talking to me in the locker room when he told me he's never talked to a girl before besides his teacher, the most he had ever talked to a girl was when he said hey to you yesterday.

Alexa: But what are we going to do? He could get seriously hurt out there or intentionally hurt himself.

Theo: I remember he added on about how he's way to nervous to talk to anyone especially when its a girl it just multiplies all the effects of what he's feeling, because no one knew the real him, everyone thinks that the football gem Jackson King is who he is, but no one knows the Jackson King that lives and breathes at home, no one knows his stories, and no one would think of him the same or be friends with him.

Alexa: I just want to help, I think I'm catching feelings, he's so hot and his mysteriousness really makes me interested in him.

Theo: Don't worry I'm sure he'll turn up, and when he does, I will get all the info out of him you want me to okay Alexa?

Alexa: Okay, I can't believe you're doing this for me, but thank you.

*Back with Jackson*

Jackson was in an intense workout, he was listening to music that made him push himself way too far, we was hitting max weight on any machine he had ran into, then, he wanted to finish with cardio, he was going way to hard, running on the treadmill at 11 km/h which to many was physically impossible. As he was coming up on 15 out of 30 minutes he had his head down going hard trying to keep up, the treadmill was really noisy and it was beside the door so it was one of the more popular cardio machines, as he looks up to check the time he notices that its a little fuzzy and he can't really focus, so he shakes his head, and when he looks down again to continue he doesn't feels himself fall and that was it.

Jackson had lost consciousness in the middle of running on the treadmill, slammed his head against the treadmill, his body rolling off hitting the floor and just laying there knocked out cold. Then on his way back from his locker Theo was going to get a quick arm pump in before his last two periods with Jackson, Jackson planned on surprising Alexa by showing up at her locker with flowers and chocolate because he felt bad, that's why there was flowers and chocolate in his workout bag.

Theo opened the door and saw Jackson laying there, he shook him to wake him up thinking he went to sleep, but when he looked up he had seen the treadmill running super fact and when he lifted his head there was a pool of blood underneath, Theo began to freak out as he wasn't sure how long its been since Jackson was like that but he knew it had been too long, 15 minutes of being unconscious to be exact.

Theo called 9-1-1 the Canadian emergency number and got an ambulance to take Jackson away, he was in complete shock and was scarred for what he felt like would be forever, he had to let their friend group know but if he sent that message then he feared Alexa would go back into depression, stop coming to school, and suffer from another eating disorder. So he did the hard thing and didn't tell anyone about the situation but it was killing him inside. He walked back in the gym to continue is arm pump, when he was done and grabbed his bag, he noticed Jacksons bag was still there, so he put Jacksons water and pre workout powder back in there. As he opened up the bag he grabbed the flowers and chocolate, it wasn't the nicest of chocolates or flowers but he could tell that he tried hard with the money he had. he had seen there was a little note on this card attached to both of the objects, it read:

Dear Alexa, I'm sorry for everything I have put you through today, no one deservers to be treated like I treat you, I am such a terrible person and I know you probably will never forgive me, if you need me I'm going to the gym and I'm going to try and let go of everything that happened today, and if it means anything to you, I would love to skip the afternoon classes with you some time and talk. Sincerely, Jackson.

Theo had a cheeky little grin on his face as he knew that they were both gonna fall for each other and it was only a matter of time. Now, Theo thought it was appropriate that Coach Jordan knew that the ambulance that came was for Jackson after a gym incident and he won't be at practice today, Coach Jordan was obviously understanding and wasn't upset at all as health and academics were prioritized over football. Theo then opened Alexas locker before lunch ended, he dropped off the flowers and chocolate and closed it and locked it back up.

Theo had went great lengths for someone he considered to be a new close friend, Alexa got a text from the group chat from Theo saying that Jackson isn't able to go to practice not because he doesn't want to, but because he had a "family emergency" Theo lied about the family emergency because if anyone knew what happened besides Coach Jordan and Theo then no one of the football team or the cheerleaders, especially Alexa would be able to focus on the game let alone be happy the rest of the week, because even though Jackson has done little to no speaking, his presence left an impact that couldn't be replicated whenever he walked into a room.

*To be continued*

**A/N Next chapter is gonna be juicy AF y'all have no idea, hopefully you guys enjoy it, I'm having a lot of fun writing this book, hopefully you guys enjoy it, hell, I know you guys will enjoy it because that is... UNDISPUTED A/N**

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